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# Code: Business school
## Source: SPRING 2015/Socratic Dialogue reflection paper - Marion Sathicq.docx
-Of course, it depends on the person you consider, and someone smart and with a good EDUCATION would never become disrespectful, even if he feels that you are a nice manager
-Humans function well under PRESSURE for short periods, not for long periods of time, as fear is exhausting and prevents them from stepping back to look at a broader picture
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay + Journal Carlos Manubens.pdf
-Thanks to these I have developed a framework which is going to be very helpful I believe for me and which consists of three axis that are on the one hand personal relationships with family and friends, the second one is self care understood as eating well, sleeping well, sporting and other activities devoted to please the self and then the third one is PROFESSIONAL activities
-Therefore, the more time you spend working, probably the PROFESSIONAL life is going to be better but then your relationships and the self are going to suffer since probably you will sleep less, eat worse and see your family and friends less
-However, the importance here relies on setting your priorities and knowing what is more important for you and then spending your time accordingly to make sure you achieve a better PERFORMANCE on the axis you want to excel
-I personally find PROFESSIONAL life very attractive for my future and try to spend a lot of time working, reading about work and thinking about possible businesses that can be done for selling it when around 40/50 years old and then being able to focus on my relationships and in the self
-For that it is important to make sure to spend time with the right people, that people that makes you grow as a person, as a PROFESSIONAL and specifically help you get closer to get the meaning of life
-Being born somewhere nice where family cares and EDUCATION as well is something that you have to be grateful for and try to give back to society as much as possible to make sure as many people as possible have a better life
-However I would say that definitely justice as an INSTITUTION in society is significantly more prone to punish the wrong rather than incentivizing the good
-However I believe that Justice should not just be the INSTITUTION itself but rather a broader concept
-The good thing about this is that all the aforementioned in my opinion does not imply to be less COMPETITIVE than the competitors, rather the opposite since in the next generation of millennial the talent will look for this kind of organizations according to several studies and talent make companies work
## Source: SPRING 2015/Reflection Paper Juliette ten Brink.docx
-The more abundant and developed our lives become, the higher the PRESSURE that we feel to be happy, especially now that we live in a world where we share so much of ourselves online
-There is a continuous PRESSURE to present yourself as a happy person, to act happy; to be happy
-We have grown so accustomed to trade, capitalism and money as a metric for everything, that we, as he explains, think we can apply this mechanism to things such as justice, EDUCATION and overall well-being
## Source: SPRING 2015/SD_FinalEssay_ViktorPenzinger.pdf
-Final Essay Viktor Penzinger Socratic Dialogue: Philosophy and Narratives that improve our Management skills Professor: Sira Abenoza Spring 2016, ESADE Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 Introduction The idea of this final essay is to obtain an extract of my personally most valuable learning outcomes derived from blending together the literature provided, the discussions held in class but also some own thoughts related to the topics
-Initial expectations, individual preparation and the first Socratic Dialogue session As soon as I got notice of my admission to ESADE, I immediately checked the online course catalogue and found this course, which seemed so different from all the “usual suspects” of courses taught at what one would call traditional business school
-2 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 It was moreover the perfect book to round up the literature we had to read throughout a semester filled with regular Socratic Dialogue sessions
-What then followed not only in the first session, but over the course of the entire semester were constructive discussions, in which every STUDENT tried to build on what had been said before
-Hence, it was necessary for me to develop a personal mental framework to categorize different philosophers not only with regards to their 3 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 viewpoint on a given topic (e
-Looking back, I missed such courses in my previous years at UNIVERSITY, so both exercising direct Socratic Dialogues as well as building on to what others contributed in class clearly developed my Emotional Intelligence skills
-Is my identity as a manager different from what my identity is as a whole? Do I play a role, which means some kind of narrative I tell myself to be (Paul Ricœur) or am I even faking 4 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 it to know myself better (see: Fernando Pessoa)? And, last but not least, who should be the one to judge about my identity as a manager? Who really knows my identity better – me as the “owner” holding the strings of my identity, or my social environment, i
-In addition, we can assume that these managers have enjoyed extensive EDUCATION and should therefore be aware of their responsibility
-5 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 It is therefore about time to introduce the work of another great Hellenistic philosopher: Aristotle, as his “Nicomachean Ethics” was a cornerstone of our reflection on happiness
-6 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 Last but not least, I would like to reflect on Hans Jonas’ suggestion to always act in a way that the world that is resulting from our action is as good as the one before our action has been carried out
-7 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 I personally consider myself a very thoughtful and reflecting person
-I usually worry about a lot of things, such as finding my ideal PROFESSIONAL path after graduation, where I want to live or how I can keep the quality of the relationships I have established with the people surrounding me on a high level without compromising my individual needs and ambitions
-8 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 What I personally was able to derive from this documentary was that I also see myself holding some prejudices sometimes and that these prejudices (such as seeing inmates as truly evil persons or as evaluating their participation in the movie as solely opportunistic actions) do not have to be there forever
-The one-to-one session and some final thoughts Towards the end of this essay, I want to refer to one of my personal highlights of this course, which was the one-on-one session with the professor and a fellow STUDENT as the final action of the course
-In my opinion, we as participants were able to improve our skills threefold as summarized below: 9 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 Firstly, playing Socrates, one has to listen carefully and has to post questions according to what has been said without adding a personal opinion on the topic (=taking on a neutral role)
-Reflecting on that, I can only say that I am overly thankful and happy that I had a chance to enjoy a good upbringing and an outstanding EDUCATION
-She believes that the highest moral stage is taking care of others, and this is what she describes as the “women voice”, which is not a gender issue, it depends on EDUCATION
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay.docx
-Then I arrived at the UNIVERSITY, full of expectations and sure to find another stimulating intellectual environment where I could have the possibility to experience this kind of conversations even more often and upgrading them to an even higher stage
-What I don’t like at all of the European UNIVERSITY approach is the fact that you can hardly take courses or exams outside of your major, while I think that being interested in different topics and open your mind studying a subject through the lenses of different disciplines it is fundamental for becoming a better manager, doctor, architect… I was extremely sad to not have this possibility in my home UNIVERSITY, that only offers courses strictly related to business and management
-This is why when I had a look at the different courses offered by the Cems universities in order to decide my ranking between them, I was so excited in seeing that Esade was offering classes related to philosophy or religious values etc that I immediately decided to put this UNIVERSITY first in my ranking, despite the fact that originally I wanted to go outside Europe
-First, depending on EDUCATION received, someone may have conscience rules that leads them to harm someone else, such as in the case of terrorists or people that want to kill pedophiles
-I decided to STUDY economics and business because I want to change the world, nothing less
-I did both my internship in NGOs, I spent the last summer working for three months as a volunteer in the rural areas around Kolkata, in India, I am part of a STUDENT CONSULTING association working for social businesses, I am responsible for the CSR events of the Cems club in Milan, I am organizing every year many fundraising events… I truly believe there is a positive way of doing business, I truly believe it is possible to “make money” not just without harming anyone but actively improving the lives of many people
-Since I came to the UNIVERSITY I repeat every day to myself: I know where I want to go, I have to build my own path without being influenced by the path that my UNIVERSITY and my classmates are pushing me to follow
-I did a good job up to last year, when I decided to spend the summer in India while all my classmates, proud of their internships in London in CONSULTING or investment banking, were looking at me as if I was crazy
-Corporate relationship with Cems and my UNIVERSITY, suggestions from classmates and alumni, many networking events etc, pushed me into applying for jobs without taking into consideration who I am and who I want to be
-I got so used to find everything ready in my UNIVERSITY, that I was not able to create my path
-I have heard for years sentences like “oh, you are too smart to work for NGOs” or “your family made effort to pay 60000 euros for your UNIVERSITY, now you have to make money or you could have decided to go in a public UNIVERSITY”, or “you have the best grades in your class, you can do whatever internship all of your classmates desire and you are going to India?”
-Such as if being a diligent STUDENT or having done one of the top UNIVERSITY in Europe was a condemn for me instead of an advantage
-I did important reflections in these months and I cannot imagine a better way to finish my UNIVERSITY life (if this is the end of my UNIVERSITY life)
-I will always have the time to come back to the “normal” and “well defined” post BUSINESS SCHOOL path
-Conclusions This class was the most interesting and fundamental class I have attended in all my UNIVERSITY life, and came exactly in the right moment
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final.pdf
-The immediate deduction that derives is that those topics are extremely relevant for human existence, and yet during the course of this class we have confirmed that even a group of educated young people in the brink of a tipping point in their lives –the end of their higher EDUCATION and incorporation into the labour market- do not give these topics appropriate consideration
-In this respect, it was also very interesting to STUDY Frankl’s theory of logotherapy and in particular, how his of pan- determinism defied the influence of the in environment and goes a step further affirming human beings’ control of their lives and happiness, as he states that man always has a choice
-Yet this contrasts very sharply with our EDUCATION, as as business students we have FINAL REFLECTIO N MARÍA IZQUIERDO PARDO been told over and over again that anything we do will matter only in terms of the results it produces
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay - Dasha.pdf
-When an individual is in the kids stage, his/her sense of good and bad is not yet formed, and how it is formed solely depends on EDUCATION
-However, human beings are always subject to peer PRESSURE to an Ying Tung (Dasha) Lin CEMS Spring 2016 extent we cannot even imagine
-For instance, a tribe living in a secluded area in Africa would have very different ideas of morality than a group of UNIVERSITY-educated students in Spain
-The topics, in most cases, surround the relationships between love life and PROFESSIONAL goals
-We knew from the statistics that, conventionally, female students used to choose to write about love, and love, being the core of the tale, is not seen as an obstacle for their PROFESSIONAL goals
-On contrary, male students seldom wrote about love, and if they did, it would have been something that hinders their PROFESSIONAL career
-Subsequently, we extended the discussion onto exploring stereotypes and social PRESSURE
-The former group supported a more traditional way of raising a family, where the wife, Ying Tung (Dasha) Lin CEMS Spring 2016 or one from the couple, might have to sacrifice his/her PROFESSIONAL career and dedicate more time and effort into the upkeep of the family and EDUCATION of the kids
-Even with family, they refuse to sacrifice their career and be fully committed to taking care of the family, for they would hate to feel regret or even resentment not having accomplished their PROFESSIONAL goals
-That is, are our desires in consistent with our reason? For instance, we claim that we want equality, but can women actually be attracted to men that earn less money? Also, we were asked to ponder over whether we are forced to act according to social PRESSURE, or we select the PRESSURE we choose to take on ourselves
-In Taiwan, philosophy is not a subject people put much weight to throughout the years of EDUCATION
## Source: SPRING 2015/Isabelle Spicker_Socratic Final.pdf
-Those would definitely undermine my PERFORMANCE every time I work overtime and thus make me unhappy as well
-However, I promised myself to pay closer attention to what kind of PRESSURE I expose myself to
-However, I need to watch out for this impetus to be a pull in a direction I want to go and not an immense PRESSURE I expose myself to
-Those are not related to her PROFESSIONAL career but rather to improving her abilities and refining her personality in her free time
-Besides many other insights I got in this conversation, I learnt that I probably shouldn’t consider my PROFESSIONAL and my personal life two separate things
-With my EDUCATION and the ability to find meaning, I’ll hopefully be able to find meaningful work
-My abilities have been schooled during my time at UNIVERSITY and I am aiming at achieving a high position not least for making my life meaningful
## Source: SPRING 2015/KGanko_paper.pdf
-The discussion was brought further by one STUDENT and we concluded that we often desire something because of the value that others attach to it (e
-In regard to the STUDY groups, the graphs showing analysis of the tales showed us a tremendous difference between BBA students and CEMS students
## Source: SPRING 2015/SD_FinalEssay_AlessaVogler.pdf
-Socratic Dialogue – Final Essay Alessa Kristina Vogler Introduction Our course Socratic Dialogue is not the typical course a management STUDENT expects when attending UNIVERSITY
-Before starting ESADE in this term, I did not know what would expect me and I just chose it because people who took the course during the last semesters highly recommended them
-One fellow STUDENT also told me that it would be tough because it really requires deep and thorough thinking, restlessness when it comes to major issues, and open-mindedness
-So in my final essay, I would like to explain why this course has been the best course I took in my almost six year UNIVERSITY career and to what extent I will apply the concepts we discussed in my personal as well as my PROFESSIONAL life
-After some months, I decided to STUDY ‘General Management’ at a renowned German private UNIVERSITY
-Despite these factors, I did not drop out of UNIVERSITY this time
-I interned at Nike’s and Allianz’ sports marketing department and got a position as a working STUDENT at a successful UNIVERSITY chair, the ‘Chair for Sports, Business & Society’ at my former UNIVERSITY
-I tried to get another opportunity, but in Germany getting a place at UNIVERSITY for medicine is extremely difficult and I guess I was just lucky that one time
-I was thankful for the opportunity this course would provide us with but I felt like it was David against Goliath – us, 20 CEMS students sitting in that small room discussing how we could change not only ourselves and our own mind-set but also our personal and PROFESSIONAL environment at least to a certain extent against traditional and deeply routed ways of behaviour
-Most of our fellows that we will encounter throughout our lives and our PROFESSIONAL careers did not have courses like this one
-According to Gilligan, men often regards love and relationships as threats to their PROFESSIONAL development whereas women often self-sacrifice themselves
-The same holds true for every decision that we make and recognizing that there are grey zones can be helpful when negotiating later in our PROFESSIONAL career
-She describes how Eichmann never meant to become such an evil person, but rather did everything in his power to advance in his PROFESSIONAL and personal status
-As I have stated in the beginning, this was probably the best course I have ever taken at UNIVERSITY and I know that many other fellow students feel the same
-Personalities such as you as well as this young law STUDENT who decided to go to El Salvador are extremely inspiring and although your stories sometimes make me feel like a hypocrite (because I keep thinking about meaningful aspects of life and see the many areas in which this world really requires a change but despite that decide to stay in the ‘hamster wheel’) I am very thankful that you encouraged us to think for ourselves and also that you emphasized the consequences of “good people doing nothing”
## Source: SPRING 2015/socratic final essay.docx
-I have always been a self conscious person and I have been called an over thinker or a case of OCD by friends, family and PROFESSIONAL medical people in various occasions
-We saw that the inmates in the film slowly developed trust towards the ESADE law students and they were really sharing things and even though there had been a couple of rough patches along the way, the inmates allowed the students to change their minds and also the students allowed the inmates to change their minds too
-Especially for PROFESSIONAL relationships where we have lots of structures and boundaries, being able to see through the person next to you and understand their feelings and motivations plays an incredibly important part
-The documentary on justice was really touching for me and I am now a better person who knows how to let go of prejudices, knows how wrong and misleading they can be when entering new social or PROFESSIONAL circles
## Source: SPRING 2015/Marek Medvesek_Final essay_ Socratic Dialogue.pdf
-Furthermore I would like to say it was very refreshing to for once in a PROFESSIONAL / academic environment take part in a dialogue rather than a debate
-It seems that biased by the very COMPETITIVE environment we are surrounded by, we forgot how useful and fruitful the results may be once we decide to have a dialogue rather than a fight
-Takeaways from this session had substantial implications on my future life, both PROFESSIONAL and personal
-We are submitted to huge social PRESSURE and confronted with the common understanding of what success means
-It took me quite some time to figure out what I want to do in my life and very often before had I been subjected to the social PRESSURE
-My last choice of the course on the University before ESADE was made only because it seemed to be the most difficult and most promising one
-I had to ask myself the question of what do I want to do in my life and this is what lead me to apply for a Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at ESADE
-Again however did I bend under the social PRESSURE, by enrolling myself for CEMS
-I never wanted to STUDY management, I didn’t see much value in it, but I decided to participate because it was a prestigious programme and everyone said it what I should do
-Again we have here the social PRESSURE context - I will work hard all my life, have a beautiful wife and be crazy rich! Suddenly after 40 years it turns out you’ve wasted your life because what you actually wanted was something totally different
-This sentence made us yet again touch upon the social PRESSURE prevailing in the modern society
-It has great implications on our future, PROFESSIONAL lives both for me as an entrepreneur or others as managers
-Persistence is key to success on both PROFESSIONAL and personal level
-The assumptions behind the original experiment were that men undergoing the test usually tend to pick the 1st picture of the set and write a story related to a PROFESSIONAL career
-Victor on the other hand stressed the importance of his PROFESSIONAL career and how he wouldn’t be able to give it up
-Finally as tradition calls we dealt with the problem of the social PRESSURE
-Whereas I was convinced that in urban areas at least the social PRESSURE is becoming more or less inexistent Eli maintained that it is not as ideal as I would think
-Phillip concluded by saying that the PRESSURE we receive nowadays is very individual and I would greatly agree with such an approach
## Source: SPRING 2015/AKBAR, Sumer - SD Final Essay.docx
-Abenoza ESADE Business School May 22, 2016 By no means, am I a philosopher
-This sense of self-awareness has heightened my level of consciousness of my personal thoughts and actions and how it impacts those around me in a personal and PROFESSIONAL setting
-This is a foreign concept to many BUSINESS SCHOOL students who previously have been inclined if not taught to think a one-dimensional manner
-I have put myself through immense amounts of PRESSURE to succeed
## Source: SPRING 2015/Laker, Maximilian - Final Essay.pdf
-Sira Abenoza Student: Maximilian Laker ESADE | CEMS 2015 – 2016 Socratic Dialogue | Prof
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker INTRODUCTION Prior to the beginning of the course I was mainly just curious about learning something about philosophy, as the topic came up with increasing frequency during my previous semester from several sides including family, friends and books that I had read
-In the following I will go through my learnings, starting from a higher level of a change in mindset and the acquisition of skills, to the discussion of certain themes and philosophical theories that had a particularly strong influence on me, incorporating throughout how these impact my personal and PROFESSIONAL life
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker the reality-test of verbalizing them and explaining them to someone else
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker atmosphere of this setting, encouraged everybody’s participation: We were genuinely listening to each other, referring to others’ remarks by building on what they had said and considering the different elements of their perspectives in a very differentiated manner, at times partially agreeing, at times partially disagreeing, but always respectful and in a constructive way
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker participated with roughly equal proportions, enabling to mutually benefit from everybody’s ideas
-Going forward the method of dialogue will also be crucial for my PROFESSIONAL success, may it be in a corporation or in an own company
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker chose are rather marked by the extremes, such as the absence of free time for personal relationships and reflection, or the excess of pointless PRESSURE at work
-At the same time many external forces, such as expectations and perceived peer-PRESSURE guide many people into some of these professions without them ever having intended to go there initially
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker Despite Aristotle argument, that one could still fall into misfortune at an old age, I would similarly disagree with this point of criticism of Aristotle’s idea
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker A more stoic approach can help shifting the focus from un-reflected efficiency (doing things fast and well) towards effectiveness (doing the right things), breaking the vicious circle of business: On the one hand side, the stoic approach always demands an evaluation whether or not situations are within or out of our actual control
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker To pick up the discussion from class, does not having gone through suffering in turn means that our lives are meaningless? I believe, when there are no substantial threats present, the hurdle to start thinking about life and it’s meaning simply is a lot higher
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker oneself
-JUSTICE & RESPONSIBILITY Seeing in the documentary Philosophy Behind Bars about Sira’s project, where inmates and ESADE law students are brought together, how people from diametrically opposed parts of our society can emphasize with each other and build genuine personal relationships left a lasting impression on me
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker which interestingly were interpreted very differently by us students
-This entails, that the people with higher EDUCATION, larger influence and more power bear larger shares of responsibility to prevent disasters from happening in the future
-We can PRESSURE subordinates into irresponsible behavior, as has happened for example in the recent Volkswagen scandal, where subordinates where afraid to talk to their superiors about problems to adhere to emission standards as a consequence of an extremely hostile work environment
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay_Phillip Schmalzried.pdf
-2016 Declaration of authenticity: Phillip Schmalzried “I confirm that this assignment is entirely my own work and has not been submitted in full or in part for any other module within or outside ESADE
-16 Final Essay In this essay, I am aiming to think and reflect on the topics we covered in class, my personal understanding of these, and how I can apply these into my life as a private person as well as a PROFESSIONAL
-From the perspective of a business STUDENT, I have found this discussion and reflection on responsibility one of the most important topics covered in this course
-I have written many course reflections throughout my STUDENT life, and many times I have not only been critical but also quite flattering
## Source: SPRING 2015/YelizSunay_FinalReflectionandEssay.pdf
-And the same goes for EDUCATION
-The UNIVERSITY only serves as an academic platform-­‐ but we as students have to use this tool in order to create something better
-The working environment was very stiff and people were too COMPETITIVE and selfish
-Even if I would become a manager one day I don’t think that my way of thinking should be changed just because I will be acting in a PROFESSIONAL environment
## Source: SPRING 2015/Dimitrios Mitropoulos - Final Essay.docx
-You don’t often get similar courses in BUSINESS SCHOOL curriculums
-Fifth Entry If you STUDY the book of Enoch, one of the Apocryphal works of the Old Testament, you will come across the story of a fallen angel named “Azazel”
-The only difference is that this time I urge you to do it in a methodic and examined way, drawing from both experiences and EDUCATION
-I lack EDUCATION on the matter
-Just like these ESADE kids lacked EDUCATION on the matter seen from the other side of the table
-I lack the same kind of experiential EDUCATION that they received