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# Code: Emotions
## Source: SPRING 2015/Socratic Dialogue reflection paper - Marion Sathicq.docx
-How did this class help me better understand what I want for myself as a future manager? How did it shape my thinking into a stronger and more self-assured idea of the person I want to become and the path I want to choose, however hard it might be? This paper will focus on three main subjects that are the most important to me, because they are the ones for which I do not have answers at all, and also because I FEEL that they are the ones that will be part of my future happiness
-First, the higher you get in the hierarchy, the lonelier you are, and hence the lonelier you FEEL
-As a “listener” I think that it is even harder: you are used to listen to multiple points of view before thinking anything for sure, and this is how you FEEL you can make things right
-Also, I really appreciate feedback – not to say I actually cannot FEEL comfortable if no one is telling me “I agree” or “I think you are wrong”
-The issue when you want people to be honest with you, to FEEL comfortable with you and even when you hate being lonely so much that you would rather have lunch with your team and hence lose a bit of your “authority” among your peers is that the limit is very thin between “friendly” and “not respectable”
-I FEEL like it is very hard to be respected and obeyed to when you try to be “attainable” by your employees
-Indeed, I was relieved that this exercise only lasted a week because I could FEEL my authority was not going to last very long
-I really dislike this type of “relationships” and I do not FEEL comfortable with them
-This is why responsibility is essential to me: first because I want to fight this trend (“you can take it all”) but also because I FEEL this is the only way for me to become the manager I want to become, with the relationship to others that I wish to have and the impact that I will strive to have
-This is why the subject of responsibility is essential to me: since the world does not seem to value exemplarity anymore, I FEEL it will be a hard path to take
-Weil specifies the requirements that must be met so that people can once again FEEL rooted, in a cultural and spiritual SENSE, to their environment and to both the past and to expectations for the future
-Often, I can FEEL that when I am not “accepting my responsibilities” for something, it is because I fear : fear that I would be the only manager having this additional “burden” of taking my responsibility into account when doing something (it is often so much easier to make choices as a manager when you forget that you have a responsibility towards someone or something) or that it will be very hard to choose the right path, because the right path is often the hardest one (it is like eating vegetables ! Better for your health and your environment, but steak is so good
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay + Journal Carlos Manubens.pdf
-As I disclosed in the final symposium dinner, I tend since many years ago to do self-reflection and try to understand my deepest EMOTIONS, thoughts, ideas and beliefs to get to live a more meaningful life
-On the other hand, true leadership in my opinion comes from people that have very rich minds, EMOTIONS, feelings and beliefs, such as Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi or several others that I would dare to mention as a true example of leadership
-That is also because there are some people who not only will they set yourself further from being happy but rather the opposite, will make you FEEL bad for being yourself, placing emphasis on the negative parts of yourself and will make sure you do not FEEL graceful, peaceful and also self satisfied
-In the end, if you are altruist and give a lot to others in forms of love, gratefulness and sharing EMOTIONS, the most probable is that some of the people you have given to will share back with you all those nice feelings and EMOTIONS and empower you greatly, being in all forms
-Also important in my opinion is the fact that relationships are like all kind of financial assets in the SENSE they need investment of all kinds, you need to take care of these and even the little details might matter in a relationship
-Linked to this, communication is key: you have to tell others what you FEEL, what you think, what you believe, what pleases you, what it does not and then the relationships flow in a much proper way according to several contemporary philosophers
-I like to carry with me the European Standards, these are the ones that have always been with me and the ones that my family and my school transmitted to me and therefore those with which I FEEL comfortable
-Justice is clearly correlated to the previous topic in the SENSE that it tries to establish and judge what is good and what is bad and try to blame people for wrongdoing and reward good people for doing good
## Source: SPRING 2015/Reflection Paper Juliette ten Brink.docx
-The more abundant and developed our lives become, the higher the pressure that we FEEL to be happy, especially now that we live in a world where we share so much of ourselves online
-Initially I identified most with Epicurus’ stance on happiness in the SENSE that happiness was a balance between body and mind and it may be resilient to external factors
-In that SENSE I agree with Epictetus and the soldier mindset: change what you can change and find a way to be happy with what you cannot
-One question that I struggled with is whether you could still be happy about things that you have had no active part in, because sometimes I FEEL a SENSE of satisfaction when something good happens to me or I get lucky
-I FEEL like I do not act on my virtues enough
-On desire “I desire external validation” Desire is a craving, an instinctive need that enslaves you to whatever feeling you FEEL that you cannot live without
-If I were strong, a really ‘good’ person, then I would delete my account and stop longing for this crazy, irrational SENSE of belonging
-I think fear is usually related to uncertainty and I think if you develop a certain SENSE of resilience to uncertain situations, then you might be able to rationalize fears and move past them
-For me I can say I fear loneliness, missing out on things, maybe in a general SENSE I fear being insignificant
-So in that SENSE, I think being courageous is disarming your fear
-This question ties into responsibility because I FEEL like we have a responsibility to act on our ethics when we work in organization but also to act upon who we are as a person; 'become our true selves' as Aristotle would put it
-In that SENSE, women should take their voices related to nurturing relationships into companies and make themselves heard when it comes to caring for others
-Apart from the responsibility to bring me and my female (and male) voices to work, I also FEEL a responsibility to choose very carefully what work it is that I will decide to do
-On the meaning of life ‘Life has meaning when you share what you have with others’ What does life mean? Being able to act, think, FEEL and dream, what is the purpose of that? I find this question so interesting, because no matter how long you think about it, people can come up with widely different answers
-But sometimes I FEEL like I’m merely fighting the bad and not ‘choosing’ the good
-You need to force yourself to put your thoughts out there as ‘a thought’, not ‘your thought’, so that when people disagree or help you see other sides to it, you don’t FEEL personally attacked, insulted or hurt
## Source: SPRING 2015/SD_FinalEssay_ViktorPenzinger.pdf
-Therefore, a quick hypothetical cost/benefit analysis resulted in a clear preference for signing up to this course, and I was eager to hear how others would FEEL about the topics outlined in the syllabus
-On their first encounter, both parties had to deal with prejudices about each other and the dialogues only slowly evolved after some initial trust had been established and the students FELT safe despite the unusual environment
-Happiness can not depend on short/limited EMOTIONS such as pain or pleasure
-However, the question is, is it necessary that we have a meaning in life? Victor Frankl thought is very stoic in the SENSE of believing that there are things that we are not able to change, however we all have the freedom to cope with these situations in different ways
-Are prisons for rehabilitation or they are a punishment? In the case of punishment, maybe it is not the best in order to help people get on the right track? The documentary was very interesting to understand the prejudices that exist about inmates, and how they FEEL inside the prison
-The conclusion we reached after the session in justice was that if we want to promote justice on a given society we need to promote feelings such as love, and the way to grow CEMS Spring 2016 Elisenda Sumarroca love is to grow compassion, it is necessary to promote these feelings among inmates as they FEEL that once they are in prison they are being judged negatively constantly
-As the course was moving on, I FELT more comfortable with these reflections and I gave more and more importance to the concept of Socrates of know thyself, as it is the way to understand better the environment, others and also to better face the different situations I encounter thorough life
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay.docx
-On the other side, if you are in a positive circumstance but you FEEL you don’t deserve it, you won’t be happy
-My dream job for lot of years was to become a psychiatric, because I FEEL naturally curious and attracted by mental illnesses and the people they affected
-But also I guess I FEEL so interested also because, as in the case of ROM, most of the people cannot FEEL empathic with them and are very verbally violent and haters against criminals
-However, for the majority of the crimes, I think that they can be related more to INSTINCT that to conscience or reasoning
-In other words, our individual goal is to be happy but our collective scope is to survive and have kids, and that’s why our INSTINCT (related to the collective higher purpose) might lead us against our individual scope (behave following our conscience to be happy)
-It seems an easy thing, but given the social pressures that I FEEL, from family, classmates and Bocconi University itself, it is a hard thing to remember who you are and where you want to go
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final.pdf
-Frustrating, because, it is hard to put into words what I have taken away from discussing very fundamental topics and at the same time give it a SENSE of closure, as dialoguing in class has risen many other questions that remain open
-Pleasant because, in spite of the lack of that SENSE of closure, one notices, while going over the topics and theories that have been covered throughout the course, that all of them are somehow interrelated and the prior feeling of vertigo in front of an endless linear horizon of those topics suddenly becomes a circle, equally endless but somehow closed
-I still have some trouble to deal with this precept as an absolute guideline, because even though I agree that the ability to think rationally is a quality intrinsic to the human being, I also believe that the ability to FEEL is intrinsic to the human being
-But the reason why I FELT most uncomfortable with this is because I thought under certain circumstances it could be very dangerous: it seemed to encourage some sort of interventionism that I believed could be very good if guided by “right” principles, but that transmitted a message of intolerance towards other people’s way of life, and that could be particularly dangerous if that interventionism are “bad” or “wrong” –for example, such as those that led to the Holocaust
-In this SENSE, if somebody follows very strictly the Hellenistic approach of self-restraint, sacrificing present enjoyment or pleasures for future happiness, but their lifes end prematurely, it wouldn’t be clear to me that this person would have lived a happy life, rather the contrary
-I truly believe that if we do not FEEL plenitude when we reflect about our lives, even if we might think that this will lead us to happiness in the future, we should not keep following the path of dissatisfaction infinitely
-With this, he not only refers to the solidity of one’s morals and one’s drive to do the “right” thing, but also to our attitude in the face of adversity: he states that human beings are responsible for their EMOTIONS and state of mind, because human beings can decide whether to give in to a certain negative feeling, or not
-for many of the FINAL REFLECTIO N MARÍA IZQUIERDO PARDO We learned, through their stories, how a lack of meaning of life led them to taking the wrong path, but also how ironically, they managed to FEEL free for the first time in prison and how their experience in prison and their suffering helped them find a new meaning of their life
-However, I still believe this precept, which is generally well-intended can also be misinterpreted and lead to a SENSE of entitlement to take decisions for others
-I do recognise the complexity of the situation but FEEL very confident or strongly about which decision to make, because chances are that the issue is much more complex than that and I am in a state of myopia
-§ issue at hand In relation to seeking advice from others, I have realised that asking for other people’s opinions is not a sign of weakness – as I sometimes used to think- but rather, a sign of humbleness and wisdom -in the Socratic SENSE- and that people who might perceive it that way are just ignorant
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay - Dasha.pdf
-We all have the power to decide how we FEEL, and by choosing to be happy, we can all live happily, regardless of the level of devotion to living virtuously
-On the other hand, having faith that happiness is achievable by generally living a good life also paints a positive and promising picture for the future, at the same time, installs a SENSE of rules and morals in the society
-Regardless of the validity of such hierarchical order, this theory illustrates that, beyond basic instinctive human needs, we often desire a SENSE of self-actualization and more
-However, whether desires make us happier is still left for debate, especially when we seem to have more and more complex desires as time proceeds, in both micro and macro SENSE
-Contrast to what most people believe that satisfaction can be maximized with lowered expectation, I am convinced that oftentimes higher expectations can generate greater SENSE of satisfaction as well
-It is a natural INSTINCT which we cannot suppress and it can be benign when it serves as a protection mechanism that keep us away from harm
-It seems that by overcoming our fear, we FEEL not only freeing but also satisfied, regardless how minute the form of fear comes in
-Other more intricate manipulations of fear are often seen in business, wars and politics, where fear is used as tool to affect people’s decisions and EMOTIONS
-Our first INSTINCT when defining the meaning of life was far from even mentioning about suffering
-I wish that all of these, my experience, my EMOTIONS, my relationships, my personality, everything, mean something, something substantial
-When an individual is in the kids stage, his/her SENSE of good and bad is not yet formed, and how it is formed solely depends on education
-Consequently, people were educated through family, religion and law, and slowly formed a SENSE of good and bad
-Our group did not stress the existent of humans’ born INSTINCT, but others seemed to agree that we are all born with innate INSTINCT that vaguely guides us in the direction of progress
-Even with family, they refuse to sacrifice their career and be fully committed to taking care of the family, for they would hate to FEEL regret or even resentment not having accomplished their professional goals
-For example, when I FEEL nervous in a new environment, it is often easier and more convenient to fall back on the stereotype of “Asian girls are shy and quiet”
-And as Sira said in the beginning, we will leave this course with not answers, but more questions, which is exactly how I FELT
## Source: SPRING 2015/Isabelle Spicker_Socratic Final.pdf
-I enjoy being with friends, spending time with my family, riding my bike over the countryside… Why do I plan for a career where all this will be mere side aspects of life if the ultimate goal is to achieve what I could have right now? I FELT torn because on the one hand side, I knew that lying in the sun most of the day wouldn’t make me happy in the longer run
-The first time I FELT closer to solving it is when I read the Nicomachean Ethics by Aristoteles
-The prospect of working a lot is actually a good one because only through acting, doing something, ultimately working in some SENSE, we’ll achieve happiness
-If I figure it out right, being a manager will make me FEEL in harmony
-Thus, I will probably FEEL whether I am on the right path or not once I’m going to start working
-I found that for me, there is not one kind of happiness but multiple ones: a stable state of content when you FEEL your life has a meaning, happiness after achieving a goal, after falling in love, happiness when seeing a beautiful flower or, after all, when lying in the sun
-Additionally, I believe that being unhappy sometimes makes a lot of SENSE
-I lost my grandfather a week ago and I FEEL that oppressing sadness would be a terribly unhealthy approach to deal with this loss
-Finding another meaning in life and accepting that a life’s meaning might change is soothing in this SENSE
-I recognized how I unconsciously took on challenges to contribute to that goal in the ultimate years and how rewarding it FELT when I overcame some of them
-I just started exploring and there is a lot I still need to make SENSE of
-Some weeks after we had the lecture on gender equality in a broader SENSE and I started having doubts about the meaning I had found
-When you, Sira, told us that last year some of your female students did not choose the picture with the two artists kissing each other because it would have been too stereotypical, I FELT caught
-Until the day of the lecture, I FELT this reaction was the response to pressures in society
-And as soon as I interact with others I FEEL responsibility
-In this SENSE, the lectures on responsibility and moral development, which for me is linked to responsibility, were reinforcing what I already hold dear to my heart but were not inspiring in that they were revealing completely new thoughts to me
-Isabelle Spicker Socratic Dialogue Final Essay Throughout the entire course, I discovered how happy and enlightened I FELT in our discussions in which we touched upon essential questions of live
-I FEEL this is a lot easier when I talk to people and they share their thoughts with me
-I FEEL that all the big questions of life are somehow interrelated and once I finish my theory on one, I have to start rebuilding another one
-It is weird that although I have more questions than before, I FEEL more assured in how I live
## Source: SPRING 2015/KGanko_paper.pdf
-I FELT like I have failed to forge meaning and build my identity, and that I was meandering through life
-I have researched the effects of the abuse of children, and the mechanism by which it operates, and became aware of how it is like brain washing in that it systematically wears away at the victim’s self-confidence, SENSE of self-worth, trust in their own perceptions, and self-concept, as well as inability to build meaningful relationships, problem with learning and concentration
-Eventually, the recipient of the abuse loses all SENSE of self and remnants of personal value
-Next approach was Spinoza’s contemplation that we should simply be happy, however it is a very naïve statement, since people have different EMOTIONS, and it is very hard to just simple be happy all the time
-Thirdly, we realized that we fall in love with falling in love, because usually we love the EMOTIONS attached to falling in love, but the process itself we denounce as painful and embarrassing
## Source: SPRING 2015/SD_FinalEssay_AlessaVogler.pdf
-Since my parents as well as many of my friends studied business, I FELT like it just could not be a ‘wrong’ decision to make
-I was so thankful because although my job there was not as meaningful as being a doctor, I FELT like my presence made a different
-I FELT valued and I loved the team I worked with
-Having completed the first session of our ‘Socratic Dialogue’ course, I FELT confirmed in my assumption that I have chosen the wrong career path
-I FELT like the business world does not Socratic Dialogue – Final Essay Alessa Kristina Vogler really have room or space for compassion, empathy, and philanthropy
-I was thankful for the opportunity this course would provide us with but I FELT like it was David against Goliath – us, 20 CEMS students sitting in that small room discussing how we could change not only ourselves and our own mind-set but also our personal and professional environment at least to a certain extent against traditional and deeply routed ways of behaviour
-Now, after the semester and with it also our ‘Socratic Dialogue’ class has ended, I do not FEEL like this anymore
-Maybe even more important, I also learned that there are many other students who FEEL the same like I do
-Often, we crave getting closer and closer to reaching one specific thing but once we have actually reached it, it does not FEEL extraordinarily
-Rather, our objective as well as our ambition makes us FEEL more fulfilled once we approach our desire incrementally
-I FEEL like I can learn a lot from Epictetus’ “The Enchirdion”
-In the future, I will try to follow this advice and make my EMOTIONS less dependent on others and on things that are out of my control
-After having conducted the studies she FELT that the highest morality is to take care of others and of oneself
-I would regard myself as being a feminist, so I usually do not FEEL comfortable clustering men and women
-You asked whether the girls in the class would FEEL attracted to men who want to stay at home
-I do not FEEL attracted to men who take it for granted that women stop working and stay at home
-As I have stated in the beginning, this was probably the best course I have ever taken at university and I know that many other fellow students FEEL the same
-Personalities such as you as well as this young law student who decided to go to El Salvador are extremely inspiring and although your stories sometimes make me FEEL like a hypocrite (because I keep thinking about meaningful aspects of life and see the many areas in which this world really requires a change but despite that decide to stay in the ‘hamster wheel’) I am very thankful that you encouraged us to think for ourselves and also that you emphasized the consequences of “good people doing nothing”
## Source: SPRING 2015/socratic final essay.docx
-I was a musician, I wrote songs, thought about life and the way things are a lot so yeah I definitely must have been “deeper” than the general “Business School” average! I also found it hard to talk about things in front of people I have met just a week ago, somehow it didn’t FEEL genuine or real when I first went into it
-Wrapping the semester up now, I FEEL I have been fortunate enough to see that my prejudice is now broken and perhaps this has been the greatest gain of it all; learning to be open and being able to get inspired by others without prejudice
-It turns out that, how different or strange we might seem to each other we actually all share a passion to express ourselves and make ourselves understood and we all strangely somehow FEEL ashamed by doing it that we need an encouraging kick to open up
-As awkward it may have seemed at first, being put in the spotlight in a class and being forced to express thoughts allowed each and every one of my class mates to actually pour out whatever they had inside and seeing each other do it made us FEEL safe and comfortable and it allowed for actual sharing to happen
-There have been topics where I FELT really strongly about my own opinion and was very willing to share
-In some occasions I remember thinking that what I have to say must be the best possible answer and there have been many times that after hearing a classmate say something from a much more interesting perspective, I have FELT of my thoughts as poorly constructed
-Many times when listening to others in the group I FELT that I was gaining new perspectives and new things I had not even considered before
-I have found that I long for a SENSE of belonging, being understood and understanding myself and working towards what satisfies me, which is hard honestly considering how often my goals and the things that would satisfy me change
-Talking about this and seeing how everyone actually shared a piece of thought here and there with me made me FEEL safer and to look for further understanding of myself
-As human beings I believe that we FEEL more comfortable when things are clearly defined
-Knowing yourself and happiness is also like that, hearing Aristotle’s definition actually made a lot of SENSE and fitting “happiness” in that structure made me FEEL more at ease and comfortable towards the path of self awareness and I believe most of my classmates shared these feelings
-Each discussion led to me believing we are not all that different and eliminating the ambiguity that we see in difference, I was able to FEEL more comfortable in class with those people
-Going in Aristotle’s steps and defining happiness as the result of a virtuous life and fitting desire into that long term cycle allowed me to make SENSE of what I want and how I will FEEL achieving the things I want
-The journey being more important than the destination started to make more SENSE
-Meaning of life makes a bit more SENSE to me now because now I FEEL that I have really misunderstood it and chased it the wrong way
-Obsessions and overthinking had always led to strange places in life but I FEEL a bit more confident now in defining things and being able to get over my obstacles
## Source: SPRING 2015/Marek Medvesek_Final essay_ Socratic Dialogue.pdf
-If a desire however is only about the recognition we get from others can it ever lead to happiness? Can it be ever satisfied? I think that following a desire, whether it’s in the end fulfilled or not helps us to have a SENSE of purpose in life and that in my opinion is a prerequisite for happiness
-Having discussed the gender stereotypes and the concept of gender equality we were asked to confront our rationality with EMOTIONS
-We answered questions as for instance “Would you FEEL attracted to a stay at home dad?”
-The key takeaway from this session was for me apart from the importance of responsibility a SENSE of threat that educated people may with little knowledge and understanding FEEL entitled to control something the have no idea how to control
## Source: SPRING 2015/AKBAR, Sumer - SD Final Essay.docx
-Throughout this course, we explored topics related to happiness, fear, justice, and responsibility in addition to acknowledging who we are on a personal level and questioning our SENSE of morality
-This SENSE of self-awareness has heightened my level of consciousness of my personal thoughts and actions and how it impacts those around me in a personal and professional setting
-First, it allowed me to make SENSE of what of my own views and the other is the opportunity to broaden my learning of philosophy and understand the role it will play in the future
-By engaging in dialogue, we can responsibly manage our colleagues and give them a SENSE of ownership to propel new ideas forward
-This brought two important concepts to life: first, the importance of self-satisfaction and the second is the importance of rationalizing EMOTIONS
-Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which are based on the principles of self-actualization, esteem, love and having a SENSE of belonging, personal safety, and meeting physiological needs is particularly relevant
-Although Aristotle valued stability, Stoic approach focuses on controlling EMOTIONS
-Truthfully, I have always FELT removed from it
-I believe it is important to let criminals FEEL heard and to help them restore their faith in both the judicial system and society as a whole
-I believe that this continuous improvement will be necessary until we (as a society) are able to become a truly, civilized society (in the ideal SENSE)
## Source: SPRING 2015/Laker, Maximilian - Final Essay.pdf
-On the other hand, if applied implicitly it basically is a form of active listening and better understanding others, as well as their views and EMOTIONS, which is always favorable for personal relationships
-Hence, many FEEL overwhelmed with this perceived responsibility, or FEEL that their chosen current meaning of life does not fulfill such criteria
-Alternatively, we can instruct and inspire others to benefit society, create environments that are more like the previously explained dialogue, in which people can flourish and FEEL comfortable at the same time, and we can help others towards leading a more reflective, better life
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay_Phillip Schmalzried.pdf
-While I believe that Spinoza’s approach of achieving happiness by simply being happy sounds pleasant and easy to implement, I think it is somewhat short-­‐sighted as our EMOTIONS can influence that state
-He supported the theory that one needs to learn to understand their thoughts and EMOTIONS in order to understand why we FEEL the way we do
-While I do believe that it is essential that one is capable of analysing and understanding their EMOTIONS in order to be happy, I believe Epicirus’ concept is not all-­‐embracing
-After all, it is only our thoughts, EMOTIONS and actions that we have full control over
-I lived life, doing what FELT right while sticking to my principles and social norms
-I have always found it hard to put a finger on the exact leanings, I just somehow FELT good about this course
-I did indeed FEEL good 7 Phillip Schmalzried – Final Essay – 19
## Source: SPRING 2015/YelizSunay_FinalReflectionandEssay.pdf
-This was particularly the case during my high school years in Turkey-­‐ where I FELT that most of my peers were striving for this happiness
-As months passed away I started to FEEL unhappy – a feeling I rarely had
-Yet, I know for a fact that I somewhat want to live close to my parents and my beloved ones, but also I have the ‘desire’ of living in Australia – in the last year it just FELT like home
-Here I would like to relate back to the ‘prisoners’ movie where we had the deepest insights about how these individuals FELT
-I do not want to take a new identity on my new job just to please others and make them FEEL god by sacrificing myself-­‐ something I used to do before
## Source: SPRING 2015/Dimitrios Mitropoulos - Final Essay.docx
-Because if you want to be a good manager and a good leader, making people follow you, you must first be able to find reason in following yourself, and if it so happens that you lost sight of who you are then, my brother, you are more than replaceable! So put your mind to thinking… Second Entry What is happiness and how to pursue it? First let me start by defining happiness as the SENSE of general euphoria one feels regardless of hardship of the situation s/he is experiencing at a given moment
-This whole system that demands we overwork ourselves to gain some false SENSE of achievement or an extra push in our bank accounts is the plague that most terrifies me in our generation
-Maybe I should have waited before coming up with the answer, so I could deliver it with some SENSE of validation
-I clearly see how fear can translate into an INSTINCT of survival
-So the question is “can fear only be justified ex post”? I always believed that fear to a certain extent is just a natural INSTINCT
-As I said, fear is human nature and disregarding it does not mean you do not FEEL it
-And by that human ingenuity was born, and their curiosity and vanity and SENSE of power, and they started waging wars against the mysteries of God
-As societies evolve and change this code of ethics and the people’s SENSE of morality changes with them, blurring the lines between right or wrong for many issues
-This one was INTENSE
-I am therefore not fit to be a “judge”, neither do I FEEL worthy of talking about justice
-I don’t know why, I suspect it is the images of my childhood and the narratives of the elders in my circle, but I always FEEL somewhat sympathetic towards the “scum” of society
-However, I do admit that the thought of it brings about a twisted SENSE of satisfaction and that is scary to me
-And in this SENSE, I am a supporter of a different rehabilitation system
-Bringing a once-offender off the street and into a disorganized hellhole is not going to improve his SENSE of justice, it will more likely distort it
-I say do it whenever you FEEL like it the most, when injustice or immorality chokes you up and you just want catharsis, this is when you speak up
-In that SENSE, your actions empower others and this is the making of a leader