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# Code: Voicing
## Source: SPRING 2015/Socratic Dialogue reflection paper - Marion Sathicq.docx
-However, as a manager you often are the person who is supposed to SPEAK first and have the strongest VOICE, even when you are not sure at all about the right direction
-Also, I really appreciate feedback – not to SAY I actually cannot feel comfortable if no one is telling me “I agree” or “I think you are wrong”
-A manager can SAY no, an employee cannot
-The first WORD that comes to my mind when I think about “who am I as a manager and who do I want to be?” is responsibility
-Probably because this has been the only WORD in my father’s mouth when he was raising me: taking my responsibilities for my mistakes and acting in coordination with my inner values and my ethics
-This leads me to TALK about fear
-For fear of taking my own decisions and fail, and therefore disappointing my team and my boss, I will SAY Yes amen to every suggestions people do to me, in order to avoid choosing for myself and therefore take a responsibility in a potential failure, or in order to avoid conflict and confrontation with people that scare me
-Thinking about my company, about the people around me and about the global environment, what is the healthiest option? Would I be able to commit to the options chosen, and for how long? Can I TALK with someone I trust about my concerns about the options and write down some advice? Acting step by step, asking the good questions to yourself and, in case of a difficult situation that even rationality cannot solve, being supported by a trustful team is a perfect cocktail that can help a manager to get away from daily fears in a business environment
-The most important step is to define what is the root of the fear (I am even tempted to SAY that there are “good” fears and “wrong fears” and that you have to dismiss the wrong ones – like “I want to be perfect all the time” or “I do not want to ask for help to anyone” – and work with a rational approach with the good ones): understanding the roots will help me erase a big part of the fear and therefore better function as a manager
-This is why I chose to only TALK about the three key subjects of the relationship to others, responsibility and fear
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay + Journal Carlos Manubens.pdf
-They cultivate their self and try to COMMUNICATE all their findings and experiences to others
-It is a way that feelings find to SHOW the deepest concerns of one’s body and soul and keeping that under control is needed to have a healthy life in terms of inner peace
-However I would definitely SAY there are some absolute moral values on what is good and what is not good, but very few ideas comply with these standards
-However I would SAY that definitely justice as an institution in society is significantly more prone to punish the wrong rather than incentivizing the good
-Why not SHOW more often what X volunteer did in India to help the people in the slums, why not SHOW the young guy who is at Caritas and helps take lonely elder people for a walk on the park
## Source: SPRING 2015/Reflection Paper Juliette ten Brink.docx
-So imagining that this was a Socratic Dialogue I would SAY happiness is the pursuit of virtue actively and consciously, with the ability to put into perspective these pursuits if the goals of the achievements are not possible
-I know that I am happier than I was two years ago, but I don't think I can SAY that I am happy
-I think I agree for the most part with what Isabel is trying to SAY, but I think I’d like to add something
-For me I can SAY I fear loneliness, missing out on things, maybe in a general sense I fear being insignificant
-So how would I be able to fight this fear? How could I SHOW courage in light of this fear? I think you need to disarm it
-On responsibility ‘I need to make my female VOICE heard’ When talking about morality and commitment to moral principles, one implicitly thinks about responsibility and the extent to which we will take responsibility for our own environment and the ethics that govern it
-But then what does a male VOICE actually SAY? What does a female VOICE SAY? And should we even draw a line across genders? Can we generalize? I don’t have an answer to those questions, but I think, coming back to the topic of relationships and responsibility, I think we have the responsibility to maximize our respect and understanding for each other and nurture our human relationships
-This may be very female of me to SAY, but I honestly think that compassion would be a very good starting point, I don’t see many disadvantages to it and if we take the responsibility to SHOW compassion I think a lot of our decisions could become more inclusive and lead to a more promising future
-The fundamental of what businesses do is related to people, and in that context a female ‘VOICE’ that understands how to care and SHOW understanding for people is invaluable
-So I’ll start the answer to the question with what I don’t know, because I cannot TALK about knowing what I cannot possibly know that I know
-So how do I know on which side of the battle I am? Do I act on desire or virtue? I can SAY that recently, I have started to make decisions very consciously,, making sure to identify the ‘hidden’ desires in a choice that I was about to make and actively choosing not to do so
## Source: SPRING 2015/SD_FinalEssay_ViktorPenzinger.pdf
-Nevertheless, I was always keen on working on my general knowledge apart from business-related areas, and the idea to TALK freely about some of the most philosophical questions in life with some of the most bright students I would encounter there seemed promising
-Looking back to the first day of class, I can SAY that there was no clear “thinking cut” possible in both its breaks as well as after its end
-It is simple highly unlikely that we as future managers can always find out the perfect career move, the adequate action for the company in every situation, or the right words to SAY to employees and stakeholders
-However, I think that a final learning outcome for my future career as a manager can be Carol Gilligan’s approach of the “different VOICE”, i
-to not only listen to my established way of thinking as a men, but also to remind myself of this different VOICE constantly and to take its considerations into account
-On the flipside, this strong drive and curiosity inside me has led to the development of a certain amount of impatience, which I unfortunately EXPRESS regularly when I think of my personal future but also in debates with others
-At the same time, I can SHOW more patience when talking to others, giving them a chance to explain their points and always letting them finish their sentence
-Overall, I can SAY that the next time I will encounter a former inmate on his way towards a well-done reintegration after jail, or a traumatised refugee that fights with similar problems of acceptance after fleeing to Europe, I will try to reflect on what I have seen in the movie and try to break up the prejudices as much as possible
-Secondly, besides listening skills, the citizen can sharpen his ability to EXPRESS thoughts and doubts in a clear way, a capability highly valuable in situations of public speaking
-Reflecting on that, I can only SAY that I am overly thankful and happy that I had a chance to enjoy a good upbringing and an outstanding education
-She believes that the highest moral stage is taking care of others, and this is what she describes as the “women VOICE”, which is not a gender issue, it depends on education
-” (Walter Benjamin) It is difficult to SAY if something is super civilised or hipper barbarian, there are grey areas
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay.docx
-We can SAY that I decided to come to Esade only to take this class, and I have not at all regretted my decision
-One can SAY, if it is an attitude and it’s not related to what happens to you, why you have to work hard to find a job or an husband for example, if you are able to be happy at the same level even alone living under a bridge? That’s clearly not the case
-The fact that there are billions of people unable or unwilling to try to put for a while themselves in their shoes and able to SAY inhuman things against them is more scaring to me than few thousands of people affected by this perversion
-I cannot SAY thank you to you or to Esade enough for helping me in understanding the terrible mistake I was about to make
-Second, having the possibility to TALK and meet classmates that, as me, were interested in understanding the complexity of the world, in discussing abstract topics, in talking about philosophy, in respecting different point of views… was an extremely valuable gift for me, since I have rarely met such persons in Business Schools
-You SHOW us that you don’t have necessary to do what your main field of studies conduct you to or what most of the people desires
-I would love to follow this path even if I have already encountered some obstacles (for example I cannot SPEAK Catalan yet, I am not sure if I meet all the requirements to be admitted since they are not clear and my parents told me: “we have already paid two masters for you, now you can do whatever as far as you will work and be able to pay everything for yourself”)
-[1] Even if considering the fact that there were populations in which having sex with kids was a normal thing, such as at some point during Roman Republic and in ancient Athens, and I imagine that we cannot SAY that they all had a ruined life for this, I can be open to the possibility that the fact itself that the society is not accepting this kind of crimes makes the victims more likely to be traumatized forever
-So we can SAY that we are also, to some extent, responsible
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final.pdf
-than Philosophers often TALK about the essential topics in life in terms of processes: Socrates talks about wisdom as a journey, as absolute wisdom cannot be reached; Aristotle also refers to happiness as a process, and so on
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay - Dasha.pdf
-By having one on one Socratic Dialogue with colleagues, we will be given the chance to genuinely listen to what others have to SAY, and engage deep and meaningful conversations that hopefully result in mutually beneficial outcomes
-As I had mentioned in my final SAY in the end of the dinner, I was slightly concerned before the course started
-After this course, I would not SAY that I know much about the different schools of philosophy now, since that takes years to master
-In class, we were given chances to freely EXPRESS our opinions in a way that we would not have otherwise
## Source: SPRING 2015/Isabelle Spicker_Socratic Final.pdf
-I am fighting to break Isabelle Spicker Socratic Dialogue Final Essay stereotypes, to SHOW what women can do and ultimately to improve our standing at work
-I feel this is a lot easier when I TALK to people and they share their thoughts with me
## Source: SPRING 2015/SD_FinalEssay_AlessaVogler.pdf
-Gilligan stated that men to a certain extent were also aware of the consequences of their behaviour on others but often, they did not want to VOICE this awareness because they were afraid they would be ‘like a women’
-She concluded that men and women listen more actively to the one or the other VOICE when in fact it is best to disregard neither of them
-As we discussed it in class however, I started to understand what she was trying to SAY and started in believing parts of it
-I did not like Gilligan’s generalization and I think that the results of the ‘test’ with the pictures and the tales SHOW that a change is going on, which makes me rather happy
-were interesting to TALK about as well, but I liked the responsibility class most because it implied a direct call to action to each and every one of us and somehow gave us a ‘task’ for out future as a take-away from the course
-Conclusion Finally, I again want to SAY thank you , Sira, for providing us with the opportunity to take this course
## Source: SPRING 2015/socratic final essay.docx
-I was a musician, I wrote songs, thought about life and the way things are a lot so yeah I definitely must have been “deeper” than the general “Business School” average! I also found it hard to TALK about things in front of people I have met just a week ago, somehow it didn’t feel genuine or real when I first went into it
-At this point, I have seen the power of dialogue and how willing people actually are to share things, how desperate we all are to be able to EXPRESS ourselves and to be understood by others because especially in the “Business School” context we live by frameworks, standards that enhance efficiency and being fast paced
-It turns out that, how different or strange we might seem to each other we actually all share a passion to EXPRESS ourselves and make ourselves understood and we all strangely somehow feel ashamed by doing it that we need an encouraging kick to OPEN UP
-As awkward it may have seemed at first, being put in the spotlight in a class and being forced to EXPRESS thoughts allowed each and every one of my class mates to actually pour out whatever they had inside and seeing each other do it made us feel safe and comfortable and it allowed for actual sharing to happen
-In some occasions I remember thinking that what I have to SAY must be the best possible answer and there have been many times that after hearing a classmate SAY something from a much more interesting perspective, I have felt of my thoughts as poorly constructed
-It’s not a very pleasant place to be considering how much time you put into obsessing over what others think of you, what to SAY or what to do, or the things that have happened in the past
-Seeing how willing everyone was to demolish their own walls and to SPEAK helped me understand myself by creating comfort away from my comfort zone
-Seeing my friends EXPRESS their views was enlightening because I saw such unexpected conclusions from unexpected people
-I can not SAY that I have a clear definition of justice or human rights in my head now, I have always struggled with these concepts and my learnings from that session were not really about how justice should work but it was more about the power of dialogue and prejudice
-The power of dialogue and the compassion that was shown to them really made the inmates OPEN UP their hearts and TALK
-Yes, they may have a weak or aggressive personality or they may have had received less love and interest but in the end, just like all people they just want to TALK and be understood
-I could easily SAY that the film restored my faith in humanity and made it possible for me to look more hopefully into the future
-Looking into the future after all of this I think I can SAY I am in a better place
-All of our discussions taught me how everyone wants to properly EXPRESS themselves and be understood and I will never forget that in the future whenever I am working with a team or managing someone
-I was impressed by the contribution of my colleagues and I saw the power that can come out of a group if they are allowed to COMMUNICATE themselves freely
## Source: SPRING 2015/Marek Medvesek_Final essay_ Socratic Dialogue.pdf
-Furthermore I would like to SAY it was very refreshing to for once in a professional / academic environment take part in a dialogue rather than a debate
-Whether we turn out to be criminals is not related to our personality traits then as the conservative theories used to SAY
## Source: SPRING 2015/AKBAR, Sumer - SD Final Essay.docx
-According to Aristotle who thought along similar lines believing the notion that “human beings are social beings,” gave rise to idea that humans are bounded by the ability to EXPRESS themselves through the exchange of ideas and organization and have the ability to EXPRESS themselves through cooperation and competition
-As cliché as it may sound, I have adopted the PHRASE “seize the day” as my way of seeking happiness
-It is fair to SAY that I strive to remain happy
-Some people SAY having fears is a negative quality as it makes the person look weak, however I would argue that by acknowledging fears an individual shows signs of strength
## Source: SPRING 2015/Laker, Maximilian - Final Essay.pdf
-How could I ever attempt to answer what happiness means to me, if I can’t even EXPRESS my own identity, or have a clearer concept of it? Second, it demonstrated quite clearly how unformed my understanding of those many fundamental ideas was
-It was very fascinating to see how being encouraged to VOICE one’s concept revealed the flaws in them and actually helped developing them further
-Furthermore, during the dialogue everybody was encouraged to EXPRESS thoughts
-With her being in her nineties now, we are the last generations to be able to listen and TALK to people that have first hand experience of such horrors
-Even if one could never really arrive at being able to VERBALIZE what one’s meaning in life is, I am certain that self-reflection will bring one closer to getting an understanding of it
-We can pressure subordinates into irresponsible behavior, as has happened for example in the recent Volkswagen scandal, where subordinates where afraid to TALK to their superiors about problems to adhere to emission standards as a consequence of an extremely hostile work environment
## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay_Phillip Schmalzried.pdf
-16 Responsibility „Courage is what it takes to stand up and SPEAK; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen
-I, for my part, can SAY that the in-­‐class discussions and the readings on this topic have helped me a lot to make a step forward and to act more courageously with regards to my inner fears, for instance the fear of being judged
-In our very last session, it became painfully obvious that we hardly ever COMMUNICATE in this manner anymore
## Source: SPRING 2015/YelizSunay_FinalReflectionandEssay.pdf
-Therefore, I would like to TALK about the most influential topics and classes and that helped me to derive to my personal conclusions
-What particularly stroke my attention was that in the beginning a few of us were very shy to TALK and this was the first ice breaking point where we knew this class really was about ‘dialogue’
-Furthermore, the first exercise we undertook was the flute exercise, where three of our classmates had to SAY ‘why’ they deserve the flute
-It was very interesting to see the arguments that were used during this TALK and also try to step into somebody else’s shoes; but also to understand the difference between a debate and a dialogue
-I witnessed that individuals are competing to SHOW each other their status of material wealth and we live in a world where everybody tries to be better than everybody else
-I never questioned it back then-­‐ I guess I was too blunt or maybe not virtuous enough? Today I would SAY I wasn’t able to ‘rationalize’ very well -­‐ as my dear friend Marion explained during our Socratic debate
-I am able to SAY what made me happy four years ago is not making me happy today
-Hmm so that means apparently there are situations where this assumption does not hold true… Interesting! Today I can SAY that the more I think about it the happier I am
-However, everyone has a ‘different VOICE’ and in the end I have to decide what makes me happy
-As Socrates would SAY back then ‘an unexamined life is not worth living’ and for sure he has point there
-I never thought today I would be able to SAY I will go my own way and choose what is best for me
-So in certain situations it is hard whom to blame, but who is really responsible? So Aristotle would SAY you need to have the ‘right’ character to be able to act right
-However, there are many situations where we are unable to SAY who is responsible – especially in the business world
-Margaret Peters once said ‘time has a wonderful way to SHOW us what really matters’ and that is very true
-We make choices on a daily basis but are we really putting a lot of thought in them to achieve happiness? For myself I can SAY that nobody forced me to do a Master; but rather everybody in my close environment believed that I should rather start working and gain experience
-Now I can SAY my fear was not justified-­‐ I was not able to realize and examine what I want or what makes me happy
-People have experienced different moments in their lives and nobody can judge them accordingly – yet if we see something wrong we need to SPEAK up
-But after taking this course I changed my opinion, I thought the best way is to TALK to him and share my concerns
-Therefore, the question for myself remains? Will he ever be able to control his desire or will he remain a slave of his own desire? After the long TALK we had the only thing I hope that he know what he really wants and once he has decided takes a step accordingly
-Therefore the only thing is to hope that he will find his right way but only time will tell… Well after all these months I can for sure SAY that from now on I will try to ‘rationalize’ even more and try to see the bigger picture, as Marion was referring to the idea of ‘rationality’ during our Socratic debate
-After all I can SAY within all aspects I have changed as a person and my views changed as well
## Source: SPRING 2015/Dimitrios Mitropoulos - Final Essay.docx
-The Journal of Socratic Dialogue A diary of sessions and reflections by Dimitris Mitropoulos Introduction Before I start with the first session let me just SAY a few words about taking this class
-I did get to know, however, a few things that define me and I am proud to SAY that not all of them came from traumatic experiences
-Enrich your life with experiences, with people, with the so frowned-upon laziness that affords you time to think! This is my take on happiness and I am proud to SAY that Aristotle agrees with me
-To my surprise more and more people who would previously define happiness as pursuing an eternal “carrot” hung in front of their faces SHOW a wish o moving towards a more thoughtful, examined lifestyle
-I must SAY I associate “meaning” in life with the ability to change other people’s lives
-I SAY this is a job too important for us as a society to place solely upon a “fictional” figure
-Many have claimed that it is hard to define the moment one should SPEAK up when he witnesses wrongdoing
-I SAY do it whenever you feel like it the most, when injustice or immorality chokes you up and you just want catharsis, this is when you SPEAK up