import torch import numpy as np from functools import reduce from copy import deepcopy from torch.optim import Optimizer #%% Helper Functions for L-BFGS def is_legal(v): """ Checks that tensor is not NaN or Inf. Inputs: v (tensor): tensor to be checked """ legal = not torch.isnan(v).any() and not torch.isinf(v) return legal def polyinterp(points, x_min_bound=None, x_max_bound=None, plot=False): """ Gives the minimizer and minimum of the interpolating polynomial over given points based on function and derivative information. Defaults to bisection if no critical points are valid. Based on polyinterp.m Matlab function in minFunc by Mark Schmidt with some slight modifications. Implemented by: Hao-Jun Michael Shi and Dheevatsa Mudigere Last edited 12/6/18. Inputs: points (nparray): two-dimensional array with each point of form [x f g] x_min_bound (float): minimum value that brackets minimum (default: minimum of points) x_max_bound (float): maximum value that brackets minimum (default: maximum of points) plot (bool): plot interpolating polynomial Outputs: x_sol (float): minimizer of interpolating polynomial F_min (float): minimum of interpolating polynomial Note: . Set f or g to np.nan if they are unknown """ no_points = points.shape[0] order = np.sum(1 - np.isnan(points[:,1:3]).astype('int')) - 1 x_min = np.min(points[:, 0]) x_max = np.max(points[:, 0]) # compute bounds of interpolation area if(x_min_bound is None): x_min_bound = x_min if(x_max_bound is None): x_max_bound = x_max # explicit formula for quadratic interpolation if no_points == 2 and order == 2 and plot is False: # Solution to quadratic interpolation is given by: # a = -(f1 - f2 - g1(x1 - x2))/(x1 - x2)^2 # x_min = x1 - g1/(2a) # if x1 = 0, then is given by: # x_min = - (g1*x2^2)/(2(f2 - f1 - g1*x2)) if(points[0, 0] == 0): x_sol = -points[0, 2]*points[1, 0]**2/(2*(points[1, 1] - points[0, 1] - points[0, 2]*points[1, 0])) else: a = -(points[0, 1] - points[1, 1] - points[0, 2]*(points[0, 0] - points[1, 0]))/(points[0, 0] - points[1, 0])**2 x_sol = points[0, 0] - points[0, 2]/(2*a) x_sol = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_min_bound, x_sol), x_max_bound) # explicit formula for cubic interpolation elif no_points == 2 and order == 3 and plot is False: # Solution to cubic interpolation is given by: # d1 = g1 + g2 - 3((f1 - f2)/(x1 - x2)) # d2 = sqrt(d1^2 - g1*g2) # x_min = x2 - (x2 - x1)*((g2 + d2 - d1)/(g2 - g1 + 2*d2)) d1 = points[0, 2] + points[1, 2] - 3*((points[0, 1] - points[1, 1])/(points[0, 0] - points[1, 0])) d2 = np.sqrt(d1**2 - points[0, 2]*points[1, 2]) if np.isreal(d2): x_sol = points[1, 0] - (points[1, 0] - points[0, 0])*((points[1, 2] + d2 - d1)/(points[1, 2] - points[0, 2] + 2*d2)) x_sol = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_min_bound, x_sol), x_max_bound) else: x_sol = (x_max_bound + x_min_bound)/2 # solve linear system else: # define linear constraints A = np.zeros((0, order+1)) b = np.zeros((0, 1)) # add linear constraints on function values for i in range(no_points): if not np.isnan(points[i, 1]): constraint = np.zeros((1, order+1)) for j in range(order, -1, -1): constraint[0, order - j] = points[i, 0]**j A = np.append(A, constraint, 0) b = np.append(b, points[i, 1]) # add linear constraints on gradient values for i in range(no_points): if not np.isnan(points[i, 2]): constraint = np.zeros((1, order+1)) for j in range(order): constraint[0, j] = (order-j)*points[i,0]**(order-j-1) A = np.append(A, constraint, 0) b = np.append(b, points[i, 2]) # check if system is solvable if(A.shape[0] != A.shape[1] or np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) != A.shape[0]): x_sol = (x_min_bound + x_max_bound)/2 f_min = np.Inf else: # solve linear system for interpolating polynomial coeff = np.linalg.solve(A, b) # compute critical points dcoeff = np.zeros(order) for i in range(len(coeff) - 1): dcoeff[i] = coeff[i]*(order-i) crit_pts = np.array([x_min_bound, x_max_bound]) crit_pts = np.append(crit_pts, points[:, 0]) if not np.isinf(dcoeff).any(): roots = np.roots(dcoeff) crit_pts = np.append(crit_pts, roots) # test critical points f_min = np.Inf x_sol = (x_min_bound + x_max_bound)/2 # defaults to bisection for crit_pt in crit_pts: if np.isreal(crit_pt) and crit_pt >= x_min_bound and crit_pt <= x_max_bound: F_cp = np.polyval(coeff, crit_pt) if np.isreal(F_cp) and F_cp < f_min: x_sol = np.real(crit_pt) f_min = np.real(F_cp) if (plot): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() x = np.arange(x_min_bound, x_max_bound, (x_max_bound - x_min_bound)/10000) f = np.polyval(coeff, x) plt.plot(x, f) plt.plot(x_sol, f_min, 'x') return x_sol #%% L-BFGS Optimizer class LBFGS(Optimizer): """ Implements the L-BFGS algorithm. Compatible with multi-batch and full-overlap L-BFGS implementations and (stochastic) Powell damping. Partly based on the original L-BFGS implementation in PyTorch, Mark Schmidt's minFunc MATLAB code, and Michael Overton's weak Wolfe line search MATLAB code. Implemented by: Hao-Jun Michael Shi and Dheevatsa Mudigere Last edited 12/6/18. Warnings: . Does not support per-parameter options and parameter groups. . All parameters have to be on a single device. Inputs: lr (float): steplength or learning rate (default: 1) history_size (int): update history size (default: 10) line_search (str): designates line search to use (default: 'Wolfe') Options: 'None': uses steplength designated in algorithm 'Armijo': uses Armijo backtracking line search 'Wolfe': uses Armijo-Wolfe bracketing line search dtype: data type (default: torch.float) debug (bool): debugging mode References: [1] Berahas, Albert S., Jorge Nocedal, and Martin Takác. "A Multi-Batch L-BFGS Method for Machine Learning." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2016. [2] Bollapragada, Raghu, et al. "A Progressive Batching L-BFGS Method for Machine Learning." International Conference on Machine Learning. 2018. [3] Lewis, Adrian S., and Michael L. Overton. "Nonsmooth Optimization via Quasi-Newton Methods." Mathematical Programming 141.1-2 (2013): 135-163. [4] Liu, Dong C., and Jorge Nocedal. "On the Limited Memory BFGS Method for Large Scale Optimization." Mathematical Programming 45.1-3 (1989): 503-528. [5] Nocedal, Jorge. "Updating Quasi-Newton Matrices With Limited Storage." Mathematics of Computation 35.151 (1980): 773-782. [6] Nocedal, Jorge, and Stephen J. Wright. "Numerical Optimization." Springer New York, 2006. [7] Schmidt, Mark. "minFunc: Unconstrained Differentiable Multivariate Optimization in Matlab." Software available at (2005). [8] Schraudolph, Nicol N., Jin Yu, and Simon Günter. "A Stochastic Quasi-Newton Method for Online Convex Optimization." Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 2007. [9] Wang, Xiao, et al. "Stochastic Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization." SIAM Journal on Optimization 27.2 (2017): 927-956. """ def __init__(self, params, lr=1, history_size=10, line_search='Wolfe', dtype=torch.float, debug=False): # ensure inputs are valid if not 0.0 <= lr: raise ValueError("Invalid learning rate: {}".format(lr)) if not 0 <= history_size: raise ValueError("Invalid history size: {}".format(history_size)) if line_search not in ['Armijo', 'Wolfe', 'None']: raise ValueError("Invalid line search: {}".format(line_search)) defaults = dict(lr=lr, history_size=history_size, line_search=line_search, dtype=dtype, debug=debug) super(LBFGS, self).__init__(params, defaults) if len(self.param_groups) != 1: raise ValueError("L-BFGS doesn't support per-parameter options " "(parameter groups)") self._params = self.param_groups[0]['params'] self._numel_cache = None state = self.state['global_state'] state.setdefault('n_iter', 0) state.setdefault('curv_skips', 0) state.setdefault('fail_skips', 0) state.setdefault('H_diag',1) state.setdefault('fail', True) state['old_dirs'] = [] state['old_stps'] = [] def _numel(self): if self._numel_cache is None: self._numel_cache = reduce(lambda total, p: total + p.numel(), self._params, 0) return self._numel_cache def _gather_flat_grad(self): views = [] for p in self._params: if p.grad is None: view = elif view = else: view = views.append(view) return, 0) def _add_update(self, step_size, update): offset = 0 for p in self._params: numel = p.numel() # view as to avoid deprecated pointwise semantics, update[offset:offset + numel].view_as( offset += numel assert offset == self._numel() def _copy_params(self): current_params = [] for param in self._params: current_params.append(deepcopy( return current_params def _load_params(self, current_params): i = 0 for param in self._params:[:] = current_params[i] i += 1 def line_search(self, line_search): """ Switches line search option. Inputs: line_search (str): designates line search to use Options: 'None': uses steplength designated in algorithm 'Armijo': uses Armijo backtracking line search 'Wolfe': uses Armijo-Wolfe bracketing line search """ group = self.param_groups[0] group['line_search'] = line_search return def two_loop_recursion(self, vec): """ Performs two-loop recursion on given vector to obtain Hv. Inputs: vec (tensor): 1-D tensor to apply two-loop recursion to Output: r (tensor): matrix-vector product Hv """ group = self.param_groups[0] history_size = group['history_size'] state = self.state['global_state'] old_dirs = state.get('old_dirs') # change in gradients old_stps = state.get('old_stps') # change in iterates H_diag = state.get('H_diag') # compute the product of the inverse Hessian approximation and the gradient num_old = len(old_dirs) if 'rho' not in state: state['rho'] = [None] * history_size state['alpha'] = [None] * history_size rho = state['rho'] alpha = state['alpha'] for i in range(num_old): rho[i] = 1. / old_stps[i].dot(old_dirs[i]) q = vec for i in range(num_old - 1, -1, -1): alpha[i] = old_dirs[i].dot(q) * rho[i] q.add_(-alpha[i], old_stps[i]) # multiply by initial Hessian # r/d is the final direction r = torch.mul(q, H_diag) for i in range(num_old): beta = old_stps[i].dot(r) * rho[i] r.add_(alpha[i] - beta, old_dirs[i]) return r def curvature_update(self, flat_grad, eps=1e-2, damping=False): """ Performs curvature update. Inputs: flat_grad (tensor): 1-D tensor of flattened gradient for computing gradient difference with previously stored gradient eps (float): constant for curvature pair rejection or damping (default: 1e-2) damping (bool): flag for using Powell damping (default: False) """ assert len(self.param_groups) == 1 # load parameters if(eps <= 0): raise(ValueError('Invalid eps; must be positive.')) group = self.param_groups[0] history_size = group['history_size'] debug = group['debug'] # variables cached in state (for tracing) state = self.state['global_state'] fail = state.get('fail') # check if line search failed if not fail: d = state.get('d') t = state.get('t') old_dirs = state.get('old_dirs') old_stps = state.get('old_stps') H_diag = state.get('H_diag') prev_flat_grad = state.get('prev_flat_grad') Bs = state.get('Bs') # compute y's y = flat_grad.sub(prev_flat_grad) s = d.mul(t) sBs = ys = # y*s # update L-BFGS matrix if ys > eps*sBs or damping == True: # perform Powell damping if damping == True and ys < eps*sBs: if debug: print('Applying Powell damping...') theta = ((1-eps)*sBs)/(sBs - ys) y = theta*y + (1-theta)*Bs # updating memory if len(old_dirs) == history_size: # shift history by one (limited-memory) old_dirs.pop(0) old_stps.pop(0) # store new direction/step old_dirs.append(s) old_stps.append(y) # update scale of initial Hessian approximation H_diag = ys / # (y*y) state['old_dirs'] = old_dirs state['old_stps'] = old_stps state['H_diag'] = H_diag else: # save skip state['curv_skips'] += 1 if debug: print('Curvature pair skipped due to failed criterion') else: # save skip state['fail_skips'] += 1 if debug: print('Line search failed; curvature pair update skipped') return def _step(self, p_k, g_Ok, g_Sk=None, options={}): """ Performs a single optimization step. Inputs: p_k (tensor): 1-D tensor specifying search direction g_Ok (tensor): 1-D tensor of flattened gradient over overlap O_k used for gradient differencing in curvature pair update g_Sk (tensor): 1-D tensor of flattened gradient over full sample S_k used for curvature pair damping or rejection criterion, if None, will use g_Ok (default: None) options (dict): contains options for performing line search Options for Armijo backtracking line search: 'closure' (callable): reevaluates model and returns function value 'current_loss' (tensor): objective value at current iterate (default: F(x_k)) 'gtd' (tensor): inner product g_Ok'd in line search (default: g_Ok'd) 'eta' (tensor): factor for decreasing steplength > 0 (default: 2) 'c1' (tensor): sufficient decrease constant in (0, 1) (default: 1e-4) 'max_ls' (int): maximum number of line search steps permitted (default: 10) 'interpolate' (bool): flag for using interpolation (default: True) 'inplace' (bool): flag for inplace operations (default: True) 'ls_debug' (bool): debugging mode for line search Options for Wolfe line search: 'closure' (callable): reevaluates model and returns function value 'current_loss' (tensor): objective value at current iterate (default: F(x_k)) 'gtd' (tensor): inner product g_Ok'd in line search (default: g_Ok'd) 'eta' (float): factor for extrapolation (default: 2) 'c1' (float): sufficient decrease constant in (0, 1) (default: 1e-4) 'c2' (float): curvature condition constant in (0, 1) (default: 0.9) 'max_ls' (int): maximum number of line search steps permitted (default: 10) 'interpolate' (bool): flag for using interpolation (default: True) 'inplace' (bool): flag for inplace operations (default: True) 'ls_debug' (bool): debugging mode for line search Outputs (depends on line search): . No line search: t (float): steplength . Armijo backtracking line search: F_new (tensor): loss function at new iterate t (tensor): final steplength ls_step (int): number of backtracks closure_eval (int): number of closure evaluations desc_dir (bool): descent direction flag True: p_k is descent direction with respect to the line search function False: p_k is not a descent direction with respect to the line search function fail (bool): failure flag True: line search reached maximum number of iterations, failed False: line search succeeded . Wolfe line search: F_new (tensor): loss function at new iterate g_new (tensor): gradient at new iterate t (float): final steplength ls_step (int): number of backtracks closure_eval (int): number of closure evaluations grad_eval (int): number of gradient evaluations desc_dir (bool): descent direction flag True: p_k is descent direction with respect to the line search function False: p_k is not a descent direction with respect to the line search function fail (bool): failure flag True: line search reached maximum number of iterations, failed False: line search succeeded Notes: . If encountering line search failure in the deterministic setting, one should try increasing the maximum number of line search steps max_ls. """ assert len(self.param_groups) == 1 # load parameter options group = self.param_groups[0] lr = group['lr'] line_search = group['line_search'] dtype = group['dtype'] debug = group['debug'] # variables cached in state (for tracing) state = self.state['global_state'] d = state.get('d') t = state.get('t') prev_flat_grad = state.get('prev_flat_grad') Bs = state.get('Bs') # keep track of nb of iterations state['n_iter'] += 1 # set search direction d = p_k # modify previous gradient if prev_flat_grad is None: prev_flat_grad = g_Ok.clone() else: prev_flat_grad.copy_(g_Ok) # set initial step size t = lr # closure evaluation counter closure_eval = 0 if g_Sk is None: g_Sk = g_Ok.clone() # perform Armijo backtracking line search if(line_search == 'Armijo'): # load options if(options): if('closure' not in options.keys()): raise(ValueError('closure option not specified.')) else: closure = options['closure'] if('gtd' not in options.keys()): gtd = else: gtd = options['gtd'] if('current_loss' not in options.keys()): F_k = closure() closure_eval += 1 else: F_k = options['current_loss'] if('eta' not in options.keys()): eta = 2 elif(options['eta'] <= 0): raise(ValueError('Invalid eta; must be positive.')) else: eta = options['eta'] if('c1' not in options.keys()): c1 = 1e-4 elif(options['c1'] >= 1 or options['c1'] <= 0): raise(ValueError('Invalid c1; must be strictly between 0 and 1.')) else: c1 = options['c1'] if('max_ls' not in options.keys()): max_ls = 10 elif(options['max_ls'] <= 0): raise(ValueError('Invalid max_ls; must be positive.')) else: max_ls = options['max_ls'] if('interpolate' not in options.keys()): interpolate = True else: interpolate = options['interpolate'] if('inplace' not in options.keys()): inplace = True else: inplace = options['inplace'] if('ls_debug' not in options.keys()): ls_debug = False else: ls_debug = options['ls_debug'] else: raise(ValueError('Options are not specified; need closure evaluating function.')) # initialize values if(interpolate): if(torch.cuda.is_available()): F_prev = torch.tensor(np.nan, dtype=dtype).cuda() else: F_prev = torch.tensor(np.nan, dtype=dtype) ls_step = 0 t_prev = 0 # old steplength fail = False # failure flag # begin print for debug mode if ls_debug: print('==================================== Begin Armijo line search ===================================') print('F(x): %.8e g*d: %.8e' %(F_k, gtd)) # check if search direction is descent direction if gtd >= 0: desc_dir = False if debug: print('Not a descent direction!') else: desc_dir = True # store values if not in-place if not inplace: current_params = self._copy_params() # update and evaluate at new point self._add_update(t, d) F_new = closure() closure_eval += 1 # print info if debugging if(ls_debug): print('LS Step: %d t: %.8e F(x+td): %.8e F-c1*t*g*d: %.8e F(x): %.8e' %(ls_step, t, F_new, F_k + c1*t*gtd, F_k)) # check Armijo condition while F_new > F_k + c1*t*gtd or not is_legal(F_new): # check if maximum number of iterations reached if(ls_step >= max_ls): if inplace: self._add_update(-t, d) else: self._load_params(current_params) t = 0 F_new = closure() closure_eval += 1 fail = True break else: # store current steplength t_new = t # compute new steplength # if first step or not interpolating, then multiply by factor if(ls_step == 0 or not interpolate or not is_legal(F_new)): t = t/eta # if second step, use function value at new point along with # gradient and function at current iterate elif(ls_step == 1 or not is_legal(F_prev)): t = polyinterp(np.array([[0, F_k.item(), gtd.item()], [t_new, F_new.item(), np.nan]])) # otherwise, use function values at new point, previous point, # and gradient and function at current iterate else: t = polyinterp(np.array([[0, F_k.item(), gtd.item()], [t_new, F_new.item(), np.nan], [t_prev, F_prev.item(), np.nan]])) # if values are too extreme, adjust t if(interpolate): if(t < 1e-3*t_new): t = 1e-3*t_new elif(t > 0.6*t_new): t = 0.6*t_new # store old point F_prev = F_new t_prev = t_new # update iterate and reevaluate if inplace: self._add_update(t-t_new, d) else: self._load_params(current_params) self._add_update(t, d) F_new = closure() closure_eval += 1 ls_step += 1 # iterate # print info if debugging if(ls_debug): print('LS Step: %d t: %.8e F(x+td): %.8e F-c1*t*g*d: %.8e F(x): %.8e' %(ls_step, t, F_new, F_k + c1*t*gtd, F_k)) # store Bs if Bs is None: Bs = (g_Sk.mul(-t)).clone() else: Bs.copy_(g_Sk.mul(-t)) # print final steplength if ls_debug: print('Final Steplength:', t) print('===================================== End Armijo line search ====================================') state['d'] = d state['prev_flat_grad'] = prev_flat_grad state['t'] = t state['Bs'] = Bs state['fail'] = fail return F_new, t, ls_step, closure_eval, desc_dir, fail # perform weak Wolfe line search elif(line_search == 'Wolfe'): # load options if(options): if('closure' not in options.keys()): raise(ValueError('closure option not specified.')) else: closure = options['closure'] if('current_loss' not in options.keys()): F_k = closure() closure_eval += 1 else: F_k = options['current_loss'] if('gtd' not in options.keys()): gtd = else: gtd = options['gtd'] if('eta' not in options.keys()): eta = 2 elif(options['eta'] <= 1): raise(ValueError('Invalid eta; must be greater than 1.')) else: eta = options['eta'] if('c1' not in options.keys()): c1 = 1e-4 elif(options['c1'] >= 1 or options['c1'] <= 0): raise(ValueError('Invalid c1; must be strictly between 0 and 1.')) else: c1 = options['c1'] if('c2' not in options.keys()): c2 = 0.9 elif(options['c2'] >= 1 or options['c2'] <= 0): raise(ValueError('Invalid c2; must be strictly between 0 and 1.')) elif(options['c2'] <= c1): raise(ValueError('Invalid c2; must be strictly larger than c1.')) else: c2 = options['c2'] if('max_ls' not in options.keys()): max_ls = 10 elif(options['max_ls'] <= 0): raise(ValueError('Invalid max_ls; must be positive.')) else: max_ls = options['max_ls'] if('interpolate' not in options.keys()): interpolate = True else: interpolate = options['interpolate'] if('inplace' not in options.keys()): inplace = True else: inplace = options['inplace'] if('ls_debug' not in options.keys()): ls_debug = False else: ls_debug = options['ls_debug'] else: raise(ValueError('Options are not specified; need closure evaluating function.')) # initialize counters ls_step = 0 grad_eval = 0 # tracks gradient evaluations t_prev = 0 # old steplength # initialize bracketing variables and flag alpha = 0 beta = float('Inf') fail = False # initialize values for line search if(interpolate): F_a = F_k g_a = gtd if(torch.cuda.is_available()): F_b = torch.tensor(np.nan, dtype=dtype).cuda() g_b = torch.tensor(np.nan, dtype=dtype).cuda() else: F_b = torch.tensor(np.nan, dtype=dtype) g_b = torch.tensor(np.nan, dtype=dtype) # begin print for debug mode if ls_debug: print('==================================== Begin Wolfe line search ====================================') print('F(x): %.8e g*d: %.8e' %(F_k, gtd)) # check if search direction is descent direction if gtd >= 0: desc_dir = False if debug: print('Not a descent direction!') else: desc_dir = True # store values if not in-place if not inplace: current_params = self._copy_params() # update and evaluate at new point self._add_update(t, d) F_new = closure() closure_eval += 1 # main loop while True: # check if maximum number of line search steps have been reached if(ls_step >= max_ls): if inplace: self._add_update(-t, d) else: self._load_params(current_params) t = 0 F_new = closure() F_new.backward() g_new = self._gather_flat_grad() closure_eval += 1 grad_eval += 1 fail = True break # print info if debugging if(ls_debug): print('LS Step: %d t: %.8e alpha: %.8e beta: %.8e' %(ls_step, t, alpha, beta)) print('Armijo: F(x+td): %.8e F-c1*t*g*d: %.8e F(x): %.8e' %(F_new, F_k + c1*t*gtd, F_k)) # check Armijo condition if(F_new > F_k + c1*t*gtd): # set upper bound beta = t t_prev = t # update interpolation quantities if(interpolate): F_b = F_new if(torch.cuda.is_available()): g_b = torch.tensor(np.nan, dtype=dtype).cuda() else: g_b = torch.tensor(np.nan, dtype=dtype) else: # compute gradient F_new.backward() g_new = self._gather_flat_grad() grad_eval += 1 gtd_new = # print info if debugging if(ls_debug): print('Wolfe: g(x+td)*d: %.8e c2*g*d: %.8e gtd: %.8e' %(gtd_new, c2*gtd, gtd)) # check curvature condition if(gtd_new < c2*gtd): # set lower bound alpha = t t_prev = t # update interpolation quantities if(interpolate): F_a = F_new g_a = gtd_new else: break # compute new steplength # if first step or not interpolating, then bisect or multiply by factor if(not interpolate or not is_legal(F_b)): if(beta == float('Inf')): t = eta*t else: t = (alpha + beta)/2.0 # otherwise interpolate between a and b else: t = polyinterp(np.array([[alpha, F_a.item(), g_a.item()],[beta, F_b.item(), g_b.item()]])) # if values are too extreme, adjust t if(beta == float('Inf')): if(t > 2*eta*t_prev): t = 2*eta*t_prev elif(t < eta*t_prev): t = eta*t_prev else: if(t < alpha + 0.2*(beta - alpha)): t = alpha + 0.2*(beta - alpha) elif(t > (beta - alpha)/2.0): t = (beta - alpha)/2.0 # if we obtain nonsensical value from interpolation if(t <= 0): t = (beta - alpha)/2.0 # update parameters if inplace: self._add_update(t - t_prev, d) else: self._load_params(current_params) self._add_update(t, d) # evaluate closure F_new = closure() closure_eval += 1 ls_step += 1 # store Bs if Bs is None: Bs = (g_Sk.mul(-t)).clone() else: Bs.copy_(g_Sk.mul(-t)) # print final steplength if ls_debug: print('Final Steplength:', t) print('===================================== End Wolfe line search =====================================') state['d'] = d state['prev_flat_grad'] = prev_flat_grad state['t'] = t state['Bs'] = Bs state['fail'] = fail return F_new, g_new, t, ls_step, closure_eval, grad_eval, desc_dir, fail else: # perform update self._add_update(t, d) # store Bs if Bs is None: Bs = (g_Sk.mul(-t)).clone() else: Bs.copy_(g_Sk.mul(-t)) state['d'] = d state['prev_flat_grad'] = prev_flat_grad state['t'] = t state['Bs'] = Bs state['fail'] = False return t def step(self, p_k, g_Ok, g_Sk=None, options={}): return self._step(p_k, g_Ok, g_Sk, options) #%% Full-Batch (Deterministic) L-BFGS Optimizer (Wrapper) class FullBatchLBFGS(LBFGS): """ Implements full-batch or deterministic L-BFGS algorithm. Compatible with Powell damping. Can be used when evaluating a deterministic function and gradient. Wraps the LBFGS optimizer. Performs the two-loop recursion, updating, and curvature updating in a single step. Implemented by: Hao-Jun Michael Shi and Dheevatsa Mudigere Last edited 11/15/18. Warnings: . Does not support per-parameter options and parameter groups. . All parameters have to be on a single device. Inputs: lr (float): steplength or learning rate (default: 1) history_size (int): update history size (default: 10) line_search (str): designates line search to use (default: 'Wolfe') Options: 'None': uses steplength designated in algorithm 'Armijo': uses Armijo backtracking line search 'Wolfe': uses Armijo-Wolfe bracketing line search dtype: data type (default: torch.float) debug (bool): debugging mode """ def __init__(self, params, lr=1, history_size=10, line_search='Wolfe', dtype=torch.float, debug=False): super(FullBatchLBFGS, self).__init__(params, lr, history_size, line_search, dtype, debug) def step(self, options={}): """ Performs a single optimization step. Inputs: options (dict): contains options for performing line search General Options: 'eps' (float): constant for curvature pair rejection or damping (default: 1e-2) 'damping' (bool): flag for using Powell damping (default: False) Options for Armijo backtracking line search: 'closure' (callable): reevaluates model and returns function value 'current_loss' (tensor): objective value at current iterate (default: F(x_k)) 'gtd' (tensor): inner product g_Ok'd in line search (default: g_Ok'd) 'eta' (tensor): factor for decreasing steplength > 0 (default: 2) 'c1' (tensor): sufficient decrease constant in (0, 1) (default: 1e-4) 'max_ls' (int): maximum number of line search steps permitted (default: 10) 'interpolate' (bool): flag for using interpolation (default: True) 'inplace' (bool): flag for inplace operations (default: True) 'ls_debug' (bool): debugging mode for line search Options for Wolfe line search: 'closure' (callable): reevaluates model and returns function value 'current_loss' (tensor): objective value at current iterate (default: F(x_k)) 'gtd' (tensor): inner product g_Ok'd in line search (default: g_Ok'd) 'eta' (float): factor for extrapolation (default: 2) 'c1' (float): sufficient decrease constant in (0, 1) (default: 1e-4) 'c2' (float): curvature condition constant in (0, 1) (default: 0.9) 'max_ls' (int): maximum number of line search steps permitted (default: 10) 'interpolate' (bool): flag for using interpolation (default: True) 'inplace' (bool): flag for inplace operations (default: True) 'ls_debug' (bool): debugging mode for line search Outputs (depends on line search): . No line search: t (float): steplength . Armijo backtracking line search: F_new (tensor): loss function at new iterate t (tensor): final steplength ls_step (int): number of backtracks closure_eval (int): number of closure evaluations desc_dir (bool): descent direction flag True: p_k is descent direction with respect to the line search function False: p_k is not a descent direction with respect to the line search function fail (bool): failure flag True: line search reached maximum number of iterations, failed False: line search succeeded . Wolfe line search: F_new (tensor): loss function at new iterate g_new (tensor): gradient at new iterate t (float): final steplength ls_step (int): number of backtracks closure_eval (int): number of closure evaluations grad_eval (int): number of gradient evaluations desc_dir (bool): descent direction flag True: p_k is descent direction with respect to the line search function False: p_k is not a descent direction with respect to the line search function fail (bool): failure flag True: line search reached maximum number of iterations, failed False: line search succeeded Notes: . If encountering line search failure in the deterministic setting, one should try increasing the maximum number of line search steps max_ls. """ # load options for damping and eps if('damping' not in options.keys()): damping = False else: damping = options['damping'] if('eps' not in options.keys()): eps = 1e-2 else: eps = options['eps'] # gather gradient grad = self._gather_flat_grad() # update curvature if after 1st iteration state = self.state['global_state'] if(state['n_iter'] > 0): self.curvature_update(grad, eps, damping) # compute search direction p = self.two_loop_recursion(-grad) # take step return self._step(p, grad, options=options)