Runtime error
Runtime error
# import dependencies | |
# Audio Manipulation | |
import audioread | |
import librosa | |
from pydub import AudioSegment, silence | |
import youtube_dl | |
from youtube_dl import DownloadError | |
# Models | |
import torch | |
from transformers import pipeline, HubertForCTC, T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration, Wav2Vec2ForCTC, Wav2Vec2Processor, Wav2Vec2Tokenizer | |
from import Pipeline | |
# Others | |
from datetime import timedelta | |
import os | |
import pandas as pd | |
import pickle | |
import re | |
import streamlit as st | |
import time | |
import whisper | |
from whisper import load_model | |
import whisperx | |
import os | |
os.environ["PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF"] ="128mb" | |
import gc | |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() | |
gc.collect() | |
def config(): | |
""" | |
App Configuration | |
This functions sets the page title, its favicon, initialize some global variables (session_state values), displays | |
a title, a smaller one, and apply CSS Code to the app. | |
""" | |
# Set config | |
st.set_page_config(page_title="Speech to Text", page_icon="π") | |
# Create a Data Directory | |
# Will not be executed with AI Deploy because it is indicated in the DockerFile of the app | |
if not os.path.exists("../data"): | |
os.makedirs("../data") | |
# Initialize session state variables | |
if 'page_index' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state['page_index'] = -1 # Handle which page should be displayed (token page, home page, results page, rename page) | |
st.session_state['txt_transcript'] = "" # Save the transcript as .txt so we can display it again on the results page | |
st.session_state["process"] = [] # Save the results obtained so we can display them again on the results page | |
st.session_state['srt_txt'] = "" # Save the transcript in a subtitles case to display it on the results page | |
st.session_state['srt_token'] = 0 # Is subtitles parameter enabled or not | |
st.session_state['audio_file'] = None # Save the audio file provided by the user so we can display it again on the results page | |
st.session_state["start_time"] = 0 # Default audio player starting point (0s) | |
st.session_state["summary"] = "" # Save the summary of the transcript so we can display it on the results page | |
st.session_state["number_of_speakers"] = 0 # Save the number of speakers detected in the conversation (diarization) | |
st.session_state["chosen_mode"] = 0 # Save the mode chosen by the user (Diarization or not, timestamps or not) | |
st.session_state["btn_token_list"] = [] # List of tokens that indicates what options are activated to adapt the display on results page | |
st.session_state["my_HF_token"] = "ACCESS_TOKEN_GOES_HERE" # User's Token that allows the use of the diarization model | |
st.session_state["disable"] = True # Default appearance of the button to change your token | |
# Display Text and CSS | |
st.title("Speech to Text App π") | |
st.markdown(""" | |
<style> | |
.block-container.css-12oz5g7.egzxvld2{ | |
padding: 1%;} | |
# speech-to-text-app > div:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(2){ | |
text-align:center;} | |
.stRadio > label:nth-child(1){ | |
font-weight: bold; | |
} | |
.stRadio > div{flex-direction:row;} | |
p, span{ | |
text-align: justify; | |
} | |
span{ | |
text-align: center; | |
} | |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.subheader("You want to extract text from an audio/video? You are in the right place!") | |
def load_options(audio_length, dia_pipeline): | |
""" | |
Display options so the user can customize the result (punctuate, summarize the transcript ? trim the audio? ...) | |
User can choose his parameters thanks to sliders & checkboxes, both displayed in a st.form so the page doesn't | |
reload when interacting with an element (frustrating if it does because user loses fluidity). | |
:return: the chosen parameters | |
""" | |
# Create a st.form() | |
with st.form("form"): | |
st.markdown("""<h6> | |
You can transcript a specific part of your audio by setting start and end values below (in seconds). Then, | |
choose your parameters.</h6>""", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# Possibility to trim / cut the audio on a specific part (=> transcribe less seconds will result in saving time) | |
# To perform that, user selects his time intervals thanks to sliders, displayed in 2 different columns | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
start = st.slider("Start value (s)", 0, audio_length, value=0) | |
with col2: | |
end = st.slider("End value (s)", 0, audio_length, value=audio_length) | |
# Create 3 new columns to displayed other options | |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) | |
# User selects his preferences with checkboxes | |
with col1: | |
# Get an automatic punctuation | |
punctuation_token = st.checkbox("Punctuate my final text", value=True) | |
# Differentiate Speakers | |
if dia_pipeline == None: | |
st.write("Diarization model unvailable") | |
diarization_token = False | |
else: | |
diarization_token = st.checkbox("Differentiate speakers") | |
with col2: | |
# Summarize the transcript | |
summarize_token = st.checkbox("Generate a summary", value=False) | |
# Generate a SRT file instead of a TXT file (shorter timestamps) | |
srt_token = st.checkbox("Generate subtitles file", value=False) | |
with col3: | |
# Display the timestamp of each transcribed part | |
timestamps_token = st.checkbox("Show timestamps", value=True) | |
# Improve transcript with an other model (better transcript but longer to obtain) | |
choose_better_model = st.checkbox("Change STT Model") | |
# Srt option requires timestamps so it can matches text with time => Need to correct the following case | |
if not timestamps_token and srt_token: | |
timestamps_token = True | |
st.warning("Srt option requires timestamps. We activated it for you.") | |
# Validate choices with a button | |
transcript_btn = st.form_submit_button("Transcribe audio!") | |
return transcript_btn, start, end, diarization_token, punctuation_token, timestamps_token, srt_token, summarize_token, choose_better_model | |
access_token="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" | |
sst_model = load_model("base.en") | |
def load_models(): | |
""" | |
Instead of systematically downloading each time the models we use (transcript model, summarizer, speaker differentiation, ...) | |
thanks to transformers' pipeline, we first try to directly import them locally to save time when the app is launched. | |
This function has a st.cache(), because as the models never change, we want the function to execute only one time | |
(also to save time). Otherwise, it would run every time we transcribe a new audio file. | |
:return: Loaded models | |
""" | |
# Load facebook-hubert-large-ls960-ft model (English speech to text model) | |
with st.spinner("Loading Speech to Text Model"): | |
# If models are stored in a folder, we import them. Otherwise, we import the models with their respective library | |
try: | |
stt_tokenizer = pickle.load(open("models/STT_processor_hubert-large-ls960-ft.sav", 'rb')) | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
stt_tokenizer = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained("facebook/hubert-large-ls960-ft") | |
try: | |
#stt_model = pickle.load(open("models/STT_model_hubert-large-ls960-ft.sav", 'rb')) | |
stt_model = load_model("base.en") | |
options = whisper.DecodingOptions(language='english', task='transcribe', without_timestamps=False) | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
#stt_model = HubertForCTC.from_pretrained("facebook/hubert-large-ls960-ft") | |
stt_model = load_model("base.en") | |
options = whisper.DecodingOptions(language='english', task='transcribe', without_timestamps=False) | |
# Load T5 model (Auto punctuation model) | |
with st.spinner("Loading Punctuation Model"): | |
try: | |
t5_tokenizer = torch.load("models/T5_tokenizer.sav") | |
except OSError: | |
t5_tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("flexudy/t5-small-wav2vec2-grammar-fixer") | |
try: | |
t5_model = torch.load("models/T5_model.sav") | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
t5_model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("flexudy/t5-small-wav2vec2-grammar-fixer") | |
# Load summarizer model | |
with st.spinner("Loading Summarization Model"): | |
try: | |
summarizer = pickle.load(open("models/summarizer.sav", 'rb')) | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
summarizer = pipeline("summarization") | |
# Load Diarization model (Differentiate speakers) | |
with st.spinner("Loading Diarization Model"): | |
try: | |
dia_pipeline = pickle.load(open("models/dia_pipeline.sav", 'rb')) | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
#access_token="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" | |
dia_pipeline = Pipeline.from_pretrained('pyannote/speaker-diarization@2.1',use_auth_token=access_token) | |
#dia_pipeline = Pipeline.from_pretrained("pyannote/speaker-diarization@2.1",use_auth_token=st.session_state["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"]) | |
# If the token hasn't been modified, dia_pipeline will automatically be set to None. The functionality will then be disabled. | |
return stt_tokenizer, stt_model, t5_tokenizer, t5_model, summarizer, dia_pipeline | |
def transcript_from_url(stt_tokenizer, stt_model, t5_tokenizer, t5_model, summarizer, dia_pipeline): | |
""" | |
Display a text input area, where the user can enter a YouTube URL link. If the link seems correct, we try to | |
extract the audio from the video, and then transcribe it. | |
:param stt_tokenizer: Speech to text model's tokenizer | |
:param stt_model: Speech to text model | |
:param t5_tokenizer: Auto punctuation model's tokenizer | |
:param t5_model: Auto punctuation model | |
:param summarizer: Summarizer model | |
:param dia_pipeline: Diarization Model (Differentiate speakers) | |
""" | |
url = st.text_input("Enter the YouTube video URL then press Enter to confirm!") | |
# If link seems correct, we try to transcribe | |
if "youtu" in url: | |
filename = extract_audio_from_yt_video(url) | |
if filename is not None: | |
transcription(stt_tokenizer, stt_model, t5_tokenizer, t5_model, summarizer, dia_pipeline, filename) | |
else: | |
st.error("We were unable to extract the audio. Please verify your link, retry or choose another video") | |
def transcript_from_file(stt_tokenizer, stt_model, t5_tokenizer, t5_model, summarizer, dia_pipeline): | |
""" | |
Display a file uploader area, where the user can import his own file (mp3, mp4 or wav). If the file format seems | |
correct, we transcribe the audio. | |
:param stt_tokenizer: Speech to text model's tokenizer | |
:param stt_model: Speech to text model | |
:param t5_tokenizer: Auto punctuation model's tokenizer | |
:param t5_model: Auto punctuation model | |
:param summarizer: Summarizer model | |
:param dia_pipeline: Diarization Model (Differentiate speakers) | |
""" | |
# File uploader widget with a callback function, so the page reloads if the users uploads a new audio file | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your file! It can be a .mp3, .mp4 or .wav", type=["mp3", "mp4", "wav"], | |
on_change=update_session_state, args=("page_index", 0,)) | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
# get name and launch transcription function | |
filename = | |
transcription(stt_tokenizer, stt_model, t5_tokenizer, t5_model, summarizer, dia_pipeline, filename, | |
uploaded_file) | |
def transcription(stt_tokenizer, stt_model, t5_tokenizer, t5_model, summarizer, dia_pipeline, filename, | |
uploaded_file=None): | |
""" | |
Mini-main function | |
Display options, transcribe an audio file and save results. | |
:param stt_tokenizer: Speech to text model's tokenizer | |
:param stt_model: Speech to text model | |
:param t5_tokenizer: Auto punctuation model's tokenizer | |
:param t5_model: Auto punctuation model | |
:param summarizer: Summarizer model | |
:param dia_pipeline: Diarization Model (Differentiate speakers) | |
:param filename: name of the audio file | |
:param uploaded_file: file / name of the audio file which allows the code to reach the file | |
""" | |
# If the audio comes from the Youtube extraction mode, the audio is downloaded so the uploaded_file is | |
# the same as the filename. We need to change the uploaded_file which is currently set to None | |
if uploaded_file is None: | |
uploaded_file = filename | |
# Get audio length of the file(s) | |
myaudio = AudioSegment.from_file(uploaded_file) | |
audio_length = myaudio.duration_seconds | |
# Save Audio (so we can display it on another page ("DISPLAY RESULTS"), otherwise it is lost) | |
update_session_state("audio_file", uploaded_file) | |
# Display audio file | | | |
# Is transcription possible | |
if audio_length > 0: | |
# We display options and user shares his wishes | |
transcript_btn, start, end, diarization_token, punctuation_token, timestamps_token, srt_token, summarize_token, choose_better_model = load_options( | |
int(audio_length), dia_pipeline) | |
# If end value hasn't been changed, we fix it to the max value so we don't cut some ms of the audio because | |
# end value is returned by a st.slider which return end value as a int (ex: return 12 sec instead of end=12.9s) | |
if end == int(audio_length): | |
end = audio_length | |
# Switching model for the better one | |
if choose_better_model: | |
with st.spinner("We are loading the better model. Please wait..."): | |
try: | |
stt_tokenizer = pickle.load(open("models/STT_tokenizer2_wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60-self.sav", 'rb')) | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
stt_tokenizer = Wav2Vec2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60-self") | |
try: | |
stt_model = pickle.load(open("models/STT_model2_wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60-self.sav", 'rb')) | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
stt_model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60-self") | |
# Validate options and launch the transcription process thanks to the form's button | |
if transcript_btn: | |
# Check if start & end values are correct | |
start, end = correct_values(start, end, audio_length) | |
# If start a/o end value(s) has/have changed, we trim/cut the audio according to the new start/end values. | |
if start != 0 or end != audio_length: | |
myaudio = myaudio[start * 1000:end * 1000] # Works in milliseconds (*1000) | |
# Transcribe process is running | |
with st.spinner("We are transcribing your audio. Please wait"): | |
# Initialize variables | |
txt_text, srt_text, save_result = init_transcription(start, int(end)) | |
min_space, max_space = silence_mode_init(srt_token) | |
# Differentiate speakers mode | |
if diarization_token: | |
# Save mode chosen by user, to display expected results | |
if not timestamps_token: | |
update_session_state("chosen_mode", "DIA") | |
elif timestamps_token: | |
update_session_state("chosen_mode", "DIA_TS") | |
# Convert mp3/mp4 to wav (Differentiate speakers mode only accepts wav files) | |
if filename.endswith((".mp3", ".mp4")): | |
myaudio, filename = convert_file_to_wav(myaudio, filename) | |
else: | |
filename = "../data/" + filename | |
myaudio.export(filename, format="wav") | |
# Differentiate speakers process | |
diarization_timestamps, number_of_speakers = diarization_treatment(filename, dia_pipeline, | |
max_space, srt_token) | |
# Saving the number of detected speakers | |
update_session_state("number_of_speakers", number_of_speakers) | |
# Transcribe process with Diarization Mode | |
save_result, txt_text, srt_text = transcription_diarization(filename, diarization_timestamps, | |
stt_model, | |
stt_tokenizer, | |
diarization_token, | |
srt_token, summarize_token, | |
timestamps_token, myaudio, start, | |
save_result, | |
txt_text, srt_text) | |
# Non Diarization Mode | |
else: | |
# Save mode chosen by user, to display expected results | |
if not timestamps_token: | |
update_session_state("chosen_mode", "NODIA") | |
if timestamps_token: | |
update_session_state("chosen_mode", "NODIA_TS") | |
filename = "../data/" + filename | |
# Transcribe process with non Diarization Mode | |
save_result, txt_text, srt_text = transcription_non_diarization(filename, myaudio, start, end, | |
diarization_token, timestamps_token, | |
srt_token, summarize_token, | |
stt_model, stt_tokenizer, | |
min_space, max_space, | |
save_result, txt_text, srt_text) | |
# Save results so it is not lost when we interact with a button | |
update_session_state("process", save_result) | |
update_session_state("srt_txt", srt_text) | |
# Get final text (with or without punctuation token) | |
# Diariation Mode | |
if diarization_token: | |
# Create txt text from the process | |
txt_text = create_txt_text_from_process(punctuation_token, t5_model, t5_tokenizer) | |
# Non diarization Mode | |
else: | |
if punctuation_token: | |
# Need to split the text by 512 text blocks size since the model has a limited input | |
with st.spinner("Transcription is finished! Let us punctuate your audio"): | |
my_split_text_list = split_text(txt_text, 512) | |
txt_text = "" | |
# punctuate each text block | |
for my_split_text in my_split_text_list: | |
txt_text += add_punctuation(t5_model, t5_tokenizer, my_split_text) | |
# Clean folder's files | |
clean_directory("../data") | |
# Display the final transcript | |
if txt_text != "": | |
st.subheader("Final text is") | |
# Save txt_text and display it | |
update_session_state("txt_transcript", txt_text) | |
st.markdown(txt_text, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# Summarize the transcript | |
if summarize_token: | |
with st.spinner("We are summarizing your audio"): | |
# Display summary in a st.expander widget to don't write too much text on the page | |
with st.expander("Summary"): | |
# Need to split the text by 1024 text blocks size since the model has a limited input | |
if diarization_token: | |
# in diarization mode, the text to summarize is contained in the "summary" the session state variable | |
my_split_text_list = split_text(st.session_state["summary"], 1024) | |
else: | |
# in non-diarization mode, it is contained in the txt_text variable | |
my_split_text_list = split_text(txt_text, 1024) | |
summary = "" | |
# Summarize each text block | |
for my_split_text in my_split_text_list: | |
summary += summarizer(my_split_text)[0]['summary_text'] | |
# Removing multiple spaces and double spaces around punctuation mark " . " | |
summary = re.sub(' +', ' ', summary) | |
summary = re.sub(r'\s+([?.!"])', r'\1', summary) | |
# Display summary and save it | |
st.write(summary) | |
update_session_state("summary", summary) | |
# Display buttons to interact with results | |
# We have 4 possible buttons depending on the user's choices. But we can't set 4 columns for 4 | |
# buttons. Indeed, if the user displays only 3 buttons, it is possible that one of the column | |
# 1, 2 or 3 is empty which would be ugly. We want the activated options to be in the first columns | |
# so that the empty columns are not noticed. To do that, let's create a btn_token_list | |
btn_token_list = [[diarization_token, "dia_token"], [True, "useless_txt_token"], | |
[srt_token, "srt_token"], [summarize_token, "summarize_token"]] | |
# Save this list to be able to reach it on the other pages of the app | |
update_session_state("btn_token_list", btn_token_list) | |
# Create 4 columns | |
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) | |
# Create a column list | |
col_list = [col1, col2, col3, col4] | |
# Check value of each token, if True, we put the respective button of the token in a column | |
col_index = 0 | |
for elt in btn_token_list: | |
if elt[0]: | |
mycol = col_list[col_index] | |
if elt[1] == "useless_txt_token": | |
# Download your transcript.txt | |
with mycol: | |
st.download_button("Download as TXT", txt_text, file_name="my_transcription.txt", | |
on_click=update_session_state, args=("page_index", 1,)) | |
elif elt[1] == "srt_token": | |
# Download your | |
with mycol: | |
update_session_state("srt_token", srt_token) | |
st.download_button("Download as SRT", srt_text, file_name="", | |
on_click=update_session_state, args=("page_index", 1,)) | |
elif elt[1] == "dia_token": | |
with mycol: | |
# Rename the speakers detected in your audio | |
st.button("Rename Speakers", on_click=update_session_state, args=("page_index", 2,)) | |
elif elt[1] == "summarize_token": | |
with mycol: | |
# Download the summary of your transcript.txt | |
st.download_button("Download Summary", st.session_state["summary"], | |
file_name="my_summary.txt", | |
on_click=update_session_state, args=("page_index", 1,)) | |
col_index += 1 | |
else: | |
st.write("Transcription impossible, a problem occurred with your audio or your parameters, " | |
"we apologize :(") | |
else: | |
st.error("Seems your audio is 0 s long, please change your file") | |
time.sleep(3) | |
st.stop() | |
def create_txt_text_from_process(punctuation_token=False, t5_model=None, t5_tokenizer=None): | |
""" | |
If we are in a diarization case (differentiate speakers), we create txt_text from st.session.state['process'] | |
There is a lot of information in the process variable, but we only extract the identity of the speaker and | |
the sentence spoken, as in a non-diarization case. | |
:param punctuation_token: Punctuate or not the transcript (choice fixed by user) | |
:param t5_model: T5 Model (Auto punctuation model) | |
:param t5_tokenizer: T5βs Tokenizer (Auto punctuation model's tokenizer) | |
:return: Final transcript (without timestamps) | |
""" | |
txt_text = "" | |
# The information to be extracted is different according to the chosen mode | |
if punctuation_token: | |
with st.spinner("Transcription is finished! Let us punctuate your audio"): | |
if st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "DIA": | |
for elt in st.session_state["process"]: | |
# [2:] don't want ": text" but only the "text" | |
text_to_punctuate = elt[2][2:] | |
if len(text_to_punctuate) >= 512: | |
text_to_punctutate_list = split_text(text_to_punctuate, 512) | |
punctuated_text = "" | |
for split_text_to_punctuate in text_to_punctutate_list: | |
punctuated_text += add_punctuation(t5_model, t5_tokenizer, split_text_to_punctuate) | |
else: | |
punctuated_text = add_punctuation(t5_model, t5_tokenizer, text_to_punctuate) | |
txt_text += elt[1] + " : " + punctuated_text + '\n\n' | |
elif st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "DIA_TS": | |
for elt in st.session_state["process"]: | |
text_to_punctuate = elt[3][2:] | |
if len(text_to_punctuate) >= 512: | |
text_to_punctutate_list = split_text(text_to_punctuate, 512) | |
punctuated_text = "" | |
for split_text_to_punctuate in text_to_punctutate_list: | |
punctuated_text += add_punctuation(t5_model, t5_tokenizer, split_text_to_punctuate) | |
else: | |
punctuated_text = add_punctuation(t5_model, t5_tokenizer, text_to_punctuate) | |
txt_text += elt[2] + " : " + punctuated_text + '\n\n' | |
else: | |
if st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "DIA": | |
for elt in st.session_state["process"]: | |
txt_text += elt[1] + elt[2] + '\n\n' | |
elif st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "DIA_TS": | |
for elt in st.session_state["process"]: | |
txt_text += elt[2] + elt[3] + '\n\n' | |
return txt_text | |
def rename_speakers_window(): | |
""" | |
Load a new page which allows the user to rename the different speakers from the diarization process | |
For example he can switch from "Speaker1 : "I wouldn't say that"" to "Mat : "I wouldn't say that"" | |
""" | |
st.subheader("Here you can rename the speakers as you want") | |
number_of_speakers = st.session_state["number_of_speakers"] | |
if number_of_speakers > 0: | |
# Handle displayed text according to the number_of_speakers | |
if number_of_speakers == 1: | |
st.write(str(number_of_speakers) + " speaker has been detected in your audio") | |
else: | |
st.write(str(number_of_speakers) + " speakers have been detected in your audio") | |
# Saving the Speaker Name and its ID in a list, example : [1, 'Speaker1'] | |
list_of_speakers = [] | |
for elt in st.session_state["process"]: | |
if st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "DIA_TS": | |
if [elt[1], elt[2]] not in list_of_speakers: | |
list_of_speakers.append([elt[1], elt[2]]) | |
elif st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "DIA": | |
if [elt[0], elt[1]] not in list_of_speakers: | |
list_of_speakers.append([elt[0], elt[1]]) | |
# Sorting (by ID) | |
list_of_speakers.sort() # [[1, 'Speaker1'], [0, 'Speaker0']] => [[0, 'Speaker0'], [1, 'Speaker1']] | |
# Display saved names so the user can modify them | |
initial_names = "" | |
for elt in list_of_speakers: | |
initial_names += elt[1] + "\n" | |
names_input = st.text_area("Just replace the names without changing the format (one per line)", | |
value=initial_names) | |
# Display Options (Cancel / Save) | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
# Cancel changes by clicking a button - callback function to return to the results page | |
st.button("Cancel", on_click=update_session_state, args=("page_index", 1,)) | |
with col2: | |
# Confirm changes by clicking a button - callback function to apply changes and return to the results page | |
st.button("Save changes", on_click=click_confirm_rename_btn, args=(names_input, number_of_speakers,)) | |
# Don't have anyone to rename | |
else: | |
st.error("0 speakers have been detected. Seem there is an issue with diarization") | |
with st.spinner("Redirecting to transcription page"): | |
time.sleep(4) | |
# return to the results page | |
update_session_state("page_index", 1) | |
def click_confirm_rename_btn(names_input, number_of_speakers): | |
""" | |
If the users decides to rename speakers and confirms his choices, we apply the modifications to our transcript | |
Then we return to the results page of the app | |
:param names_input: string | |
:param number_of_speakers: Number of detected speakers in the audio file | |
""" | |
try: | |
names_input = names_input.split("\n")[:number_of_speakers] | |
for elt in st.session_state["process"]: | |
elt[2] = names_input[elt[1]] | |
txt_text = create_txt_text_from_process() | |
update_session_state("txt_transcript", txt_text) | |
update_session_state("page_index", 1) | |
except TypeError: # list indices must be integers or slices, not str (happened to me one time when writing non sense names) | |
st.error("Please respect the 1 name per line format") | |
with st.spinner("We are relaunching the page"): | |
time.sleep(3) | |
update_session_state("page_index", 1) | |
def transcription_diarization(filename, diarization_timestamps, stt_model, stt_tokenizer, diarization_token, srt_token, | |
summarize_token, timestamps_token, myaudio, start, save_result, txt_text, srt_text): | |
""" | |
Performs transcription with the diarization mode | |
:param filename: name of the audio file | |
:param diarization_timestamps: timestamps of each audio part (ex 10 to 50 secs) | |
:param stt_model: Speech to text model | |
:param stt_tokenizer: Speech to text model's tokenizer | |
:param diarization_token: Differentiate or not the speakers (choice fixed by user) | |
:param srt_token: Enable/Disable generate srt file (choice fixed by user) | |
:param summarize_token: Summarize or not the transcript (choice fixed by user) | |
:param timestamps_token: Display and save or not the timestamps (choice fixed by user) | |
:param myaudio: AudioSegment file | |
:param start: int value (s) given by st.slider() (fixed by user) | |
:param save_result: whole process | |
:param txt_text: generated .txt transcript | |
:param srt_text: generated .srt transcript | |
:return: results of transcribing action | |
""" | |
# Numeric counter that identifies each sequential subtitle | |
srt_index = 1 | |
# Handle a rare case : Only the case if only one "list" in the list (it makes a classic list) not a list of list | |
if not isinstance(diarization_timestamps[0], list): | |
diarization_timestamps = [diarization_timestamps] | |
# Transcribe each audio chunk (from timestamp to timestamp) and display transcript | |
for index, elt in enumerate(diarization_timestamps): | |
sub_start = elt[0] | |
sub_end = elt[1] | |
transcription = transcribe_audio_part(filename, stt_model, stt_tokenizer, myaudio, sub_start, sub_end, | |
index) | |
# Initial audio has been split with start & end values | |
# It begins to 0s, but the timestamps need to be adjust with +start*1000 values to adapt the gap | |
if transcription != "": | |
save_result, txt_text, srt_text, srt_index = display_transcription(diarization_token, summarize_token, | |
srt_token, timestamps_token, | |
transcription, save_result, txt_text, | |
srt_text, | |
srt_index, sub_start + start * 1000, | |
sub_end + start * 1000, elt) | |
return save_result, txt_text, srt_text | |
def transcription_non_diarization(filename, myaudio, start, end, diarization_token, timestamps_token, srt_token, | |
summarize_token, stt_model, stt_tokenizer, min_space, max_space, save_result, | |
txt_text, srt_text): | |
""" | |
Performs transcribing action with the non-diarization mode | |
:param filename: name of the audio file | |
:param myaudio: AudioSegment file | |
:param start: int value (s) given by st.slider() (fixed by user) | |
:param end: int value (s) given by st.slider() (fixed by user) | |
:param diarization_token: Differentiate or not the speakers (choice fixed by user) | |
:param timestamps_token: Display and save or not the timestamps (choice fixed by user) | |
:param srt_token: Enable/Disable generate srt file (choice fixed by user) | |
:param summarize_token: Summarize or not the transcript (choice fixed by user) | |
:param stt_model: Speech to text model | |
:param stt_tokenizer: Speech to text model's tokenizer | |
:param min_space: Minimum temporal distance between two silences | |
:param max_space: Maximum temporal distance between two silences | |
:param save_result: whole process | |
:param txt_text: generated .txt transcript | |
:param srt_text: generated .srt transcript | |
:return: results of transcribing action | |
""" | |
# Numeric counter identifying each sequential subtitle | |
srt_index = 1 | |
# get silences | |
silence_list = detect_silences(myaudio) | |
if silence_list != []: | |
silence_list = get_middle_silence_time(silence_list) | |
silence_list = silences_distribution(silence_list, min_space, max_space, start, end, srt_token) | |
else: | |
silence_list = generate_regular_split_till_end(silence_list, int(end), min_space, max_space) | |
# Transcribe each audio chunk (from timestamp to timestamp) and display transcript | |
for i in range(0, len(silence_list) - 1): | |
sub_start = silence_list[i] | |
sub_end = silence_list[i + 1] | |
transcription = transcribe_audio_part(filename, stt_model, stt_tokenizer, myaudio, sub_start, sub_end, i) | |
# Initial audio has been split with start & end values | |
# It begins to 0s, but the timestamps need to be adjust with +start*1000 values to adapt the gap | |
if transcription != "": | |
save_result, txt_text, srt_text, srt_index = display_transcription(diarization_token, summarize_token, | |
srt_token, timestamps_token, | |
transcription, save_result, | |
txt_text, | |
srt_text, | |
srt_index, sub_start + start * 1000, | |
sub_end + start * 1000) | |
return save_result, txt_text, srt_text | |
def silence_mode_init(srt_token): | |
""" | |
Fix min_space and max_space values | |
If the user wants a srt file, we need to have tiny timestamps | |
:param srt_token: Enable/Disable generate srt file option (choice fixed by user) | |
:return: min_space and max_space values | |
""" | |
if srt_token: | |
# We need short intervals if we want a short text | |
min_space = 1000 # 1 sec | |
max_space = 8000 # 8 secs | |
else: | |
min_space = 25000 # 25 secs | |
max_space = 45000 # 45secs | |
return min_space, max_space | |
def detect_silences(audio): | |
""" | |
Silence moments detection in an audio file | |
:param audio: pydub.AudioSegment file | |
:return: list with silences time intervals | |
""" | |
# Get Decibels (dB) so silences detection depends on the audio instead of a fixed value | |
dbfs = audio.dBFS | |
# Get silences timestamps > 750ms | |
silence_list = silence.detect_silence(audio, min_silence_len=750, silence_thresh=dbfs - 14) | |
return silence_list | |
def generate_regular_split_till_end(time_list, end, min_space, max_space): | |
""" | |
Add automatic "time cuts" to time_list till end value depending on min_space and max_space values | |
:param time_list: silence time list | |
:param end: int value (s) | |
:param min_space: Minimum temporal distance between two silences | |
:param max_space: Maximum temporal distance between two silences | |
:return: list with automatic time cuts | |
""" | |
# In range loop can't handle float values so we convert to int | |
int_last_value = int(time_list[-1]) | |
int_end = int(end) | |
# Add maxspace to the last list value and add this value to the list | |
for i in range(int_last_value, int_end, max_space): | |
value = i + max_space | |
if value < end: | |
time_list.append(value) | |
# Fix last automatic cut | |
# If small gap (ex: 395 000, with end = 400 000) | |
if end - time_list[-1] < min_space: | |
time_list[-1] = end | |
else: | |
# If important gap (ex: 311 000 then 356 000, with end = 400 000, can't replace and then have 311k to 400k) | |
time_list.append(end) | |
return time_list | |
def get_middle_silence_time(silence_list): | |
""" | |
Replace in a list each timestamp by a unique value, which is approximately the middle of each silence timestamp, to | |
avoid word cutting | |
:param silence_list: List of lists where each element has a start and end value which describes a silence timestamp | |
:return: Simple float list | |
""" | |
length = len(silence_list) | |
index = 0 | |
while index < length: | |
diff = (silence_list[index][1] - silence_list[index][0]) | |
if diff < 3500: | |
silence_list[index] = silence_list[index][0] + diff / 2 | |
index += 1 | |
else: | |
adapted_diff = 1500 | |
silence_list.insert(index + 1, silence_list[index][1] - adapted_diff) | |
silence_list[index] = silence_list[index][0] + adapted_diff | |
length += 1 | |
index += 2 | |
return silence_list | |
def silences_distribution(silence_list, min_space, max_space, start, end, srt_token=False): | |
""" | |
We keep each silence value if it is sufficiently distant from its neighboring values, without being too much | |
:param silence_list: List with silences intervals | |
:param min_space: Minimum temporal distance between two silences | |
:param max_space: Maximum temporal distance between two silences | |
:param start: int value (seconds) | |
:param end: int value (seconds) | |
:param srt_token: Enable/Disable generate srt file (choice fixed by user) | |
:return: list with equally distributed silences | |
""" | |
# If starts != 0, we need to adjust end value since silences detection is performed on the trimmed/cut audio | |
# (and not on the original audio) (ex: trim audio from 20s to 2m will be 0s to 1m40 = 2m-20s) | |
# Shift the end according to the start value | |
end -= start | |
start = 0 | |
end *= 1000 | |
# Step 1 - Add start value | |
newsilence = [start] | |
# Step 2 - Create a regular distribution between start and the first element of silence_list to don't have a gap > max_space and run out of memory | |
# example newsilence = [0] and silence_list starts with 100000 => It will create a massive gap [0, 100000] | |
if silence_list[0] - max_space > newsilence[0]: | |
for i in range(int(newsilence[0]), int(silence_list[0]), max_space): # int bc float can't be in a range loop | |
value = i + max_space | |
if value < silence_list[0]: | |
newsilence.append(value) | |
# Step 3 - Create a regular distribution until the last value of the silence_list | |
min_desired_value = newsilence[-1] | |
max_desired_value = newsilence[-1] | |
nb_values = len(silence_list) | |
while nb_values != 0: | |
max_desired_value += max_space | |
# Get a window of the values greater than min_desired_value and lower than max_desired_value | |
silence_window = list(filter(lambda x: min_desired_value < x <= max_desired_value, silence_list)) | |
if silence_window != []: | |
# Get the nearest value we can to min_desired_value or max_desired_value depending on srt_token | |
if srt_token: | |
nearest_value = min(silence_window, key=lambda x: abs(x - min_desired_value)) | |
nb_values -= silence_window.index(nearest_value) + 1 # (index begins at 0, so we add 1) | |
else: | |
nearest_value = min(silence_window, key=lambda x: abs(x - max_desired_value)) | |
# Max value index = len of the list | |
nb_values -= len(silence_window) | |
# Append the nearest value to our list | |
newsilence.append(nearest_value) | |
# If silence_window is empty we add the max_space value to the last one to create an automatic cut and avoid multiple audio cutting | |
else: | |
newsilence.append(newsilence[-1] + max_space) | |
min_desired_value = newsilence[-1] | |
max_desired_value = newsilence[-1] | |
# Step 4 - Add the final value (end) | |
if end - newsilence[-1] > min_space: | |
# Gap > Min Space | |
if end - newsilence[-1] < max_space: | |
newsilence.append(end) | |
else: | |
# Gap too important between the last list value and the end value | |
# We need to create automatic max_space cut till the end | |
newsilence = generate_regular_split_till_end(newsilence, end, min_space, max_space) | |
else: | |
# Gap < Min Space <=> Final value and last value of new silence are too close, need to merge | |
if len(newsilence) >= 2: | |
if end - newsilence[-2] <= max_space: | |
# Replace if gap is not too important | |
newsilence[-1] = end | |
else: | |
newsilence.append(end) | |
else: | |
if end - newsilence[-1] <= max_space: | |
# Replace if gap is not too important | |
newsilence[-1] = end | |
else: | |
newsilence.append(end) | |
return newsilence | |
def init_transcription(start, end): | |
""" | |
Initialize values and inform user that transcription is in progress | |
:param start: int value (s) given by st.slider() (fixed by user) | |
:param end: int value (s) given by st.slider() (fixed by user) | |
:return: final_transcription, final_srt_text, and the process | |
""" | |
update_session_state("summary", "") | |
st.write("Transcription between", start, "and", end, "seconds in process.\n\n") | |
txt_text = "" | |
srt_text = "" | |
save_result = [] | |
return txt_text, srt_text, save_result | |
def transcribe_audio_part(filename, stt_model, stt_tokenizer, myaudio, sub_start, sub_end, index): | |
""" | |
Transcribe an audio between a sub_start and a sub_end value (s) | |
:param filename: name of the audio file | |
:param stt_model: Speech to text model | |
:param stt_tokenizer: Speech to text model's tokenizer | |
:param myaudio: AudioSegment file | |
:param sub_start: start value (s) of the considered audio part to transcribe | |
:param sub_end: end value (s) of the considered audio part to transcribe | |
:param index: audio file counter | |
:return: transcription of the considered audio (only in uppercase, so we add lower() to make the reading easier) | |
""" | |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" | |
try: | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
new_audio = myaudio[sub_start:sub_end] # Works in milliseconds | |
path = filename[:-3] + "audio_" + str(index) + ".mp3" | |
new_audio.export(path) # Exports to a mp3 file in the current path | |
# Load audio file with librosa, set sound rate to 16000 Hz because the model we use was trained on 16000 Hz data | |
input_audio, _ = librosa.load(path, sr=16000,mono=True) | |
#audio = librosa.load(path,sr=16000,mono=True) | |
audio = whisper.load_audio(path) | |
audio = whisper.pad_or_trim(audio) | |
mel = whisper.log_mel_spectrogram(audio).to(stt_model.device) | |
# return PyTorch torch.Tensor instead of a list of python integers thanks to return_tensors = βptβ | |
input_values = stt_tokenizer(input_audio, return_tensors="pt").to(device).input_values | |
# Get logits from the data structure containing all the information returned by the model and get our prediction | |
#______________________________ | |
#logits = | |
#prediction = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1) | |
#_______________________________ | |
# Decode & lower our string (model's output is only uppercase) | |
options = whisper.DecodingOptions(language='english', task='transcribe', without_timestamps=False) | |
if isinstance(stt_tokenizer, Wav2Vec2Tokenizer): | |
#transcription = stt_tokenizer.batch_decode(prediction)[0] | |
transcription = sst_model.decode(mel,options) | |
elif isinstance(stt_tokenizer, Wav2Vec2Processor): | |
#transcription = stt_tokenizer.decode(prediction[0]) | |
result =stt_model.decode(mel,options) | |
transcription = result.text # sst_model.decode(mel,options) | |
# return transcription | |
return transcription | |
except audioread.NoBackendError: | |
# Means we have a chunk with a [value1 : value2] case with value1>value2 | |
st.error("Sorry, seems we have a problem on our side. Please change start & end values.") | |
time.sleep(3) | |
st.stop() | |
def optimize_subtitles(transcription, srt_index, sub_start, sub_end, srt_text): | |
""" | |
Create & Optimize the subtitles (avoid a too long reading when many words are said in a short time) | |
The optimization (if statement) can sometimes create a gap between the subtitles and the video, if there is music | |
for example. In this case, it may be wise to disable the optimization, never going through the if statement. | |
:param transcription: transcript generated for an audio chunk | |
:param srt_index: Numeric counter that identifies each sequential subtitle | |
:param sub_start: beginning of the transcript | |
:param sub_end: end of the transcript | |
:param srt_text: generated .srt transcript | |
""" | |
transcription_length = len(transcription) | |
# Length of the transcript should be limited to about 42 characters per line to avoid this problem | |
if transcription_length > 42: | |
# Split the timestamp and its transcript in two parts | |
# Get the middle timestamp | |
diff = (timedelta(milliseconds=sub_end) - timedelta(milliseconds=sub_start)) / 2 | |
middle_timestamp = str(timedelta(milliseconds=sub_start) + diff).split(".")[0] | |
# Get the closest middle index to a space (we don't divide transcription_length/2 to avoid cutting a word) | |
space_indexes = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(transcription) if char == " "] | |
nearest_index = min(space_indexes, key=lambda x: abs(x - transcription_length / 2)) | |
# First transcript part | |
first_transcript = transcription[:nearest_index] | |
# Second transcript part | |
second_transcript = transcription[nearest_index + 1:] | |
# Add both transcript parts to the srt_text | |
srt_text += str(srt_index) + "\n" + str(timedelta(milliseconds=sub_start)).split(".")[0] + " --> " + middle_timestamp + "\n" + first_transcript + "\n\n" | |
srt_index += 1 | |
srt_text += str(srt_index) + "\n" + middle_timestamp + " --> " + str(timedelta(milliseconds=sub_end)).split(".")[0] + "\n" + second_transcript + "\n\n" | |
srt_index += 1 | |
else: | |
# Add transcript without operations | |
srt_text += str(srt_index) + "\n" + str(timedelta(milliseconds=sub_start)).split(".")[0] + " --> " + str(timedelta(milliseconds=sub_end)).split(".")[0] + "\n" + transcription + "\n\n" | |
return srt_text, srt_index | |
def display_transcription(diarization_token, summarize_token, srt_token, timestamps_token, transcription, save_result, | |
txt_text, srt_text, srt_index, sub_start, sub_end, elt=None): | |
""" | |
Display results | |
:param diarization_token: Differentiate or not the speakers (choice fixed by user) | |
:param summarize_token: Summarize or not the transcript (choice fixed by user) | |
:param srt_token: Enable/Disable generate srt file (choice fixed by user) | |
:param timestamps_token: Display and save or not the timestamps (choice fixed by user) | |
:param transcription: transcript of the considered audio | |
:param save_result: whole process | |
:param txt_text: generated .txt transcript | |
:param srt_text: generated .srt transcript | |
:param srt_index : numeric counter that identifies each sequential subtitle | |
:param sub_start: start value (s) of the considered audio part to transcribe | |
:param sub_end: end value (s) of the considered audio part to transcribe | |
:param elt: timestamp (diarization case only, otherwise elt = None) | |
""" | |
# Display will be different depending on the mode (dia, no dia, dia_ts, nodia_ts) | |
# diarization mode | |
if diarization_token: | |
if summarize_token: | |
update_session_state("summary", transcription + " ", concatenate_token=True) | |
if not timestamps_token: | |
temp_transcription = elt[2] + " : " + transcription | |
st.write(temp_transcription + "\n\n") | |
save_result.append([int(elt[2][-1]), elt[2], " : " + transcription]) | |
elif timestamps_token: | |
temp_timestamps = str(timedelta(milliseconds=sub_start)).split(".")[0] + " --> " + \ | |
str(timedelta(milliseconds=sub_end)).split(".")[0] + "\n" | |
temp_transcription = elt[2] + " : " + transcription | |
temp_list = [temp_timestamps, int(elt[2][-1]), elt[2], " : " + transcription, int(sub_start / 1000)] | |
save_result.append(temp_list) | |
st.button(temp_timestamps, on_click=click_timestamp_btn, args=(sub_start,)) | |
st.write(temp_transcription + "\n\n") | |
if srt_token: | |
srt_text, srt_index = optimize_subtitles(transcription, srt_index, sub_start, sub_end, srt_text) | |
# Non diarization case | |
else: | |
if not timestamps_token: | |
save_result.append([transcription]) | |
st.write(transcription + "\n\n") | |
else: | |
temp_timestamps = str(timedelta(milliseconds=sub_start)).split(".")[0] + " --> " + \ | |
str(timedelta(milliseconds=sub_end)).split(".")[0] + "\n" | |
temp_list = [temp_timestamps, transcription, int(sub_start / 1000)] | |
save_result.append(temp_list) | |
st.button(temp_timestamps, on_click=click_timestamp_btn, args=(sub_start,)) | |
st.write(transcription + "\n\n") | |
if srt_token: | |
srt_text, srt_index = optimize_subtitles(transcription, srt_index, sub_start, sub_end, srt_text) | |
txt_text += transcription + " " # So x seconds sentences are separated | |
return save_result, txt_text, srt_text, srt_index | |
def add_punctuation(t5_model, t5_tokenizer, transcript): | |
""" | |
Punctuate a transcript | |
:return: Punctuated and improved (corrected) transcript | |
""" | |
input_text = "fix: { " + transcript + " } </s>" | |
input_ids = t5_tokenizer.encode(input_text, return_tensors="pt", max_length=10000, truncation=True, | |
add_special_tokens=True) | |
outputs = t5_model.generate( | |
input_ids=input_ids, | |
max_length=256, | |
num_beams=4, | |
repetition_penalty=1.0, | |
length_penalty=1.0, | |
early_stopping=True | |
) | |
transcript = t5_tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True) | |
return transcript | |
def convert_file_to_wav(aud_seg, filename): | |
""" | |
Convert a mp3/mp4 in a wav format | |
Needs to be modified if you want to convert a format which contains less or more than 3 letters | |
:param aud_seg: pydub.AudioSegment | |
:param filename: name of the file | |
:return: name of the converted file | |
""" | |
filename = "../data/my_wav_file_" + filename[:-3] + "wav" | |
aud_seg.export(filename, format="wav") | |
newaudio = AudioSegment.from_file(filename) | |
return newaudio, filename | |
def get_diarization(dia_pipeline, filename): | |
""" | |
Diarize an audio (find numbers of speakers, when they speak, ...) | |
:param dia_pipeline: Pyannote's library (diarization pipeline) | |
:param filename: name of a wav audio file | |
:return: str list containing audio's diarization time intervals | |
""" | |
# Get diarization of the audio | |
diarization = dia_pipeline({'audio': filename}) | |
listmapping = diarization.labels() | |
listnewmapping = [] | |
# Rename default speakers' names (Default is A, B, ...), we want Speaker0, Speaker1, ... | |
number_of_speakers = len(listmapping) | |
for i in range(number_of_speakers): | |
listnewmapping.append("Speaker" + str(i)) | |
mapping_dict = dict(zip(listmapping, listnewmapping)) | |
diarization.rename_labels(mapping_dict, | |
copy=False) # copy set to False so we don't create a new annotation, we replace the actual on | |
return diarization, number_of_speakers | |
def confirm_token_change(hf_token, page_index): | |
""" | |
A function that saves the hugging face token entered by the user. | |
It also updates the page index variable so we can indicate we now want to display the home page instead of the token page | |
:param hf_token: user's token | |
:param page_index: number that represents the home page index (mentioned in the file) | |
""" | |
update_session_state("my_HF_token", hf_token) | |
update_session_state("page_index", page_index) | |
def convert_str_diarlist_to_timedelta(diarization_result): | |
""" | |
Extract from Diarization result the given speakers with their respective speaking times and transform them in pandas timedelta objects | |
:param diarization_result: result of diarization | |
:return: list with timedelta intervals and their respective speaker | |
""" | |
# get speaking intervals from diarization | |
segments = diarization_result.for_json()["content"] | |
diarization_timestamps = [] | |
for sample in segments: | |
# Convert segment in a pd.Timedelta object | |
new_seg = [pd.Timedelta(seconds=round(sample["segment"]["start"], 2)), | |
pd.Timedelta(seconds=round(sample["segment"]["end"], 2)), sample["label"]] | |
# Start and end = speaking duration | |
# label = who is speaking | |
diarization_timestamps.append(new_seg) | |
return diarization_timestamps | |
def merge_speaker_times(diarization_timestamps, max_space, srt_token): | |
""" | |
Merge near times for each detected speaker (Same speaker during 1-2s and 3-4s -> Same speaker during 1-4s) | |
:param diarization_timestamps: diarization list | |
:param max_space: Maximum temporal distance between two silences | |
:param srt_token: Enable/Disable generate srt file (choice fixed by user) | |
:return: list with timedelta intervals and their respective speaker | |
""" | |
if not srt_token: | |
threshold = pd.Timedelta(seconds=max_space / 1000) | |
index = 0 | |
length = len(diarization_timestamps) - 1 | |
while index < length: | |
if diarization_timestamps[index + 1][2] == diarization_timestamps[index][2] and \ | |
diarization_timestamps[index + 1][1] - threshold <= diarization_timestamps[index][0]: | |
diarization_timestamps[index][1] = diarization_timestamps[index + 1][1] | |
del diarization_timestamps[index + 1] | |
length -= 1 | |
else: | |
index += 1 | |
return diarization_timestamps | |
def extending_timestamps(new_diarization_timestamps): | |
""" | |
Extend timestamps between each diarization timestamp if possible, so we avoid word cutting | |
:param new_diarization_timestamps: list | |
:return: list with merged times | |
""" | |
for i in range(1, len(new_diarization_timestamps)): | |
if new_diarization_timestamps[i][0] - new_diarization_timestamps[i - 1][1] <= timedelta(milliseconds=3000) and \ | |
new_diarization_timestamps[i][0] - new_diarization_timestamps[i - 1][1] >= timedelta(milliseconds=100): | |
middle = (new_diarization_timestamps[i][0] - new_diarization_timestamps[i - 1][1]) / 2 | |
new_diarization_timestamps[i][0] -= middle | |
new_diarization_timestamps[i - 1][1] += middle | |
# Converting list so we have a milliseconds format | |
for elt in new_diarization_timestamps: | |
elt[0] = elt[0].total_seconds() * 1000 | |
elt[1] = elt[1].total_seconds() * 1000 | |
return new_diarization_timestamps | |
def clean_directory(path): | |
""" | |
Clean files of directory | |
:param path: directory's path | |
""" | |
for file in os.listdir(path): | |
os.remove(os.path.join(path, file)) | |
def correct_values(start, end, audio_length): | |
""" | |
Start or/and end value(s) can be in conflict, so we check these values | |
:param start: int value (s) given by st.slider() (fixed by user) | |
:param end: int value (s) given by st.slider() (fixed by user) | |
:param audio_length: audio duration (s) | |
:return: approved values | |
""" | |
# Start & end Values need to be checked | |
if start >= audio_length or start >= end: | |
start = 0 | |
st.write("Start value has been set to 0s because of conflicts with other values") | |
if end > audio_length or end == 0: | |
end = audio_length | |
st.write("End value has been set to maximum value because of conflicts with other values") | |
return start, end | |
def split_text(my_text, max_size): | |
""" | |
Split a text | |
Maximum sequence length for this model is max_size. | |
If the transcript is longer, it needs to be split by the nearest possible value to max_size. | |
To avoid cutting words, we will cut on "." characters, and " " if there is not "." | |
:return: split text | |
""" | |
cut2 = max_size | |
# First, we get indexes of "." | |
my_split_text_list = [] | |
nearest_index = 0 | |
length = len(my_text) | |
# We split the transcript in text blocks of size <= max_size. | |
if cut2 == length: | |
my_split_text_list.append(my_text) | |
else: | |
while cut2 <= length: | |
cut1 = nearest_index | |
cut2 = nearest_index + max_size | |
# Find the best index to split | |
dots_indexes = [index for index, char in enumerate(my_text[cut1:cut2]) if | |
char == "."] | |
if dots_indexes != []: | |
nearest_index = max(dots_indexes) + 1 + cut1 | |
else: | |
spaces_indexes = [index for index, char in enumerate(my_text[cut1:cut2]) if | |
char == " "] | |
if spaces_indexes != []: | |
nearest_index = max(spaces_indexes) + 1 + cut1 | |
else: | |
nearest_index = cut2 + cut1 | |
my_split_text_list.append(my_text[cut1: nearest_index]) | |
return my_split_text_list | |
def update_session_state(var, data, concatenate_token=False): | |
""" | |
A simple function to update a session state variable | |
:param var: variable's name | |
:param data: new value of the variable | |
:param concatenate_token: do we replace or concatenate | |
""" | |
if concatenate_token: | |
st.session_state[var] += data | |
else: | |
st.session_state[var] = data | |
def display_results(): | |
""" | |
Display Results page | |
This function allows you to display saved results after clicking a button. Without it, Streamlit automatically | |
reload the whole page when clicking a button, so you would lose all the generated transcript which would be very | |
frustrating for the user. | |
""" | |
# Add a button to return to the main page | |
st.button("Load an other file", on_click=update_session_state, args=("page_index", 0,)) | |
# Display results | |['audio_file'], start_time=st.session_state["start_time"]) | |
# Display results of transcript by steps | |
if st.session_state["process"] != []: | |
if st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "NODIA": # Non diarization, non timestamps case | |
for elt in (st.session_state['process']): | |
st.write(elt[0]) | |
elif st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "DIA": # Diarization without timestamps case | |
for elt in (st.session_state['process']): | |
st.write(elt[1] + elt[2]) | |
elif st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "NODIA_TS": # Non diarization with timestamps case | |
for elt in (st.session_state['process']): | |
st.button(elt[0], on_click=update_session_state, args=("start_time", elt[2],)) | |
st.write(elt[1]) | |
elif st.session_state["chosen_mode"] == "DIA_TS": # Diarization with timestamps case | |
for elt in (st.session_state['process']): | |
st.button(elt[0], on_click=update_session_state, args=("start_time", elt[4],)) | |
st.write(elt[2] + elt[3]) | |
# Display final text | |
st.subheader("Final text is") | |
st.write(st.session_state["txt_transcript"]) | |
# Display Summary | |
if st.session_state["summary"] != "": | |
with st.expander("Summary"): | |
st.write(st.session_state["summary"]) | |
# Display the buttons in a list to avoid having empty columns (explained in the transcription() function) | |
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) | |
col_list = [col1, col2, col3, col4] | |
col_index = 0 | |
for elt in st.session_state["btn_token_list"]: | |
if elt[0]: | |
mycol = col_list[col_index] | |
if elt[1] == "useless_txt_token": | |
# Download your transcription.txt | |
with mycol: | |
st.download_button("Download as TXT", st.session_state["txt_transcript"], | |
file_name="my_transcription.txt") | |
elif elt[1] == "srt_token": | |
# Download your | |
with mycol: | |
st.download_button("Download as SRT", st.session_state["srt_txt"], file_name="") | |
elif elt[1] == "dia_token": | |
with mycol: | |
# Rename the speakers detected in your audio | |
st.button("Rename Speakers", on_click=update_session_state, args=("page_index", 2,)) | |
elif elt[1] == "summarize_token": | |
with mycol: | |
st.download_button("Download Summary", st.session_state["summary"], file_name="my_summary.txt") | |
col_index += 1 | |
def click_timestamp_btn(sub_start): | |
""" | |
When user clicks a Timestamp button, we go to the display results page and is set to the sub_start value) | |
It allows the user to listen to the considered part of the audio | |
:param sub_start: Beginning of the considered transcript (ms) | |
""" | |
update_session_state("page_index", 1) | |
update_session_state("start_time", int(sub_start / 1000)) # division to convert ms to s | |
def diarization_treatment(filename, dia_pipeline, max_space, srt_token): | |
""" | |
Launch the whole diarization process to get speakers time intervals as pandas timedelta objects | |
:param filename: name of the audio file | |
:param dia_pipeline: Diarization Model (Differentiate speakers) | |
:param max_space: Maximum temporal distance between two silences | |
:param srt_token: Enable/Disable generate srt file (choice fixed by user) | |
:return: speakers time intervals list and number of different detected speakers | |
""" | |
# initialization | |
diarization_timestamps = [] | |
# whole diarization process | |
diarization, number_of_speakers = get_diarization(dia_pipeline, filename) | |
if len(diarization) > 0: | |
diarization_timestamps = convert_str_diarlist_to_timedelta(diarization) | |
diarization_timestamps = merge_speaker_times(diarization_timestamps, max_space, srt_token) | |
diarization_timestamps = extending_timestamps(diarization_timestamps) | |
return diarization_timestamps, number_of_speakers | |
def extract_audio_from_yt_video(url): | |
""" | |
Extracts audio from a YouTube url | |
:param url: link of a YT video | |
:return: name of the saved audio file | |
""" | |
filename = "yt_download_" + url[-11:] + ".mp3" | |
try: | |
ydl_opts = { | |
'format': 'bestaudio/best', | |
'outtmpl': filename, | |
'postprocessors': [{ | |
'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', | |
'preferredcodec': 'mp3', | |
}], | |
} | |
with st.spinner("We are extracting the audio from the video"): | |
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: | |[url]) | |
# Handle DownloadError: ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden / happens sometimes | |
except DownloadError: | |
filename = None | |
return filename | |