- 您可以插入外链图片,或上传本地图片到文档中。
- 从本地上传的图片不支持外链引用,您可以通过坚果云分享链接来发布图文预览。
- 可上传的单张图片最大20M,支持PNG、JPG格式,使用时请留意账号流量或空间是否充足。
- 若有其他疑问,欢迎咨询官网在线客服。
You can insert pictures from external links, or upload ones.
The pictures in the articles can not be used through external links. Please share your articles with the Nutstore share link.
The maximum size of the picture to upload is 20M. PNG and JPG are better. Be sure that your traffic and space are enough if you want to add a lot of pictures in your article.
Have any other questions, please contact our official customer service. |