import torch import numpy as np import os from lib.config import cfg import trimesh def update_loss_img(output, batch): mse = torch.mean((output['rgb_map'] - batch['rgb'])**2, dim=2)[0] mse = mse.detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32) # load the loss img img_path = batch['meta']['img_path'][0] paths = img_path.split('/') paths[-1] = os.path.basename(img_path).replace('.jpg', '.npy') loss_img_path = os.path.join(paths[0], 'loss', *paths[1:]) if os.path.exists(loss_img_path): loss_img = np.load(loss_img_path) else: os.system("mkdir -p '{}'".format(os.path.dirname(loss_img_path))) H, W = int(cfg.H * cfg.ratio), int(cfg.W * cfg.ratio) loss_img = mse.mean() * np.ones([H, W]).astype(np.float32) coord = batch['img_coord'][0] coord = coord.detach().cpu().numpy() loss_img[coord[:, 0], coord[:, 1]] = mse, loss_img) def init_smpl(smpl): data_root = 'data/light_stage' smpl_dir = os.path.join(data_root, cfg.smpl, cfg.human) for i in range( smpl_path = os.path.join(smpl_dir, '{}.ply'.format(i + 1)) ply = trimesh.load(smpl_path) xyz = np.array(ply.vertices).ravel()[i] = torch.FloatTensor(xyz) return smpl def pts_to_can_pts(pts, batch): """transform pts from the world coordinate to the smpl coordinate""" Th = batch['Th'] pts = pts - Th R = batch['R'] pts = torch.matmul(pts, batch['R']) return pts def pts_to_coords(pts, min_xyz): pts = pts.clone().detach() # convert xyz to the voxel coordinate dhw dhw = pts[..., [2, 1, 0]] min_dhw = min_xyz[:, [2, 1, 0]] dhw = dhw - min_dhw[:, None] dhw = dhw / torch.tensor(cfg.voxel_size).to(dhw) return dhw