File size: 3,357 Bytes
4433fdf 70ae0b7 c96a726 e2401b8 4433fdf a0c5560 1f002c5 a0c5560 c96a726 4433fdf a0c5560 4433fdf a863148 4433fdf a0c5560 4433fdf c96a726 4433fdf c96a726 4433fdf 7aa9760 4433fdf a0c5560 4433fdf c96a726 4433fdf c96a726 4433fdf 0669452 |
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import streamlit as st
import folium
from folium.plugins import Draw
from streamlit_folium import st_folium
import psycopg2
import os
# Set the page layout
# Function to connect to the database
# @st.cache_resource
def connect_to_db():
conn = psycopg2.connect(
return conn
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"An error occurred while connecting to the database: {e}")
return None
# conn = connect_to_db()
# Perform query.
# Uses st.cache_data to only rerun when the query changes or after 10 min.
# @st.cache_data(ttl=600)
# Function to fetch previously saved data points
def fetch_saved_data():
conn = connect_to_db()
if conn:
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT "X", "Y", description, gl_certainty FROM public.gettinglost_tracking')
data = cursor.fetchall()
return data
return []
# Perform query.
# Uses st.cache_data to only rerun when the query changes or after 10 min.
# Function to save data to the database
# @st.cache_data(ttl=600)
def save_data(lat, lon, description, rating):
conn = connect_to_db()
if conn:
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO public.gettinglost_tracking ("X", "Y", geom, description, gl_certainty) VALUES (%s, %s, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(%s, %s), 4326), %s, %s)',
(lat, lon, lon, lat, description, rating))
st.sidebar.success("Data recorded successfully!")
st.sidebar.error("Failed to save data.")
st.title('Getting Lost Mapping')
# Create the Folium map with Draw plugin for point markers
m = folium.Map(location=[51.505, -0.09], zoom_start=13, width='100%', height='100%')
draw = Draw(draw_options={'polyline': False, "marker": True, 'rectangle': False, 'polygon': False, 'circle': False, 'circlemarker': False})
# Display previously saved data points on the map
# conn = connect_to_db()
for point in fetch_saved_data():
lat, lon, desc, rating = point
folium.Marker([lat, lon], popup=f"{desc} (Certainty: {rating})").add_to(m)
# Render the map
map_output = st_folium(m, width='100%', height=600)
# Extract coordinates from drawn point
coords = map_output["all_drawings"][-1]["geometry"]["coordinates"]
st.session_state.coord = coords
# Default coordinates if no point has been drawn yet
coords = [0,0]
# Data Entry Form in the sidebar
st.sidebar.write("Select a location on the map using the location button, then fill out the form.")
description = st.sidebar.text_area("Please describe the location in a few words:")
rating = st.sidebar.selectbox('Certainty (low(1)-High(5)', ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'])
# Clicked coordinates
clicked_lat = coords[1] # Default value, should ideally be updated on map click
clicked_lon = coords[0] # Default value, should ideally be updated on map click
if st.sidebar.button('Save'):
save_data(clicked_lat, clicked_lon, description, rating)