var re_num = /^[.\d]+$/; var original_lines = {}; var translated_lines = {}; function hasLocalization() { return window.localization && Object.keys(window.localization).length > 0; } function textNodesUnder(el) { var n, a = [], walk = document.createTreeWalker(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false); while ((n = walk.nextNode())) a.push(n); return a; } function canBeTranslated(node, text) { if (!text) return false; if (!node.parentElement) return false; var parentType = node.parentElement.nodeName; if (parentType == 'SCRIPT' || parentType == 'STYLE' || parentType == 'TEXTAREA') return false; if (re_num.test(text)) return false; return true; } function getTranslation(text) { if (!text) return undefined; if (translated_lines[text] === undefined) { original_lines[text] = 1; } var tl = localization[text]; if (tl !== undefined) { translated_lines[tl] = 1; } return tl; } function processTextNode(node) { var text = node.textContent.trim(); if (!canBeTranslated(node, text)) return; var tl = getTranslation(text); if (tl !== undefined) { node.textContent = tl; } } function processNode(node) { if (node.nodeType == 3) { processTextNode(node); return; } if (node.title) { let tl = getTranslation(node.title); if (tl !== undefined) { node.title = tl; } } if (node.placeholder) { let tl = getTranslation(node.placeholder); if (tl !== undefined) { node.placeholder = tl; } } textNodesUnder(node).forEach(function(node) { processTextNode(node); }); } function refresh_style_localization() { processNode(document.querySelector('.style_selections')); } function localizeWholePage() { processNode(gradioApp()); function elem(comp) { var elem_id = comp.props.elem_id ? comp.props.elem_id : "component-" +; return gradioApp().getElementById(elem_id); } for (var comp of window.gradio_config.components) { if (comp.props.webui_tooltip) { let e = elem(comp); let tl = e ? getTranslation(e.title) : undefined; if (tl !== undefined) { e.title = tl; } } if (comp.props.placeholder) { let e = elem(comp); let textbox = e ? e.querySelector('[placeholder]') : null; let tl = textbox ? getTranslation(textbox.placeholder) : undefined; if (tl !== undefined) { textbox.placeholder = tl; } } } } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { if (!hasLocalization()) { return; } onUiUpdate(function(m) { m.forEach(function(mutation) { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) { processNode(node); }); }); }); localizeWholePage(); if (localization.rtl) { // if the language is from right to left, (new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { // wait for the style to load mutations.forEach(mutation => { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => { if (node.tagName === 'STYLE') { observer.disconnect(); for (const x of node.sheet.rules) { // find all rtl media rules if (Array.from( || []).includes('rtl')) {'all'); // enable them } } } }); }); })).observe(gradioApp(), {childList: true}); } });