import roop.globals from threading import Thread from chain_img_processor import ChainImgProcessor class ThreadWithReturnValue(Thread): def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, Verbose=None): Thread.__init__(self, group, target, name, args, kwargs) self._return = None def run(self): if self._target is not None: self._return = self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) def join(self, *args): Thread.join(self, *args) return self._return # in beta class ChainVideoProcessor(ChainImgProcessor): def __init__(self): ChainImgProcessor.__init__(self) self.video_save_codec = "libx264" self.video_save_crf = 14 def init_with_plugins(self): self.init_plugins(["core","core_video"]) self.display_init_info() init_on_start_arr = self.init_on_start.split(",") for proc_id in init_on_start_arr: self.init_processor(proc_id) def run_video_chain(self, source_video, target_video, fps, threads:int = 1, chain = None, params_frame_gen_func = None, video_audio = None): import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm from chain_img_processor.ffmpeg_writer import FFMPEG_VideoWriter # ffmpeg install needed cap = cv2.VideoCapture(source_video) # width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) # height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) frame_count = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) # first frame do manually - because upscale may happen, we need to estimate width/height ret, frame = if params_frame_gen_func is not None: params = params_frame_gen_func(self, frame) else: params = {} params["original_frame"] = frame frame_processed, params = self.run_chain(frame,params,chain) height, width, channels = frame_processed.shape self.fill_processors_for_thread_chains(threads,chain) #print(self.processors_objects) #import threading #locks:list[threading.Lock] = [] locks: list[bool] = [] for i in range(threads): #locks.append(threading.Lock()) locks.append(False) temp = [] with FFMPEG_VideoWriter(target_video, (width, height), fps, codec=roop.globals.video_encoder, crf=roop.globals.video_quality, audiofile=video_audio) as output_video_ff: with tqdm(total=frame_count, desc='Processing', unit="frame", dynamic_ncols=True, bar_format='{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}]') as progress: # do first frame output_video_ff.write_frame(frame_processed) progress.update(1) # cnt_frames = 0 # do rest frames while True: # getting frame ret, frame = if not ret: break cnt_frames+=1 thread_ind = cnt_frames % threads # we are having an array of length %gpu_threads%, running in parallel # so if array is equal or longer than gpu threads, waiting #while len(temp) >= threads: while locks[thread_ind]: #print('WAIT', thread_ind) # we are order dependent, so we are forced to wait for first element to finish. When finished removing thread from the list frame_processed, params = temp.pop(0).join() locks[params["_thread_index"]] = False #print('OFF',cnt_frames,locks[params["_thread_index"]],locks) # writing into output output_video_ff.write_frame(frame_processed) # updating the status progress.update(1) # calc params for frame if params_frame_gen_func is not None: params = params_frame_gen_func(self,frame) else: params = {} # adding new frame to the list and starting it locks[thread_ind] = True #print('ON', cnt_frames, thread_ind, locks) params["original_frame"] = frame temp.append( ThreadWithReturnValue(target=self.run_chain, args=(frame, params, chain, thread_ind))) temp[-1].start() while len(temp) > 0: # we are order dependent, so we are forced to wait for first element to finish. When finished removing thread from the list frame_processed, params = temp.pop(0).join() locks[params["_thread_index"]] = False # writing into output output_video_ff.write_frame(frame_processed) progress.update(1) #print("FINAL", locks) _video_processor:ChainVideoProcessor = None def get_single_video_processor() -> ChainVideoProcessor: global _video_processor if _video_processor is None: _video_processor = ChainVideoProcessor() _video_processor.init_with_plugins() return _video_processor