import openai def set_openai_key(openai_key: str): """Set the OpenAI API key. :param openai_key: the open AI key ( """ openai.api_key = openai_key def call_completion_model( prompt: str, model: str = "text-davinci-003", max_tokens: int = 512 ) -> str: """Creates a request for the OpenAI Completion service and returns the response. :param prompt: The prompt for the completion model :param model: OpenAI model name :param max_tokens: Model's max_tokens parameter """ response = openai.Completion.create( model=model, prompt=prompt, max_tokens=max_tokens ) return response["choices"][0].text def create_prompt(anonymized_text: str) -> str: """ Create the prompt with instructions to GPT-3. :param anonymized_text: Text with placeholders instead of PII values, e.g. My name is . """ prompt = f""" Your role is to create synthetic text based on de-identified text with placeholders instead of personally identifiable information. Replace the placeholders (e.g. , , {{DATE}}, {{ip_address}}) with fake values. Instructions: Use completely random numbers, so every digit is drawn between 0 and 9. Use realistic names that come from diverse genders, ethnicities and countries. If there are no placeholders, return the text as is and provide an answer. input: How do I change the limit on my credit card {{credit_card_number}}? output: How do I change the limit on my credit card 2539 3519 2345 1555? input: {anonymized_text} output: """ return prompt