# Simple demo website for Presidio Here's a simple app, written in pure Python, to create a demo website for Presidio. The app is based on the [streamlit](https://streamlit.io/) package. ## Requirements 1. Install dependencies (preferably in a virtual environment) ```sh pip install streamlit pandas presidio-analyzer presidio-anonymizer ``` 2. Download the [presidio_streamlit.py](presidio_streamlit.py) file. 3. *Optional*: Update the `analyzer_engine` and `anonymizer_engine` functions for your specific implementation 3. Start the app: ```sh streamlit run presidio_streamlit.py ``` ## Output Output should be similar to this screenshot: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3776619/120109161-efe21080-c170-11eb-8a29-9eaf71e722ee.png)