import io import streamlit as st import numpy as np from src.utils import utils import PIL.Image as Image from src.reconstruct_image_from_representation import reconstruct_image_from_representation from src.neural_style_transfer import neural_style_transfer st.set_page_config( page_title="Neural Style Transfer Video Generation of image reconstruction", page_icon="\u2712", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", ) st.header("Neural Style Transfer Video Generation") # Sidebar st.sidebar.header("Neural Style Transfer Video Generation") with st.sidebar.expander('About the app'): st.write(""" Use this application to play with the Neural Style Transfer by generating video of optimizer """) # Reconstruct or Transfer with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader("Reconstruct or Transfer batao") Type = st.sidebar.selectbox("Do you want to reconstruct or transfer", ["Reconstruct", "Transfer"]) utils.yamlSet('type', Type) # Optimizer with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader("Optimizer") optimizer = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose Optimizer", ["Adam", "LBFGS"]) utils.yamlSet('optimizer', optimizer) iterations = st.sidebar.slider("Iterations", 10, 3000) utils.yamlSet('iterations', iterations) if optimizer == "Adam": learning_rate = st.sidebar.slider("Learning Rate (100\u03BB)", 0.01, 90.0) utils.yamlSet('learning_rate', learning_rate) st.sidebar.write("\u03BB = ", learning_rate / 100.0) # Reconstruction if Type == "Reconstruct": with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader("Reconstruction") reconstruct = st.sidebar.selectbox("Reconstruct which image", ('Content', 'Style')) utils.yamlSet('reconstruct', reconstruct) # Visualization with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader("Visualization") visualize = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Do you want to visualize feature maps of reconstruct images", ("Yes", "No")) utils.yamlSet('visualize', visualize) # Model with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader("Model") model = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose Model", ("VGG16", "VGG16-Experimental")) utils.yamlSet('model', model) # # use layer # if model == "VGG19": # with st.sidebar.container(): # st.sidebar.subheader("Layer Type") # use = st.sidebar.selectbox("Which type of layer you want to use", # ("convolution", "relu")) # Init Image if Type == "Transfer": with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader("Init Image") initImage = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Init Image", ('Gaussian Noise Image', 'White Noise Image', 'Content', 'Style')) utils.yamlSet('initImage', initImage) # Content Layer with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader("Content Layer") if model == "VGG16-Experimental": contentLayer = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Content Layer", ('relu1_1', 'relu2_1', 'relu2_2', 'relu3_1', 'relu3_2', 'relu4_1', 'relu4_3', 'relu5_1')) elif model == "VGG16": contentLayer = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Content Layer", ('relu1_2', 'relu2_2', 'relu3_3', 'relu4_3')) utils.yamlSet('contentLayer', contentLayer) # elif model == "VGG19" and use == "relu": # st.sidebar.selectbox("Content Layer", # ('relu1_1', 'relu2_1', 'relu3_1', 'relu4_1', 'relu5_1')) # elif model == "VGG19" and use == "convolution": # st.sidebar.selectbox("Content Layer", # ('conv1_1', 'conv2_1', 'conv3_1', 'conv4_1', 'conv4_2', # 'conv5_1')) # Height with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader("Height") height = st.sidebar.slider("Height", 100, 6000, 400) utils.yamlSet('height', height) # Representation saving frequency with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader("Representation Saving Frequency") reprSavFreq = st.sidebar.slider( "After how many iterations you want to save representation for " "video generation", 1, 100) utils.yamlSet('reprSavFreq', reprSavFreq) if Type == "Transfer": # Content Weight col1, col2 = st.columns([0.85, 0.15]) with col1: contentWeight = st.slider("Content Weight (1000\u03B1)", 0.01, 1000.0) utils.yamlSet('contentWeight', contentWeight) with col2: st.write("\u03B1 = ", contentWeight / 1000.0) # Style Weight col1, col2 = st.columns([0.85, 0.15]) with col1: styleWeight = st.slider("Style Weight (1000\u03B2)", 0.01, 1000.0) utils.yamlSet('styleWeight', styleWeight) with col2: st.write("\u03B2 = ", styleWeight / 1000.0) # Total Variation Weight col1, col2 = st.columns([0.85, 0.15]) with col1: totalVariationWeight = st.slider("Total Variation Weight (1000\u03B3)", 0.01, 1000.0) utils.yamlSet('totalVariationWeight', totalVariationWeight) with col2: st.write("\u03B3 = ", totalVariationWeight / 1000.0) # File upload col1, col2 = st.columns([0.5, 0.5]) with col1: contentImage = st.file_uploader('Choose Content Image', type=['jpg']) if contentImage: st.image(contentImage) contentNumpy = np.asarray( contentPath = utils.save_numpy_array_as_jpg(contentNumpy, "content") utils.yamlSet('contentPath', contentPath) with col2: styleImage = st.file_uploader('Choose Style Image', type=['jpg']) if styleImage: st.image(styleImage) styleNumpy = np.asarray( stylePath = utils.save_numpy_array_as_jpg(styleNumpy, "style") utils.yamlSet("stylePath", stylePath) submit = st.button("Submit") if submit: utils.clearDir() if Type == "Reconstruct": reconstruct_image_from_representation() elif Type == "Transfer": neural_style_transfer() video_file = open("src/data/transfer/out.mp4", "rb") video_bytes =