# Copyright 2023-2025 Marigold Team, ETH Zürich. All rights reserved. # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. # See https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ for details. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DualVision is a Gradio template app for image processing. It was developed # to support the Marigold project. If you find this code useful, we kindly # ask you to cite our most relevant papers. # More information about Marigold: # https://marigoldmonodepth.github.io # https://marigoldcomputervision.github.io # Efficient inference pipelines are now part of diffusers: # https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/using-diffusers/marigold_usage # https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/api/pipelines/marigold # Examples of trained models and live demos: # https://huggingface.co/prs-eth # Related projects: # https://marigolddepthcompletion.github.io/ # https://rollingdepth.github.io/ # Citation (BibTeX): # https://github.com/prs-eth/Marigold#-citation # https://github.com/prs-eth/Marigold-DC#-citation # https://github.com/prs-eth/rollingdepth#-citation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import glob import json import os import re import gradio as gr import spaces from PIL import Image from gradio.components.base import Component from .gradio_patches.examples import Examples from .gradio_patches.gallery import Gallery from .gradio_patches.imagesliderplus import ImageSliderPlus from .gradio_patches.radio import Radio class DualVisionApp(gr.Blocks): def __init__( self, title, examples_path="examples", examples_per_page=12, examples_cache="lazy", squeeze_canvas=True, squeeze_viewport_height_pct=75, left_selector_visible=False, advanced_settings_can_be_half_width=True, key_original_image="Original", spaces_zero_gpu_enabled=False, spaces_zero_gpu_duration=None, slider_position=0.5, slider_line_color="#FFF", slider_line_width="4px", slider_arrows_color="#FFF", slider_arrows_width="2px", gallery_thumb_min_size="96px", **kwargs, ): """ A wrapper around Gradio Blocks class that implements an image processing demo template. All the user has to do is to subclass this class and implement two methods: `process` implementing the image processing, and `build_user_components` implementing Gradio components reading the additional processing arguments. Args: title: Title of the application (str, required). examples_path: Base path where examples will be searched (Default: `"examples"`). examples_per_page: How many examples to show at the bottom of the app (Default: `12`). examples_cache: Examples caching policy, corresponding to `cache_examples` argument of gradio.Examples (Default: `"lazy"`). squeeze_canvas: When True, the image is fit to the browser viewport. When False, the image is fit to width (Default: `True`). squeeze_viewport_height_pct: Percentage of the browser viewport height (Default: `75`). left_selector_visible: Whether controls for changing modalities in the left part of the slider are visible (Default: `False`). key_original_image: Name of the key under which the input image is shown in the modality selectors (Default: `"Original"`). advanced_settings_can_be_half_width: Whether allow placing advanced settings dropdown in half-column space whenever possible (Default: `True`). spaces_zero_gpu_enabled: When True, the app wraps the processing function with the ZeroGPU decorator. spaces_zero_gpu_duration: Defines an integer duration in seconds passed into the ZeroGPU decorator. slider_position: Position of the slider between 0 and 1 (Default: `0.5`). slider_line_color: Color of the slider line (Default: `"#FFF"`). slider_line_width: Width of the slider line (Default: `"4px"`). slider_arrows_color: Color of the slider arrows (Default: `"#FFF"`). slider_arrows_width: Width of the slider arrows (Default: `2px`). gallery_thumb_min_size: Min size of the gallery thumbnail (Default: `96px`). **kwargs: Any other arguments that Gradio Blocks class can take. """ squeeze_viewport_height_pct = int(squeeze_viewport_height_pct) if not 50 <= squeeze_viewport_height_pct <= 100: raise gr.Error( "`squeeze_viewport_height_pct` should be an integer between 50 and 100." ) if not os.path.isdir(examples_path): raise gr.Error("`examples_path` should be a directory.") if not 0 <= slider_position <= 1: raise gr.Error("`slider_position` should be between 0 and 1.") kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()} kwargs["title"] = title self.examples_path = examples_path self.examples_per_page = examples_per_page self.examples_cache = examples_cache self.key_original_image = key_original_image self.slider_position = slider_position self.input_keys = None self.input_cls = None self.input_kwargs = None self.left_selector_visible = left_selector_visible self.advanced_settings_can_be_half_width = advanced_settings_can_be_half_width if spaces_zero_gpu_enabled: self.process_components = spaces.GPU( self.process_components, duration=spaces_zero_gpu_duration ) self.head = "" self.head += """ """ if kwargs.get("analytics_enabled") is not False: self.head += f""" """ self.css = f""" body {{ /* tighten the layout */ flex-grow: 0 !important; }} .sliderrow {{ /* center the slider */ display: flex; justify-content: center; }} .slider {{ /* center the slider */ display: flex; justify-content: center; width: 100%; }} .slider .disabled {{ /* hide the main slider before image load */ visibility: hidden; }} .slider .svelte-9gxdi0 {{ /* hide the component label in the top-left corner before image load */ visibility: hidden; }} .slider .svelte-kzcjhc .icon-wrap {{ height: 0px; /* remove unnecessary spaces in captions before image load */ }} .slider .svelte-kzcjhc.wrap {{ padding-top: 0px; /* remove unnecessary spaces in captions before image load */ }} .slider .svelte-3w3rth {{ /* hide the dummy icon from the right pane before image load */ visibility: hidden; }} .svelte-106mu0e.icon-buttons {{ /* download button */ /*right: unset;*/ /*left: 8px;*/ }} .slider .fixed {{ /* fix the opacity of the right pane image */ background-color: var(--anim-block-background-fill); }} .slider .inner {{ /* style slider line */ width: {slider_line_width}; background: {slider_line_color}; }} .slider .icon-wrap svg {{ /* style slider arrows */ stroke: {slider_arrows_color}; stroke-width: {slider_arrows_width}; }} .slider .icon-wrap path {{ /* style slider arrows */ fill: {slider_arrows_color}; }} .row_reverse {{ flex-direction: row-reverse; }} .gallery.svelte-l4wpk0 {{ /* make examples gallery tiles square */ width: max({gallery_thumb_min_size}, calc(100vw / 8)); height: max({gallery_thumb_min_size}, calc(100vw / 8)); }} .gallery.svelte-l4wpk0 img {{ /* make examples gallery tiles square */ width: max({gallery_thumb_min_size}, calc(100vw / 8)); height: max({gallery_thumb_min_size}, calc(100vw / 8)); }} .gallery.svelte-l4wpk0 img {{ /* remove slider line from previews */ clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0); }} .gallery.svelte-l4wpk0 span {{ /* remove slider line from previews */ visibility: hidden; }} h1, h2, h3 {{ /* center markdown headings */ text-align: center; display: block; }} #settings-accordion {{ margin: 0 auto; max-width: 650px; }} """ if squeeze_canvas: self.head += f""" """ self.css += f""" .slider {{ /* make the slider dimensions fit to the uploaded content dimensions */ max-width: fit-content; }} .slider .half-wrap {{ /* make the empty component width almost full before image load */ width: 70vw; }} .slider img {{ /* Ensures image fits inside the viewport */ max-height: {squeeze_viewport_height_pct}vh; }} """ else: self.css += f""" .slider .half-wrap {{ /* make the upload area full width */ width: 100%; }} """ kwargs["css"] = kwargs.get("css", "") + self.css kwargs["head"] = kwargs.get("head", "") + self.head super().__init__(**kwargs) with self: self.make_interface() def process(self, image_in: Image.Image, **kwargs): """ Process an input image into multiple modalities using the provided arguments or default settings. Returns two dictionaries: one containing the modalities and another with the actual settings. Override this method in a subclass. """ raise NotImplementedError("Please override the `process` method.") def build_user_components(self): """ Create gradio components for the Advanced Settings dropdown, that will be passed into the `process` method. Use gr.Row(), gr.Column(), and other context managers to arrange the components. Return them as a flat dict. Override this method in a subclass. """ raise NotImplementedError("Please override the `build_user_components` method.") def discover_examples(self): """ Looks for valid image filenames. """ pattern = re.compile(r".*\.(jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|png|PNG)$") paths = glob.glob(f"{self.examples_path}/*") out = list(sorted(filter(pattern.match, paths))) return out def process_components( self, image_in, modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right, **kwargs ): """ Wraps the call to `process`. Returns results in a structure used by the gallery, slider, radio components. """ if image_in is None: raise gr.Error("Input image is required") image_settings = {} if isinstance(image_in, str): image_settings_path = image_in + ".settings.json" if os.path.isfile(image_settings_path): with open(image_settings_path, "r") as f: image_settings = json.load(f) image_in = Image.open(image_in).convert("RGB") else: if not isinstance(image_in, Image.Image): raise gr.Error(f"Input must be a PIL image, got {type(image_in)}") image_in = image_in.convert("RGB") image_settings.update(kwargs) results_dict, results_settings = self.process(image_in, **image_settings) if not isinstance(results_dict, dict): raise gr.Error( f"`process` must return a dict[str, PIL.Image]. Got type: {type(results_dict)}" ) if len(results_dict) == 0: raise gr.Error("`process` did not return any modalities") for k, v in results_dict.items(): if not isinstance(k, str): raise gr.Error( f"Output dict must have string keys. Found key of type {type(k)}: {repr(k)}" ) if k == self.key_original_image: raise gr.Error( f"Output dict must not have an '{self.key_original_image}' key; it is reserved for the input" ) if not isinstance(v, Image.Image): raise gr.Error( f"Value for key '{k}' must be a PIL Image, got type {type(v)}" ) if len(results_settings) != len(self.input_keys): raise gr.Error( f"Expected number of settings ({len(self.input_keys)}), returned ({len(results_settings)})" ) if any(k not in results_settings for k in self.input_keys): raise gr.Error(f"Mismatching setgings keys") results_settings = { k: cls(**ctor_args, value=results_settings[k]) for k, cls, ctor_args in zip( self.input_keys, self.input_cls, self.input_kwargs ) } results_dict = { self.key_original_image: image_in, **results_dict, } results_state = [[v, k] for k, v in results_dict.items()] modalities = list(results_dict.keys()) modality_left = ( modality_selector_left if modality_selector_left in modalities else modalities[0] ) modality_right = ( modality_selector_right if modality_selector_right in modalities else modalities[1] ) return [ results_state, # goes to a gr.Gallery [ results_dict[modality_left], results_dict[modality_right], ], # ImageSliderPlus Radio( choices=modalities, value=modality_left, label="Left", key="Left", ), Radio( choices=modalities if self.left_selector_visible else modalities[1:], value=modality_right, label="Right", key="Right", ), *results_settings.values(), ] def on_process_first( self, image_slider, modality_selector_left=None, modality_selector_right=None, *args, ): image_in = image_slider[0] input_dict = {} if len(args) > 0: input_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(self.input_keys, args)} return self.process_components( image_in, modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right, **input_dict ) def on_process_subsequent( self, results_state, modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right, *args ): if results_state is None: raise gr.Error("Upload an image first or use an example below.") results_state = {k: v for v, k in results_state} image_in = results_state[self.key_original_image] input_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(self.input_keys, args)} return self.process_components( image_in, modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right, **input_dict ) def on_selector_change_left( self, results_state, image_slider, modality_selector_left ): results_state = {k: v for v, k in results_state} return [results_state[modality_selector_left], image_slider[1]] def on_selector_change_right( self, results_state, image_slider, modality_selector_right ): results_state = {k: v for v, k in results_state} return [image_slider[0], results_state[modality_selector_right]] def make_interface(self): """ Constructs the entire Gradio Blocks interface. """ self.make_header() results_state = Gallery(visible=False) image_slider = self.make_slider() with gr.Row(): modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right = ( self.make_modality_selectors(reverse_visual_order=False) ) user_components, btn_clear, btn_submit = self.make_advanced_settings() self.make_examples( image_slider, [ results_state, image_slider, modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right, *user_components.values(), ], ) image_slider.upload( fn=self.on_process_first, inputs=[ image_slider, modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right, *user_components.values(), ], outputs=[ results_state, image_slider, modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right, *user_components.values(), ], ) btn_submit.click( fn=self.on_process_subsequent, inputs=[ results_state, modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right, *user_components.values(), ], outputs=[ results_state, image_slider, modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right, *user_components.values(), ], ) btn_clear.click( fn=lambda: (None, None), inputs=[], outputs=[image_slider, results_state], ) modality_selector_left.input( fn=self.on_selector_change_left, inputs=[results_state, image_slider, modality_selector_left], outputs=image_slider, ) modality_selector_right.input( fn=self.on_selector_change_right, inputs=[results_state, image_slider, modality_selector_right], outputs=image_slider, ) def make_header(self): """ Create a header section with Markdown and HTML. Default: just the project title. """ gr.Markdown(f"# {self.title}") def make_slider(self): with gr.Row(elem_classes="sliderrow"): return ImageSliderPlus( label=self.title, type="filepath", elem_classes="slider", position=self.slider_position, ) def make_modality_selectors(self, reverse_visual_order=False): modality_selector_left = Radio( choices=None, value=None, label="Left", key="Left", show_label=False, container=False, visible=self.left_selector_visible, render=not reverse_visual_order, ) modality_selector_right = Radio( choices=None, value=None, label="Right", key="Right", show_label=False, container=False, elem_id="selector_right", visible=False, render=not reverse_visual_order, ) if reverse_visual_order: modality_selector_right.render() modality_selector_left.render() return modality_selector_left, modality_selector_right def make_examples(self, inputs, outputs): examples = self.discover_examples() if not isinstance(examples, list): raise gr.Error("`discover_examples` must return a list of paths") if any(not os.path.isfile(path) for path in examples): raise gr.Error("Not all example paths are valid files") examples_dirname = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.examples_path)) return Examples( examples=[ (e, e) for e in examples ], # tuples like this seem to work better with the gallery inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, examples_per_page=self.examples_per_page, cache_examples=self.examples_cache, fn=self.on_process_first, directory_name=examples_dirname, ) def make_advanced_settings(self): with gr.Column(variant='compact', elem_id="settings-accordion"): user_components = self.build_user_components() if not isinstance(user_components, dict) or any( not isinstance(k, str) or not isinstance(v, Component) for k, v in user_components.items() ): raise gr.Error( "`build_user_components` must return a dict of Gradio components with string keys. A dict of the " "same structure will be passed into the `process` function." ) with gr.Row(): btn_clear, btn_submit = self.make_buttons() self.input_keys = list(user_components.keys()) self.input_cls = list(v.__class__ for v in user_components.values()) self.input_kwargs = [ {k: v for k, v in c.constructor_args.items() if k not in ("value")} for c in user_components.values() ] return user_components, btn_clear, btn_submit def make_buttons(self): btn_clear = gr.Button("Clear") btn_submit = gr.Button("Apply", variant="primary") return btn_clear, btn_submit