import math import jax from flax.core import unfreeze, freeze import jax.numpy as jnp import flax.linen as nn from jaxtyping import Array, ArrayLike, PyTree from .edsr import EDSR from .rdn import RDN from .hyper import Hypernetwork from .tail import build_tail from .init import uniform_between, linear_up from utils import make_grid, interpolate_grid, repeat_vmap class Thermal(nn.Module): w0_scale: float = 1. @nn.compact def __call__(self, x: ArrayLike, t, norm, k) -> Array: phase = self.param('phase', nn.initializers.uniform(.5), x.shape[-1:]) return jnp.sin(self.w0_scale * x + phase) * jnp.exp(-(self.w0_scale * norm)**2 * k * t) class TheraField(nn.Module): dim_hidden: int dim_out: int w0: float = 1. c: float = 6. @nn.compact def __call__(self, x: ArrayLike, t: ArrayLike, k: ArrayLike, components: ArrayLike) -> Array: # coordinate projection according to shared components ("first layer") x = x @ components # thermal activations norm = jnp.linalg.norm(components, axis=-2) x = Thermal(self.w0)(x, t, norm, k) # linear projection from hidden to output space ("second layer") w_std = math.sqrt(self.c / self.dim_hidden) / self.w0 dense_init_fn = uniform_between(-w_std, w_std) x = nn.Dense(self.dim_out, kernel_init=dense_init_fn, use_bias=False)(x) return x class Thera: def __init__( self, hidden_dim: int, out_dim: int, backbone: nn.Module, tail: nn.Module, k_init: float = None, components_init_scale: float = None ): self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.k_init = k_init self.components_init_scale = components_init_scale # single TheraField object whose `apply` method is used for all grid cells self.field = TheraField(hidden_dim, out_dim) # infer output size of the hypernetwork from a sample pass through the field; # key doesnt matter as field params are only used for size inference sample_params = self.field.init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), jnp.zeros((2,)), 0., 0., jnp.zeros((2, hidden_dim))) sample_params_flat, tree_def = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(sample_params) param_shapes = [p.shape for p in sample_params_flat] self.hypernet = Hypernetwork(backbone, tail, param_shapes, tree_def) def init(self, key, sample_source) -> PyTree: keys = jax.random.split(key, 2) sample_coords = jnp.zeros(sample_source.shape[:-1] + (2,)) params = unfreeze(self.hypernet.init(keys[0], sample_source, sample_coords)) params['params']['k'] = jnp.array(self.k_init) params['params']['components'] = \ linear_up(self.components_init_scale)(keys[1], (2, self.hidden_dim)) return freeze(params) def apply_encoder(self, params: PyTree, source: ArrayLike, **kwargs) -> Array: """ Performs a forward pass through the hypernetwork to obtain an encoding. """ return self.hypernet.apply( params, source, method=self.hypernet.get_encoding, **kwargs) def apply_decoder( self, params: PyTree, encoding: ArrayLike, coords: ArrayLike, t: ArrayLike, return_jac: bool = False ) -> Array | tuple[Array, Array]: """ Performs a forward prediction through a grid of HxW Thera fields, informed by `encoding`, at spatial and temporal coordinates `coords` and `t`, respectively. args: params: Field parameters, shape (B, H, W, N) encoding: Encoding tensor, shape (B, H, W, C) coords: Spatial coordinates in [-0.5, 0.5], shape (B, H, W, 2) t: Temporal coordinates, shape (B, 1) """ phi_params: PyTree = self.hypernet.apply( params, encoding, coords, method=self.hypernet.get_params_at_coords) # create local coordinate systems source_grid = jnp.asarray(make_grid(encoding.shape[-3:-1])) source_coords = jnp.tile(source_grid, (encoding.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)) interp_coords = interpolate_grid(coords, source_coords) rel_coords = (coords - interp_coords) rel_coords =[..., 0].set(rel_coords[..., 0] * encoding.shape[-3]) rel_coords =[..., 1].set(rel_coords[..., 1] * encoding.shape[-2]) # three maps over params, coords; one over t; dont map k and components in_axes = [(0, 0, None, None, None), (0, 0, None, None, None), (0, 0, 0, None, None)] apply_field = repeat_vmap(self.field.apply, in_axes) out = apply_field(phi_params, rel_coords, t, params['params']['k'], params['params']['components']) if return_jac: apply_jac = repeat_vmap(jax.jacrev(self.field.apply, argnums=1), in_axes) jac = apply_jac(phi_params, rel_coords, jnp.zeros_like(t), params['params']['k'], params['params']['components']) return out, jac return out def apply( self, params: ArrayLike, source: ArrayLike, coords: ArrayLike, t: ArrayLike, return_jac: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Array: """ Performs a forward pass through the Thera model. """ encoding = self.apply_encoder(params, source, **kwargs) out = self.apply_decoder(params, encoding, coords, t, return_jac=return_jac) return out def build_thera( out_dim: int, backbone: str, size: str, k_init: float = None, components_init_scale: float = None ): """ Convenience function for building the three Thera sizes described in the paper. """ hidden_dim = 32 if size == 'air' else 512 if backbone == 'edsr-baseline': backbone_module = EDSR(None, num_blocks=16, num_feats=64) elif backbone == 'rdn': backbone_module = RDN() else: raise NotImplementedError(backbone) tail_module = build_tail(size) return Thera(hidden_dim, out_dim, backbone_module, tail_module, k_init, components_init_scale)