"Name", "Context","Quote" "Raiden Shogun and Ei","When Thunder Strikes","Dear me, that didn't frighten you, did it? After all, you are in the presence of the most supreme and terrifying incarnation of lightning in the whole of Teyvat." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Good Afternoon","Time for dessert. What? Why not? What do you mean, 'Entrées come first'? ...They were only indulging me because I am the Shogun? Huh, interesting." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Good Evening","Do you wish to know the truth about the shooting stars at night? Haha, they are but fleeting moments of luminosity. Uh, you used to be one of them? Are you a tengu warrior?" "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About Us: Protector","Despite serving as my guard during this journey, you need not shield me from danger. The Shogun's constitution is rather robust, and in the event she does break down, we can simply get a replacement. In an emergency, just send her into the fray." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About Us: Legacy","The Inazuman arts of polearm and sword combat, as well as the blade-forging process itself, primarily originated with me. Since then, they have branched out and blossomed into a variety of techniques according to each master's individual aptitude. What would you say to another sparring session? If you emerge unscathed again, I'll let you found your own martial arts tradition in Inazuma. Ah, the drive to advance and evolve in the martial arts is truly unstoppable." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About the Vision","Really? So in all this time, no new Electro Visions have appeared in the outside world? Well, what I can say on this topic is subject to certain constraints, but... it is not by my will that Visions are granted or denied. The key is people's desire, and... well, there's another side to it too." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About Yae Miko","Ah, that girl... She used to be the kind of person who could easily be swayed with some Fried Tofu. It's a relief to see how shrewd and resourceful she's now become. Still, I have to admit that I was a little upset to become the target of her scheming myself. I know it was for my own good, but I'm afraid she will mock me next time we meet... Perhaps I should take the initiative and strike her first? Hmm, she'll dodge it anyway." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About Kamisato Ayaka","Kamisato... One of the most distinguished clans in all of Inazuma. Eh? That's exactly what the Shogun said? Well, A—Ayaka's also well-versed in the art of the sword." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About Thoma","I can't deny that I am somewhat culpable in the events that led to him being almost stripped of his Vision, but I rather think the Shogun should be the one to extend a formal apology to him... Okay, fine. I'll give it some more thought." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About Kunikuzushi","He came about as a byproduct of creating the Shogun. Perhaps it's because I feel like I owe him something, but I do not wish to assert control over him." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About Morax","I had an opportunity to feast with him once, back when I was just a kagemusha attending a gathering of the gods. So he's made his choice. Be that as it may, I don't believe his story is anywhere near finished yet." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About Venti","Hmm. So, the Anemo Archon still goes by that name among mortals these days? Truth be told, from the very first moment I met him, I could somehow sense that we were not going to get along. Also, he sure can drink a lot." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","About Buer","I admire her humility; it is a sign of true wisdom. With the power she holds, Buer is capable of doing many things beyond our wildest imaginations... and yet, she uses her power only to right wrongs and to protect. She is a truly gentle god." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","More About Ei: III","The account given in the book 'Treasured Tales' is largely an accurate one. At that time, she was preoccupied with various domestic matters within the island, so as her kagemusha, I assumed her identity and joined the troops dispatched to pacify Watatsumi. After this point, however, the story turns into mere wishful thinking. Back then, I was just a martial artist wrapped up in all the fighting, not a social reformer or moral leader." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","More About Ei: IV","Perhaps my pursuit of Eternity is nothing more than a form of escapism. In the end, the path I took was like that of a turtle who hides in its shell. Still, turtles have always been a symbol of longevity. Perhaps in order to reach Eternity, one has to follow their example." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","More About Ei: V","I'm fearful because of what I witnessed five hundred years ago — her demise and that thing. But, if... If it were you, everyone would be safe. You would've saved the world. Just like I cherish the memories of everything in Inazuma, if you remember me, I'll live forever." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Ei's Troubles","Don't try and get me to cook. I can take care of anything else, but not that." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Favorite Food","Oh, don't listen to the Shogun. Desserts! Cavities are no big deal — you can just replace your teeth. Anyway, I just don't see how desserts can pose a serious obstacle to my pursuit of Eternity." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Receiving a Gift: IV","Delicious. I feel much better after that. Thank you." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Receiving a Gift: V","Doesn't look too bad, how did you make it?" "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Receiving a Gift: VI","Allow me to decline." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Birthday","Happy birthday! Let's celebrate together and make it a moment to remember for the whole year until your next birthday celebration, and so on and so forth. Then, you shall have an eternity of happiness." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Feelings about Ascension: Conclusion","The profoundest of the profound is the Musou no Hitotachi. A sword art without parallel in all the world. With you as my sparring partner, I can perfect that technique even further." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","How do you like it here?","It's much livelier here than the plane of pure silence and tranquility that I'm used to." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Will it be difficult for you to get used to this place?","No, not at all. Clamor and commotion are strictly external, my inner being shall remain tranquil as ever." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Okay, that's good.","Thank you for your concern." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Would you like to join in the action?","Such lively activities stand in direct contrast to the notion of Eternity. I'm afraid I'll have to consider it further." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Will you remain here a while longer?","With you by my side, though our mouths stay silent, my heart is at peace. Your companionship... This is one change that I shall not contest." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Would you like to have a chat with me?","Yes, I just so happen to have something that I would like to ask you." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Oh really? What's that?","I would like to know how you make such delicious desserts. *ahem* I mean, they certainly seem to suit my taste." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","The most important ingredient is patience.","I see... Though your attempts may fail, you will not give up future attempts because of a temporary setback. By making adjustments along the way, you compile what you've learned and accumulate experience. ...Is that what you mean?" "Raiden Shogun and Ei","The most important ingredient is hope.","Hope? I would've never expected that trying to make desserts taste better was an expression of hope. But no... The more I think about it, it can't possibly be that simple. Perhaps 'hope' means the desire to satisfy the eater." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Exactly.","I see. I'll be sure to remember that. Now that I've benefited from your experience, I'll try to follow your instructions the next time I'm attempting optimizations on the Shogun." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Oh, so that's what this is all about...","Hmm? Haven't I already mentioned that I cannot make food? However, the advice you gave me will benefit you as well... With a more powerful Shogun, I will be able to protect you from a myriad of dangers even more effectively." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Anything you want to do?","Yes. Unsheathe your weapon." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Wait, you mean... now?","Hmph. Then I will come again once your preparation is complete. I have time. I will use my blade to confirm whether you are out of practice or not." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Wait, are you serious?","Naturally. The moment that blades are crossed in battle also becomes a kind of Eternity. I shall use this moment to feel your inner being. A simple and direct method, yet more clear than any language could convey. It even allows me to verify my own existence." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Something seems a bit off...","Huh? So you could see through my guise? Oh. I thought my impression was accurate enough. Never mind. I'll be honest with you then, I desire to spar with you. After all, few have ever proved capable of withstanding my blade. It would be a pleasure to train with you. However, I feared that you would be hesitant to strike me, so I used the identity of the Shogun." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","There's no need to trick me into it...","Ah, you don't refuse. May I assume you accept then? Hehe, you should prepare yourself. I certainly won't go easy on you." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Good morning, Ei.","Good morning, (Traveler). Even such a trivial interaction fills me with motivation. Amazing..." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Good night, Ei.","Oh, has night fallen already? Then you'd best go have a rest. Good night, (Traveler). May your dreams be calm and peaceful." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","A Thousand Swings","A dojo...? So, you pursue distinction in the martial arts? Clearly, the Musou no Hitotachi has sharpened your resolve. Those who strive for perfection are to be commended." "Raiden Shogun and Ei","Ancient Branch Shrine","This shrine looks somewhat familiar. Is this what it means... to reminisce? So be it. The sensation is not a disagreeable one."