"Name", "Context","Quote" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki expressing his feelings of not being the favorite son","You know, it all makes sense now. Why you favoured Thor all these years. Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki questioning the existence of Frost Giants","Do the Frost Giants still live?" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki expressing his ambitions once he becomes king","When I'm king, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all! Just as you did, Father." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki stating his philosophy about war and leadership","A wise king never seeks out war. But… he must always be ready for it." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki asserting his readiness to be king","I'm ready, Father." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki agreeing with his father Odin","So am I." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki discussing kingship with Odin and Thor","Only one of you can ascend to the throne. But both of you were born to be kings." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki warning Thor about his current mood","It's unwise to be in my company right now, Brother. This was to be my day of triumph." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki expressing confusion","What is this…?" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki arguing for the defense of Asgard","It's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders!" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki trying to reason with Thor","Thor, it's madness." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki asking Thor to clarify his plans","Madness? What sort of madness?" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki stating his plan to go to Jotunheim","We're going to Jotunheim." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki assuring Heimdall he will handle the situation","Leave this to me. Good Heimdall..." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki accusing Thor of immaturity","You're nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki expressing his frustration with being mocked","Well, this boy has grown tired of your mockery." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki warning Thor about the odds","Thor, stop and think. Look around you, we're outnumbered." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki reminding Thor about his status","Know your place, Brother." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki trying to provide guidance to Thor","You should listen to his counsel. You know not what your actions would unleash. I do. Go now, while I still allow it." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki agreeing to a peace offer","We will accept your most gracious offer. Come on, Brother." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki mocking his enemies","Run back home, little princess." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki showing his frustration","Damn." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki reminding Thor of his teachings","You've forgotten everything I taught you, about a warrior's patience." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki criticizing the old ways","While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us. The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki confronting Odin","And you are an old man and a fool!" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki addressing Odin in a moment of tension","Father..." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki expressing regret about Thor's banishment","We should never have let him go." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki explaining his actions","There was no stopping him." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki admitting his deceit","I told him." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki explaining his actions to his friends","I told him to go to Odin after we'd left. He should be flogged for taking so long. We should never have reached Jotunheim." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki responding to surprise at his actions","You told the guard?!" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki defending his actions","I saved our lives. And Thor's. I had no idea Father would banish him for what he did." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki arguing against Thor's suitability for kingship","And if I do, then what? I love Thor more dearly than any of you, but you know what he is. He's arrogant, he's reckless, he's dangerous! You saw how he was today. Is that what Asgard needs from its King?" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki expressing his sense of duty to protect Asgard","I never wanted the throne, I only wanted to be your equal." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki revealing his plans to Thor","You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom? Get him to the healing room! Now! My king, we would ask that you end this. Take my rightful place." "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki explaining his actions to Odin","I never wanted the throne! I only ever wanted to be your equal!" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki expressing his disappointment with Thor","I could have done it, Father! I could have done it! For you! For all of us!" "Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe","Loki declaring himself different from Thor","Loki, you're a good man. Maybe the best of us. But you're not a match for what lies ahead. I'm not as strong as you. No... You're stronger. Maybe it's because I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night. It's because I'm a monster. I'm not your brother. I never was. I'm the monster who, once called brother, now declares war on you."