from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile, HTTPException, Header from pydantic import BaseModel,EmailStr, field_validator from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware import datetime import jwt import pandas as pd from io import StringIO import re import os import psycopg2 from bcrypt import hashpw,checkpw, gensalt from sentiment import predict_sentiment from dotenv import load_dotenv,find_dotenv load_dotenv(find_dotenv(raise_error_if_not_found=False)) DATABASE_CONFIG = { 'dbname': os.getenv("pg_db_name"), 'user': os.getenv("pg_user"), 'password': os.getenv("pg_password"), 'host': os.getenv("pg_host"), 'port': os.getenv("pg_port") } app = FastAPI() # Add CORS Middleware app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], # Allow requests from any origin (can be restricted) allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) # Secret key for JWT SECRET_KEY = "your-secret-key" ALGORITHM = "HS256" # Hashing algorithm for JWT class LoginRequest(BaseModel): email: EmailStr password: str @field_validator("password") def validate_password(cls, value): if len(value) < 8: raise ValueError("Password must be at least 8 characters long.") if not"[A-Za-z]", value): raise ValueError("Password must contain at least one letter.") if not"[0-9]", value): raise ValueError("Password must contain at least one number.") return value def create_jwt_token(email: str): """ Create a JWT token with an expiration time. """ payload = { "sub": email, # Subject (user's email) "exp": + datetime.timedelta(hours=1), # Token expiry "iat":, # Issued at time } return jwt.encode(payload, SECRET_KEY, algorithm=ALGORITHM) def verify_jwt_token(token: str): """ Verify and decode the JWT token. """ try: payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM]) return payload["sub"] # Return the email (or user identifier) except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError: raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Token has expired") except jwt.InvalidTokenError: raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Invalid token") def create_user(email:str,password:str)->bool: try: hashed_password = hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), gensalt()) conn = psycopg2.connect(**DATABASE_CONFIG) print("Connection successful!") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO hanabi_user (email,password) VALUES (%s, %s) """, ( email, hashed_password.decode("utf-8") )) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() return True except psycopg2.Error as _: print(_) return False def validate_user(email: str, password: str) -> bool: try: # Fetch the stored hashed password from the database conn = psycopg2.connect(**DATABASE_CONFIG) cursor = conn.cursor() query = "SELECT password FROM hanabi_user WHERE email=%s;" cursor.execute(query, (email,)) row = cursor.fetchone() # Fetch one row cursor.close() conn.close() # print(row) if row: stored_hashed_password = row[0] # The hashed password from the DB # Compare the entered password with the stored hashed password if checkpw(password.encode('utf-8'), stored_hashed_password.encode('utf-8')): return True # Password is correct else: return False # Password is incorrect else: return False # User not found except Exception as _: print(_) return False"/login/") def login(data: LoginRequest): if validate_user(,data.password): # Generate a JWT token token = create_jwt_token( return {"token": token} else: raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Invalid email or password")"/signup/") def signup(data: LoginRequest): if create_user(,data.password): return {"response":"successful"} else: raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="error") @app.get("/") async def home(): return {"message": "hello world"}"/upload-csv/") async def upload_csv( file: UploadFile = File(...), authorization: str = Header(None), # Get the Authorization header ): # Verify the token if not authorization or not authorization.startswith("Bearer "): raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Authorization token missing or invalid") token = authorization.split(" ")[1] # Extract the token email = verify_jwt_token(token) # Verify token and get the email # Process the file content = await df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(content.decode("utf-8"))) texts = df["text"].tolist() sentiments = predict_sentiment(texts) df["sentiment"] = sentiments sentiment_counts = df["sentiment"].value_counts().to_dict() sentiment_records = df.to_dict(orient="index") # Return results return { "user": email, # Include user info (from token) "sentiment_counts": sentiment_counts, "sentiments": list(sentiment_records.values()), }