Build error
Build error
import streamlit as st | |
from io import BytesIO | |
import tempfile | |
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader | |
import spacy | |
from pyresparser import ResumeParser | |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer | |
# Load the spaCy model for natural language processing | |
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') | |
# Function to extract text from PDF resumes | |
def extract_text_from_pdf(file): | |
text = "" | |
pdf_reader = PdfReader(file) | |
for page in pdf_reader.pages: | |
text += page.extract_text() | |
return text | |
# Function to preprocess text using spaCy | |
def preprocess_text(text): | |
doc = nlp(text) | |
tokens = [token.lemma_ for token in doc if not token.is_stop and token.is_alpha] | |
return " ".join(tokens) | |
# Function to preprocess and combine the relevant resume fields | |
def preprocess_resume_data(resume_data): | |
skills = " ".join(resume_data.get('skills', [])) if resume_data.get('skills') else "" | |
experience = " ".join(resume_data.get('experience', [])) if resume_data.get('experience') else "" | |
degree = " ".join(resume_data.get('degree', [])) if resume_data.get('degree') else "" | |
combined_data = f"{skills} {experience} {degree}" | |
return preprocess_text(combined_data) | |
# Main function to create the Streamlit app | |
def main(): | |
st.title("Resume Ranker and Prescreening Software") | |
st.write("Upload resumes (in PDF format) and enter job descriptions or keywords to filter and rank them.") | |
# Upload resumes | |
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload Resumes (PDF files)", accept_multiple_files=True) | |
# Input field for job description or keywords | |
job_description = st.text_area("Enter Job Description or Keywords") | |
if st.button("Rank Resumes"): | |
if not uploaded_files: | |
st.warning("Please upload one or more resumes.") | |
return | |
if not job_description: | |
st.warning("Please enter a job description or keywords.") | |
return | |
# Preprocess the job description | |
job_description_processed = preprocess_text(job_description) | |
# Vectorize the job description and resumes | |
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer() | |
job_vec = vectorizer.fit_transform([job_description_processed]) | |
# List to store responses along with file names and their matching percentages | |
file_responses = [] | |
# Loop through uploaded resumes | |
for file in uploaded_files: | |
# Read the uploaded PDF file into memory | |
pdf_data = BytesIO( | |
# Save the PDF data to a temporary file | |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.pdf') as temp_file: | |
temp_file.write(pdf_data.getvalue()) | |
temp_file_path = | |
# Parse and preprocess resumes | |
data = ResumeParser(temp_file_path).get_extracted_data() | |
if data: | |
combined_resume_data = preprocess_resume_data(data) | |
resume_vec = vectorizer.transform([combined_resume_data]) | |
similarity = (resume_vec * job_vec.T).A[0][0] * 100 | |
# Append file name and similarity to the list | |
file_responses.append((, similarity)) | |
# Delete the temporary file | |
temp_file.close() | |
# Sort file responses based on the similarity in descending order | |
file_responses.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) | |
# Display sorted file names and similarity percentages | |
st.header("Ranked Resumes") | |
for file_name, similarity in file_responses: | |
st.write(f"Resume: {file_name}, Match Percentage: {similarity:.2f}%") | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() | |