import json import os import random from collections import Counter from datasets import Dataset, load_dataset from fasthtml.common import * from fastlite import database from huggingface_hub import create_repo, login login(token=os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN")) fact_dataset = load_dataset("griffin/iclr2025_data_scores", split="train").to_list() fact_dataset = [{"example_id": i, **example} for i, example in enumerate(fact_dataset)] db = database("data/examples.db") examples = db.t.examples if examples not in db.t: examples.create( id=int, example_id=int, question_type=str, question=str, answer=str, decision=str, pk="id", ) evaluated_ids = set(row["example_id"] for row in examples.rows) question_types = sorted(set(ex["question_type"] for ex in fact_dataset)) def get_stats(): total_examples = Counter(ex["question_type"] for ex in fact_dataset) curated_examples = Counter(row["question_type"] for row in examples.rows) stats = { qt: {"total": total_examples[qt], "curated": curated_examples[qt]} for qt in question_types } return stats def get_example(selected_type=None): available_examples = [ ex for ex in fact_dataset if ex["example_id"] not in evaluated_ids ] if selected_type: available_examples = [ ex for ex in available_examples if ex["question_type"] == selected_type ] if not available_examples: return None example = random.choice(available_examples) keep_keys = [ "example_id", "question_type", "question", "rationale", "answer", "log_ll", "oracle_log_ll", "oracle_advantage", "prediction", "prediction_oracle", "accuracy", "accuracy_oracle", "accuracy_status", ] return {k: example[k] for k in keep_keys if k in example} # app style = Style(""" body { background-color: #1e1e1e; color: #d4d4d4; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } h1, h2, h3 { color: #61dafb; } .example-container { margin-top: 20px; } .example-table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } .example-table th, .example-table td { border: 1px solid #3a3a3a; padding: 8px; text-align: left; } .example-table th { background-color: #2a2a2a; color: #61dafb; } .example-table td { color: #d4d4d4; } #evaluation-form { margin-top: 20px; } #evaluation-form button { margin-right: 10px; background-color: #0e639c; color: white; border: none; padding: 10px 20px; cursor: pointer; } #evaluation-form button:hover { background-color: #1177bb; } select { background-color: #2a2a2a; color: #d4d4d4; border: 1px solid #3a3a3a; padding: 5px; } a { color: #61dafb; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } """) app, rt = fast_app(live=True, hdrs=(style,)) def render_stats(stats): return Table( Tr(Th("Question Type"), Th("Curated"), Th("Total")), *[ Tr( Td(qt), Td( f"{stats[qt]['curated']} ({stats[qt]['curated']/stats[qt]['total']:.1%})" ), Td(stats[qt]["total"]), ) for qt in question_types ], cls="stats-table", ) def render_example(example): return Div( H3("Example Details"), Table( *[Tr(Th(key), Td(str(value))) for key, value in example.items()], cls="example-table", ), id="example-details", ) def upload_to_hf(): create_repo( repo_id="rbiswasfc/iclr-eval-examples", token=os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN"), private=True, repo_type="dataset", exist_ok=True, ) examples = db.t.examples annotations = examples() hf_ds = Dataset.from_list(annotations) hf_ds.push_to_hub("rbiswasfc/iclr-eval-examples", token=os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN")) @rt("/") async def get(question_type: str = None): stats = get_stats() example = get_example(question_type) dropdown = Select( Option("Question Types", value="", selected=question_type is None), *[Option(qt, value=qt, selected=qt == question_type) for qt in question_types], name="question_type", hx_get="/", hx_target="body", hx_push_url="true", ) if example is None: content = Div( H2("All examples of this type have been evaluated!"), render_stats(stats) ) else: content = Div( H2("Example"), Div( render_example(example), Form( Button( "Good Example", name="decision", value="good", hx_post="/evaluate", hx_target="#example-details", ), Button( "Bad Example", name="decision", value="bad", hx_post="/evaluate", hx_target="#example-details", ), Hidden(name="example", value=json.dumps(example)), id="evaluation-form", ), id="example-container", ), ) view_stats_link = A("Curation Stats", href="/stats", cls="view-stats-link") return Titled( "Example Curation", H2("Question Type Selection"), dropdown, content, view_stats_link, ) @rt("/stats") async def get(): stats = get_stats() stats = render_stats(stats) return Titled( "Curation Statistics", Div( stats, A("Back to Curation", href="/", cls="back-link"), cls="container", ), ) @rt("/evaluate") async def post(decision: str, example: str): example_dict = json.loads(example) # Insert the evaluated example into the database examples.insert( { "id": len(list(examples.rows)) + 1, # Auto-increment ID "example_id": example_dict["example_id"], "question_type": example_dict["question_type"], "question": example_dict["question"], "answer": example_dict["answer"], "decision": decision, } ) upload_to_hf() # Add the evaluated example's ID to the set of evaluated IDs evaluated_ids.add(example_dict["example_id"]) # Get a new example new_example = get_example(example_dict["question_type"]) if new_example is None: return Div(H2("All examples of this type have been evaluated!")) else: return render_example(new_example) # serve() if __name__ == "__main__": import os import uvicorn # setup_hf_backup(app), host="", port=int(os.environ.get("PORT", 7860)))