Browse files
@@ -14,14 +14,15 @@ def write_sidebar():
14 |
15 |
st.sidebar.write("1. Select the student's grade level.")
16 |
st.sidebar.write("2. Select the student's qualifying condition(s).")
17 |
st.sidebar.write("3. Choose a
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st.sidebar.write("Note: This app uses OpenAI's GPT-3 API to generate the PLAAFP statement. Please enter data that is relevant and appropriate for generating the
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def write_iep_assist():
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st.title("IEP Assist Premium")
@@ -34,67 +35,78 @@ def write_iep_assist():
34 |
st.write("Select the student's qualifying condition(s):")
35 |
qualifying_condition = st.multiselect("Qualifying Condition(s):", ["Specific Learning Disability", "Emotional Disturbance", "Autism", "Intellectual Disability", "Speech/Language Impairment", "Other Health Impairment", "Orthopedic Impairment", "Auditory Impairment", "Traumatic Brain Injury", "Deafness", "Blindness", "Developmental Delay"], key="qualifying-condition")
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selected_prompt = st.selectbox("Prompt:", options=prompts, key="prompt")
53 |
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st.write("Enter student data to be analyzed:")
55 |
student_data = st.text_area("Paste student data here", height=250, key="student-data")
56 |
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# Add a button to generate the PLAAFP statement
58 |
if st.button("
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goal = response["choices"][0]["text"]
94 |
# Show the generated goal
95 |
st.write("IEP Goal:", goal)
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97 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
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100 |
14 |
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st.sidebar.write("1. Select the student's grade level.")
16 |
st.sidebar.write("2. Select the student's qualifying condition(s).")
17 |
st.sidebar.write("3. Choose a category to analyze.")
18 |
st.sidebar.write("4. Select whether you want to generate a PLAAFP statement or an effective IEP goal.")
19 |
st.sidebar.write("5. Enter your student data.")
20 |
st.sidebar.write("6. Click the 'Generate' button to generate the selected output.")
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st.sidebar.write("Note: This app uses OpenAI's GPT-3 API to generate the PLAAFP statement or IEP goal. Please enter data that is relevant and appropriate for generating the output.")
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def write_iep_assist():
28 |
st.title("IEP Assist Premium")
35 |
st.write("Select the student's qualifying condition(s):")
36 |
qualifying_condition = st.multiselect("Qualifying Condition(s):", ["Specific Learning Disability", "Emotional Disturbance", "Autism", "Intellectual Disability", "Speech/Language Impairment", "Other Health Impairment", "Orthopedic Impairment", "Auditory Impairment", "Traumatic Brain Injury", "Deafness", "Blindness", "Developmental Delay"], key="qualifying-condition")
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# Define prompts by category
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prompt_categories = {
40 |
"Behavior": [
41 |
"Provide a summary of the student's behavior data and suggest possible interventions to try based on their areas of need.",
42 |
"Analyze the student's behavior data to identify trends and suggest possible interventions.",
43 |
"Provide a summary of the student's progress towards their behavioral goals."
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45 |
"Academic": [
46 |
"Analyze the data provided on the student and provide a summary of their strengths and areas of need in regards to their academic performance.",
47 |
"Summarize the data provided on the student's academic performance, highlighting their strengths and areas of need, and suggesting possible interventions to try.",
48 |
"Please provide a summary of the student's academic performance, highlighting their strengths and areas of need.",
49 |
"What is the student's biggest strength and area of need in regards to their academic performance?",
50 |
"Based on the student's academic performance data, what recommendations do you have for adjusting their instructional strategies?",
51 |
"How can the student's strengths be leveraged to help them improve in areas of need?",
52 |
"What barriers to academic success does the student face, and how can they be addressed?"
53 |
54 |
"IEP Goals": [
55 |
"Analyze the data provided on the student and provide a summary of their progress in regards to their IEP goals.",
56 |
"Provide a summary of the student's progress towards their academic and behavioral goals."
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# Choose a category
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st.write("Choose a category to analyze:")
62 |
selected_category = st.selectbox("Category:", options=list(prompt_categories.keys()), key="category")
63 |
64 |
# Choose the output type
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generate_goal = st.checkbox("Generate Effective IEP Goal")
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# Choose a prompt from the selected category
68 |
st.write("Choose a prompt:")
69 |
prompts = prompt_categories[selected_category]
70 |
selected_prompt = st.selectbox("Prompt:", options=prompts, key="prompt")
71 |
72 |
# Enter student data to be analyzed
73 |
st.write("Enter student data to be analyzed:")
74 |
student_data = st.text_area("Paste student data here", height=250, key="student-data")
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# Add a button to generate the PLAAFP statement or effective IEP goal
77 |
if st.button("Generate", key="generate-button"):
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if generate_goal:
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# Define the characteristics of an effective IEP goal
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effective_goal_characteristics = "Measurable, Specific and Clear, Attainable and Realistic, Relevant and Meaningful, Time-Bound, Individualized, Action-Oriented, Aligned with Standards and Curriculum, Collaboratively Developed, Monitored and Adjusted"
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# Call the OpenAI API and generate an effective IEP goal
83 |
response = openai.Completion.create(
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prompt=f"Generate an effective and measurable IEP goal for a student who is in grade {grade_level} and has qualifying conditions of {', '.join(qualifying_condition)}. The goal should be based on the analysis of their data and meet the following characteristics: {effective_goal_characteristics}. Data Analysis: {selected_prompt} {student_data}",
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goal = response["choices"][0]["text"]
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# Show the generated effective IEP goal
94 |
st.write("Effective IEP Goal:", goal)
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# Call the OpenAI API and generate a PLAAFP statement
97 |
response = openai.Completion.create(
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prompt=f"{selected_prompt} {student_data} {grade_level} {qualifying_condition}",
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statement = response["choices"][0]["text"]
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# Show the generated PLAAFP statement
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st.write("Summary of Data entered:", statement)
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if __name__ == "__main__":
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