Browse files
@@ -14,10 +14,9 @@ def write_sidebar():
14 |
15 |
st.sidebar.markdown("**1. Select the student's grade level.**")
16 |
st.sidebar.markdown("**2. Select the student's qualifying condition(s).**")
17 |
st.sidebar.markdown("**3. Choose a category to analyze.**")
18 |
19 |
20 |
st.sidebar.markdown("**6. Click the 'Generate' button to generate the selected output.**")
21 |
22 |
23 |
@@ -57,15 +56,9 @@ def write_iep_assist():
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
# Choose a category
61 |
st.markdown("<h3>Choose a category
62 |
selected_category = st.selectbox("Category:", options=
63 |
64 |
# Choose the output type
65 |
generate_goal = st.checkbox("Generate Effective IEP Goal")
66 |
67 |
# Choose a prompt from the selected category
68 |
st.markdown("<h3>Choose a prompt:</h3>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
69 |
prompts = prompt_categories[selected_category]
70 |
selected_prompt = st.selectbox("Prompt:", options=prompts, key="prompt")
71 |
@@ -74,8 +67,10 @@ def write_iep_assist():
74 |
student_data = st.text_area("Paste student data here", height=250, key="student-data")
75 |
76 |
# Add a button to generate the PLAAFP statement or effective IEP goal
77 |
78 |
79 |
# Define the characteristics of an effective IEP goal
80 |
effective_goal_characteristics = "Measurable, Specific and Clear, Attainable and Realistic, Relevant and Meaningful, Time-Bound, Individualized, Action-Oriented, Aligned with Standards and Curriculum, Collaboratively Developed, Monitored and Adjusted"
81 |
14 |
15 |
st.sidebar.markdown("**1. Select the student's grade level.**")
16 |
st.sidebar.markdown("**2. Select the student's qualifying condition(s).**")
17 |
st.sidebar.markdown("**3. Choose a prompt category and prompt to analyze.**")
18 |
st.sidebar.markdown("**4. Enter your student data.**")
19 |
st.sidebar.markdown("**5. Click the 'Generate' button to generate the selected output.**")
20 |
21 |
22 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
# Choose a category and prompt
60 |
st.markdown("<h3>Choose a prompt category and prompt:</h3>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
61 |
selected_category = st.selectbox("Category:", options=["Behavior", "Academic", "IEP Goals"], key="category")
62 |
prompts = prompt_categories[selected_category]
63 |
selected_prompt = st.selectbox("Prompt:", options=prompts, key="prompt")
64 |
67 |
student_data = st.text_area("Paste student data here", height=250, key="student-data")
68 |
69 |
# Add a button to generate the PLAAFP statement or effective IEP goal
70 |
generate_button = st.button("Generate", key="generate-button", help="Click here to generate the selected output.")
71 |
72 |
if generate_button:
73 |
if selected_category == "IEP Goals":
74 |
# Define the characteristics of an effective IEP goal
75 |
effective_goal_characteristics = "Measurable, Specific and Clear, Attainable and Realistic, Relevant and Meaningful, Time-Bound, Individualized, Action-Oriented, Aligned with Standards and Curriculum, Collaboratively Developed, Monitored and Adjusted"
76 |