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"###", "points": [[247, 0], [309, 0], [309, 8], [249, 21]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[554, 113], [633, 104], [636, 150], [559, 155]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[119, 35], [158, 30], [158, 59], [119, 65]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[27, 174], [76, 172], [79, 198], [31, 205]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[638, 701], [665, 682], [715, 719], [659, 719]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_289.jpg [{"transcription": "SPALDING", "points": [[1007, 51], [1110, 58], [1103, 86], [1001, 79]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[573, 194], [633, 209], [618, 267], [558, 251]]}, {"transcription": "ANDI", "points": [[806, 273], [896, 287], [890, 315], [800, 301]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1137, 330], [1189, 337], [1186, 354], [1135, 347]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1221, 345], [1263, 351], [1261, 365], [1219, 359]]}, {"transcription": "ANDI", "points": [[619, 246], [727, 263], [721, 292], [613, 275]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1101, 230], [1236, 219], [1238, 239], [1103, 250]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1100, 125], [1111, 126], [1105, 145], [1093, 144]]}, {"transcription": "azura", "points": [[839, 38], [939, 45], [934, 66], [835, 59]]}, {"transcription": "TYR", "points": [[758, 36], [794, 37], [790, 59], [755, 58]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[895, 64], [934, 65], [932, 74], [893, 72]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1023, 77], [1076, 81], [1076, 89], [1023, 84]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[908, 106], [921, 106], [918, 119], [906, 119]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[417, 148], [443, 153], [442, 162], [416, 157]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_838.jpg [{"transcription": "Ion", "points": [[86, 4], [168, 18], [156, 62], [73, 47]]}, {"transcription": "ART", "points": [[168, 6], [223, 21], [217, 37], [161, 23]]}, {"transcription": "Ion", "points": [[60, 77], [148, 93], [138, 132], [50, 116]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[152, 66], [198, 80], [188, 110], [142, 96]]}, {"transcription": "Salt", "points": [[45, 137], [137, 155], [127, 193], [35, 175]]}, {"transcription": "Grill", "points": [[146, 153], [262, 184], [253, 223], [137, 192]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_410.jpg [{"transcription": "1KG", "points": [[590, 239], [615, 239], [615, 249], [590, 249]]}, {"transcription": "Body", "points": [[640, 140], [665, 142], [664, 158], [639, 156]]}, {"transcription": "Xndo", "points": [[652, 42], [759, 20], [760, 89], [653, 110]]}, {"transcription": "FREE", "points": [[641, 101], [699, 105], [698, 136], [640, 132]]}, {"transcription": "FREE", "points": [[768, 122], [806, 129], [806, 160], [769, 152]]}, {"transcription": "SHEE", "points": [[1002, 181], [1086, 181], [1086, 206], [1002, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[446, 231], [470, 233], [470, 267], [446, 264]]}, {"transcription": "KIMIO", "points": [[1111, 485], [1279, 515], [1276, 556], [1109, 526]]}, {"transcription": "Blanc", "points": [[452, 149], [474, 151], [471, 225], [449, 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"points": [[1068, 238], [1088, 237], [1092, 282], [1073, 283]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[512, 260], [564, 256], [563, 272], [511, 275]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1197, 382], [1265, 407], [1264, 434], [1196, 409]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1204, 403], [1269, 435], [1267, 464], [1202, 432]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_632.jpg [{"transcription": "fipper", "points": [[405, 196], [603, 183], [603, 242], [405, 255]]}, {"transcription": "Feel", "points": [[395, 268], [451, 264], [450, 288], [393, 293]]}, {"transcription": "the", "points": [[459, 264], [503, 262], [505, 285], [460, 287]]}, {"transcription": "Rubber!", "points": [[512, 260], [622, 251], [623, 275], [513, 284]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[531, 362], [565, 357], [562, 401], [529, 405]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[561, 352], [586, 350], [583, 375], [559, 377]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[532, 400], [573, 396], [571, 438], [530, 442]]}, {"transcription": "###", 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"###", "points": [[53, 263], [133, 260], [132, 284], [52, 287]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[303, 243], [343, 215], [361, 245], [325, 272]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[44, 181], [125, 183], [124, 193], [43, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[987, 192], [1022, 195], [1022, 215], [986, 211]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[904, 193], [930, 192], [930, 213], [904, 214]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_123.jpg [{"transcription": "#10-12", "points": [[1029, 322], [1080, 332], [1079, 355], [1028, 344]]}, {"transcription": "connexis", "points": [[1023, 95], [1159, 84], [1159, 128], [1023, 139]]}, {"transcription": "Tower", "points": [[1085, 142], [1142, 139], [1139, 166], [1081, 168]]}, {"transcription": "L10", "points": [[1027, 190], [1104, 190], [1101, 244], [1028, 242]]}, {"transcription": "#10-10", "points": [[1026, 288], [1086, 297], [1084, 318], [1024, 309]]}, {"transcription": "North", "points": [[1026, 144], [1080, 141], [1080, 165], [1025, 169]]}, 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297], [861, 316], [833, 317]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[862, 301], [876, 298], [877, 310], [863, 312]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[936, 296], [950, 296], [949, 306], [935, 306]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1103, 290], [1129, 290], [1130, 306], [1105, 306]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_800.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[958, 23], [978, 5], [1018, 5], [963, 60]]}, {"transcription": "JBRAND", "points": [[1022, 250], [1109, 232], [1113, 267], [1027, 285]]}, {"transcription": "John", "points": [[1118, 35], [1176, 1], [1216, 2], [1130, 61]]}, {"transcription": "TENRY", "points": [[1195, 511], [1260, 534], [1263, 558], [1197, 534]]}, {"transcription": "Blue", "points": [[1197, 570], [1276, 605], [1278, 670], [1211, 634]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1115, 651], [1184, 716], [1127, 717], [1083, 678]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1021, 83], [1041, 73], [1046, 138], [1026, 148]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[998, 116], 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504], [731, 508], [731, 516], [715, 512]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[715, 533], [733, 536], [733, 544], [716, 540]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[659, 454], [697, 459], [695, 538], [659, 529]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[593, 432], [641, 440], [642, 460], [593, 451]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[543, 419], [584, 422], [582, 447], [543, 442]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[598, 519], [645, 528], [645, 543], [597, 530]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[543, 502], [585, 508], [585, 523], [543, 514]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[503, 363], [526, 361], [526, 393], [503, 393]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[489, 292], [517, 300], [517, 324], [489, 319]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[19, 33], [123, 30], [140, 165], [37, 168]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[144, 33], [198, 33], [198, 46], [144, 46]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[196, 36], [241, 35], [242, 44], [197, 46]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[149, 69], [210, 63], [210, 78], [149, 84]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[217, 113], [246, 112], [245, 117], [216, 119]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 240], [33, 239], [35, 258], [0, 259]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 329], [21, 327], [21, 340], [0, 342]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[281, 249], [297, 233], [299, 244], [285, 257]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1008, 130], [1026, 124], [1030, 145], [1013, 152]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[535, 1], [657, 1], [657, 8], [535, 17]]}, {"transcription": "cashier", "points": [[1058, 1], [1273, 1], [1273, 22], [1058, 30]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_205.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[595, 276], [624, 277], [624, 291], [595, 290]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[23, 117], [33, 116], [34, 132], [24, 133]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[90, 109], [104, 110], [97, 128], [83, 126]]}, {"transcription": "zero", "points": [[240, 213], [282, 189], [291, 203], [250, 227]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[964, 486], [985, 482], [995, 510], [974, 514]]}, {"transcription": "Tidinas", "points": [[37, 109], [84, 105], [83, 125], [36, 129]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[991, 476], [1084, 478], [1085, 511], [992, 509]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1100, 480], [1130, 491], [1115, 520], [1086, 509]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[629, 277], [675, 276], [674, 291], [628, 291]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[592, 313], [635, 314], [635, 329], [592, 329]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1031, 191], [1125, 189], [1127, 292], [1033, 294]]}, {"transcription": "INTRODUCING..", "points": [[594, 180], [734, 180], [736, 203], [596, 203]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[985, 154], [1154, 150], [1154, 168], [985, 172]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[866, 173], [948, 172], [948, 183], [866, 184]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[972, 507], [1125, 510], [1117, 542], [979, 539]]}] 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[546, 185], [404, 233]]}, {"transcription": "LEATHER", "points": [[341, 256], [466, 216], [468, 241], [343, 281]]}, {"transcription": "HOUSE", "points": [[474, 205], [652, 148], [655, 180], [477, 236]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[680, 140], [741, 122], [742, 147], [681, 165]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_459.jpg [{"transcription": "for", "points": [[103, 121], [197, 116], [201, 176], [107, 181]]}, {"transcription": "next", "points": [[211, 123], [341, 120], [345, 173], [215, 175]]}, {"transcription": "change", "points": [[348, 118], [523, 118], [532, 175], [357, 175]]}, {"transcription": "Look", "points": [[1131, 110], [1168, 109], [1172, 139], [1135, 140]]}, {"transcription": "out", "points": [[1170, 111], [1192, 109], [1195, 135], [1172, 138]]}, {"transcription": "for", "points": [[1193, 109], [1212, 108], [1213, 133], [1195, 134]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1210, 109], [1237, 109], [1241, 133], [1213, 133]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1245, 104], [1278, 106], [1277, 138], [1243, 135]]}, {"transcription": "out", "points": [[1, 129], [91, 127], [95, 180], [0, 185]]}, {"transcription": "...", "points": [[526, 130], [560, 129], [564, 161], [530, 163]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_299.jpg [{"transcription": "SAMSUNG", "points": [[371, 78], [472, 66], [472, 89], [371, 101]]}, {"transcription": "SAMSUNG", "points": [[566, 73], [685, 59], [686, 83], [567, 96]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[382, 105], [464, 96], [464, 105], [381, 114]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[579, 98], [675, 89], [677, 101], [581, 110]]}, {"transcription": "1,888", "points": [[881, 16], [940, 9], [942, 25], [883, 32]]}, {"transcription": "Home", "points": [[1085, 23], [1120, 23], [1120, 37], [1086, 38]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_347.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[217, 532], [246, 529], [247, 538], [218, 542]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[196, 519], [263, 514], [264, 528], [197, 533]]}, {"transcription": "jam", "points": [[607, 519], [643, 516], [644, 531], [608, 534]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[606, 484], [637, 484], [638, 494], [607, 495]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[585, 476], [655, 468], [656, 484], [586, 492]]}, {"transcription": "Giftaways", "points": [[587, 497], [660, 489], [661, 506], [587, 515]]}, {"transcription": "Xtreme", "points": [[2, 276], [85, 278], [81, 326], [0, 324]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[195, 543], [264, 534], [264, 551], [196, 560]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[858, 226], [887, 216], [890, 237], [861, 244]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1103, 266], [1122, 264], [1123, 280], [1105, 281]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1121, 270], [1132, 268], [1134, 278], [1123, 279]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[180, 253], [229, 260], [227, 276], [179, 269]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_788.jpg [{"transcription": "SWAROVSKI", "points": [[645, 101], [775, 18], [779, 85], [649, 167]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[661, 348], [737, 352], [736, 368], [660, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[463, 338], [503, 340], [503, 347], [463, 346]]}, {"transcription": "ORCHARD", "points": [[326, 209], [384, 213], [383, 226], [325, 222]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[304, 226], [325, 229], [326, 240], [304, 238]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[325, 227], [383, 233], [381, 245], [324, 239]]}, {"transcription": "HAT", "points": [[386, 213], [410, 216], [408, 228], [384, 226]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[382, 233], [409, 236], [408, 246], [381, 244]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[423, 216], [440, 218], [440, 231], [423, 229]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[419, 234], [436, 236], [437, 249], [420, 247]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[468, 243], [483, 242], [482, 253], [467, 254]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[78, 315], [114, 317], [113, 329], [77, 328]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[271, 271], [341, 271], [336, 285], [267, 285]]}] 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"###", "points": [[946, 162], [985, 155], [986, 179], [949, 185]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[943, 194], [966, 191], [965, 208], [946, 209]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[977, 212], [992, 209], [993, 230], [979, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[993, 207], [1003, 204], [1003, 225], [994, 230]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_452.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[302, 437], [385, 468], [378, 490], [295, 458]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[273, 473], [423, 525], [426, 548], [276, 496]]}, {"transcription": "NOVEMBER", "points": [[356, 581], [518, 660], [512, 698], [350, 620]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[918, 380], [1000, 392], [997, 427], [916, 415]]}, {"transcription": "ttins", "points": [[1024, 395], [1115, 407], [1113, 444], [1022, 432]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[325, 572], [355, 586], [351, 620], [321, 605]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1196, 247], [1279, 253], [1278, 311], [1195, 305]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[247, 535], [324, 574], [316, 603], [240, 564]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[394, 461], [437, 478], [431, 511], [387, 493]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1202, 554], [1278, 572], [1278, 626], [1202, 608]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[314, 529], [372, 553], [367, 571], [309, 547]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[300, 505], [350, 527], [351, 540], [301, 517]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[960, 238], [1086, 243], [1087, 256], [961, 251]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[893, 586], [1123, 649], [1113, 698], [883, 635]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[930, 541], [1092, 582], [1090, 611], [928, 569]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[285, 317], [515, 394], [494, 491], [265, 414]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1216, 670], [1274, 691], [1278, 711], [1220, 690]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[373, 558], [383, 563], [381, 575], [371, 569]]}, {"transcription": "One", "points": [[387, 564], [409, 574], [407, 586], [385, 576]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[413, 568], [450, 586], [448, 604], [410, 586]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[354, 525], [388, 541], [387, 558], [353, 541]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_417.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[1142, 646], [1156, 646], [1156, 669], [1142, 669]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[317, 193], [352, 192], [353, 208], [318, 209]]}, {"transcription": "Bath", "points": [[701, 179], [734, 178], [736, 196], [702, 197]]}, {"transcription": "Sensation", "points": [[736, 177], [804, 174], [804, 193], [736, 196]]}, {"transcription": "REVION", "points": [[800, 137], [861, 135], [861, 153], [799, 156]]}, {"transcription": "Sensation", "points": [[425, 187], [500, 185], [500, 204], [426, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[997, 420], [1018, 420], [1021, 443], [1000, 443]]}, {"transcription": "Bath", "points": [[386, 187], [423, 187], [424, 206], [387, 207]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1141, 405], [1154, 404], [1153, 428], [1140, 429]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1009, 545], [1020, 544], [1020, 566], [1008, 567]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1143, 531], [1157, 531], [1157, 551], [1143, 551]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1005, 660], [1021, 657], [1022, 679], [1006, 681]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[996, 131], [1080, 129], [1081, 143], [998, 146]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[924, 286], [970, 286], [971, 309], [924, 309]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[972, 284], [1021, 280], [1021, 305], [972, 309]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[901, 127], [963, 127], [963, 148], [901, 148]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[915, 24], [956, 4], [957, 23], [916, 43]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1052, 280], [1096, 275], [1096, 298], [1052, 303]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1098, 276], [1146, 274], [1146, 295], [1098, 297]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1172, 272], [1213, 268], [1214, 293], [1173, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1215, 271], [1257, 268], [1257, 290], [1215, 292]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[691, 142], [734, 142], [735, 154], [692, 154]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[736, 141], [792, 140], [791, 154], [735, 155]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_59.jpg [{"transcription": "LEARNING", "points": [[559, 218], [761, 223], [763, 255], [561, 250]]}, {"transcription": "FOR", "points": [[577, 187], [660, 188], [663, 221], [580, 219]]}, {"transcription": "UNIVERSITY", "points": [[404, 123], [620, 121], [622, 155], [406, 157]]}, {"transcription": "HAS", "points": [[407, 155], [481, 155], [484, 187], [410, 188]]}, {"transcription": "SMALLER", "points": [[486, 155], [667, 155], [669, 188], [488, 187]]}, {"transcription": "GREAT", "points": [[434, 92], [557, 88], [558, 121], [436, 124]]}, {"transcription": "CLASSES", "points": [[412, 186], [569, 189], [572, 220], [415, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[397, 91], [428, 91], [431, 124], [400, 125]]}, {"transcription": "BETTER", "points": [[418, 218], [551, 221], [554, 251], [421, 248]]}, {"transcription": "SUTD", "points": [[421, 255], [468, 256], [468, 271], [421, 270]]}, {"transcription": "ADMISSIONS", "points": [[617, 307], [725, 304], [726, 318], [619, 321]]}, {"transcription": "CAREER", "points": [[619, 323], [692, 321], [694, 335], [621, 336]]}, {"transcription": "TALK", "points": [[696, 320], [745, 320], [746, 333], [697, 334]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[624, 339], [634, 339], [634, 353], [624, 353]]}, {"transcription": "Dec", "points": [[639, 339], [672, 340], [673, 353], [639, 353]]}, {"transcription": "7-9pm", "points": [[688, 337], [745, 336], [746, 354], [689, 355]]}, {"transcription": "has", "points": [[471, 257], [499, 257], [500, 272], [472, 272]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[502, 259], [525, 259], [525, 273], [502, 273]]}, {"transcription": "11:1", "points": [[525, 257], [552, 259], [554, 274], [527, 273]]}, {"transcription": 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[[628, 369], [663, 369], [663, 378], [628, 378]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[666, 369], [673, 369], [673, 377], [666, 377]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[676, 369], [752, 369], [752, 376], [676, 376]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_949.jpg [{"transcription": "HanGTen", "points": [[999, 193], [1194, 187], [1195, 221], [1000, 227]]}, {"transcription": "ASIAN", "points": [[793, 239], [854, 239], [854, 259], [794, 259]]}, {"transcription": "1000", "points": [[794, 274], [820, 273], [820, 283], [793, 283]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[824, 273], [852, 275], [852, 283], [824, 282]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[199, 60], [255, 76], [254, 86], [198, 71]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[911, 272], [954, 272], [954, 285], [912, 286]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[228, 197], [277, 204], [275, 213], [227, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[788, 290], [799, 292], [800, 300], [787, 300]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[798, 291], [840, 293], [841, 301], [801, 300]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[839, 291], [855, 293], [855, 299], [842, 299]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[911, 285], [953, 284], [954, 294], [912, 294]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[918, 295], [946, 295], [945, 304], [919, 303]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_782.jpg [{"transcription": "THE", "points": [[745, 242], [808, 240], [810, 271], [747, 273]]}, {"transcription": "BODY", "points": [[813, 243], [909, 233], [911, 261], [816, 271]]}, {"transcription": "SHOP", "points": [[913, 234], [1009, 227], [1009, 256], [913, 263]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[990, 195], [1029, 192], [1030, 203], [991, 207]]}, {"transcription": "B2-40/41", "points": [[1069, 189], [1140, 183], [1141, 195], [1070, 201]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[816, 356], [952, 352], [956, 412], [820, 416]]}, {"transcription": "IT'S", "points": [[838, 416], [889, 412], [887, 440], [836, 444]]}, {"transcription": "BIG", "points": [[892, 412], [940, 412], [940, 441], [892, 441]]}, {"transcription": "AND", "points": [[837, 441], [878, 438], [878, 461], [837, 463]]}, {"transcription": "IT'S", "points": [[877, 438], [913, 438], [913, 461], [877, 461]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[227, 450], [273, 440], [277, 462], [230, 472]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[235, 474], [263, 464], [267, 482], [238, 492]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[264, 463], [276, 460], [279, 474], [267, 478]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[532, 411], [557, 415], [556, 431], [531, 427]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[535, 427], [557, 432], [556, 445], [534, 441]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[542, 528], [562, 526], [562, 533], [542, 535]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[570, 525], [590, 525], [590, 534], [570, 534]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[497, 485], [510, 490], [508, 500], [495, 496]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[536, 466], [552, 470], [550, 478], [535, 475]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[726, 412], [747, 414], [746, 431], [726, 430]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[316, 300], [345, 297], [347, 312], [318, 315]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[377, 291], [401, 287], [403, 299], [379, 304]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[700, 367], [722, 365], [722, 373], [700, 375]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[707, 373], [724, 374], [723, 395], [706, 395]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1124, 503], [1158, 503], [1158, 515], [1124, 515]]}, {"transcription": "uemura", "points": [[1159, 504], [1226, 503], [1225, 515], [1158, 515]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1115, 517], [1194, 516], [1194, 527], [1115, 528]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1194, 515], [1226, 515], [1226, 529], [1194, 529]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[867, 522], [912, 522], [912, 527], [868, 528]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_50.jpg [{"transcription": "CC23", "points": [[53, 137], [97, 138], [97, 153], [52, 151]]}, 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[[959, 226], [1239, 243], [1238, 351], [957, 334]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[936, 340], [1004, 350], [1005, 374], [937, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1049, 345], [1125, 354], [1126, 381], [1050, 372]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1184, 356], [1271, 363], [1270, 391], [1182, 384]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[937, 430], [996, 444], [995, 466], [935, 452]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[937, 528], [995, 548], [995, 569], [937, 549]]}, {"transcription": "CAM", "points": [[1100, 531], [1202, 578], [1193, 608], [1092, 562]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1111, 506], [1212, 549], [1206, 571], [1105, 528]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1137, 495], [1197, 519], [1190, 535], [1130, 510]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_391.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[601, 21], [614, 21], [614, 34], [602, 34]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[606, 34], [623, 34], [623, 47], [606, 47]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[826, 54], [849, 53], [850, 79], [827, 80]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[767, 24], [803, 25], [803, 38], [766, 37]]}, {"transcription": "Marks", "points": [[558, 19], [602, 20], [601, 34], [558, 34]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[843, 55], [873, 54], [872, 97], [842, 97]]}, {"transcription": "Spencer", "points": [[616, 22], [672, 24], [671, 38], [615, 36]]}, {"transcription": "Cathay", "points": [[557, 34], [607, 35], [606, 47], [556, 46]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[271, 216], [298, 224], [294, 237], [267, 230]]}, {"transcription": "Jem", "points": [[558, 46], [588, 47], [588, 58], [558, 58]]}, {"transcription": "Park", "points": [[588, 46], [622, 46], [622, 58], [588, 58]]}, {"transcription": "Food", "points": [[559, 57], [594, 57], [594, 70], [559, 70]]}, {"transcription": "Court", "points": [[594, 58], [634, 58], [634, 71], [594, 70]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[623, 46], [635, 46], [635, 59], [623, 59]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": 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"###", "points": [[312, 135], [423, 127], [426, 145], [315, 152]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[449, 27], [479, 23], [479, 41], [449, 46]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[226, 84], [263, 78], [264, 100], [227, 106]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[143, 150], [173, 144], [174, 162], [143, 167]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[168, 200], [195, 199], [195, 219], [168, 220]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[27, 501], [70, 506], [68, 521], [26, 516]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_716.jpg [{"transcription": "HUBL", "points": [[1064, 112], [1274, 30], [1276, 121], [1066, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[698, 254], [727, 242], [726, 260], [698, 272]]}, {"transcription": "MARDIN", "points": [[728, 235], [767, 218], [767, 240], [728, 257]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[174, 303], [456, 331], [455, 342], [173, 314]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_707.jpg [{"transcription": "JIXIANG", "points": [[464, 105], [531, 81], [531, 113], [464, 137]]}, 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[265, 138], [235, 143]]}, {"transcription": "and", "points": [[295, 119], [316, 116], [317, 127], [296, 130]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[315, 116], [345, 110], [346, 121], [317, 127]]}, {"transcription": "Remove", "points": [[345, 111], [384, 103], [386, 113], [347, 120]]}, {"transcription": "Clean", "points": [[265, 125], [296, 119], [296, 131], [266, 137]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[385, 103], [423, 96], [425, 105], [387, 113]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[468, 86], [511, 78], [512, 88], [470, 96]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[326, 185], [337, 183], [338, 192], [327, 194]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[337, 184], [346, 183], [346, 189], [338, 190]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[328, 196], [357, 190], [359, 197], [329, 203]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[356, 188], [395, 180], [396, 188], [358, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[332, 204], [344, 202], [344, 208], [332, 211]]}, {"transcription": "17x", "points": [[339, 161], [387, 149], [395, 178], [347, 190]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[150, 150], [171, 146], [172, 154], [151, 157]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[151, 157], [185, 150], [185, 157], [152, 164]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_153.jpg [{"transcription": "all", "points": [[270, 219], [333, 217], [330, 242], [266, 244]]}, {"transcription": "life!", "points": [[344, 237], [454, 234], [448, 272], [338, 275]]}, {"transcription": "things", "points": [[87, 253], [263, 248], [259, 281], [82, 287]]}, {"transcription": "BOARD", "points": [[642, 237], [731, 234], [732, 252], [643, 255]]}, {"transcription": "www.imob.sg", "points": [[899, 205], [1251, 192], [1260, 220], [908, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[274, 246], [330, 243], [328, 276], [272, 279]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[7, 260], [80, 256], [73, 289], [0, 292]]}, {"transcription": "Space", "points": [[3, 226], [168, 219], [166, 249], [1, 256]]}, {"transcription": "for", "points": 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"TARTS", "points": [[367, 441], [406, 435], [407, 448], [368, 454]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[366, 465], [406, 455], [406, 468], [366, 478]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[407, 453], [435, 447], [435, 463], [407, 469]]}, {"transcription": "Gus", "points": [[466, 385], [492, 383], [489, 399], [463, 401]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[489, 387], [524, 381], [524, 394], [489, 399]]}, {"transcription": "FNE", "points": [[465, 405], [498, 399], [500, 415], [468, 421]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[495, 399], [534, 393], [537, 409], [498, 416]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[463, 422], [482, 418], [483, 434], [464, 439]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[482, 422], [512, 416], [515, 429], [485, 435]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[689, 341], [822, 329], [823, 365], [690, 378]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[637, 155], [683, 170], [682, 191], [637, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1080, 87], [1141, 77], [1146, 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571], [102, 613], [5, 632]]}, {"transcription": "Health", "points": [[769, 247], [822, 245], [823, 267], [769, 269]]}, {"transcription": "Beauty", "points": [[838, 246], [888, 245], [887, 268], [838, 269]]}, {"transcription": "Are", "points": [[892, 247], [916, 246], [916, 267], [892, 268]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[918, 245], [962, 245], [962, 265], [918, 265]]}, {"transcription": "Reach", "points": [[964, 245], [1003, 243], [1002, 264], [962, 267]]}, {"transcription": "ENJOY", "points": [[1092, 239], [1148, 235], [1149, 257], [1093, 261]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_235.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[988, 75], [1013, 77], [1012, 83], [986, 81]]}, {"transcription": "BETTER", "points": [[555, 322], [600, 324], [599, 339], [554, 337]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[343, 416], [402, 423], [400, 440], [341, 433]]}, {"transcription": "BAG", "points": [[518, 301], [557, 303], [555, 322], [515, 320]]}, {"transcription": "DOWN", "points": [[561, 302], [633, 306], [631, 326], [559, 322]]}, {"transcription": "Reserved", "points": [[280, 409], [344, 415], [341, 432], [278, 426]]}, {"transcription": "FOR", "points": [[516, 319], [541, 321], [540, 335], [514, 333]]}, {"transcription": "CAUTION", "points": [[798, 459], [838, 463], [837, 472], [797, 467]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[544, 323], [556, 323], [554, 335], [543, 335]]}, {"transcription": "KEEP", "points": [[758, 208], [798, 210], [795, 224], [756, 222]]}, {"transcription": "CLEAR", "points": [[806, 209], [858, 213], [857, 227], [805, 224]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[870, 213], [892, 214], [891, 229], [869, 227]]}, {"transcription": "DOORS", "points": [[900, 213], [963, 216], [962, 230], [899, 228]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[64, 418], [129, 429], [128, 440], [63, 429]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[64, 428], [129, 438], [127, 449], [62, 439]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[50, 436], [141, 451], [138, 462], [47, 447]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1240, 226], [1279, 228], [1278, 246], [1238, 244]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[67, 454], [123, 462], [122, 472], [66, 464]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[73, 475], [114, 480], [112, 489], [71, 484]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[64, 489], [127, 498], [124, 507], [61, 499]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[596, 439], [624, 439], [622, 449], [594, 449]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[986, 216], [1173, 228], [1173, 240], [989, 230]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[835, 145], [861, 145], [861, 150], [835, 150]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[862, 175], [885, 175], [885, 181], [862, 181]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[891, 144], [916, 145], [916, 152], [891, 151]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[915, 175], [941, 176], [940, 184], [914, 184]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[945, 176], [968, 177], [968, 183], [945, 181]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[946, 181], [966, 181], [966, 188], [945, 189]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[973, 177], [997, 178], [997, 184], [973, 184]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[977, 184], [991, 184], [990, 190], [976, 190]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[924, 138], [956, 139], [955, 147], [923, 146]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[919, 124], [958, 124], [957, 132], [917, 132]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[919, 107], [960, 109], [960, 114], [919, 113]]}, {"transcription": "RIDE", "points": [[601, 325], [632, 327], [631, 341], [599, 339]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1006, 108], [1029, 109], [1029, 117], [1006, 117]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1034, 77], [1063, 77], [1062, 85], [1033, 84]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1047, 109], [1083, 111], [1082, 119], [1046, 117]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1080, 78], [1113, 77], [1113, 85], [1080, 85]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1094, 112], [1131, 112], [1131, 120], [1094, 120]]}, {"transcription": "###", 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80], [1256, 82], [1256, 89], [1230, 88]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1244, 116], [1273, 117], [1272, 123], [1243, 122]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1218, 154], [1234, 154], [1234, 161], [1217, 161]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1243, 150], [1273, 150], [1273, 159], [1244, 158]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1246, 155], [1267, 155], [1267, 164], [1246, 164]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1078, 180], [1122, 181], [1123, 189], [1079, 188]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1148, 184], [1172, 184], [1171, 190], [1147, 190]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1201, 206], [1223, 207], [1223, 213], [1201, 211]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1197, 211], [1228, 213], [1226, 220], [1195, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1233, 208], [1255, 209], [1253, 215], [1231, 214]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1235, 214], [1249, 215], [1247, 219], [1233, 218]]}, {"transcription": "4-HR", "points": [[1217, 627], [1261, 633], [1261, 649], [1216, 643]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[208, 369], [254, 374], [252, 395], [206, 390]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[862, 355], [899, 359], [898, 370], [862, 366]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[900, 357], [929, 359], [928, 371], [898, 369]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[929, 359], [950, 361], [948, 375], [928, 372]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_566.jpg [{"transcription": "MAC", "points": [[305, 111], [375, 96], [378, 115], [308, 130]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[707, 149], [756, 146], [756, 163], [707, 165]]}, {"transcription": "ORIGINS", "points": [[697, 166], [772, 164], [772, 184], [697, 186]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[812, 146], [851, 149], [852, 169], [813, 166]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[807, 165], [857, 165], [860, 188], [810, 188]]}, {"transcription": "CHANEL", "points": [[1169, 207], [1226, 205], [1226, 215], [1168, 217]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[963, 202], [1021, 203], [1020, 213], [962, 212]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[923, 206], [945, 207], [945, 214], [923, 213]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_734.jpg [{"transcription": "$1.50", "points": [[91, 327], [140, 324], [141, 344], [92, 347]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_62.jpg [{"transcription": "McDonalds", "points": [[276, 278], [441, 282], [446, 318], [282, 330]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_773.jpg [{"transcription": "LORA", "points": [[7, 108], [170, 92], [167, 144], [3, 161]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[750, 316], [880, 310], [879, 355], [749, 362]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[748, 467], [882, 482], [880, 537], [746, 523]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[777, 531], [838, 538], [837, 561], [776, 553]]}, {"transcription": "sale", "points": [[847, 533], [892, 540], [891, 568], [846, 562]]}, {"transcription": "sale", "points": [[898, 541], [949, 547], [950, 576], [899, 570]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[878, 433], [916, 436], [916, 540], [878, 536]]}, 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393], [806, 393], [803, 430], [748, 430]]}, {"transcription": "SAL", "points": [[882, 386], [955, 388], [952, 432], [880, 430]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[842, 427], [857, 432], [858, 468], [843, 464]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[858, 431], [876, 431], [877, 468], [859, 468]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[915, 263], [948, 261], [949, 303], [916, 305]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[917, 307], [951, 308], [950, 360], [916, 358]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[917, 438], [951, 437], [955, 480], [920, 481]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[920, 482], [955, 485], [956, 543], [921, 540]]}, {"transcription": "ale", "points": [[751, 525], [772, 528], [767, 554], [746, 551]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[750, 362], [772, 363], [769, 388], [747, 387]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[840, 265], [860, 266], [860, 297], [840, 296]]}, {"transcription": "ALE", "points": [[859, 263], [877, 264], [877, 297], [859, 296]]}] 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"points": [[127, 614], [165, 614], [165, 655], [127, 655]]}, {"transcription": "DINOSAUR", "points": [[1, 462], [153, 464], [152, 526], [0, 524]]}, {"transcription": "pason", "points": [[2, 620], [113, 618], [112, 654], [2, 656]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_972.jpg [{"transcription": "Weddings", "points": [[916, 297], [1005, 285], [1005, 303], [915, 315]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_968.jpg [{"transcription": "PEPERO", "points": [[697, 143], [718, 146], [731, 235], [710, 232]]}, {"transcription": "LOTTE", "points": [[689, 167], [700, 167], [706, 215], [695, 215]]}, {"transcription": "GET", "points": [[902, 37], [944, 25], [943, 52], [902, 64]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[910, 59], [945, 50], [945, 63], [910, 71]]}, {"transcription": "MILO", "points": [[826, 254], [854, 250], [854, 267], [826, 270]]}, {"transcription": "PEPERO", "points": [[660, 369], [697, 384], [695, 406], [658, 391]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[508, 391], [520, 389], [520, 399], [509, 401]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[485, 378], [500, 376], [500, 383], [486, 385]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[499, 375], [524, 372], [525, 380], [500, 383]]}, {"transcription": "KitKat", "points": [[587, 149], [620, 138], [625, 160], [592, 171]]}, {"transcription": "FREE", "points": [[917, 486], [964, 509], [966, 530], [915, 507]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1104, 509], [1113, 506], [1113, 526], [1105, 524]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_999.jpg [{"transcription": "ONE", "points": [[2, 455], [70, 433], [89, 476], [2, 506]]}, {"transcription": "ar.", "points": [[196, 666], [231, 683], [206, 713], [145, 718]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[47, 609], [80, 590], [97, 619], [65, 646]]}, {"transcription": "play", "points": [[90, 591], [150, 556], [163, 595], [106, 632]]}, {"transcription": "exclusives", "points": [[48, 671], [180, 585], [199, 619], [63, 702]]}, {"transcription": "gest", "points": [[63, 716], [165, 644], [181, 672], [138, 718]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[2, 700], [52, 670], [63, 699], [49, 718]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[289, 643], [371, 608], [380, 635], [300, 671]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[305, 665], [382, 631], [395, 651], [323, 680]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[298, 686], [364, 660], [380, 675], [312, 707]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1, 643], [54, 613], [59, 644], [6, 675]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[487, 57], [546, 43], [550, 59], [492, 74]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[318, 489], [384, 465], [387, 502], [321, 526]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_129.jpg [{"transcription": "connexis", "points": [[632, 82], [782, 66], [784, 98], [634, 113]]}, {"transcription": "NORTH", "points": [[639, 114], [703, 108], [704, 120], [639, 127]]}, {"transcription": "TOWER", "points": [[713, 104], [783, 98], [784, 113], [714, 119]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[962, 302], [1018, 300], [1018, 314], [962, 316]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_125.jpg [{"transcription": "star", "points": [[1023, 212], [1250, 233], [1228, 277], [1001, 256]]}, {"transcription": "Mitsubishi", "points": [[1040, 171], [1164, 181], [1157, 211], [1032, 200]]}, {"transcription": "Electric", "points": [[1167, 183], [1261, 196], [1256, 219], [1161, 206]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_891.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[676, 108], [711, 116], [707, 135], [673, 127]]}, {"transcription": "FORMULA", "points": [[570, 81], [645, 101], [644, 121], [568, 101]]}, {"transcription": "DIAGNOSIS", "points": [[654, 42], [730, 62], [727, 82], [652, 62]]}, {"transcription": "40,257", "points": [[456, 17], [521, 34], [515, 57], [451, 41]]}, {"transcription": "POSSIBLE", "points": [[520, 34], [597, 52], [594, 77], [516, 60]]}, {"transcription": "TECHNOLOGICAL", "points": [[524, 1], [661, 42], [660, 63], [523, 22]]}, {"transcription": "FORMULAS", "points": [[596, 54], [675, 75], [673, 97], [594, 76]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[517, 0], [527, 2], [525, 22], [456, 3]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[396, 35], [408, 38], [405, 65], [393, 62]]}, {"transcription": "UNIQUE", "points": [[408, 38], [491, 60], [487, 85], [405, 64]]}, {"transcription": "SKINCARE", "points": [[491, 61], [573, 82], [570, 104], [487, 83]]}, {"transcription": "FOR", "points": [[645, 100], [677, 107], [675, 126], [643, 118]]}, {"transcription": "ioma", "points": [[508, 287], [593, 292], [593, 322], [508, 317]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[514, 370], [535, 370], [535, 383], [514, 383]]}, {"transcription": "CREME", "points": [[537, 368], [582, 371], [580, 386], [535, 384]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[514, 447], [571, 443], [571, 455], [514, 460]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[34, 193], [92, 201], [93, 212], [35, 204]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[1078, 222], [1165, 223], [1166, 262], [1080, 261]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1077, 260], [1164, 262], [1163, 273], [1076, 271]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1062, 410], [1097, 405], [1097, 424], [1062, 428]]}, {"transcription": "SELLERS", "points": [[790, 416], [833, 415], [832, 432], [788, 433]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[484, 204], [597, 212], [597, 228], [484, 221]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_505.jpg [{"transcription": "Standard", "points": [[76, 9], [347, 41], [355, 111], [83, 79]]}, {"transcription": "Chartered", "points": [[353, 59], [530, 83], [535, 136], [358, 113]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[696, 120], [728, 118], [731, 138], [698, 140]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[646, 185], [695, 180], [695, 210], [646, 215]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[87, 231], [142, 225], [142, 237], [87, 243]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[241, 328], [316, 321], [318, 332], [242, 338]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[241, 343], [258, 343], [258, 350], [242, 350]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[270, 340], [283, 340], [283, 346], [270, 346]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[297, 335], [312, 337], [312, 343], [297, 344]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[266, 415], [315, 409], [317, 418], [266, 425]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[290, 432], [319, 430], [319, 439], [291, 442]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[265, 435], [285, 435], [282, 442], [266, 442]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[280, 450], [328, 444], [328, 462], [280, 464]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[890, 63], [925, 60], [931, 92], [896, 101]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[694, 127], [774, 144], [774, 176], [694, 175]]}, {"transcription": "Foodfare", "points": [[1100, 127], [1279, 113], [1277, 153], [1103, 173]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_514.jpg [{"transcription": "cache", "points": [[400, 151], [528, 125], [532, 159], [403, 185]]}, {"transcription": "cache", "points": [[570, 118], [695, 94], [700, 128], [575, 151]]}, {"transcription": "cache", "points": [[780, 243], [810, 240], [827, 349], [797, 351]]}, {"transcription": "cocho", "points": [[761, 89], [781, 86], [798, 195], [778, 198]]}, {"transcription": "cache", "points": [[256, 240], [353, 221], [360, 240], [262, 259]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[830, 358], [878, 620], [852, 628], [803, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[499, 691], [791, 627], [800, 670], [508, 718]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[5, 465], [101, 419], [107, 454], [5, 507]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[2, 410], [53, 389], [56, 433], [5, 452]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_368.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[1179, 59], [1213, 60], [1216, 101], [1182, 100]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1205, 62], [1242, 64], [1244, 124], [1206, 122]]}, {"transcription": "SKECHERS", "points": [[252, 2], [409, 150], [397, 190], [226, 62]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_516.jpg [{"transcription": "POH", "points": [[591, 143], [660, 129], [662, 166], [593, 180]]}, {"transcription": "HENG", "points": [[657, 125], [765, 103], [768, 139], [661, 161]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[269, 250], [330, 251], [330, 261], [270, 261]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[395, 231], [423, 233], [423, 258], [395, 258]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[945, 296], [965, 289], [967, 316], [947, 322]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1108, 163], [1132, 163], [1135, 270], [1115, 270]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_165.jpg [{"transcription": "connexis", "points": [[378, 23], [461, 11], [464, 37], [382, 50]]}, {"transcription": "North", "points": [[385, 56], [422, 52], [422, 71], [385, 75]]}, {"transcription": "Tower", "points": [[420, 48], [457, 45], [460, 66], [422, 70]]}, {"transcription": "10-10 to 11", "points": [[412, 164], [469, 162], [469, 179], [412, 181]]}, {"transcription": "10-12 to 14", "points": [[416, 189], [472, 189], [472, 204], [416, 204]]}, {"transcription": "10-15 to 16", "points": [[420, 214], [476, 215], [477, 230], [421, 229]]}, {"transcription": "L10", "points": [[386, 91], [444, 86], [450, 126], [392, 131]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_334.jpg [{"transcription": "Health", "points": [[276, 155], [360, 156], [360, 181], [275, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[362, 157], [383, 156], [383, 178], [361, 179]]}, {"transcription": "Beauty", "points": [[383, 159], [464, 158], [462, 185], [381, 182]]}, {"transcription": "Are", "points": [[466, 156], [507, 156], [507, 182], [466, 181]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_286.jpg [{"transcription": "Hurley", "points": [[118, 92], [259, 80], [261, 124], [120, 136]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[314, 31], [401, 28], [404, 98], [318, 101]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[739, 64], [761, 63], [759, 82], [737, 82]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[510, 58], [522, 62], [522, 88], [510, 84]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[510, 228], [560, 222], [561, 237], [511, 243]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[510, 243], [561, 237], [563, 249], [512, 255]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[483, 209], [532, 211], [532, 225], [483, 224]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[347, 258], [403, 259], [403, 273], [347, 272]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[359, 222], [398, 223], [399, 237], [360, 236]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[329, 193], [362, 191], [363, 206], [329, 208]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_437.jpg [{"transcription": "CORDIAL", "points": [[451, 178], [567, 165], [568, 193], [452, 206]]}, {"transcription": "CORDIAL", "points": [[565, 166], [691, 152], [692, 177], [566, 192]]}, {"transcription": "CORDIAL", "points": [[694, 147], [841, 126], [844, 156], [696, 177]]}, {"transcription": "CORDIAL", "points": [[840, 130], [1006, 105], [1010, 134], [845, 158]]}, {"transcription": "SYRUP", "points": [[911, 86], [1009, 71], [1012, 91], [915, 106]]}, {"transcription": "CORDIAL", "points": [[475, 110], [567, 95], [568, 111], [476, 125]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[450, 157], [540, 144], [540, 160], [450, 173]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[12, 237], [96, 228], [97, 253], [13, 262]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[149, 212], [247, 204], [248, 234], [150, 242]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[22, 150], [68, 144], [54, 259], [8, 265]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 239], [12, 238], [12, 264], [0, 265]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_894.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[753, 261], [782, 260], [782, 271], [753, 272]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[751, 272], [798, 267], [798, 278], [751, 283]]}, {"transcription": "launch", "points": [[741, 276], [807, 271], [810, 291], [743, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1202, 233], [1228, 230], [1231, 242], [1204, 245]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_500.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[278, 318], [291, 312], [298, 335], [285, 341]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[300, 334], [338, 432], [323, 438], [284, 340]]}, {"transcription": "AOJIEOJBAKAS", "points": [[318, 311], [358, 421], [338, 429], [298, 319]]}, {"transcription": "Econometrics", "points": [[340, 311], [380, 422], [366, 428], [326, 317]]}, 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[415, 258], [295, 278]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[343, 445], [436, 404], [441, 421], [347, 462]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[337, 425], [355, 417], [358, 436], [340, 444]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[511, 244], [551, 236], [552, 245], [513, 253]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[525, 258], [547, 255], [547, 265], [525, 268]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_861.jpg [{"transcription": "Garrett", "points": [[36, 26], [154, 25], [151, 99], [33, 100]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[73, 87], [143, 101], [138, 113], [68, 99]]}, {"transcription": "THEFACESHO", "points": [[1035, 30], [1157, 26], [1156, 40], [1034, 44]]}, {"transcription": "Limited", "points": [[1030, 377], [1111, 376], [1112, 397], [1031, 398]]}, {"transcription": "Eddition", "points": [[1114, 374], [1182, 372], [1183, 396], [1115, 399]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1076, 404], [1143, 404], [1140, 416], [1074, 416]]}, {"transcription": "CALENDAR", "points": [[1040, 419], [1118, 418], [1118, 431], [1040, 432]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1117, 415], [1176, 416], [1177, 430], [1118, 429]]}, {"transcription": "COLLECT", "points": [[1065, 432], [1157, 430], [1157, 440], [1065, 442]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_857.jpg [{"transcription": "COTTON", "points": [[134, 199], [475, 170], [449, 389], [108, 418]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[454, 296], [505, 290], [500, 382], [449, 388]]}, {"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[832, 172], [867, 173], [866, 192], [831, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[796, 302], [857, 285], [858, 313], [797, 330]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_828.jpg [{"transcription": "FURLA", "points": [[292, 145], [458, 146], [458, 181], [292, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[5, 174], [80, 188], [76, 218], [0, 204]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[718, 288], [765, 285], [765, 301], [718, 304]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[860, 324], [915, 324], [913, 341], [859, 341]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1053, 235], [1100, 232], [1098, 253], [1051, 256]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_741.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[11, 110], [88, 135], [90, 194], [13, 169]]}, {"transcription": "TOPS", "points": [[15, 325], [72, 321], [72, 337], [15, 341]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[10, 347], [79, 343], [79, 358], [9, 362]]}, {"transcription": "19.90", "points": [[19, 365], [81, 363], [82, 400], [20, 403]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_429.jpg [{"transcription": "m&m's", "points": [[585, 357], [690, 328], [695, 367], [589, 396]]}, {"transcription": "m&m", "points": [[791, 96], [862, 97], [860, 121], [789, 120]]}, {"transcription": "EVERYONE", "points": [[798, 126], [866, 126], [861, 142], [793, 142]]}, {"transcription": "WANTS", "points": [[779, 146], [831, 146], [828, 176], [776, 176]]}, {"transcription": "THEM", "points": [[830, 148], [872, 146], [870, 174], [828, 176]]}, {"transcription": "Christmas", "points": [[777, 191], [871, 191], [869, 216], [775, 216]]}, {"transcription": "m&m's", "points": [[917, 331], [1000, 308], [1005, 342], [921, 364]]}, {"transcription": "m&ms", "points": [[736, 650], [843, 605], [852, 638], [745, 683]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[831, 368], [877, 350], [882, 364], [837, 383]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[707, 482], [755, 466], [761, 484], [713, 500]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[773, 468], [828, 452], [833, 471], [779, 487]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[843, 452], [889, 440], [893, 460], [848, 472]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[707, 568], [752, 552], [756, 572], [710, 588]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[769, 536], [825, 531], [827, 548], [771, 554]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[829, 541], [870, 516], [878, 531], [837, 555]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[716, 343], [726, 343], [725, 355], [715, 355]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[942, 51], [1031, 56], [1030, 72], [941, 66]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1118, 62], [1191, 68], [1189, 82], [1116, 75]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[511, 58], [523, 57], [523, 70], [511, 71]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[582, 31], [593, 32], [592, 50], [581, 48]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[451, 141], [461, 141], [460, 153], [450, 153]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_341.jpg [{"transcription": "50%", "points": [[188, 290], [234, 289], [235, 309], [190, 310]]}, {"transcription": "OFF", "points": [[191, 308], [238, 308], [238, 328], [191, 328]]}, {"transcription": "PANDORA", "points": [[783, 89], [907, 46], [908, 101], [784, 139]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_136.jpg [{"transcription": "Christmas", "points": [[820, 330], [907, 339], [904, 359], [818, 350]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1025, 305], [1073, 309], [1072, 327], [1023, 323]]}, {"transcription": "Greetings", "points": [[771, 108], [927, 102], [928, 158], [772, 164]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[776, 349], [794, 352], [792, 366], [774, 363]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[794, 349], [871, 360], [871, 377], [794, 366]]}, {"transcription": "Season's", "points": [[742, 65], [866, 54], [868, 105], [744, 116]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[875, 361], [920, 368], [919, 384], [874, 377]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[602, 154], [621, 150], [620, 227], [599, 222]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[788, 288], [828, 291], [828, 308], [789, 304]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[831, 289], [882, 296], [883, 312], [832, 306]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[968, 301], [1020, 306], [1022, 325], [970, 321]]}, {"transcription": "Special", "points": [[763, 325], [819, 328], [817, 349], [761, 345]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[909, 341], [963, 347], [958, 364], [903, 358]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[963, 342], [1070, 354], [1066, 377], [959, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1072, 357], [1137, 364], [1134, 383], [1069, 376]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[922, 368], [947, 372], [944, 388], [920, 384]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[950, 368], [967, 370], [963, 391], [947, 389]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[966, 373], [1054, 385], [1050, 404], [962, 392]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1058, 381], [1115, 390], [1112, 410], [1054, 402]]}, {"transcription": "Step", "points": [[314, 25], [369, 27], [368, 55], [313, 53]]}, {"transcription": "INTO", "points": [[343, 53], [385, 55], [385, 69], [344, 66]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[310, 51], [408, 57], [406, 93], [308, 88]]}, {"transcription": "OFF", "points": [[620, 201], [636, 207], [635, 233], [619, 227]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[340, 84], [406, 89], [406, 100], [340, 95]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[596, 114], [634, 109], [636, 143], [598, 148]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[620, 157], [633, 154], [633, 192], [621, 192]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[328, 215], [351, 214], [351, 222], [328, 223]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[352, 212], [364, 212], [363, 221], [351, 221]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[363, 213], [378, 212], [378, 219], [363, 221]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[315, 225], [333, 223], [333, 231], [315, 232]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[335, 221], [357, 221], [357, 230], [335, 231]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[355, 223], [388, 222], [389, 229], [355, 229]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[330, 232], [345, 232], [345, 240], [330, 240]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[344, 232], [365, 230], [365, 239], [344, 241]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[363, 233], [381, 230], [382, 237], [363, 239]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[609, 235], [635, 243], [635, 259], [611, 249]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[611, 251], [635, 263], [635, 273], [610, 261]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[336, 241], [359, 239], [359, 245], [336, 247]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[361, 237], [376, 237], [376, 246], [361, 245]]}, 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315], [854, 328], [790, 321]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[854, 313], [908, 316], [910, 335], [856, 332]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[935, 323], [972, 325], [972, 338], [935, 336]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[973, 322], [1058, 331], [1058, 345], [973, 336]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1061, 331], [1118, 337], [1116, 358], [1059, 352]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[766, 373], [824, 381], [822, 394], [765, 386]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[826, 383], [868, 389], [866, 401], [824, 395]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[866, 389], [892, 392], [889, 407], [863, 404]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[893, 391], [924, 395], [920, 410], [890, 407]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[925, 396], [988, 404], [985, 419], [922, 410]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[991, 404], [1060, 413], [1058, 430], [989, 421]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1062, 415], [1090, 418], [1087, 436], [1059, 432]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1091, 419], [1131, 423], [1129, 440], [1089, 437]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[875, 409], [908, 414], [905, 430], [872, 426]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[907, 419], [926, 422], [923, 432], [905, 429]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[927, 423], [949, 425], [945, 436], [922, 433]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[950, 423], [988, 429], [982, 443], [945, 437]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[986, 428], [1038, 436], [1033, 453], [982, 446]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1042, 438], [1089, 444], [1085, 460], [1038, 453]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1089, 444], [1139, 452], [1135, 469], [1085, 461]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[943, 444], [963, 449], [960, 461], [940, 457]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[964, 449], [1019, 460], [1017, 471], [962, 460]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1024, 457], [1069, 467], [1065, 478], [1019, 469]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": 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"###", "points": [[735, 422], [778, 422], [778, 432], [735, 431]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[458, 268], [510, 268], [511, 279], [459, 280]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[383, 265], [415, 266], [415, 278], [383, 277]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[396, 216], [440, 202], [439, 229], [395, 244]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[58, 226], [127, 229], [128, 249], [58, 247]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[15, 211], [100, 215], [99, 231], [14, 227]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_781.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[465, 504], [573, 493], [576, 561], [467, 572]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1196, 225], [1236, 221], [1237, 242], [1197, 246]]}, {"transcription": "ODY", "points": [[1181, 250], [1252, 243], [1256, 267], [1185, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1195, 267], [1258, 264], [1257, 291], [1193, 294]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[1182, 372], [1246, 365], [1247, 394], [1183, 401]]}, {"transcription": "###", 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"###", "points": [[163, 455], [198, 445], [189, 567], [154, 577]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[187, 456], [247, 432], [238, 576], [178, 600]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[530, 341], [578, 333], [583, 355], [535, 363]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[437, 335], [486, 328], [489, 348], [440, 355]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[286, 328], [350, 321], [357, 347], [293, 354]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_842.jpg [{"transcription": "PROOF", "points": [[390, 154], [625, 141], [627, 184], [392, 197]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[436, 201], [588, 185], [589, 203], [437, 218]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_33.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[376, 237], [402, 235], [401, 247], [375, 249]]}, {"transcription": "SMOKING", "points": [[405, 233], [478, 228], [478, 241], [405, 246]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_883.jpg [{"transcription": "ZERO", "points": [[990, 62], [1177, 69], [1175, 132], [987, 125]]}, {"transcription": "SPOT", "points": [[987, 126], 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"###", "points": [[1026, 389], [1132, 371], [1133, 382], [1026, 401]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[973, 412], [1172, 369], [1174, 379], [975, 422]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1016, 413], [1141, 388], [1143, 398], [1017, 423]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[985, 433], [1145, 396], [1149, 406], [989, 443]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1003, 441], [1154, 405], [1157, 416], [1006, 452]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[876, 267], [900, 263], [903, 297], [879, 302]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[885, 317], [909, 313], [912, 347], [889, 351]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[882, 364], [912, 365], [919, 396], [889, 395]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[894, 408], [916, 407], [920, 447], [899, 447]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[904, 456], [921, 456], [925, 489], [908, 489]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[909, 506], [926, 503], [930, 537], [913, 539]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_328.jpg [{"transcription": 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"###", "points": [[91, 391], [122, 403], [121, 414], [89, 401]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[118, 405], [152, 387], [161, 399], [127, 417]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[6, 401], [58, 401], [57, 412], [5, 412]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1126, 127], [1170, 103], [1180, 146], [1134, 167]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1097, 148], [1127, 130], [1134, 165], [1104, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1075, 159], [1096, 150], [1104, 179], [1083, 187]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[2, 112], [62, 106], [104, 116], [1, 135]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_672.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[48, 558], [106, 560], [105, 581], [49, 581]]}, {"transcription": "MARKET", "points": [[989, 209], [1184, 196], [1187, 259], [990, 264]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1186, 203], [1278, 215], [1278, 280], [1190, 267]]}, {"transcription": "VITALITY", "points": [[1076, 255], [1178, 265], [1174, 290], [1079, 277]]}, {"transcription": 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[935, 107], [937, 123], [871, 137]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[365, 218], [447, 197], [450, 225], [367, 246]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[306, 241], [335, 232], [335, 252], [306, 261]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[146, 283], [203, 283], [203, 304], [146, 304]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[874, 254], [925, 252], [924, 267], [873, 270]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_892.jpg [{"transcription": "HERMES", "points": [[230, 93], [321, 78], [321, 105], [230, 120]]}, {"transcription": "HERMES", "points": [[472, 72], [540, 92], [540, 117], [472, 97]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[953, 235], [1043, 231], [1043, 242], [953, 246]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_563.jpg [{"transcription": "TEAM", "points": [[458, 21], [511, 19], [516, 36], [463, 39]]}, {"transcription": "SALON", "points": [[542, 16], [602, 14], [605, 28], [545, 30]]}, {"transcription": "AVEDA", "points": [[501, 60], [581, 53], [582, 75], [502, 83]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_432.jpg 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100], [814, 115], [777, 116]]}, {"transcription": "Machine", "points": [[816, 99], [872, 96], [873, 110], [817, 113]]}, {"transcription": "Clementi", "points": [[775, 121], [834, 115], [836, 131], [777, 137]]}, {"transcription": "The", "points": [[751, 124], [775, 123], [776, 137], [752, 138]]}, {"transcription": "Pasenger", "points": [[747, 88], [811, 83], [812, 98], [747, 103]]}, {"transcription": "Toilet", "points": [[768, 139], [806, 138], [807, 153], [769, 154]]}, {"transcription": "BERTH", "points": [[275, 120], [308, 129], [307, 145], [274, 136]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[470, 100], [492, 98], [494, 107], [471, 109]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[504, 97], [517, 98], [519, 105], [504, 106]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[519, 95], [551, 92], [553, 102], [521, 104]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[584, 89], [599, 91], [600, 97], [584, 98]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[600, 87], [633, 87], [634, 94], [601, 97]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[644, 82], [667, 80], [669, 90], [646, 92]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[475, 114], [489, 114], [489, 126], [475, 126]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[477, 134], [490, 134], [491, 144], [477, 145]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[291, 174], [310, 178], [308, 189], [297, 188]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[277, 186], [325, 193], [326, 211], [278, 203]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[309, 131], [319, 134], [319, 148], [309, 145]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[690, 216], [720, 215], [721, 229], [690, 231]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[755, 210], [796, 208], [798, 231], [756, 234]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[722, 213], [747, 212], [747, 217], [723, 219]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_400.jpg [{"transcription": "TOPSHOP", "points": [[498, 222], [624, 220], [624, 247], [498, 249]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[666, 189], [705, 197], [704, 220], [665, 212]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[706, 200], [736, 206], [736, 226], [706, 220]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[498, 263], [628, 259], [628, 282], [499, 285]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[836, 143], [851, 142], [851, 167], [836, 168]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[824, 144], [839, 144], [840, 159], [825, 160]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_770.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[190, 1], [286, 5], [286, 32], [190, 27]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[155, 351], [245, 352], [246, 424], [156, 423]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[137, 267], [246, 262], [246, 280], [137, 285]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[143, 293], [240, 290], [240, 314], [143, 317]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[147, 326], [241, 325], [241, 342], [147, 343]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[241, 171], [292, 166], [295, 182], [243, 186]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[10, 198], [77, 189], [77, 207], [10, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[6, 176], [86, 165], [86, 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[631, 228]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[941, 283], [1033, 271], [1035, 280], [942, 293]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[286, 238], [310, 241], [310, 257], [286, 255]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[285, 258], [316, 260], [315, 273], [284, 272]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1003, 124], [1014, 122], [1016, 136], [1005, 138]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[913, 102], [937, 96], [941, 120], [916, 125]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[210, 236], [242, 240], [245, 270], [213, 266]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1017, 258], [1030, 255], [1031, 263], [1018, 266]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1008, 158], [1017, 157], [1017, 166], [1008, 167]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1199, 147], [1214, 145], [1218, 171], [1204, 173]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[52, 246], [102, 250], [102, 257], [50, 254]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1139, 439], [1225, 429], [1226, 441], [1140, 451]]}] 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[351, 58]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[369, 42], [391, 42], [390, 67], [368, 66]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[392, 44], [419, 45], [419, 64], [392, 62]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[435, 66], [475, 69], [474, 79], [433, 76]]}, {"transcription": "Kaya", "points": [[790, 0], [843, 8], [842, 29], [790, 20]]}, {"transcription": "Crackers", "points": [[782, 20], [855, 27], [854, 50], [782, 44]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[772, 47], [870, 55], [868, 65], [770, 57]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[801, 84], [814, 84], [813, 100], [800, 100]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[812, 85], [827, 85], [827, 105], [813, 106]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[773, 59], [873, 66], [873, 76], [773, 69]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[826, 86], [845, 86], [847, 100], [827, 101]]}, {"transcription": "Toast", "points": [[932, 35], [973, 38], [972, 56], [931, 53]]}, {"transcription": "Cubes", "points": [[972, 38], [1012, 41], [1012, 59], [972, 56]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[968, 89], [984, 89], [984, 105], [968, 106]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[944, 89], [957, 89], [957, 105], [944, 104]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[956, 90], [967, 90], [968, 109], [957, 109]]}, {"transcription": "YaKunKaT", "points": [[613, 156], [709, 158], [709, 171], [614, 169]]}, {"transcription": "INTRODUCUCING...", "points": [[0, 283], [120, 279], [121, 296], [2, 299]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[628, 168], [697, 169], [696, 178], [627, 177]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[618, 230], [743, 228], [743, 241], [618, 242]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[26, 354], [68, 353], [68, 363], [26, 364]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[96, 371], [123, 369], [123, 381], [96, 383]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[95, 401], [123, 400], [123, 412], [95, 413]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[280, 476], [294, 471], [301, 487], [289, 491]]}, {"transcription": "Tidings", "points": 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"###", "points": [[327, 286], [383, 281], [388, 346], [332, 351]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[631, 72], [677, 69], [685, 148], [640, 151]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 385], [36, 383], [36, 395], [0, 396]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[604, 228], [614, 227], [615, 241], [605, 242]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[175, 275], [213, 273], [211, 298], [173, 299]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1089, 575], [1178, 551], [1185, 593], [1096, 616]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1073, 621], [1183, 593], [1185, 616], [1074, 644]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[303, 619], [359, 609], [364, 642], [308, 652]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 357], [23, 356], [24, 365], [0, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[214, 289], [255, 289], [257, 308], [216, 308]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[6, 368], [90, 363], [86, 372], [2, 377]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[4, 397], [90, 391], [90, 408], [4, 414]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[35, 426], [126, 419], [124, 436], [33, 443]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[156, 417], [278, 407], [279, 456], [157, 466]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[158, 467], [248, 459], [249, 478], [160, 487]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[936, 54], [1006, 64], [1003, 96], [933, 86]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[438, 469], [466, 467], [463, 480], [435, 482]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[449, 485], [481, 481], [477, 502], [446, 506]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[453, 557], [494, 553], [495, 578], [454, 582]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[363, 575], [405, 567], [406, 593], [364, 601]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[271, 593], [311, 589], [309, 617], [269, 621]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[146, 318], [201, 316], [201, 344], [149, 345]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[208, 316], [256, 316], [259, 344], [211, 344]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[301, 356], [336, 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[[818, 595], [877, 584], [881, 615], [822, 626]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[835, 634], [883, 624], [885, 645], [836, 655]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[828, 561], [872, 555], [874, 576], [830, 582]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_502.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[749, 229], [837, 228], [836, 242], [748, 244]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[588, 277], [604, 273], [608, 292], [592, 296]]}, {"transcription": "Year", "points": [[166, 198], [206, 188], [212, 211], [172, 221]]}, {"transcription": "Potential", "points": [[206, 185], [285, 166], [296, 191], [217, 210]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[175, 225], [233, 213], [240, 231], [181, 244]]}, {"transcription": "KEY", "points": [[558, 215], [677, 186], [693, 240], [575, 269]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[231, 211], [290, 196], [296, 214], [237, 229]]}, {"transcription": "Stretch", "points": [[153, 164], [265, 138], [270, 171], [158, 198]]}, {"transcription": "Mind", "points": [[320, 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[250, 219], [251, 243], [168, 244]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[519, 284], [539, 284], [539, 298], [519, 298]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[544, 122], [601, 121], [606, 208], [544, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[744, 272], [784, 272], [786, 293], [744, 293]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1072, 214], [1107, 214], [1107, 226], [1072, 226]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_323.jpg [{"transcription": "Level", "points": [[654, 42], [691, 26], [693, 53], [656, 69]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[691, 25], [714, 16], [714, 46], [691, 55]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1024, 555], [1121, 590], [1119, 611], [1018, 575]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1047, 585], [1118, 611], [1117, 633], [1042, 606]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[617, 57], [628, 53], [630, 79], [617, 84]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[988, 518], [1120, 566], [1118, 588], [988, 540]]}, {"transcription": "New", "points": [[631, 51], [655, 45], [655, 69], [630, 79]]}, {"transcription": "Capit", "points": [[1185, 582], [1275, 608], [1277, 668], [1182, 637]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[710, 61], [727, 53], [730, 83], [712, 91]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[730, 53], [755, 44], [755, 76], [731, 85]]}, {"transcription": "Discovered", "points": [[759, 38], [874, 3], [874, 42], [758, 77]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[415, 147], [471, 126], [472, 139], [418, 158]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[440, 154], [485, 140], [485, 158], [441, 170]]}, {"transcription": "11:42", "points": [[824, 140], [859, 103], [870, 125], [834, 163]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[262, 174], [292, 175], [292, 191], [262, 190]]}, {"transcription": "Retine", "points": [[714, 15], [753, 1], [827, 3], [715, 47]]}, {"transcription": "Soon", "points": [[881, 3], [952, 0], [952, 15], [882, 35]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[950, 0], [964, 0], [965, 13], [951, 14]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[524, 358], 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"aurora", "points": [[693, 238], [772, 223], [780, 249], [701, 264]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[820, 176], [850, 173], [858, 205], [828, 209]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[982, 167], [1056, 152], [1060, 170], [985, 185]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[333, 516], [391, 533], [388, 552], [331, 535]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_745.jpg [{"transcription": "Dior", "points": [[553, 183], [621, 164], [613, 216], [546, 235]]}, {"transcription": "(I)", "points": [[997, 26], [1065, 0], [1076, 46], [1001, 66]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_458.jpg [{"transcription": "LEVEL", "points": [[764, 144], [814, 152], [814, 173], [764, 164]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[976, 455], [1013, 461], [1013, 474], [976, 468]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[978, 488], [1008, 495], [1011, 506], [981, 499]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[973, 500], [1017, 509], [1018, 526], [975, 518]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[262, 246], [301, 249], [298, 298], [260, 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[[549, 115], [590, 119], [589, 133], [548, 130]]}, {"transcription": "Bay", "points": [[592, 120], [616, 121], [615, 134], [591, 133]]}, {"transcription": "(CGDB)", "points": [[617, 120], [660, 123], [660, 137], [618, 135]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[660, 125], [675, 124], [676, 136], [661, 137]]}, {"transcription": "Joho", "points": [[677, 123], [714, 126], [714, 141], [677, 138]]}, {"transcription": "Iskadar", "points": [[753, 128], [805, 132], [804, 147], [752, 144]]}, {"transcription": "Malaysia", "points": [[806, 132], [861, 136], [861, 150], [806, 147]]}, {"transcription": "With", "points": [[863, 135], [895, 136], [895, 152], [863, 151]]}, {"transcription": "CGDB,", "points": [[897, 138], [934, 141], [933, 156], [895, 153]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[935, 140], [957, 142], [956, 157], [935, 155]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[959, 144], [1018, 149], [1017, 162], [958, 157]]}, {"transcription": "unseated", "points": [[499, 131], [559, 136], [559, 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{"transcription": "5367", "points": [[900, 459], [938, 461], [940, 523], [902, 521]]}, {"transcription": "Safa", "points": [[1226, 484], [1278, 488], [1278, 512], [1222, 507]]}, {"transcription": "Safa", "points": [[1219, 511], [1279, 517], [1279, 544], [1214, 537]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1246, 156], [1279, 156], [1276, 211], [1241, 211]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[856, 20], [874, 20], [874, 33], [856, 33]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[878, 20], [904, 20], [903, 32], [877, 31]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[908, 20], [925, 20], [922, 31], [905, 31]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[889, 38], [914, 38], [912, 51], [887, 51]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[917, 39], [928, 39], [928, 52], [917, 51]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[848, 57], [912, 57], [910, 71], [847, 70]]}, {"transcription": "Holland", "points": [[847, 71], [879, 72], [879, 83], [847, 82]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[881, 71], [893, 72], [894, 83], [880, 83]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[915, 59], [932, 59], [929, 71], [912, 71]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_996.jpg [{"transcription": "SALES", "points": [[285, 228], [369, 250], [352, 277], [278, 257]]}, {"transcription": "20%", "points": [[279, 271], [343, 287], [327, 319], [266, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1032, 184], [1127, 193], [1126, 228], [1028, 226]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1028, 231], [1108, 238], [1105, 269], [1030, 263]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[683, 270], [717, 274], [715, 293], [678, 290]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[759, 248], [797, 250], [793, 268], [759, 268]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_470.jpg [{"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[505, 70], [541, 73], [541, 94], [505, 91]]}, {"transcription": "Payless", "points": [[612, 104], [647, 108], [658, 323], [623, 319]]}, {"transcription": "SHOESOURCE", "points": [[646, 114], [658, 113], [660, 214], [647, 215]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[421, 119], [443, 121], [447, 144], [425, 141]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1138, 120], [1225, 119], [1229, 136], [1142, 138]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[856, 144], [888, 143], [890, 165], [857, 166]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_355.jpg [{"transcription": "BRATE", "points": [[608, 299], [657, 300], [656, 314], [607, 313]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[361, 398], [409, 392], [409, 405], [361, 411]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[625, 34], [674, 45], [672, 61], [624, 50]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[638, 52], [675, 60], [671, 74], [634, 67]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[620, 80], [678, 90], [673, 124], [616, 114]]}, {"transcription": "Sony", "points": [[626, 17], [675, 29], [673, 47], [624, 34]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[436, 2], [578, 40], [577, 51], [436, 13]]}, {"transcription": "SONY", "points": [[574, 251], [660, 253], [659, 273], [573, 271]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[125, 423], [299, 404], [301, 418], [126, 437]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[303, 405], [360, 399], [360, 411], [303, 417]]}, {"transcription": "Sale", "points": [[575, 298], [608, 299], [607, 314], [574, 314]]}, {"transcription": "YOUR", "points": [[594, 316], [636, 316], [635, 329], [593, 329]]}, {"transcription": "YEAR", "points": [[576, 329], [618, 332], [617, 344], [575, 341]]}, {"transcription": "END", "points": [[620, 330], [651, 330], [651, 345], [621, 344]]}, {"transcription": "COLOURFULLY", "points": [[558, 342], [669, 345], [668, 360], [557, 357]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[566, 369], [658, 373], [658, 382], [566, 378]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[568, 378], [659, 382], [658, 393], [567, 389]]}, {"transcription": "Sony", "points": [[569, 512], [640, 516], [640, 536], [570, 532]]}, {"transcription": "Days", "points": [[572, 531], [640, 533], [641, 553], [573, 550]]}, {"transcription": "2014", "points": [[592, 550], [638, 551], [637, 566], [591, 564]]}] 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[445, 14], [445, 37], [358, 44]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[663, 97], [741, 58], [741, 103], [663, 142]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[370, 425], [474, 414], [479, 440], [375, 451]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[403, 404], [442, 400], [443, 404], [404, 408]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[412, 453], [441, 449], [441, 458], [412, 462]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[54, 534], [80, 519], [83, 530], [57, 545]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1204, 236], [1222, 244], [1223, 257], [1205, 250]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_345.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[719, 215], [743, 213], [746, 237], [721, 239]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[735, 212], [766, 208], [769, 253], [738, 257]]}, {"transcription": "Santa's", "points": [[491, 286], [544, 279], [544, 294], [492, 302]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[508, 298], [530, 296], [530, 302], [508, 305]]}, {"transcription": "Cinaways", "points": [[492, 306], [547, 299], [547, 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"points": [[1008, 382], [1087, 386], [1080, 406], [1006, 400]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1080, 387], [1137, 390], [1134, 409], [1075, 406]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[748, 36], [850, 34], [851, 66], [749, 68]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[396, 46], [510, 46], [510, 74], [396, 74]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[104, 260], [192, 262], [191, 292], [104, 291]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1154, 517], [1275, 520], [1276, 544], [1155, 541]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_826.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[423, 20], [461, 11], [463, 66], [426, 75]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[640, 513], [738, 505], [738, 517], [640, 525]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1013, 458], [1045, 463], [1042, 485], [1011, 481]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_869.jpg [{"transcription": "MANGO", "points": [[370, 93], [424, 105], [425, 127], [371, 115]]}, {"transcription": "TOUCH", "points": [[297, 116], [467, 119], [468, 205], [298, 202]]}, 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[{"transcription": "###", "points": [[356, 23], [409, 21], [409, 61], [357, 63]]}, {"transcription": "Tots", "points": [[711, 114], [746, 112], [746, 133], [712, 135]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[357, 63], [395, 62], [396, 76], [358, 78]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[395, 61], [434, 60], [434, 75], [396, 76]]}, {"transcription": "Mum", "points": [[646, 117], [688, 114], [689, 137], [647, 140]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[407, 21], [434, 20], [437, 44], [410, 45]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[690, 115], [706, 114], [707, 135], [691, 135]]}, {"transcription": "Mum", "points": [[788, 96], [832, 95], [831, 116], [788, 117]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[832, 94], [850, 93], [851, 115], [833, 116]]}, {"transcription": "Tots", "points": [[801, 123], [838, 122], [838, 140], [802, 142]]}, {"transcription": "Mum", "points": [[888, 104], [932, 102], [933, 122], [889, 123]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[933, 101], [950, 101], [950, 121], 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373], [96, 380]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[126, 282], [135, 279], [138, 294], [129, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[141, 277], [156, 274], [160, 287], [145, 291]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[159, 274], [209, 263], [213, 274], [163, 285]]}, {"transcription": "South", "points": [[212, 261], [253, 253], [256, 265], [215, 273]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[258, 253], [285, 249], [287, 257], [258, 264]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[194, 300], [260, 285], [264, 295], [198, 310]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[180, 253], [258, 238], [261, 248], [183, 262]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[135, 332], [146, 329], [149, 343], [139, 346]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[138, 353], [149, 348], [154, 363], [143, 368]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[151, 327], [166, 324], [170, 337], [156, 340]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[156, 347], [171, 344], [174, 357], [159, 360]]}, {"transcription": "Pasir", "points": [[170, 322], [205, 313], [209, 327], [174, 336]]}, {"transcription": "Ris", "points": [[209, 314], [233, 308], [236, 322], [212, 327]]}, {"transcription": "Changi", "points": [[173, 342], [224, 330], [229, 344], [178, 357]]}, {"transcription": "Airport", "points": [[228, 329], [280, 318], [281, 333], [229, 344]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[293, 308], [322, 302], [322, 308], [294, 314]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[302, 313], [317, 310], [318, 315], [303, 319]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[317, 309], [334, 305], [336, 310], [319, 314]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[303, 319], [332, 311], [333, 317], [304, 324]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[141, 370], [157, 365], [158, 371], [142, 375]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[162, 365], [175, 361], [177, 366], [164, 370]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[182, 360], [199, 355], [199, 361], [183, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[199, 354], [205, 352], [205, 359], 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[901, 92], [875, 97]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[504, 77], [557, 66], [559, 78], [506, 89]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[545, 315], [576, 327], [578, 342], [547, 331]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[464, 181], [499, 173], [501, 184], [467, 192]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_764.jpg [{"transcription": "Calvin", "points": [[1050, 122], [1118, 82], [1133, 127], [1058, 167]]}, {"transcription": "Klein", "points": [[1119, 77], [1195, 36], [1207, 85], [1131, 126]]}, {"transcription": "underwear", "points": [[1087, 150], [1162, 110], [1166, 131], [1090, 171]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[449, 350], [471, 345], [471, 360], [449, 364]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[759, 399], [777, 398], [778, 420], [761, 421]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[723, 355], [796, 351], [799, 392], [724, 405]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_77.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[410, 178], [446, 185], [446, 196], [410, 188]]}, {"transcription": "HIVa", "points": 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15], [1279, 30], [1214, 21]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1208, 24], [1267, 33], [1263, 47], [1204, 38]]}, {"transcription": "PLAIN", "points": [[1115, 399], [1149, 334], [1173, 340], [1140, 405]]}, {"transcription": "Panadol", "points": [[624, 218], [680, 230], [680, 241], [623, 229]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[506, 198], [545, 206], [544, 216], [506, 208]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[506, 163], [545, 170], [544, 182], [505, 175]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[565, 205], [597, 210], [595, 220], [563, 215]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[418, 150], [454, 158], [453, 168], [417, 161]]}, {"transcription": "Panadol", "points": [[628, 182], [688, 194], [687, 207], [627, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[251, 364], [325, 270], [338, 280], [262, 369]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[272, 375], [341, 283], [354, 286], [285, 378]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[565, 169], [597, 176], [595, 186], [563, 179]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[834, 243], [861, 249], [854, 280], [827, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1057, 233], [1075, 191], [1085, 193], [1067, 236]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1083, 123], [1091, 123], [1106, 167], [1098, 166]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1243, 430], [1279, 375], [1279, 416], [1263, 437]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1232, 428], [1275, 364], [1279, 373], [1242, 430]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1259, 297], [1279, 299], [1279, 336], [1276, 337]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1108, 394], [1141, 331], [1149, 333], [1116, 398]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1112, 359], [1127, 328], [1135, 332], [1120, 363]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1241, 391], [1257, 363], [1266, 364], [1250, 392]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1254, 305], [1260, 306], [1267, 328], [1261, 326]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1137, 267], [1142, 268], [1150, 307], [1145, 306]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1129, 275], [1135, 276], [1138, 297], [1132, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1231, 0], [1277, 2], [1279, 13], [1223, 4]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1070, 60], [1078, 62], [1071, 93], [1064, 90]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1058, 64], [1066, 65], [1060, 84], [1052, 82]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[904, 27], [940, 34], [939, 41], [903, 35]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[444, 118], [495, 127], [496, 143], [445, 133]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[403, 295], [416, 301], [412, 321], [395, 316]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[57, 286], [84, 291], [65, 336], [37, 329]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[861, 251], [870, 253], [865, 280], [855, 278]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[524, 36], [556, 44], [555, 52], [523, 44]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[569, 27], [595, 39], [595, 46], [569, 35]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[612, 39], [641, 43], [640, 52], 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364], [1030, 368]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1065, 401], [1098, 398], [1098, 408], [1065, 411]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1029, 268], [1067, 264], [1068, 274], [1030, 278]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_36.jpg [{"transcription": "Bus", "points": [[896, 118], [930, 116], [932, 136], [897, 138]]}, {"transcription": "Interchange", "points": [[895, 141], [992, 133], [995, 157], [899, 165]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_796.jpg [{"transcription": "C MPER", "points": [[401, 124], [600, 157], [602, 192], [403, 158]]}, {"transcription": "LOVE", "points": [[627, 171], [719, 185], [719, 210], [627, 195]]}, {"transcription": "NEW", "points": [[741, 182], [832, 178], [832, 206], [741, 210]]}, {"transcription": "OPENIN", "points": [[859, 172], [1133, 167], [1136, 198], [861, 203]]}, {"transcription": "I O N", "points": [[728, 240], [813, 241], [812, 267], [727, 266]]}, {"transcription": "INGAPORE", "points": [[452, 220], [709, 225], [708, 263], [451, 257]]}, {"transcription": "URAL", "points": [[387, 307], [601, 297], [602, 332], [388, 342]]}, {"transcription": "ORCHARD", "points": [[628, 296], [807, 297], [809, 331], [630, 330]]}, {"transcription": "SALES", "points": [[422, 276], [459, 278], [457, 294], [420, 292]]}, {"transcription": "REBAJAS", "points": [[417, 295], [468, 300], [465, 316], [413, 312]]}, {"transcription": "SOLDES", "points": [[418, 341], [462, 345], [460, 360], [416, 355]]}, {"transcription": "ZNIZANJE", "points": [[412, 361], [467, 371], [465, 388], [410, 378]]}, {"transcription": "UTA", "points": [[826, 297], [867, 293], [868, 314], [827, 318]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[835, 248], [856, 250], [856, 273], [838, 273]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_562.jpg [{"transcription": "Salads", "points": [[458, 454], [537, 459], [536, 484], [457, 479]]}, {"transcription": "Serenity", "points": [[496, 21], [620, 48], [613, 83], [490, 56]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[557, 169], [590, 180], [585, 203], [552, 191]]}, 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98], [379, 113], [311, 105]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[321, 107], [376, 114], [376, 124], [320, 118]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[317, 121], [373, 127], [373, 137], [319, 130]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_274.jpg [{"transcription": "with", "points": [[41, 680], [100, 661], [103, 679], [44, 698]]}, {"transcription": "SHEETS", "points": [[570, 637], [639, 615], [644, 635], [575, 657]]}, {"transcription": "AURORA", "points": [[559, 547], [649, 521], [653, 541], [563, 567]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[951, 703], [1024, 666], [1031, 699], [988, 718]]}, {"transcription": "Alpha", "points": [[624, 45], [645, 42], [652, 135], [631, 137]]}, {"transcription": "Strip", "points": [[42, 646], [160, 614], [163, 650], [45, 681]]}, {"transcription": "cut", "points": [[168, 610], [231, 595], [236, 627], [172, 642]]}, {"transcription": "Ribbon", "points": [[631, 145], [651, 144], [660, 252], [640, 253]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[565, 586], [626, 567], [634, 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95], [872, 106], [830, 106]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[921, 92], [952, 92], [952, 111], [921, 111]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[968, 40], [1013, 40], [1013, 53], [968, 53]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1002, 89], [1031, 89], [1031, 100], [1002, 100]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1043, 38], [1098, 38], [1098, 52], [1043, 52]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1069, 85], [1138, 85], [1138, 99], [1069, 99]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1128, 36], [1178, 36], [1178, 52], [1128, 52]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1168, 84], [1200, 84], [1200, 97], [1168, 97]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1223, 27], [1259, 27], [1255, 49], [1219, 49]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1264, 28], [1279, 28], [1279, 46], [1264, 46]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_699.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[60, 191], [95, 203], [95, 221], [67, 213]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[217, 332], [245, 326], [253, 349], [222, 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"Garden", "points": [[811, 20], [864, 19], [864, 39], [812, 40]]}, {"transcription": "Roof", "points": [[775, 42], [811, 42], [810, 62], [774, 62]]}, {"transcription": "Garden", "points": [[812, 42], [866, 43], [867, 62], [812, 61]]}, {"transcription": "Carpark", "points": [[776, 91], [840, 91], [842, 108], [778, 108]]}, {"transcription": "Verandah", "points": [[780, 114], [850, 112], [852, 130], [781, 132]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[853, 111], [861, 112], [861, 129], [853, 128]]}, {"transcription": "Carpark", "points": [[864, 112], [918, 112], [919, 131], [866, 130]]}, {"transcription": "Verandah", "points": [[781, 136], [853, 135], [854, 154], [782, 156]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[856, 135], [863, 135], [865, 153], [858, 154]]}, {"transcription": "Carpark", "points": [[864, 135], [921, 136], [922, 155], [865, 154]]}, {"transcription": "The", "points": [[251, 4], [292, 6], [292, 26], [252, 24]]}, {"transcription": "Ramp", "points": [[299, 5], [356, 5], [356, 26], [299, 26]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[361, 6], [373, 6], [373, 26], [361, 26]]}, {"transcription": "Carpark", "points": [[375, 5], [450, 6], [452, 30], [377, 29]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_550.jpg [{"transcription": "POH", "points": [[336, 118], [408, 169], [357, 366], [285, 315]]}, {"transcription": "KIM", "points": [[381, 81], [455, 48], [473, 123], [400, 156]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[472, 89], [510, 90], [510, 125], [472, 124]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[507, 90], [545, 99], [542, 134], [505, 125]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_436.jpg [{"transcription": "NEW!", "points": [[298, 137], [363, 125], [371, 155], [306, 167]]}, {"transcription": "GABU", "points": [[288, 192], [388, 163], [395, 195], [295, 224]]}, {"transcription": "GABU!", "points": [[392, 161], [500, 150], [502, 183], [395, 194]]}, {"transcription": "Refreshing", "points": [[328, 221], [450, 191], [453, 215], [331, 245]]}, {"transcription": "Ice", "points": [[298, 252], [335, 243], [343, 272], [307, 281]]}, {"transcription": "Cream", "points": [[347, 246], [418, 223], [423, 244], [352, 267]]}, {"transcription": "Soda", "points": [[425, 221], [481, 206], [488, 230], [431, 244]]}, {"transcription": "with", "points": [[310, 285], [363, 263], [370, 282], [317, 304]]}, {"transcription": "REAL", "points": [[366, 268], [423, 245], [429, 264], [371, 287]]}, {"transcription": "MILK!", "points": [[429, 248], [490, 230], [491, 250], [430, 268]]}, {"transcription": "GABU", "points": [[295, 490], [343, 455], [351, 470], [302, 504]]}, {"transcription": "GABU", "points": [[347, 454], [396, 431], [400, 445], [351, 468]]}, {"transcription": "GABU", "points": [[401, 426], [447, 403], [452, 421], [407, 444]]}, {"transcription": "GABU", "points": [[450, 403], [495, 392], [498, 408], [453, 420]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[452, 521], [511, 504], [512, 512], [453, 528]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[338, 595], [425, 578], [426, 591], [339, 608]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[386, 598], [491, 581], [491, 594], [386, 610]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[543, 178], [552, 177], [551, 187], [543, 189]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[543, 251], [552, 250], [552, 262], [543, 262]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[638, 328], [643, 327], [643, 338], [637, 339]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[667, 325], [675, 323], [675, 332], [667, 334]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[707, 317], [715, 317], [714, 328], [706, 328]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[374, 657], [418, 643], [419, 651], [376, 665]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_102.jpg [{"transcription": "Shop", "points": [[310, 504], [524, 426], [555, 517], [340, 594]]}, {"transcription": "Dine", "points": [[594, 398], [775, 336], [801, 413], [620, 474]]}, {"transcription": "SMRT", "points": [[501, 533], [777, 431], [795, 503], [518, 605]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_983.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[595, 20], [641, 9], [640, 40], [598, 49]]}, 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"points": [[495, 393], [524, 393], [525, 410], [496, 410]]}, {"transcription": "lift.", "points": [[528, 392], [558, 392], [555, 409], [525, 409]]}, {"transcription": "B-One", "points": [[220, 478], [271, 479], [270, 497], [219, 496]]}, {"transcription": "The", "points": [[580, 478], [610, 477], [610, 490], [580, 491]]}, {"transcription": "Med", "points": [[611, 475], [645, 476], [643, 493], [610, 492]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[744, 468], [959, 468], [963, 528], [742, 524]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[181, 120], [201, 121], [201, 128], [181, 127]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[175, 169], [196, 169], [195, 182], [175, 182]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[164, 39], [181, 39], [181, 60], [163, 60]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[886, 46], [905, 46], [904, 53], [886, 53]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[600, 0], [644, 0], [644, 3], [599, 13]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_219.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[712, 159], [740, 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[642, 168], [643, 188], [573, 185]]}, {"transcription": "tast", "points": [[675, 212], [716, 213], [717, 231], [676, 230]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[691, 246], [702, 246], [703, 260], [691, 260]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_127.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[27, 235], [64, 235], [65, 267], [28, 268]]}, {"transcription": "Kun", "points": [[72, 235], [135, 231], [134, 254], [71, 258]]}, {"transcription": "toastwich", "points": [[137, 228], [270, 221], [271, 244], [138, 251]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1146, 266], [1226, 259], [1230, 306], [1150, 313]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[726, 165], [756, 166], [757, 182], [727, 181]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[756, 168], [784, 172], [783, 183], [756, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[738, 180], [777, 184], [776, 195], [737, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1036, 210], [1104, 201], [1106, 211], [1038, 220]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1222, 273], [1260, 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"OFF", "points": [[708, 278], [739, 279], [739, 293], [708, 293]]}, {"transcription": "END", "points": [[669, 329], [702, 329], [701, 344], [669, 343]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[704, 330], [727, 330], [726, 345], [703, 345]]}, {"transcription": "SEASON", "points": [[645, 340], [713, 345], [711, 363], [643, 358]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[714, 347], [757, 350], [756, 368], [713, 365]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_217.jpg [{"transcription": "School", "points": [[800, 217], [856, 219], [855, 241], [799, 239]]}, {"transcription": "Zone", "points": [[806, 241], [846, 242], [846, 264], [807, 263]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[797, 267], [821, 267], [821, 279], [797, 279]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[820, 265], [856, 266], [856, 280], [821, 278]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_713.jpg [{"transcription": "CHANEL", "points": [[732, 175], [768, 138], [778, 179], [742, 209]]}, {"transcription": "COURT", "points": [[209, 56], [277, 63], [276, 79], [208, 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{"transcription": "###", "points": [[370, 489], [410, 479], [412, 489], [372, 499]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[426, 472], [476, 456], [480, 468], [429, 483]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[489, 451], [524, 444], [525, 453], [490, 459]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[541, 439], [576, 428], [577, 438], [542, 449]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_244.jpg [{"transcription": "coffee", "points": [[301, 55], [508, 36], [513, 115], [306, 134]]}, {"transcription": "club", "points": [[519, 36], [670, 21], [678, 81], [527, 97]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_799.jpg [{"transcription": "BREAD", "points": [[576, 194], [653, 197], [649, 220], [571, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[652, 197], [673, 201], [673, 221], [652, 217]]}, {"transcription": "BUTTER", "points": [[677, 196], [769, 204], [768, 226], [676, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[593, 215], [748, 223], [748, 233], [593, 225]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[830, 366], [872, 367], [871, 381], 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"GIORGIO", "points": [[302, 56], [352, 71], [349, 85], [299, 71]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[351, 67], [399, 82], [396, 97], [348, 83]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[987, 248], [1041, 244], [1039, 261], [985, 265]]}, {"transcription": "miu", "points": [[1043, 536], [1120, 546], [1120, 572], [1043, 562]]}, {"transcription": "miu", "points": [[1131, 550], [1212, 563], [1208, 588], [1127, 575]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[656, 586], [682, 594], [680, 608], [653, 601]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[683, 597], [711, 607], [708, 620], [680, 610]]}, {"transcription": "GIORGIO", "points": [[629, 251], [690, 256], [687, 274], [626, 268]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[688, 257], [719, 261], [717, 277], [686, 274]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_565.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[1035, 138], [1066, 146], [1068, 175], [1037, 166]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1027, 108], [1060, 110], [1063, 141], [1031, 139]]}, {"transcription": 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405], [1223, 461], [1224, 481], [1150, 422]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1089, 0], [1124, 0], [1134, 1], [1092, 17]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1103, 20], [1136, 8], [1141, 30], [1107, 38]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_26.jpg [{"transcription": "ONE", "points": [[507, 171], [569, 166], [569, 192], [507, 197]]}, {"transcription": "LEVEL", "points": [[507, 195], [592, 187], [592, 215], [507, 223]]}, {"transcription": "DOWN", "points": [[505, 221], [592, 215], [593, 240], [505, 246]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[518, 39], [597, 31], [598, 60], [519, 67]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_109.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[491, 518], [520, 525], [521, 548], [493, 541]]}, {"transcription": "prefer", "points": [[526, 526], [582, 537], [583, 565], [526, 554]]}, {"transcription": "VISA", "points": [[499, 550], [578, 571], [578, 611], [499, 590]]}, {"transcription": "OOTOYA", "points": [[761, 411], [867, 420], [868, 439], [763, 430]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[733, 291], [888, 291], [892, 394], [738, 394]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[791, 389], [889, 389], [894, 418], [796, 418]]}, {"transcription": "Japanese", "points": [[749, 434], [809, 439], [809, 453], [750, 448]]}, {"transcription": "Restaurant", "points": [[810, 439], [888, 446], [889, 458], [810, 453]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[144, 44], [210, 36], [220, 99], [143, 123]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[147, 108], [219, 94], [220, 142], [148, 157]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_597.jpg [{"transcription": "asian", "points": [[449, 37], [547, 0], [553, 47], [456, 85]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[550, 3], [666, 0], [663, 9], [556, 48]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[170, 170], [200, 161], [202, 177], [173, 190]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[558, 283], [587, 280], [591, 328], [564, 331]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[526, 389], [566, 388], [571, 445], [529, 438]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[510, 342], 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"points": [[236, 126], [257, 124], [258, 138], [237, 138]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[260, 126], [276, 127], [276, 137], [260, 137]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[212, 153], [228, 155], [230, 169], [214, 170]]}, {"transcription": "TOWN", "points": [[230, 154], [276, 154], [276, 168], [229, 170]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[237, 259], [273, 256], [275, 269], [235, 271]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[273, 255], [299, 255], [299, 270], [274, 269]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[218, 270], [282, 268], [280, 282], [216, 284]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_534.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[477, 636], [519, 636], [520, 651], [478, 650]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[481, 618], [527, 620], [528, 637], [483, 635]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1161, 292], [1169, 291], [1172, 301], [1164, 301]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[475, 601], [518, 600], [518, 620], [475, 621]]}, {"transcription": "CENTRE", "points": [[612, 31], [797, 130], [788, 176], [603, 78]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1151, 369], [1168, 369], [1168, 383], [1152, 384]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[577, 604], [613, 589], [613, 606], [577, 621]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[579, 619], [617, 605], [620, 620], [582, 635]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[581, 636], [608, 624], [614, 641], [586, 652]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[862, 340], [921, 332], [922, 340], [863, 348]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[534, 0], [592, 0], [595, 63], [488, 2]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_236.jpg [{"transcription": "Better", "points": [[484, 359], [516, 363], [515, 379], [483, 374]]}, {"transcription": "Matching", "points": [[570, 346], [629, 352], [629, 370], [569, 364]]}, {"transcription": "Salary", "points": [[461, 305], [528, 313], [528, 342], [461, 334]]}, {"transcription": "Matching", "points": [[527, 309], [636, 315], [636, 345], [526, 339]]}, {"transcription": "View", "points": [[464, 340], [490, 344], [490, 359], [464, 355]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[730, 282], [776, 283], [777, 344], [731, 342]]}, {"transcription": "Jobs", "points": [[489, 341], [517, 345], [516, 361], [489, 357]]}, {"transcription": "JobStreet.com", "points": [[615, 32], [803, 0], [807, 22], [619, 55]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[518, 343], [536, 348], [533, 364], [515, 360]]}, {"transcription": "Salary", "points": [[534, 347], [569, 349], [568, 364], [533, 362]]}, {"transcription": "For", "points": [[466, 358], [484, 360], [483, 376], [464, 374]]}, {"transcription": "Things", "points": [[516, 361], [553, 365], [553, 382], [516, 378]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[554, 364], [567, 366], [566, 382], [552, 380]]}, {"transcription": "Life", "points": [[567, 364], [592, 366], [590, 383], [565, 381]]}, {"transcription": "First", "points": [[721, 545], [753, 555], [753, 572], [720, 563]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[752, 553], [771, 557], [770, 574], [751, 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385], [391, 399], [358, 409]]}, {"transcription": "Perfume", "points": [[311, 238], [376, 231], [377, 258], [312, 264]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[197, 233], [218, 233], [218, 256], [197, 256]]}, {"transcription": "YOU", "points": [[210, 234], [261, 225], [267, 246], [216, 255]]}, {"transcription": "SHION", "points": [[222, 253], [290, 241], [290, 265], [222, 276]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1200, 193], [1279, 195], [1278, 225], [1200, 223]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1187, 83], [1257, 73], [1261, 104], [1191, 114]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[975, 207], [1011, 208], [1013, 227], [978, 226]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[924, 241], [963, 244], [965, 272], [926, 269]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[800, 334], [830, 338], [830, 350], [800, 347]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[616, 243], [633, 242], [635, 252], [617, 253]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[591, 283], [610, 283], [610, 293], [591, 293]]}, 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"points": [[1203, 225], [1275, 211], [1274, 238], [1219, 252]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1193, 185], [1216, 180], [1223, 198], [1202, 209]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[866, 214], [911, 192], [938, 256], [890, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[954, 189], [984, 180], [1001, 237], [976, 248]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[820, 159], [898, 149], [898, 171], [824, 182]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_192.jpg [{"transcription": "MAX", "points": [[738, 32], [773, 35], [773, 54], [738, 51]]}, {"transcription": "HEIGHT", "points": [[778, 36], [828, 41], [827, 56], [777, 52]]}, {"transcription": "3.3M", "points": [[828, 38], [864, 43], [864, 60], [828, 55]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[738, 276], [774, 276], [774, 312], [738, 312]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_393.jpg [{"transcription": "WWW.TISSOT.CN", "points": [[21, 292], [197, 305], [196, 326], [19, 314]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[208, 53], [326, 66], [324, 87], [206, 75]]}, 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"points": [[829, 152], [858, 152], [858, 172], [829, 172]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[939, 136], [966, 140], [963, 164], [937, 161]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[869, 181], [902, 180], [902, 198], [868, 199]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_471.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[702, 76], [731, 73], [733, 109], [705, 113]]}, {"transcription": "JAVENUE", "points": [[520, 254], [597, 250], [600, 266], [522, 270]]}, {"transcription": "FLIPBOOTH", "points": [[602, 248], [690, 243], [692, 261], [605, 266]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[565, 325], [653, 320], [653, 339], [565, 344]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[566, 347], [655, 339], [656, 354], [567, 362]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[417, 412], [471, 405], [473, 419], [419, 426]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_405.jpg [{"transcription": "YOURSELF", "points": [[743, 185], [828, 187], [828, 206], [743, 204]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[709, 58], [821, 52], [822, 66], [710, 73]]}, 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"###", "points": [[568, 346], [591, 346], [588, 356], [565, 356]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[530, 362], [545, 363], [545, 371], [530, 370]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[528, 370], [544, 371], [544, 380], [529, 379]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[530, 380], [545, 381], [546, 389], [530, 389]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1238, 0], [1278, 1], [1278, 15], [1240, 8]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_326.jpg [{"transcription": "OFF", "points": [[2, 455], [249, 328], [249, 463], [2, 590]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[86, 675], [152, 630], [205, 673], [139, 718]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[526, 428], [645, 354], [667, 502], [544, 602]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[643, 362], [675, 338], [685, 404], [653, 426]]}, {"transcription": "off", "points": [[658, 434], [686, 416], [696, 469], [663, 497]]}, {"transcription": "70%", "points": [[494, 57], [565, 28], [585, 64], [509, 96]]}, {"transcription": "OFF", "points": [[579, 26], 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"CONVENTION", "points": [[12, 149], [260, 146], [260, 176], [11, 179]]}, {"transcription": "OMEGA", "points": [[567, 96], [698, 65], [704, 112], [574, 142]]}, {"transcription": "OMEGA", "points": [[789, 161], [924, 140], [929, 177], [794, 198]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_263.jpg [{"transcription": "CTE", "points": [[700, 17], [761, 20], [759, 56], [698, 52]]}, {"transcription": "Airport", "points": [[700, 53], [839, 59], [840, 89], [700, 84]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1011, 4], [1047, 5], [1043, 37], [1008, 36]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1025, 36], [1040, 36], [1040, 64], [1025, 64]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1001, 69], [1043, 70], [1041, 96], [999, 95]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[897, 88], [1026, 92], [1025, 116], [896, 111]]}, {"transcription": "PIER", "points": [[760, 0], [847, 0], [847, 20], [760, 20]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[705, 0], [748, 0], [746, 15], [705, 13]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_783.jpg [{"transcription": 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"points": [[536, 623], [564, 623], [562, 645], [534, 645]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[710, 567], [744, 575], [742, 587], [707, 580]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[564, 624], [601, 623], [600, 644], [563, 645]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[695, 593], [705, 595], [702, 608], [692, 606]]}, {"transcription": "for", "points": [[702, 595], [724, 600], [720, 614], [697, 609]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[892, 244], [967, 238], [966, 261], [891, 266]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[255, 200], [286, 200], [286, 297], [255, 297]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1114, 155], [1161, 125], [1164, 158], [1117, 188]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1173, 112], [1253, 62], [1263, 93], [1183, 143]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[404, 505], [418, 510], [413, 530], [401, 530]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[396, 503], [404, 503], [403, 514], [398, 517]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[404, 470], [429, 477], [429, 490], 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[[205, 669], [219, 665], [220, 692], [206, 696]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[659, 601], [675, 610], [672, 617], [656, 608]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[653, 606], [671, 616], [666, 628], [649, 618]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[651, 619], [668, 629], [660, 642], [642, 631]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[395, 2], [448, 2], [460, 127], [407, 127]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[460, 44], [501, 61], [504, 150], [462, 133]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[505, 37], [551, 51], [551, 162], [505, 147]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_105.jpg [{"transcription": "THANK", "points": [[1131, 147], [1186, 146], [1187, 162], [1131, 164]]}, {"transcription": "YOU", "points": [[1189, 145], [1225, 144], [1226, 162], [1190, 162]]}, {"transcription": "FOR", "points": [[1121, 170], [1152, 169], [1152, 186], [1121, 187]]}, {"transcription": "QUEUEING", "points": [[1156, 169], [1240, 168], [1240, 187], [1156, 188]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_507.jpg 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{"transcription": "###", "points": [[427, 217], [469, 217], [469, 227], [427, 227]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[339, 257], [362, 256], [362, 267], [338, 268]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[596, 282], [664, 280], [665, 284], [597, 286]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[107, 218], [139, 229], [136, 253], [104, 242]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_642.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[977, 252], [1002, 249], [1002, 260], [978, 262]]}, {"transcription": "SENNHEISER", "points": [[46, 237], [198, 233], [200, 250], [48, 254]]}, {"transcription": "PLANET", "points": [[664, 260], [705, 259], [705, 267], [664, 268]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[710, 259], [767, 257], [767, 264], [710, 266]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[956, 253], [978, 252], [979, 264], [957, 266]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[637, 262], [660, 261], [660, 268], [637, 269]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1084, 243], [1106, 243], [1107, 251], [1084, 252]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1106, 243], [1127, 243], [1127, 249], [1106, 249]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[998, 372], [1062, 367], [1062, 377], [998, 382]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1014, 380], [1109, 374], [1110, 383], [1015, 388]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1197, 238], [1241, 236], [1243, 250], [1199, 253]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_197.jpg [{"transcription": "501", "points": [[471, 27], [516, 10], [531, 35], [485, 53]]}, {"transcription": "LEI", "points": [[396, 3], [430, 1], [415, 44], [382, 46]]}, {"transcription": "LEVI", "points": [[405, 80], [453, 34], [491, 48], [443, 94]]}, {"transcription": "Levi's", "points": [[341, 70], [451, 0], [534, 1], [371, 103]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[446, 2], [482, 29], [455, 39], [435, 21]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_254.jpg [{"transcription": "52191", "points": [[563, 543], [616, 541], [617, 559], [563, 561]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_167.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[98, 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[{"transcription": "MISTER", "points": [[415, 162], [497, 162], [497, 184], [414, 185]]}, {"transcription": "MINIT", "points": [[505, 162], [563, 162], [562, 183], [505, 183]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_96.jpg [{"transcription": "NESCAFE", "points": [[637, 292], [707, 281], [709, 305], [639, 316]]}, {"transcription": "IDEAL", "points": [[287, 215], [334, 209], [335, 219], [288, 226]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[64, 257], [101, 251], [102, 261], [65, 267]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[6, 267], [40, 261], [41, 272], [7, 277]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[830, 231], [910, 219], [913, 249], [832, 261]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[319, 350], [346, 345], [350, 360], [323, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[647, 420], [672, 418], [675, 428], [650, 430]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[133, 364], [206, 366], [206, 374], [131, 372]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[42, 261], [60, 259], [62, 268], [44, 270]]}] 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"###", "points": [[656, 211], [693, 207], [695, 233], [658, 236]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[302, 207], [339, 206], [339, 214], [302, 215]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[313, 214], [331, 214], [332, 219], [314, 220]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_823.jpg [{"transcription": "LOUIS", "points": [[0, 62], [135, 62], [138, 106], [3, 106]]}, {"transcription": "VUITTON", "points": [[139, 61], [318, 53], [318, 97], [139, 105]]}, {"transcription": "PRADA", "points": [[1050, 146], [1271, 130], [1275, 185], [1053, 202]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_496.jpg [{"transcription": "ALAN", "points": [[306, 79], [360, 84], [361, 109], [307, 104]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[360, 84], [373, 86], [370, 108], [356, 105]]}, {"transcription": "GUYS", "points": [[368, 88], [416, 94], [418, 114], [371, 108]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_952.jpg [{"transcription": "sensitiv", "points": [[641, 253], [686, 229], [693, 254], [647, 278]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[649, 303], [664, 297], [671, 324], [656, 330]]}, {"transcription": "Spring", "points": [[636, 159], [676, 146], [680, 182], [641, 194]]}, {"transcription": "Water", "points": [[676, 147], [711, 134], [716, 164], [681, 177]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[533, 246], [554, 238], [561, 270], [539, 278]]}, {"transcription": "Thermal", "points": [[567, 173], [631, 155], [637, 190], [574, 207]]}, {"transcription": "natural", "points": [[558, 235], [619, 211], [624, 245], [563, 268]]}, {"transcription": "Avente", "points": [[604, 93], [668, 82], [674, 129], [610, 140]]}, {"transcription": "active", "points": [[621, 217], [660, 204], [667, 229], [628, 242]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[660, 196], [704, 182], [712, 213], [668, 227]]}, {"transcription": "efficacy", "points": [[604, 332], [650, 306], [655, 336], [609, 362]]}, {"transcription": "Proven", "points": [[547, 368], [602, 335], [608, 363], [553, 396]]}, {"transcription": "for", "points": [[614, 258], [635, 248], [644, 280], [624, 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{"transcription": "###", "points": [[365, 280], [386, 275], [389, 282], [367, 287]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[356, 290], [384, 283], [385, 290], [357, 298]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[359, 326], [410, 314], [410, 324], [359, 337]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1105, 369], [1138, 359], [1139, 369], [1105, 379]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1138, 360], [1148, 356], [1151, 365], [1141, 369]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[490, 199], [511, 193], [512, 200], [491, 207]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[514, 193], [523, 190], [524, 197], [514, 199]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[524, 189], [539, 186], [539, 193], [524, 196]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[492, 206], [508, 202], [509, 208], [493, 212]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[510, 202], [537, 194], [537, 200], [510, 209]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[494, 213], [506, 210], [507, 217], [495, 220]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[509, 210], [531, 204], [531, 211], [509, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[777, 107], [809, 99], [809, 106], [777, 115]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[775, 127], [797, 122], [795, 130], [774, 135]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[795, 122], [820, 115], [820, 122], [795, 129]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[777, 136], [814, 125], [814, 131], [777, 143]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[778, 142], [805, 135], [805, 143], [778, 150]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1061, 78], [1094, 71], [1094, 81], [1061, 87]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1064, 88], [1091, 81], [1091, 92], [1065, 99]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_594.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[201, 221], [353, 197], [360, 240], [208, 263]]}, {"transcription": "ASTRON", "points": [[267, 572], [362, 497], [370, 527], [275, 602]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[319, 594], [360, 558], [367, 582], [326, 617]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_468.jpg [{"transcription": "###", 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[614, 275], [583, 277]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[83, 256], [149, 256], [150, 269], [84, 269]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[834, 230], [883, 230], [885, 246], [836, 246]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[850, 261], [874, 258], [874, 271], [850, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[967, 242], [1004, 243], [1004, 253], [967, 252]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_990.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[555, 387], [630, 387], [628, 412], [555, 417]]}, {"transcription": "SOMA", "points": [[635, 391], [700, 389], [706, 409], [635, 409]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_885.jpg [{"transcription": "MORRIS", "points": [[70, 75], [235, 82], [231, 114], [67, 107]]}, {"transcription": "ROBIN", "points": [[317, 133], [370, 135], [369, 152], [316, 150]]}, {"transcription": "SAL", "points": [[343, 83], [372, 86], [374, 112], [345, 108]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[609, 45], [632, 46], [632, 56], [609, 55]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_962.jpg [{"transcription": "FRESHLY", "points": [[410, 129], [465, 138], [457, 156], [403, 147]]}, {"transcription": "MADE", "points": [[462, 137], [505, 143], [500, 161], [457, 155]]}, {"transcription": "SALAD", "points": [[504, 143], [552, 150], [546, 166], [498, 159]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[491, 22], [524, 24], [524, 39], [491, 37]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[525, 23], [548, 23], [548, 38], [525, 38]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[530, 63], [540, 63], [541, 87], [531, 87]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[524, 63], [530, 63], [531, 77], [524, 77]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[540, 62], [550, 62], [550, 75], [540, 75]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[306, 47], [315, 47], [316, 64], [307, 64]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[366, 48], [373, 48], [375, 67], [368, 67]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_709.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[33, 81], [162, 153], [154, 248], [17, 205]]}, {"transcription": "TOKYO", "points": [[1060, 130], [1186, 65], [1196, 117], [1073, 180]]}, {"transcription": "OPTICAL", "points": [[1114, 154], [1235, 103], [1244, 121], [1123, 171]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[592, 146], [614, 146], [614, 160], [592, 160]]}, {"transcription": "STA", "points": [[1195, 46], [1277, 19], [1279, 87], [1197, 114]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[826, 260], [852, 256], [853, 278], [829, 281]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1210, 389], [1279, 391], [1279, 401], [1213, 399]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_94.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[588, 317], [604, 315], [618, 383], [603, 385]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[544, 327], [565, 322], [578, 388], [557, 393]]}, {"transcription": "FICTION", "points": [[1007, 34], [1104, 17], [1106, 49], [1010, 65]]}, {"transcription": "TEXTBOOK", "points": [[88, 567], [173, 550], [173, 567], [88, 584]]}, {"transcription": "SESONI", "points": [[176, 549], [243, 535], [244, 551], [176, 564]]}, {"transcription": "NON-FICTION", "points": [[716, 93], [802, 78], [803, 94], [717, 109]]}, {"transcription": "WAYS", "points": [[300, 525], [343, 516], [346, 534], [303, 544]]}, {"transcription": "FICTION", "points": [[370, 133], [501, 111], [509, 149], [378, 170]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[303, 546], [317, 542], [318, 554], [304, 558]]}, {"transcription": "ORDER", "points": [[317, 542], [354, 533], [356, 545], [320, 554]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[275, 532], [298, 525], [303, 557], [280, 564]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[374, 511], [382, 509], [383, 523], [375, 524]]}, {"transcription": "ONLINE", "points": [[393, 504], [453, 490], [455, 504], [394, 518]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[33, 14], [63, 18], [73, 65], [44, 61]]}, {"transcription": "20%", "points": [[3, 71], [34, 74], [38, 98], [6, 95]]}, {"transcription": "ROBIN", "points": [[510, 57], [559, 51], [561, 68], [513, 74]]}, {"transcription": "KEN", "points": [[1154, 357], [1192, 354], [1196, 370], [1158, 374]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1140, 374], [1211, 367], [1214, 386], [1144, 393]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[419, 703], [426, 700], [428, 715], [421, 717]]}, {"transcription": "ONLINE", "points": [[435, 698], [493, 682], [495, 694], [438, 710]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[128, 120], [149, 117], [151, 132], [130, 135]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[193, 111], [208, 109], [210, 123], [195, 125]]}, {"transcription": "off", "points": [[34, 80], [52, 80], [55, 100], [37, 99]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[63, 24], [80, 27], [86, 52], [69, 49]]}, {"transcription": "SYLVIA", "points": [[1004, 208], [1083, 193], [1085, 218], [1005, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1028, 230], [1066, 224], [1069, 247], [1031, 254]]}, {"transcription": "EPHANTE", "points": [[1089, 262], [1174, 248], [1177, 262], [1092, 277]]}, {"transcription": "VAROVICH", "points": [[1095, 275], [1175, 262], [1176, 277], [1096, 290]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[766, 279], [785, 276], [793, 315], [774, 319]]}, {"transcription": "AWOOD", "points": [[771, 319], [793, 314], [807, 377], [785, 382]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[750, 328], [770, 324], [782, 382], [762, 386]]}, {"transcription": "ATWOOD", "points": [[798, 316], [819, 312], [831, 379], [810, 383]]}, {"transcription": "POP", "points": [[648, 313], [653, 343], [637, 348], [632, 319]]}, {"transcription": "ATWOOD", "points": [[822, 313], [842, 308], [856, 374], [835, 378]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[743, 284], [765, 281], [770, 320], [748, 323]]}, {"transcription": "MENS", "points": [[443, 414], [460, 411], [470, 454], [453, 458]]}, {"transcription": "WEASEL", "points": [[639, 356], [654, 350], [665, 405], [649, 410]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[403, 359], [423, 354], [428, 373], [408, 378]]}, {"transcription": "MENS", "points": [[470, 412], [489, 409], [499, 452], [480, 455]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[378, 362], [398, 359], [402, 379], [383, 382]]}, {"transcription": "Beauty", "points": [[604, 494], [681, 487], [687, 518], [610, 526]]}, {"transcription": "Slept", "points": [[629, 528], [694, 521], [697, 555], [632, 562]]}, {"transcription": "RED", "points": [[516, 554], [529, 551], [533, 578], [520, 580]]}, {"transcription": "RISING", "points": [[497, 582], [512, 579], [522, 620], [507, 622]]}, {"transcription": "RED", "points": [[494, 553], [506, 552], [512, 577], [501, 578]]}, {"transcription": "RISING", "points": [[519, 580], [535, 578], [547, 621], [531, 624]]}, {"transcription": "000", "points": [[479, 593], [492, 590], [499, 624], [487, 626]]}, {"transcription": "ELLE", "points": [[474, 566], [487, 565], [492, 590], [479, 591]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[467, 530], [482, 529], [489, 564], [475, 565]]}, {"transcription": "JEFFREY", "points": [[308, 312], [330, 309], [345, 369], [322, 372]]}, {"transcription": "JEFFREY", "points": [[278, 318], [300, 313], [316, 371], [294, 376]]}, {"transcription": "ARCHER", "points": [[323, 370], [342, 366], [358, 432], [339, 436]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[793, 643], [810, 641], [819, 683], [802, 685]]}, {"transcription": "ARCHER", "points": [[295, 374], [313, 370], [328, 436], [309, 440]]}, {"transcription": "World", "points": [[631, 693], [674, 693], [677, 712], [635, 712]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[857, 630], [872, 628], [879, 669], [864, 671]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[850, 604], [867, 600], [873, 628], [857, 632]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[789, 618], [808, 614], [813, 639], [794, 644]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1208, 522], [1269, 514], [1273, 530], [1211, 539]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1210, 503], [1256, 497], [1258, 516], [1212, 522]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1230, 569], [1257, 566], [1259, 581], [1232, 583]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1213, 559], [1273, 553], [1274, 568], [1214, 574]]}, {"transcription": "Target", "points": [[753, 514], [770, 508], [780, 546], [763, 551]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[444, 538], [458, 535], [468, 571], [453, 574]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[424, 542], [438, 541], [447, 578], [433, 579]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1197, 176], [1205, 174], [1212, 215], [1204, 217]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1183, 178], [1193, 177], [1202, 217], [1194, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1099, 291], [1174, 277], [1177, 291], [1102, 305]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[985, 226], [997, 291], [990, 292], [978, 227]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1016, 308], [1095, 293], [1097, 306], [1018, 321]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[993, 221], [1006, 290], [1001, 291], [988, 222]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[965, 221], [977, 290], [965, 295], [953, 221]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[929, 222], [942, 221], [954, 297], [941, 298]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[920, 224], [936, 310], [924, 314], [908, 228]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[898, 228], [916, 318], [903, 320], [885, 231]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[691, 281], [705, 341], [694, 343], [680, 282]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[664, 285], [677, 349], [665, 352], [653, 288]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[567, 322], [585, 318], [599, 386], [581, 390]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[606, 314], [624, 310], [634, 376], [616, 380]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[535, 322], [551, 397], [541, 397], [525, 322]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[520, 366], [536, 434], [528, 435], [512, 368]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[453, 329], [476, 327], [485, 381], [462, 382]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[424, 332], [450, 330], [461, 385], [435, 388]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[332, 305], [361, 302], [388, 431], [360, 435]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[280, 368], [300, 456], [284, 460], [264, 371]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[169, 390], [187, 462], [177, 465], [159, 392]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[155, 394], [168, 463], [159, 465], [146, 396]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[137, 403], [151, 464], [142, 465], [128, 405]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[125, 406], [137, 467], [125, 469], [114, 408]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[107, 579], [225, 555], [225, 563], [107, 587]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[97, 592], [233, 563], [236, 575], [99, 604]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[380, 531], [454, 514], [455, 523], [382, 540]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[508, 478], [543, 470], [543, 479], [507, 487]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[521, 491], [553, 485], [555, 495], [523, 501]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[627, 445], [670, 435], [672, 445], [629, 455]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1266, 347], [1277, 346], [1279, 381], [1267, 383]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1142, 396], [1219, 388], [1222, 428], [1145, 436]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1022, 350], [1096, 334], [1100, 345], [1025, 361]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1000, 373], [1127, 343], [1126, 353], [999, 383]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1012, 380], [1107, 358], [1110, 367], [1015, 389]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1069, 386], [1080, 467], [1070, 469], [1059, 388]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1050, 394], [1061, 474], [1055, 475], [1043, 395]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1035, 398], [1047, 477], [1040, 478], [1028, 399]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1003, 401], [1018, 398], [1025, 450], [1010, 453]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1011, 453], [1026, 450], [1032, 486], [1017, 488]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[988, 405], [1000, 402], [1009, 452], [997, 454]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[996, 456], [1011, 456], [1016, 494], [1002, 495]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[971, 410], [984, 408], [995, 459], [982, 461]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[983, 462], [993, 460], [1000, 494], [989, 497]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[795, 427], [807, 477], [797, 480], [786, 430]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[802, 508], [809, 507], [815, 537], [807, 538]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[767, 444], [782, 442], [790, 498], [775, 500]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[777, 499], [790, 498], [798, 547], [785, 548]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[742, 449], [753, 448], [760, 489], [750, 490]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[730, 527], [750, 523], [756, 561], [737, 564]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[719, 471], [741, 469], [750, 513], [728, 515]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[628, 568], [688, 554], [691, 577], [631, 592]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[466, 572], [479, 634], [467, 637], [454, 575]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[444, 577], [460, 641], [450, 643], [434, 579]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[390, 601], [403, 596], [410, 619], [396, 625]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[353, 553], [367, 551], [381, 605], [367, 607]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[369, 616], [382, 613], [395, 665], [382, 668]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[340, 612], [359, 606], [363, 630], [344, 636]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[305, 567], [324, 564], [335, 618], [316, 620]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[320, 630], [337, 628], [348, 681], [331, 683]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[283, 574], [298, 570], [310, 623], [295, 628]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[300, 636], [314, 633], [326, 688], [312, 690]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[270, 636], [287, 631], [298, 690], [281, 695]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[251, 647], [266, 642], [279, 693], [263, 698]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[230, 652], [247, 646], [257, 699], [240, 704]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[254, 575], [273, 572], [284, 623], [265, 626]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[235, 582], [253, 577], [264, 626], [246, 631]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[216, 588], [233, 584], [243, 630], [226, 635]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[211, 591], [240, 705], [217, 710], [189, 596]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[189, 596], [217, 714], [195, 717], [167, 600]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[545, 668], [581, 660], [584, 670], [548, 678]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[559, 682], [587, 675], [588, 686], [560, 693]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[534, 672], [543, 670], [545, 681], [537, 683]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[548, 686], [556, 685], [559, 696], [550, 697]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[819, 616], [831, 613], [841, 663], [829, 666]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[756, 618], [770, 614], [783, 676], [769, 680]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[737, 622], [750, 620], [762, 682], [749, 684]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[660, 633], [699, 623], [703, 633], [664, 643]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1036, 523], [1101, 505], [1105, 516], [1041, 535]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1019, 549], [1138, 511], [1144, 521], [1025, 559]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1032, 556], [1124, 527], [1130, 541], [1038, 570]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1015, 613], [1029, 609], [1035, 654], [1021, 658]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[998, 619], [1008, 616], [1015, 660], [1006, 663]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[765, 682], [783, 677], [791, 713], [772, 718]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[747, 690], [766, 686], [772, 717], [753, 719]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[805, 687], [819, 684], [824, 716], [810, 719]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1225, 654], [1240, 652], [1249, 708], [1234, 710]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1207, 660], [1223, 656], [1233, 711], [1217, 715]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[96, 420], [110, 416], [124, 474], [111, 476]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[80, 426], [92, 422], [104, 476], [91, 480]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[495, 481], [505, 478], [509, 490], [499, 493]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[509, 492], [518, 490], [523, 507], [513, 509]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_280.jpg [{"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[145, 56], [228, 55], [228, 89], [146, 90]]}, {"transcription": "LOBBY", "points": [[776, 18], [873, 28], [876, 68], [781, 68]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[824, 87], [881, 80], [897, 183], [840, 190]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[905, 57], [1009, 30], [1013, 46], [910, 73]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_144.jpg [{"transcription": "WIND", "points": [[212, 215], [255, 217], [254, 230], [211, 228]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[256, 217], [271, 217], [269, 230], [255, 229]]}, {"transcription": "MIND", "points": [[215, 374], [257, 372], [258, 388], [216, 391]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[257, 372], [277, 372], [278, 387], [258, 387]]}] 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204], [804, 194], [807, 224], [691, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[913, 190], [1016, 179], [1015, 206], [912, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[437, 174], [514, 168], [515, 188], [438, 194]]}, {"transcription": "havaianas", "points": [[589, 169], [667, 163], [668, 181], [589, 186]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[562, 179], [590, 177], [590, 191], [562, 193]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_316.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[458, 97], [491, 88], [492, 112], [460, 120]]}, {"transcription": "AIR", "points": [[489, 90], [514, 84], [516, 110], [491, 116]]}, {"transcription": "ZOOM", "points": [[516, 82], [558, 74], [559, 101], [517, 110]]}, {"transcription": "STRUCTURE", "points": [[558, 73], [658, 51], [659, 80], [559, 102]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[660, 50], [684, 44], [688, 72], [664, 78]]}, {"transcription": "NEVER", "points": [[447, 36], [560, 2], [572, 61], [455, 91]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[778, 95], [885, 82], [887, 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225], [489, 295], [189, 320]]}, {"transcription": "NovOpe", "points": [[187, 321], [462, 294], [468, 351], [192, 377]]}, {"transcription": "Level1", "points": [[198, 384], [255, 378], [255, 397], [198, 403]]}, {"transcription": "- #01", "points": [[253, 375], [299, 372], [299, 393], [253, 396]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_48.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[740, 483], [767, 486], [767, 501], [739, 499]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[768, 489], [809, 491], [808, 503], [768, 502]]}, {"transcription": "lower", "points": [[742, 504], [790, 506], [789, 521], [741, 520]]}, {"transcription": "calorie", "points": [[790, 504], [850, 507], [848, 524], [789, 521]]}, {"transcription": "meals", "points": [[740, 520], [795, 523], [796, 538], [741, 535]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[746, 658], [774, 663], [774, 677], [745, 673]]}, {"transcription": "serve", "points": [[773, 665], [817, 673], [818, 684], [774, 676]]}, {"transcription": "whole-grain", "points": [[747, 676], [846, 694], [846, 710], [747, 693]]}, {"transcription": "optons", "points": [[749, 693], [808, 701], [808, 716], [749, 708]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_571.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[1225, 21], [1277, 20], [1278, 41], [1226, 43]]}, {"transcription": "GAP", "points": [[278, 121], [338, 113], [346, 161], [286, 170]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[616, 283], [656, 276], [658, 304], [618, 310]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[373, 164], [396, 159], [401, 186], [378, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[523, 173], [577, 169], [578, 188], [525, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[532, 219], [573, 213], [576, 241], [535, 248]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[441, 293], [460, 290], [460, 304], [441, 306]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[986, 116], [1050, 109], [1058, 145], [995, 153]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[450, 173], [478, 170], [484, 195], [455, 198]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[400, 328], [416, 325], [419, 335], [404, 338]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[609, 274], [654, 265], [656, 272], [611, 280]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[657, 39], [716, 35], [718, 47], [659, 51]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[255, 212], [275, 208], [288, 241], [268, 245]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[570, 142], [600, 137], [602, 149], [572, 154]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_234.jpg [{"transcription": "Overpass", "points": [[903, 0], [968, 7], [966, 26], [901, 18]]}, {"transcription": "Use", "points": [[868, 0], [900, 1], [900, 18], [867, 15]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[591, 240], [653, 238], [654, 257], [593, 271]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[834, 214], [848, 215], [849, 228], [834, 228]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_558.jpg [{"transcription": "The", "points": [[313, 145], [356, 134], [360, 166], [317, 178]]}, {"transcription": "Dressing", "points": [[325, 173], [545, 155], [551, 230], [331, 248]]}, {"transcription": "Salon", "points": [[553, 133], [757, 110], [755, 186], [551, 209]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[670, 226], [756, 218], [758, 235], [672, 244]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[191, 210], [257, 199], [271, 281], [205, 293]]}, {"transcription": "2070", "points": [[1132, 1], [1225, 0], [1225, 36], [1132, 39]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_245.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[70, 183], [100, 176], [105, 205], [76, 212]]}, {"transcription": "Photo", "points": [[277, 228], [340, 220], [343, 246], [280, 255]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[354, 129], [386, 128], [389, 162], [357, 163]]}, {"transcription": "PHOTO", "points": [[396, 133], [480, 134], [482, 164], [398, 164]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[283, 142], [341, 138], [341, 152], [283, 156]]}, {"transcription": "PHOTO", "points": [[100, 176], [182, 153], [188, 183], [105, 205]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[247, 229], [274, 227], [277, 254], [250, 256]]}, {"transcription": "PHOTOS", "points": [[278, 283], [332, 274], [334, 290], [279, 299]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[159, 255], [198, 238], [212, 291], [174, 308]]}, {"transcription": "PHOTO", "points": [[178, 323], [210, 322], [240, 488], [207, 489]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[210, 497], [246, 502], [253, 558], [218, 553]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[287, 393], [313, 387], [315, 397], [289, 403]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[293, 437], [319, 427], [321, 438], [295, 448]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_750.jpg [{"transcription": "ZALORA", "points": [[1074, 153], [1197, 148], [1199, 173], [1076, 178]]}, {"transcription": "DIGITAL", "points": [[758, 356], [813, 353], [813, 367], [757, 371]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[742, 359], [756, 358], [759, 373], [745, 374]]}, {"transcription": "off", "points": [[732, 343], [789, 337], [790, 351], [733, 358]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[101, 1], [143, 25], [152, 84], [10, 1]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[723, 361], [741, 361], [743, 372], [723, 373]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[721, 343], [729, 343], [729, 356], [723, 356]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[791, 337], [817, 336], [818, 348], [793, 350]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 307], [16, 307], [15, 320], [0, 322]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_870.jpg [{"transcription": "BLACKCLOSE", "points": [[290, 89], [458, 99], [461, 129], [293, 119]]}, {"transcription": "collectpoint", "points": [[668, 88], [829, 66], [834, 105], [673, 127]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[615, 141], [656, 137], [657, 150], [616, 154]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[102, 130], [166, 141], [168, 167], [104, 156]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1107, 167], [1164, 166], [1165, 179], [1108, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[690, 179], [761, 177], [762, 227], [691, 229]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[101, 122], [167, 132], [169, 144], [103, 134]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[118, 110], [156, 118], [152, 134], [114, 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"points": [[1031, 245], [1055, 251], [1054, 262], [1030, 260]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1002, 245], [1027, 247], [1028, 258], [1002, 254]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[488, 1], [506, 6], [504, 22], [489, 16]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[701, 245], [734, 249], [728, 288], [688, 283]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_610.jpg [{"transcription": "Nature", "points": [[481, 111], [662, 12], [669, 71], [488, 170]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[74, 334], [123, 327], [121, 354], [72, 361]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[192, 274], [230, 256], [230, 292], [192, 310]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[670, 19], [728, 2], [733, 50], [675, 66]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_442.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[367, 217], [387, 217], [387, 229], [367, 229]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[608, 173], [622, 174], [622, 189], [607, 188]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[163, 177], [256, 178], [256, 196], [163, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[681, 183], [727, 185], [727, 200], [681, 197]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[680, 217], [729, 216], [731, 224], [682, 225]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[478, 174], [523, 168], [524, 189], [479, 196]]}, {"transcription": "SEAFOOD", "points": [[857, 151], [979, 141], [980, 170], [858, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1075, 35], [1156, 5], [1157, 17], [1076, 47]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[668, 207], [742, 207], [742, 217], [668, 217]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[334, 205], [343, 205], [343, 215], [334, 215]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[342, 206], [350, 206], [350, 216], [343, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[583, 173], [606, 173], [606, 184], [583, 184]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1076, 53], [1151, 32], [1155, 104], [1078, 126]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[916, 414], [936, 426], [936, 432], [916, 420]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1029, 450], [1041, 449], 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"###", "points": [[1119, 83], [1162, 64], [1166, 75], [1123, 94]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1112, 58], [1162, 38], [1165, 47], [1115, 67]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1105, 36], [1164, 8], [1165, 15], [1107, 44]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1099, 11], [1124, 0], [1144, 1], [1104, 20]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[172, 228], [242, 227], [242, 240], [172, 241]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_976.jpg [{"transcription": "BAKING", "points": [[662, 314], [719, 314], [720, 330], [664, 330]]}, {"transcription": "SOON", "points": [[670, 334], [713, 333], [713, 350], [670, 350]]}, {"transcription": "BAKING", "points": [[758, 317], [822, 317], [820, 331], [756, 331]]}, {"transcription": "SOON", "points": [[763, 337], [813, 337], [814, 352], [764, 352]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[756, 249], [764, 249], [764, 264], [756, 265]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[764, 245], [811, 244], [812, 264], [765, 265]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": 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113], [726, 123], [675, 137]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[270, 227], [309, 223], [310, 230], [271, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1010, 52], [1033, 53], [1033, 75], [1010, 74]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1001, 80], [1037, 79], [1036, 87], [1000, 87]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_209.jpg [{"transcription": "GET", "points": [[659, 157], [698, 154], [698, 178], [659, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[902, 239], [909, 239], [909, 248], [902, 248]]}, {"transcription": "REWARDS", "points": [[654, 224], [702, 222], [703, 233], [655, 235]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[671, 216], [688, 217], [688, 223], [670, 223]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[907, 159], [913, 158], [914, 167], [907, 166]]}, {"transcription": "FIT", "points": [[662, 180], [693, 179], [692, 201], [662, 202]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[906, 191], [913, 190], [913, 199], [906, 199]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[905, 133], [918, 133], [918, 141], 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250], [753, 250], [752, 291], [586, 291]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[551, 304], [600, 307], [601, 336], [552, 333]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[605, 307], [627, 305], [627, 336], [605, 338]]}, {"transcription": "Body", "points": [[636, 302], [698, 307], [697, 345], [635, 340]]}, {"transcription": "Massage", "points": [[707, 300], [843, 314], [843, 357], [707, 343]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_570.jpg [{"transcription": "lapalette", "points": [[88, 75], [275, 29], [285, 79], [98, 125]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_394.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[147, 50], [321, 49], [323, 86], [149, 87]]}, {"transcription": "MANGO", "points": [[495, 48], [636, 45], [638, 83], [497, 85]]}, {"transcription": "ESPRIT", "points": [[715, 387], [794, 354], [797, 378], [718, 410]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[549, 183], [607, 175], [608, 188], [551, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[546, 197], [614, 187], [614, 200], [547, 210]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[327, 240], [337, 240], [337, 251], [327, 251]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[526, 197], [551, 194], [554, 240], [529, 242]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_303.jpg [{"transcription": "New", "points": [[499, 109], [544, 115], [539, 137], [494, 130]]}, {"transcription": "York'", "points": [[548, 119], [600, 127], [598, 147], [545, 139]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[506, 177], [537, 181], [535, 198], [504, 194]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[540, 182], [573, 188], [571, 204], [538, 199]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[396, 121], [422, 126], [420, 136], [394, 131]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[396, 112], [417, 114], [416, 123], [394, 121]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_490.jpg [{"transcription": "Choice", "points": [[153, 185], [230, 149], [236, 214], [160, 250]]}, {"transcription": "BAN", "points": [[250, 169], [282, 153], [287, 193], [255, 209]]}, {"transcription": "SOON", "points": [[280, 149], [323, 130], [331, 173], [287, 191]]}, 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[[175, 466], [196, 467], [192, 482], [171, 481]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[193, 465], [233, 466], [232, 483], [192, 482]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[235, 467], [280, 469], [276, 487], [232, 485]]}, {"transcription": "6825", "points": [[44, 81], [117, 92], [115, 121], [42, 110]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[5, 73], [41, 81], [35, 110], [0, 102]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[657, 307], [691, 310], [690, 318], [656, 314]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[662, 319], [684, 323], [683, 331], [660, 328]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[659, 331], [682, 334], [684, 340], [660, 338]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_206.jpg [{"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[333, 69], [390, 72], [387, 102], [330, 99]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[587, 290], [605, 286], [607, 341], [589, 345]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[605, 287], [629, 286], [630, 322], [606, 322]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[631, 288], [667, 287], [668, 342], [632, 344]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[602, 359], [658, 356], [658, 371], [603, 374]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[620, 376], [651, 373], [652, 390], [620, 393]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[596, 392], [674, 391], [674, 408], [596, 409]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[600, 411], [674, 410], [676, 426], [601, 427]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_175.jpg [{"transcription": "MRT", "points": [[506, 71], [581, 73], [581, 104], [506, 102]]}, {"transcription": "Commonwealth", "points": [[511, 111], [763, 113], [760, 148], [507, 146]]}, {"transcription": "Ave", "points": [[762, 117], [820, 117], [822, 147], [764, 147]]}, {"transcription": "West", "points": [[821, 116], [898, 117], [901, 148], [823, 147]]}, {"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[651, 181], [713, 181], [715, 213], [653, 213]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_221.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[370, 305], [400, 308], [398, 320], [368, 316]]}, {"transcription": "SMRT", "points": [[422, 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[[57, 54], [136, 80], [135, 116], [56, 91]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_776.jpg [{"transcription": "KURT", "points": [[562, 281], [701, 282], [701, 316], [562, 315]]}, {"transcription": "GEIGER", "points": [[711, 286], [863, 286], [865, 314], [712, 314]]}, {"transcription": "LONDON", "points": [[668, 342], [783, 336], [781, 352], [666, 357]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[970, 87], [1052, 102], [1050, 130], [968, 115]]}, {"transcription": "GEIGERS", "points": [[1060, 104], [1178, 127], [1176, 157], [1058, 134]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[10, 354], [60, 377], [51, 384], [1, 361]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_134.jpg [{"transcription": "WARNING", "points": [[42, 293], [133, 302], [130, 320], [38, 311]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[5, 366], [138, 370], [138, 377], [5, 373]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[41, 376], [119, 378], [119, 387], [41, 384]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[64, 388], [97, 389], [97, 396], [64, 395]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[27, 395], [128, 395], [128, 400], [27, 400]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[34, 400], [124, 400], [124, 406], [34, 406]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[10, 413], [130, 410], [131, 417], [10, 420]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_327.jpg [{"transcription": "Mexico", "points": [[578, 382], [641, 384], [642, 408], [579, 406]]}, {"transcription": "China", "points": [[580, 326], [630, 327], [631, 350], [581, 349]]}, {"transcription": "France", "points": [[545, 95], [606, 88], [609, 113], [547, 120]]}, {"transcription": "Canada", "points": [[546, 126], [612, 117], [615, 142], [550, 151]]}, {"transcription": "Italy", "points": [[561, 152], [601, 150], [604, 175], [564, 177]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[571, 38], [616, 30], [619, 55], [574, 62]]}, {"transcription": "Spain", "points": [[560, 183], [612, 178], [614, 205], [562, 210]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[520, 50], [569, 40], [574, 65], [524, 74]]}, {"transcription": "Germany", "points": [[551, 215], [631, 211], [632, 234], [552, 237]]}, {"transcription": "Hong", "points": [[545, 242], [592, 241], [595, 265], [547, 266]]}, {"transcription": "Kong", "points": [[591, 240], [641, 240], [644, 265], [594, 265]]}, {"transcription": "Singapore", "points": [[554, 271], [640, 270], [641, 294], [556, 295]]}, {"transcription": "Korea", "points": [[576, 296], [626, 296], [626, 320], [576, 319]]}, {"transcription": "Thailand", "points": [[572, 352], [643, 354], [644, 379], [573, 377]]}, {"transcription": "Philippines", "points": [[571, 409], [660, 416], [661, 440], [572, 433]]}, {"transcription": "Vietnam", "points": [[583, 437], [650, 443], [653, 468], [586, 462]]}, {"transcription": "Turkey", "points": [[593, 465], [646, 471], [648, 496], [595, 490]]}, {"transcription": "Morroco", "points": [[586, 492], [660, 501], [661, 524], [586, 515]]}, {"transcription": "South", "points": [[577, 518], [629, 525], [630, 550], [578, 543]]}, {"transcription": "Africa", "points": [[629, 524], [679, 532], [678, 556], [628, 549]]}, {"transcription": "Malaysia", "points": [[598, 548], [666, 561], [665, 582], [597, 569]]}, {"transcription": "India", "points": [[611, 574], [656, 582], [656, 607], [612, 598]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[726, 118], [800, 113], [801, 130], [727, 136]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[285, 113], [312, 111], [313, 123], [286, 124]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[286, 125], [318, 123], [319, 135], [287, 138]]}, {"transcription": "SROCR", "points": [[415, 452], [495, 419], [496, 433], [416, 466]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 539], [85, 510], [92, 562], [6, 591]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[499, 8], [548, 0], [550, 15], [501, 26]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[536, 19], [598, 7], [598, 19], [537, 31]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[550, 1], [599, 1], [600, 3], [550, 13]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 165], [42, 161], [43, 176], [1, 181]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[2, 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"###", "points": [[562, 588], [613, 588], [611, 632], [564, 633]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[615, 593], [730, 603], [727, 646], [614, 634]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[560, 634], [730, 650], [730, 691], [556, 678]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_793.jpg [{"transcription": "FOREVER", "points": [[173, 244], [227, 244], [189, 570], [136, 570]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[129, 594], [185, 593], [181, 667], [126, 668]]}, {"transcription": "citibank", "points": [[847, 406], [867, 411], [868, 485], [848, 481]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[816, 422], [831, 424], [832, 466], [817, 464]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_854.jpg [{"transcription": "ON:SAL", "points": [[384, 228], [446, 219], [449, 240], [387, 249]]}, {"transcription": "ON SALE", "points": [[458, 225], [516, 216], [519, 233], [461, 242]]}, {"transcription": "Talk", "points": [[858, 107], [951, 97], [951, 138], [858, 148]]}, {"transcription": "Talk", "points": [[537, 134], [609, 131], [609, 166], 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[416, 188], [379, 175]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[241, 1], [382, 83], [366, 169], [225, 87]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[477, 166], [534, 206], [536, 243], [475, 219]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[772, 220], [826, 194], [828, 226], [775, 247]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[22, 716], [74, 684], [76, 714], [71, 717]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_344.jpg [{"transcription": "CATHAY", "points": [[488, 329], [770, 323], [772, 392], [490, 398]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_281.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[296, 197], [337, 194], [337, 213], [296, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[303, 214], [357, 211], [358, 230], [303, 234]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[429, 259], [485, 256], [486, 265], [430, 268]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[437, 268], [478, 265], [479, 274], [438, 277]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_858.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[243, 1], [331, 62], [327, 105], [173, 0]]}, {"transcription": "SECRET", "points": [[331, 71], [396, 111], [392, 149], [327, 109]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[435, 291], [484, 292], [482, 318], [433, 317]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[440, 320], [465, 320], [464, 342], [439, 342]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[23, 262], [87, 265], [88, 299], [22, 298]]}, {"transcription": "lock", "points": [[901, 505], [982, 581], [975, 665], [894, 589]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[781, 170], [822, 141], [823, 186], [782, 215]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[932, 19], [958, 1], [1044, 2], [943, 82]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[487, 183], [530, 215], [531, 235], [488, 204]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[834, 502], [875, 554], [873, 605], [832, 553]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_169.jpg [{"transcription": "STOP", "points": [[70, 130], [118, 130], [117, 152], [69, 152]]}, {"transcription": "SFT0242P", "points": [[365, 416], [438, 425], [440, 446], [366, 437]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": 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"###", "points": [[367, 87], [426, 86], [433, 140], [375, 141]]}, {"transcription": "Shops", "points": [[381, 212], [431, 217], [434, 240], [384, 236]]}, {"transcription": "Gen is", "points": [[386, 261], [447, 265], [450, 287], [389, 283]]}, {"transcription": "Theatre", "points": [[393, 286], [446, 291], [447, 311], [393, 306]]}, {"transcription": "Place", "points": [[446, 328], [490, 334], [491, 360], [447, 355]]}, {"transcription": "Nursing", "points": [[398, 368], [457, 375], [458, 398], [399, 391]]}, {"transcription": "Room", "points": [[459, 375], [502, 380], [502, 398], [459, 394]]}, {"transcription": "Fraser", "points": [[394, 325], [445, 328], [445, 357], [399, 353]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_352.jpg [{"transcription": "MacBook", "points": [[1115, 363], [1195, 388], [1185, 410], [1106, 385]]}, {"transcription": "Air", "points": [[1192, 389], [1221, 399], [1212, 418], [1184, 408]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_446.jpg [{"transcription": "URG AL", "points": [[610, 64], [689, 51], 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466], [1186, 485], [1139, 487]]}, {"transcription": "Spa", "points": [[1191, 464], [1235, 465], [1232, 490], [1187, 489]]}, {"transcription": "Perfect", "points": [[1187, 596], [1256, 601], [1252, 623], [1184, 618]]}, {"transcription": "JEAN", "points": [[392, 76], [484, 76], [485, 101], [393, 101]]}, {"transcription": "YIP", "points": [[499, 71], [555, 71], [557, 98], [501, 99]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[389, 141], [420, 141], [418, 164], [387, 165]]}, {"transcription": "ARE", "points": [[420, 141], [463, 142], [461, 165], [418, 163]]}, {"transcription": "HIRING", "points": [[462, 142], [538, 141], [539, 162], [463, 163]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[406, 191], [470, 191], [470, 201], [406, 199]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[393, 216], [407, 215], [407, 230], [393, 230]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[393, 246], [409, 245], [409, 260], [394, 260]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[396, 276], [410, 276], [410, 293], [396, 293]]}, 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"Experience", "points": [[434, 376], [504, 383], [502, 396], [432, 389]]}, {"transcription": "Preferred", "points": [[505, 379], [569, 385], [568, 402], [503, 396]]}, {"transcription": "Good", "points": [[437, 392], [477, 397], [475, 412], [435, 407]]}, {"transcription": "Benefits", "points": [[475, 396], [530, 400], [528, 416], [472, 412]]}, {"transcription": "Please", "points": [[449, 449], [518, 462], [516, 487], [446, 474]]}, {"transcription": "Call", "points": [[519, 460], [563, 466], [560, 491], [516, 485]]}, {"transcription": "8200", "points": [[445, 475], [506, 485], [503, 514], [442, 504]]}, {"transcription": "7403", "points": [[506, 487], [576, 497], [571, 524], [500, 514]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[493, 515], [520, 520], [519, 538], [491, 534]]}, {"transcription": "Walk", "points": [[460, 533], [526, 546], [524, 570], [459, 556]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[525, 542], [553, 545], [553, 574], [525, 570]]}, {"transcription": "Interview", "points": 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[557, 110], [482, 111]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1144, 436], [1279, 442], [1277, 468], [1142, 462]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1181, 532], [1208, 537], [1208, 559], [1180, 556]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_812.jpg [{"transcription": "TAGHeuer", "points": [[925, 263], [1109, 230], [1120, 260], [936, 293]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[269, 350], [327, 357], [323, 377], [266, 370]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1088, 277], [1168, 254], [1173, 276], [1093, 300]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_508.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[760, 134], [785, 127], [786, 144], [761, 152]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[658, 195], [681, 194], [681, 215], [658, 216]]}, {"transcription": "one", "points": [[967, 423], [1025, 418], [1030, 446], [972, 451]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[387, 213], [416, 210], [417, 229], [388, 231]]}, {"transcription": "Feel", "points": [[951, 459], [991, 463], [993, 488], [953, 484]]}, {"transcription": "Singtel", "points": [[915, 106], [1016, 80], [1027, 116], [926, 143]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[995, 463], [1015, 463], [1016, 489], [996, 489]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[500, 223], [542, 211], [551, 241], [508, 253]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[970, 371], [1047, 364], [1050, 383], [972, 390]]}, {"transcription": "WIN", "points": [[167, 300], [215, 295], [217, 318], [170, 323]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[502, 246], [548, 240], [557, 274], [511, 280]]}, {"transcription": "you", "points": [[682, 197], [709, 195], [709, 215], [682, 217]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[709, 192], [744, 190], [744, 208], [709, 210]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1225, 378], [1262, 380], [1263, 395], [1226, 393]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1235, 447], [1275, 452], [1278, 467], [1238, 461]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[713, 368], [745, 361], [746, 372], [715, 379]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[673, 302], [698, 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"###", "points": [[681, 323], [709, 312], [713, 320], [685, 331]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[708, 311], [762, 294], [765, 304], [712, 321]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[760, 292], [784, 288], [789, 298], [764, 302]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[705, 324], [779, 301], [784, 312], [709, 335]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1118, 23], [1157, 0], [1190, 0], [1126, 37]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1085, 0], [1132, 0], [1156, 0], [1103, 32]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_76.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[746, 635], [761, 648], [758, 667], [744, 654]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[704, 417], [763, 442], [756, 467], [699, 435]]}, {"transcription": "Get", "points": [[763, 500], [805, 527], [805, 560], [762, 527]]}, {"transcription": "More!", "points": [[812, 525], [899, 582], [899, 629], [810, 563]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[711, 532], [733, 551], [730, 567], [707, 548]]}, {"transcription": "Members", "points": 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"points": [[78, 172], [216, 182], [215, 212], [77, 202]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[235, 586], [277, 555], [285, 572], [242, 603]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[298, 225], [362, 220], [365, 238], [300, 244]]}, {"transcription": "CITY", "points": [[143, 142], [197, 145], [199, 176], [146, 173]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[150, 398], [191, 386], [191, 402], [150, 414]]}, {"transcription": "GAIN", "points": [[59, 122], [139, 135], [146, 173], [66, 160]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[113, 53], [180, 72], [181, 91], [115, 72]]}, {"transcription": "OUR", "points": [[113, 80], [146, 87], [146, 106], [113, 98]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[142, 87], [193, 97], [195, 117], [143, 107]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[271, 512], [289, 499], [294, 512], [276, 525]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1011, 188], [1035, 186], [1038, 201], [1014, 203]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[965, 194], [991, 192], [992, 204], [966, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1068, 185], [1096, 183], [1099, 194], [1071, 196]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[500, 211], [534, 209], [535, 222], [500, 224]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[534, 209], [557, 208], [557, 221], [534, 222]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[122, 211], [204, 212], [198, 230], [116, 229]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[249, 611], [299, 570], [304, 589], [254, 630]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[299, 612], [318, 597], [324, 607], [304, 622]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[967, 215], [986, 215], [991, 233], [972, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[999, 214], [1024, 213], [1029, 230], [1004, 231]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1036, 210], [1064, 206], [1066, 226], [1038, 230]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1072, 208], [1097, 205], [1100, 223], [1075, 226]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_687.jpg [{"transcription": "Dior", "points": [[28, 118], [281, 198], [280, 348], [27, 347]]}, 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"BEST", "points": [[616, 259], [681, 251], [681, 285], [616, 293]]}, {"transcription": "BUY", "points": [[685, 251], [736, 244], [735, 274], [683, 281]]}, {"transcription": "$428", "points": [[616, 516], [680, 495], [680, 524], [616, 545]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[373, 75], [447, 70], [450, 161], [376, 166]]}, {"transcription": "$71", "points": [[632, 321], [661, 319], [660, 343], [631, 345]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1016, 29], [1097, 31], [1098, 61], [1017, 59]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[570, 29], [671, 30], [675, 70], [573, 69]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[816, 87], [928, 83], [931, 113], [818, 117]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1027, 82], [1090, 83], [1091, 108], [1028, 107]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[383, 53], [447, 53], [447, 69], [383, 69]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[372, 168], [439, 165], [439, 180], [372, 188]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[633, 300], [673, 296], [673, 307], [633, 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[207, 107], [7, 127]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[744, 109], [817, 106], [819, 147], [746, 150]]}, {"transcription": "OSAKA", "points": [[559, 43], [626, 30], [630, 57], [563, 70]]}, {"transcription": "OHSHO", "points": [[626, 28], [703, 11], [708, 41], [631, 58]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[401, 77], [461, 66], [465, 91], [405, 102]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_69.jpg [{"transcription": "NASAL", "points": [[996, 276], [1201, 236], [1220, 303], [1015, 343]]}, {"transcription": "SPRAY", "points": [[1016, 358], [1234, 323], [1254, 392], [1035, 426]]}, {"transcription": "Sato", "points": [[1092, 52], [1158, 32], [1166, 59], [1100, 79]]}, {"transcription": "CAUTION", "points": [[714, 678], [788, 679], [791, 696], [717, 695]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[263, 652], [312, 657], [324, 694], [274, 690]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[114, 648], [139, 650], [146, 677], [120, 675]]}, {"transcription": "Pharma", "points": [[1163, 27], [1273, 1], [1279, 20], 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"points": [[544, 242], [557, 240], [556, 267], [543, 270]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[530, 387], [543, 384], [553, 494], [539, 497]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[779, 667], [812, 676], [809, 688], [776, 679]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[655, 210], [668, 206], [671, 218], [658, 222]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[366, 437], [401, 430], [404, 448], [370, 456]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[195, 305], [255, 286], [258, 298], [198, 317]]}, {"transcription": "$10", "points": [[0, 625], [103, 565], [127, 634], [6, 694]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[260, 586], [316, 549], [324, 580], [268, 617]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[13, 694], [131, 627], [140, 680], [66, 719]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_815.jpg [{"transcription": "BOTTEGA", "points": [[669, 296], [746, 262], [749, 290], [672, 324]]}, {"transcription": "VENETA", "points": [[751, 254], [828, 211], [832, 243], [751, 285]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[266, 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{"transcription": "###", "points": [[811, 239], [950, 190], [954, 230], [812, 269]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[457, 318], [528, 314], [528, 324], [456, 328]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[530, 313], [576, 310], [576, 322], [530, 324]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_117.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[499, 377], [536, 373], [536, 415], [499, 419]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[323, 363], [385, 365], [382, 386], [321, 384]]}, {"transcription": "Enjoy", "points": [[451, 362], [493, 360], [493, 378], [451, 380]]}, {"transcription": "SMARTS", "points": [[456, 448], [521, 439], [522, 457], [457, 465]]}, {"transcription": "rebate", "points": [[525, 442], [571, 436], [571, 451], [525, 456]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[452, 383], [499, 378], [503, 441], [456, 446]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[328, 396], [389, 386], [392, 400], [331, 410]]}, {"transcription": "UOB", "points": [[599, 557], [630, 552], [631, 565], [600, 570]]}, 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568], [347, 582], [317, 572]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[319, 574], [360, 585], [359, 602], [318, 592]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[459, 515], [522, 506], [522, 518], [460, 527]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[458, 556], [509, 548], [509, 555], [458, 563]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[457, 562], [584, 542], [584, 550], [457, 571]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_808.jpg [{"transcription": "PANE", "points": [[867, 45], [1108, 0], [1119, 44], [878, 90]]}, {"transcription": "OFFICINE", "points": [[542, 108], [848, 42], [853, 90], [548, 156]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1116, 1], [1262, 0], [1268, 22], [1121, 44]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_766.jpg [{"transcription": "THIS", "points": [[1230, 467], [1277, 476], [1278, 504], [1231, 495]]}, {"transcription": "510", "points": [[1020, 197], [1050, 192], [1051, 213], [1021, 218]]}, {"transcription": "511", "points": [[1021, 235], [1050, 234], [1052, 256], [1023, 257]]}, {"transcription": "513", "points": [[1023, 275], [1055, 274], [1057, 295], [1026, 296]]}, {"transcription": "504", "points": [[1028, 315], [1059, 315], [1059, 336], [1028, 336]]}, {"transcription": "505", "points": [[1032, 361], [1062, 360], [1061, 380], [1031, 381]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1055, 200], [1081, 194], [1080, 205], [1053, 211]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1053, 245], [1076, 240], [1077, 247], [1055, 253]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1060, 316], [1099, 315], [1100, 332], [1061, 333]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1067, 370], [1100, 368], [1099, 378], [1066, 380]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[13, 463], [45, 463], [31, 522], [0, 522]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1230, 406], [1272, 414], [1269, 466], [1227, 458]]}, {"transcription": "LEVI'S", "points": [[578, 40], [890, 50], [891, 116], [579, 106]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[865, 7], [902, 10], [903, 47], [866, 45]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1011, 76], [1041, 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43], [542, 62], [495, 60]]}, {"transcription": "Joo", "points": [[469, 71], [509, 70], [507, 97], [467, 98]]}, {"transcription": "East", "points": [[450, 39], [492, 40], [491, 60], [449, 59]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[439, 104], [464, 104], [465, 126], [439, 125]]}, {"transcription": "Pasir", "points": [[472, 103], [527, 103], [527, 126], [472, 126]]}, {"transcription": "Ris", "points": [[532, 103], [563, 103], [563, 126], [532, 126]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[416, 138], [429, 140], [429, 158], [416, 157]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[441, 134], [467, 134], [467, 158], [441, 158]]}, {"transcription": "Changi", "points": [[472, 132], [548, 132], [548, 161], [472, 161]]}, {"transcription": "Airport", "points": [[553, 134], [630, 133], [630, 161], [553, 161]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_751.jpg [{"transcription": "OFFLINE", "points": [[327, 533], [419, 504], [423, 528], [331, 557]]}, {"transcription": "FOSSI", "points": [[1019, 200], [1094, 191], [1097, 215], [1022, 224]]}, {"transcription": "DIGITAL", "points": [[375, 548], [456, 521], [458, 546], [378, 573]]}, {"transcription": "SHOPPING", "points": [[460, 518], [548, 492], [547, 515], [459, 541]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[351, 556], [370, 550], [371, 572], [353, 578]]}, {"transcription": "SHOP", "points": [[419, 504], [479, 488], [483, 511], [423, 527]]}, {"transcription": "WITH", "points": [[276, 579], [346, 557], [347, 582], [277, 604]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[287, 543], [323, 532], [325, 557], [289, 568]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[549, 492], [609, 472], [611, 493], [550, 513]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1012, 176], [1102, 164], [1104, 180], [1014, 193]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1245, 234], [1275, 229], [1277, 241], [1247, 246]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[792, 220], [830, 216], [832, 239], [795, 243]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[172, 302], [352, 289], [356, 326], [176, 339]]}] 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"###", "points": [[701, 383], [712, 383], [713, 421], [702, 421]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1249, 283], [1256, 283], [1257, 299], [1250, 299]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1266, 283], [1275, 283], [1276, 296], [1267, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1257, 287], [1268, 286], [1268, 296], [1257, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[294, 1], [421, 0], [420, 80], [296, 11]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_396.jpg [{"transcription": "ESPRIT", "points": [[517, 206], [633, 190], [638, 233], [522, 248]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[509, 305], [540, 301], [540, 317], [509, 321]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[46, 255], [88, 250], [95, 304], [53, 310]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[15, 259], [50, 254], [56, 286], [21, 291]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_553.jpg [{"transcription": "RITZBO", "points": [[298, 130], [707, 148], [707, 230], [298, 213]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[463, 513], [540, 500], [540, 520], [463, 533]]}, 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[1076, 171], [1018, 179]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1015, 178], [1076, 170], [1077, 183], [1016, 190]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[773, 276], [798, 275], [800, 295], [775, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[59, 155], [233, 117], [246, 150], [71, 187]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[28, 280], [146, 251], [149, 267], [31, 296]]}, {"transcription": "Avenue", "points": [[820, 20], [989, 0], [992, 24], [823, 44]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1013, 117], [1096, 109], [1097, 122], [1014, 130]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[57, 292], [130, 273], [133, 283], [60, 302]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_440.jpg [{"transcription": "Sprite", "points": [[817, 247], [872, 250], [867, 279], [811, 276]]}, {"transcription": "DARY", "points": [[806, 74], [858, 61], [860, 91], [808, 104]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[749, 444], [763, 451], [761, 482], [747, 476]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[761, 453], [778, 461], [777, 481], [760, 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"points": [[1036, 274], [1048, 273], [1047, 282], [1035, 283]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1034, 283], [1046, 282], [1047, 294], [1035, 296]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_825.jpg [{"transcription": "DOLCE", "points": [[297, 112], [480, 167], [473, 234], [290, 178]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[476, 201], [501, 210], [495, 241], [469, 232]]}, {"transcription": "GABBANA", "points": [[493, 181], [667, 237], [665, 297], [491, 241]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_360.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[703, 63], [745, 63], [744, 73], [703, 72]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[649, 60], [696, 62], [697, 72], [650, 70]]}, {"transcription": "FICTION", "points": [[274, 42], [318, 42], [318, 61], [274, 61]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[504, 53], [569, 56], [569, 68], [504, 66]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[583, 56], [642, 59], [642, 71], [583, 68]]}, {"transcription": "INTERMEDIATE", "points": [[180, 40], [273, 42], [275, 61], [183, 59]]}, {"transcription": "FICTION", "points": [[92, 37], [147, 37], [151, 59], [96, 58]]}, {"transcription": "CHILDREN", "points": [[533, 187], [623, 175], [626, 202], [535, 214]]}, {"transcription": "COMICS", "points": [[626, 175], [710, 167], [714, 194], [630, 202]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[292, 219], [345, 213], [345, 232], [292, 238]]}, {"transcription": "TOODLERS", "points": [[1001, 120], [1057, 115], [1057, 127], [1002, 133]]}, {"transcription": "ERAIEDIATE", "points": [[0, 34], [91, 35], [91, 57], [0, 56]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_957.jpg [{"transcription": "BAKERY", "points": [[582, 100], [795, 85], [794, 132], [581, 147]]}, {"transcription": "100", "points": [[1237, 58], [1270, 46], [1275, 60], [1242, 71]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[47, 110], [176, 99], [177, 146], [47, 157]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1234, 273], [1246, 271], [1250, 291], [1238, 293]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1245, 271], [1255, 270], [1257, 282], [1247, 282]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1181, 244], [1205, 243], [1206, 256], [1182, 257]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1206, 241], [1253, 237], [1253, 253], [1207, 257]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1133, 220], [1169, 220], [1167, 234], [1131, 234]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1166, 220], [1195, 222], [1194, 237], [1166, 236]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_728.jpg [{"transcription": "ROYAL", "points": [[133, 172], [209, 171], [210, 194], [134, 195]]}, {"transcription": "SELANGOR", "points": [[116, 195], [231, 192], [232, 216], [117, 219]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[43, 307], [71, 305], [71, 326], [42, 328]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[43, 292], [64, 290], [65, 305], [45, 306]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_772.jpg [{"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[240, 246], [312, 225], [321, 260], [249, 281]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[593, 141], [617, 134], [625, 160], [601, 166]]}, {"transcription": "B1/B3", "points": [[618, 138], [692, 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138], [611, 134], [612, 153], [527, 160]]}, {"transcription": "BBQ", "points": [[528, 160], [563, 158], [562, 178], [529, 178]]}, {"transcription": "buffet", "points": [[561, 156], [612, 155], [612, 172], [562, 178]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[521, 112], [541, 113], [541, 139], [522, 138]]}, {"transcription": "cook", "points": [[543, 113], [609, 107], [611, 132], [543, 139]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[516, 229], [574, 221], [575, 250], [517, 258]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[236, 280], [303, 274], [307, 320], [240, 339]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[266, 98], [310, 98], [313, 117], [269, 117]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[316, 85], [328, 84], [328, 111], [316, 112]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[330, 92], [342, 90], [342, 109], [330, 111]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[330, 114], [344, 114], [349, 147], [335, 147]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[196, 200], [209, 201], [212, 254], [197, 253]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[310, 354], [335, 345], [337, 364], [312, 373]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[596, 224], [644, 216], [646, 241], [598, 249]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[261, 397], [307, 383], [304, 396], [258, 410]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_645.jpg [{"transcription": "Trying", "points": [[946, 224], [1060, 213], [1063, 254], [949, 265]]}, {"transcription": "stuff", "points": [[949, 267], [1023, 260], [1026, 293], [951, 301]]}, {"transcription": "Columbia", "points": [[1093, 595], [1239, 654], [1233, 687], [1088, 628]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1093, 281], [1141, 277], [1142, 294], [1095, 297]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1142, 272], [1190, 271], [1192, 290], [1145, 291]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[623, 164], [670, 142], [672, 170], [626, 192]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[671, 137], [693, 128], [693, 157], [671, 166]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[692, 122], [762, 85], [765, 121], [695, 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"points": [[890, 184], [945, 170], [945, 189], [895, 200]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[942, 173], [1005, 160], [1010, 172], [944, 188]]}, {"transcription": "OSEN", "points": [[609, 325], [672, 326], [672, 345], [610, 343]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1030, 77], [1052, 76], [1049, 86], [1033, 88]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_99.jpg [{"transcription": "Platform", "points": [[318, 246], [413, 250], [412, 279], [317, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[416, 253], [430, 253], [428, 275], [414, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[438, 255], [452, 256], [451, 276], [437, 275]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[463, 256], [481, 258], [482, 278], [463, 276]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_928.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[386, 303], [421, 301], [423, 316], [388, 318]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[391, 322], [421, 318], [423, 338], [393, 342]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[482, 568], [504, 575], [502, 600], [480, 593]]}, 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133], [1026, 135], [1028, 166], [1009, 164]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[745, 232], [758, 232], [758, 245], [745, 245]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[215, 1], [364, 3], [361, 50], [216, 9]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_552.jpg [{"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[7, 418], [122, 411], [122, 451], [7, 458]]}, {"transcription": "MID", "points": [[0, 510], [62, 485], [68, 514], [6, 539]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[76, 485], [156, 451], [160, 473], [80, 506]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1063, 212], [1102, 211], [1102, 225], [1063, 226]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1058, 192], [1105, 190], [1106, 206], [1060, 208]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[11, 532], [158, 474], [160, 536], [7, 619]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[24, 370], [80, 364], [81, 377], [24, 383]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[15, 136], [67, 141], [61, 195], [8, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[438, 330], [462, 325], [466, 341], [444, 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[[946, 184], [987, 190], [984, 200], [945, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[919, 204], [933, 200], [935, 208], [919, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[933, 199], [951, 197], [952, 208], [935, 209]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[952, 196], [960, 196], [960, 206], [952, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[374, 186], [396, 185], [397, 197], [375, 198]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[905, 337], [961, 341], [962, 351], [905, 347]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[915, 350], [992, 357], [992, 369], [915, 361]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[964, 340], [989, 341], [989, 353], [964, 351]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_843.jpg [{"transcription": "LEVEL", "points": [[903, 240], [1002, 237], [1005, 266], [906, 268]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1049, 638], [1085, 632], [1088, 687], [1052, 694]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[822, 295], [998, 274], [1029, 570], [853, 591]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[315, 293], [439, 290], [438, 307], [313, 311]]}, {"transcription": "Ion", "points": [[351, 623], [407, 620], [406, 651], [350, 654]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[345, 316], [385, 315], [386, 326], [346, 327]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[386, 314], [401, 313], [400, 324], [385, 325]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[378, 321], [427, 321], [427, 334], [378, 334]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[406, 486], [431, 485], [430, 501], [405, 502]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[319, 494], [375, 488], [376, 498], [320, 504]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[780, 372], [1112, 360], [1116, 387], [783, 400]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[799, 414], [1066, 398], [1070, 440], [803, 455]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_448.jpg [{"transcription": "very", "points": [[807, 80], [931, 93], [929, 185], [805, 172]]}, {"transcription": "Merry", "points": [[765, 186], [973, 227], [955, 355], [746, 314]]}, {"transcription": "Christmas", "points": [[726, 290], [1032, 371], [1013, 496], [707, 415]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[331, 145], [406, 149], [405, 171], [330, 168]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[208, 48], [276, 53], [273, 75], [206, 71]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_920.jpg [{"transcription": "MATAHARI", "points": [[1009, 198], [1189, 130], [1193, 193], [1009, 245]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1201, 120], [1279, 92], [1279, 168], [1208, 189]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[860, 284], [892, 277], [890, 309], [859, 316]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[892, 274], [944, 259], [944, 295], [892, 310]]}, {"transcription": "UcNo:12C6009", "points": [[1011, 255], [1124, 230], [1125, 252], [1012, 277]]}, {"transcription": "Attention!", "points": [[1136, 325], [1267, 320], [1267, 348], [1136, 352]]}, {"transcription": "FILIPIN", "points": [[1133, 369], [1279, 369], [1279, 413], [1134, 409]]}, {"transcription": "DOMES", "points": [[1137, 413], [1279, 419], [1278, 465], [1137, 455]]}, {"transcription": "HELPE", 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[{"transcription": "DBS", "points": [[698, 213], [720, 210], [721, 230], [695, 231]]}, {"transcription": "Giant", "points": [[512, 199], [555, 199], [555, 221], [510, 231]]}, {"transcription": "TOAST", "points": [[167, 212], [246, 212], [247, 238], [170, 241]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[247, 211], [292, 213], [295, 238], [250, 238]]}, {"transcription": "food", "points": [[181, 60], [265, 88], [260, 159], [182, 129]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[254, 95], [319, 122], [325, 194], [250, 166]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_51.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[468, 251], [485, 250], [488, 283], [471, 285]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[827, 406], [850, 404], [851, 422], [829, 424]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[839, 271], [911, 262], [922, 353], [850, 361]]}, {"transcription": "Have", "points": [[502, 252], [531, 250], [531, 259], [502, 261]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[531, 251], [539, 250], [540, 260], [532, 260]]}, {"transcription": "feedback", "points": [[540, 247], [586, 245], [586, 255], [540, 257]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[585, 245], [631, 241], [631, 252], [585, 256]]}, {"transcription": "the", "points": [[630, 240], [648, 239], [649, 250], [631, 251]]}, {"transcription": "NUS", "points": [[505, 264], [528, 263], [527, 275], [503, 276]]}, {"transcription": "internal", "points": [[528, 264], [571, 260], [570, 271], [527, 275]]}, {"transcription": "Shuttle", "points": [[569, 261], [605, 258], [605, 268], [569, 271]]}, {"transcription": "Bus", "points": [[603, 257], [623, 255], [625, 266], [605, 268]]}, {"transcription": "Service", "points": [[623, 256], [657, 254], [657, 264], [623, 266]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[656, 253], [663, 253], [662, 264], [655, 264]]}, {"transcription": "Share", "points": [[460, 294], [489, 290], [489, 299], [460, 303]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[490, 288], [498, 288], [498, 299], [490, 299]]}, {"transcription": "with", "points": [[499, 289], [521, 287], [521, 297], [499, 299]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[521, 289], [534, 288], [534, 295], [522, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[535, 287], [546, 287], [545, 295], [534, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[546, 284], [648, 276], [648, 285], [546, 294]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[649, 277], [657, 276], [657, 283], [649, 285]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[659, 273], [702, 270], [702, 279], [659, 282]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[674, 478], [696, 473], [696, 482], [674, 486]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[697, 473], [706, 471], [706, 479], [696, 481]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[706, 473], [717, 471], [717, 477], [706, 479]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[717, 471], [735, 467], [735, 475], [717, 479]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[675, 489], [691, 485], [692, 493], [676, 497]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[691, 486], [700, 484], [700, 490], [691, 492]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[701, 484], [720, 481], [720, 488], [701, 491]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[720, 479], [729, 478], [729, 486], [720, 487]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[729, 477], [740, 475], [742, 483], [730, 485]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[676, 498], [685, 496], [685, 505], [676, 507]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[685, 498], [698, 496], [698, 503], [685, 505]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[699, 496], [719, 492], [720, 499], [699, 503]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[261, 422], [311, 415], [314, 451], [264, 457]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_56.jpg [{"transcription": "East", "points": [[341, 129], [399, 117], [395, 153], [337, 165]]}, {"transcription": "West", "points": [[405, 113], [479, 97], [479, 133], [403, 147]]}, {"transcription": "Line", "points": [[491, 92], [561, 75], [559, 118], [487, 132]]}, {"transcription": "Way", "points": [[338, 248], [433, 242], [423, 319], [328, 325]]}, {"transcription": "out", "points": [[444, 235], [539, 228], [534, 296], [439, 303]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_501.jpg [{"transcription": "NLB", "points": [[970, 143], [1048, 159], [1048, 215], [970, 199]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1238, 32], [1278, 30], [1278, 53], [1238, 55]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_441.jpg [{"transcription": "DAIRY", "points": [[410, 138], [493, 132], [493, 166], [410, 173]]}, {"transcription": "SEAE", "points": [[75, 177], [128, 171], [128, 196], [75, 202]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[732, 357], [745, 358], [746, 387], [732, 385]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1060, 370], [1121, 353], [1127, 378], [1066, 396]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_143.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[691, 187], [720, 185], [721, 196], [692, 199]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[677, 191], [691, 189], [692, 200], [678, 202]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[682, 175], [703, 172], [708, 182], [687, 185]]}, {"transcription": "Koon", "points": [[704, 171], [733, 166], [736, 177], [707, 182]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[666, 195], [674, 192], [676, 205], [668, 207]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[672, 177], [686, 175], [687, 185], [673, 187]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[656, 179], [666, 177], [671, 188], [661, 190]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[719, 182], [736, 181], [738, 192], [721, 193]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[668, 208], [680, 207], [683, 219], [672, 220]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[683, 205], [697, 204], [699, 216], [685, 217]]}, {"transcription": "Chang", "points": [[697, 201], [735, 196], [737, 209], [699, 214]]}, {"transcription": "Airport", "points": [[736, 194], [773, 187], [774, 200], [737, 206]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_548.jpg [{"transcription": "HarbourFront", "points": [[450, 143], [593, 175], [592, 254], [448, 221]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[592, 230], [616, 236], [615, 258], [591, 251]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[64, 342], [176, 319], [178, 347], [66, 370]]}, {"transcription": "$10", "points": [[50, 395], [111, 388], [113, 430], [52, 436]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[3, 400], [52, 396], [51, 435], [2, 441]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[747, 273], [766, 282], [767, 297], [748, 293]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_408.jpg [{"transcription": "ROBINSONS", "points": [[290, 192], [415, 192], [414, 222], [289, 222]]}, {"transcription": "ESTEE", "points": [[789, 209], [914, 214], [911, 258], [787, 253]]}, {"transcription": "LAUDER", "points": [[918, 209], [1124, 214], [1125, 263], [919, 258]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[936, 361], [1048, 372], [1048, 392], [935, 381]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[940, 385], [1033, 392], [1033, 410], [939, 402]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[949, 401], [1049, 409], [1047, 431], [946, 422]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_557.jpg [{"transcription": "nailz", "points": [[562, 193], [625, 183], [628, 210], [566, 220]]}, {"transcription": "VINO", "points": [[864, 143], [917, 128], [923, 158], [867, 159]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[921, 223], [986, 214], [995, 255], [930, 264]]}, {"transcription": "Salon", "points": [[983, 204], [1046, 196], [1056, 241], [993, 249]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[582, 316], [643, 308], [645, 315], [582, 324]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[584, 302], [638, 294], [640, 302], [584, 310]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[580, 288], [635, 281], [636, 290], [583, 297]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[909, 123], [928, 122], [930, 134], [911, 133]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[797, 151], [862, 141], [865, 156], [800, 166]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_257.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[717, 558], [731, 559], [728, 571], [713, 570]]}, {"transcription": "CARD", "points": [[683, 540], [720, 544], [720, 557], [682, 554]]}, {"transcription": "RESIDENTS", "points": [[681, 475], [742, 478], [742, 490], [680, 486]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": 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"###", "points": [[663, 638], [726, 644], [727, 653], [664, 647]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[648, 646], [693, 651], [691, 660], [646, 655]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_685.jpg [{"transcription": "Bleem", "points": [[536, 75], [643, 108], [639, 167], [539, 142]]}, {"transcription": "crocs", "points": [[1096, 157], [1196, 153], [1202, 181], [1103, 191]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_229.jpg [{"transcription": "Minor", "points": [[416, 594], [448, 590], [449, 602], [417, 606]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[449, 589], [461, 587], [462, 600], [449, 602]]}, {"transcription": "ENVIRONMENTAL", "points": [[344, 620], [441, 603], [442, 616], [345, 633]]}, {"transcription": "SUSTAINABILITY", "points": [[440, 603], [529, 587], [532, 600], [443, 616]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[374, 633], [401, 629], [401, 638], [374, 642]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[403, 628], [419, 625], [419, 634], [403, 637]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[418, 625], [442, 620], 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[[588, 159], [611, 160], [610, 219], [587, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[868, 138], [890, 139], [889, 166], [868, 165]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[861, 208], [891, 210], [894, 235], [864, 233]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[631, 66], [675, 68], [667, 178], [623, 176]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[859, 257], [881, 260], [878, 289], [856, 285]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[533, 63], [573, 64], [568, 171], [528, 170]]}, {"transcription": "LADIES", "points": [[856, 286], [917, 292], [916, 311], [855, 305]]}, {"transcription": "LADIES", "points": [[860, 235], [922, 240], [923, 260], [861, 254]]}, {"transcription": "0-8", "points": [[906, 186], [937, 187], [937, 205], [906, 204]]}, {"transcription": "YRS", "points": [[937, 187], [970, 190], [970, 207], [937, 205]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[886, 369], [955, 379], [946, 463], [877, 453]]}, {"transcription": "Sanlas", "points": [[875, 115], [940, 117], [939, 133], [875, 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"points": [[607, 135], [618, 136], [614, 155], [603, 153]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[407, 148], [423, 148], [422, 171], [407, 171]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[397, 147], [410, 147], [410, 162], [397, 163]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_478.jpg [{"transcription": "McDonalds", "points": [[68, 99], [225, 35], [236, 81], [80, 145]]}, {"transcription": "smiggle", "points": [[488, 90], [603, 60], [615, 105], [500, 135]]}, {"transcription": "sale!", "points": [[421, 201], [456, 193], [460, 217], [424, 224]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[570, 176], [620, 165], [624, 180], [574, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[618, 213], [644, 211], [644, 229], [618, 230]]}, {"transcription": "Special", "points": [[81, 234], [188, 211], [194, 242], [87, 265]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[158, 247], [203, 236], [210, 255], [165, 266]]}, {"transcription": "DELUXE", "points": [[127, 421], [188, 400], [192, 419], [131, 440]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": 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108], [105, 103]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[134, 98], [154, 99], [154, 111], [134, 109]]}, {"transcription": "course", "points": [[12, 93], [55, 98], [54, 113], [10, 108]]}, {"transcription": "below", "points": [[56, 98], [90, 101], [88, 116], [54, 114]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[88, 102], [113, 106], [114, 120], [88, 116]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[112, 108], [123, 109], [123, 122], [112, 121]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[124, 107], [155, 111], [153, 126], [122, 122]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_146.jpg [{"transcription": "world's", "points": [[983, 261], [1040, 247], [1044, 267], [987, 281]]}, {"transcription": "finest", "points": [[1038, 247], [1093, 235], [1098, 254], [1044, 266]]}, {"transcription": "Delivering", "points": [[957, 171], [1032, 151], [1035, 170], [961, 190]]}, {"transcription": "you", "points": [[1032, 148], [1067, 140], [1071, 158], [1035, 167]]}, {"transcription": "the", "points": [[964, 203], [995, 195], [1002, 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{"transcription": "###", "points": [[520, 520], [553, 509], [556, 522], [523, 533]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[284, 416], [306, 414], [308, 431], [286, 433]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[305, 410], [328, 407], [333, 427], [310, 430]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[288, 434], [312, 432], [313, 448], [290, 451]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[312, 430], [336, 427], [336, 444], [312, 446]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_810.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[607, 0], [777, 80], [775, 117], [605, 37]]}, {"transcription": "BARTOUX", "points": [[778, 83], [902, 126], [902, 165], [778, 122]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_940.jpg [{"transcription": "AYAM", "points": [[452, 44], [571, 84], [570, 158], [451, 118]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[572, 105], [658, 136], [656, 191], [570, 160]]}, {"transcription": "RIA", "points": [[657, 144], [708, 164], [706, 208], [655, 188]]}, {"transcription": "SMASHED", "points": [[412, 113], [521, 141], [522, 183], [413, 155]]}, {"transcription": "FRIED", "points": [[523, 150], [570, 162], [567, 195], [521, 183]]}, {"transcription": "CHICKEN", "points": [[570, 166], [623, 182], [621, 211], [567, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[624, 186], [675, 200], [675, 224], [624, 211]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[674, 197], [716, 212], [715, 235], [673, 221]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_583.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[297, 138], [398, 113], [420, 228], [319, 254]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[328, 283], [423, 250], [433, 293], [338, 326]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[737, 55], [777, 45], [786, 138], [746, 148]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[745, 152], [786, 137], [789, 172], [748, 186]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[453, 5], [502, 1], [502, 23], [453, 27]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[180, 56], [226, 50], [231, 87], [186, 94]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[187, 93], [232, 87], [232, 105], [187, 111]]}, 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[908, 203], [287, 251]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[273, 444], [350, 448], [347, 482], [270, 477]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[140, 368], [178, 367], [176, 387], [138, 388]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[127, 434], [178, 434], [178, 445], [127, 445]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[70, 353], [99, 354], [98, 364], [69, 363]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_511.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[961, 371], [988, 379], [983, 398], [956, 390]]}, {"transcription": "1998", "points": [[1106, 148], [1148, 150], [1146, 166], [1103, 164]]}, {"transcription": "1098", "points": [[573, 101], [606, 104], [606, 125], [573, 123]]}, {"transcription": "1398", "points": [[645, 108], [683, 108], [683, 129], [645, 129]]}, {"transcription": "2298", "points": [[792, 106], [841, 108], [840, 133], [791, 131]]}, {"transcription": "949", "points": [[216, 191], [241, 183], [248, 201], [223, 210]]}, {"transcription": "2198", "points": [[862, 110], [908, 116], [902, 136], 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[1122, 257], [1123, 274], [1042, 285]]}, {"transcription": "UOB", "points": [[1211, 534], [1263, 542], [1263, 562], [1211, 554]]}, {"transcription": "Joy", "points": [[989, 205], [1033, 200], [1036, 225], [991, 231]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1126, 262], [1209, 252], [1210, 265], [1127, 275]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[667, 190], [708, 183], [710, 201], [669, 207]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[811, 171], [828, 166], [831, 185], [815, 190]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[663, 177], [732, 163], [734, 177], [665, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[493, 231], [533, 221], [535, 239], [495, 249]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1017, 285], [1197, 271], [1199, 283], [1020, 297]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1021, 311], [1203, 300], [1204, 310], [1022, 320]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1012, 324], [1092, 320], [1094, 330], [1014, 333]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1190, 316], [1222, 314], [1223, 323], [1192, 325]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1080, 350], [1142, 351], [1141, 360], [1080, 360]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1150, 350], [1215, 350], [1215, 358], [1150, 359]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1218, 553], [1255, 559], [1254, 570], [1216, 565]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1028, 364], [1056, 364], [1056, 370], [1028, 370]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1031, 376], [1073, 375], [1072, 382], [1031, 381]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1031, 385], [1089, 388], [1089, 392], [1031, 391]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1098, 363], [1128, 362], [1129, 370], [1100, 372]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1101, 376], [1129, 375], [1129, 383], [1103, 383]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1107, 386], [1126, 387], [1127, 393], [1108, 392]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1166, 363], [1200, 362], [1201, 370], [1167, 371]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1171, 375], [1200, 375], [1200, 382], [1172, 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"points": [[883, 397], [961, 392], [963, 411], [885, 416]]}, {"transcription": "aman", "points": [[0, 191], [160, 197], [160, 226], [2, 219]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[610, 206], [653, 195], [656, 216], [610, 228]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[327, 361], [416, 356], [420, 373], [326, 380]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[520, 622], [599, 603], [603, 636], [522, 651]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[8, 418], [110, 416], [111, 430], [8, 438]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1227, 80], [1267, 72], [1265, 93], [1226, 97]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_460.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[1228, 84], [1267, 74], [1268, 83], [1230, 93]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1186, 333], [1236, 321], [1242, 342], [1192, 354]]}, {"transcription": "Year", "points": [[478, 223], [553, 215], [562, 254], [487, 261]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[508, 271], [542, 269], [547, 306], [513, 309]]}, {"transcription": "New", "points": [[471, 310], 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[[169, 597], [230, 636], [217, 653], [157, 614]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[560, 667], [587, 677], [579, 687], [552, 677]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[265, 652], [303, 674], [281, 689], [254, 670]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[523, 679], [609, 714], [561, 710], [499, 687]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[391, 637], [427, 655], [408, 676], [372, 659]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[684, 653], [715, 600], [737, 608], [707, 661]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[413, 616], [447, 632], [427, 657], [393, 640]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[286, 532], [315, 544], [297, 558], [269, 545]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[614, 636], [673, 654], [666, 662], [607, 643]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[620, 554], [677, 570], [668, 582], [611, 565]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[497, 513], [575, 540], [568, 556], [489, 529]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[262, 546], [303, 566], [289, 576], [248, 555]]}, 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"points": [[751, 257], [781, 259], [782, 267], [752, 265]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1238, 33], [1276, 29], [1279, 50], [1241, 54]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1229, 41], [1239, 40], [1242, 52], [1231, 53]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_311.jpg [{"transcription": "benefit", "points": [[166, 36], [286, 48], [286, 85], [165, 73]]}, {"transcription": "TIFFANY", "points": [[72, 240], [245, 235], [246, 266], [73, 271]]}, {"transcription": "Wedding", "points": [[159, 264], [330, 267], [331, 305], [160, 302]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[685, 112], [772, 119], [772, 142], [684, 135]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[606, 232], [681, 231], [682, 256], [607, 258]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[648, 253], [717, 257], [716, 280], [647, 277]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[643, 276], [708, 275], [709, 291], [644, 292]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_445.jpg [{"transcription": "TODAY", "points": [[175, 473], [249, 472], [247, 496], [172, 497]]}, 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[765, 132], [765, 142], [695, 134]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[708, 147], [752, 151], [751, 159], [707, 155]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[448, 228], [512, 235], [511, 244], [447, 238]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[470, 244], [490, 246], [489, 253], [469, 251]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[419, 211], [442, 214], [440, 225], [417, 222]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[569, 218], [600, 223], [591, 257], [561, 251]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[582, 511], [654, 517], [651, 541], [578, 535]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[491, 380], [525, 375], [526, 391], [492, 396]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[488, 413], [521, 407], [524, 423], [491, 429]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[485, 477], [520, 474], [519, 490], [485, 493]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[371, 239], [381, 240], [380, 254], [369, 254]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[464, 262], [478, 262], [476, 273], [463, 273]]}, 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"###", "points": [[175, 340], [221, 333], [222, 344], [176, 351]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[222, 334], [258, 327], [257, 340], [221, 346]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[323, 194], [409, 183], [415, 217], [329, 228]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[581, 104], [628, 93], [632, 131], [586, 142]]}, {"transcription": "Perfume", "points": [[345, 324], [438, 311], [440, 340], [347, 353]]}, {"transcription": "Everyday", "points": [[343, 358], [442, 338], [445, 370], [346, 390]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[453, 151], [521, 141], [526, 156], [458, 166]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[458, 176], [495, 170], [496, 184], [459, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[452, 204], [510, 192], [511, 206], [453, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[335, 233], [416, 217], [418, 236], [337, 252]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[352, 245], [420, 233], [420, 245], [352, 257]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1032, 171], [1138, 152], 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"points": [[859, 107], [943, 142], [947, 216], [863, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[183, 271], [243, 276], [244, 291], [184, 286]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[484, 253], [511, 254], [511, 268], [484, 267]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[744, 291], [782, 292], [782, 305], [744, 304]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[171, 429], [187, 429], [187, 444], [171, 444]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_855.jpg [{"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[774, 47], [822, 42], [823, 68], [775, 73]]}, {"transcription": "TOASTBOX", "points": [[679, 228], [750, 203], [754, 229], [683, 254]]}, {"transcription": "BreadTalk", "points": [[832, 142], [1058, 76], [1071, 150], [845, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[41, 176], [320, 202], [317, 256], [38, 230]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[560, 288], [596, 290], [598, 305], [562, 303]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_283.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[20, 157], [37, 168], [28, 183], [10, 171]]}, 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173], [65, 191], [48, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[829, 27], [835, 24], [836, 42], [829, 45]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[830, 51], [836, 49], [836, 67], [830, 70]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[828, 76], [838, 73], [838, 91], [828, 94]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[828, 100], [839, 98], [838, 115], [828, 118]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[828, 126], [838, 121], [839, 138], [829, 142]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[828, 166], [840, 163], [840, 180], [828, 183]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[796, 43], [816, 38], [817, 54], [797, 60]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[795, 64], [817, 57], [817, 77], [795, 85]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[797, 87], [820, 78], [820, 99], [797, 108]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[797, 110], [819, 102], [817, 123], [795, 132]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[796, 133], [819, 124], [819, 141], [797, 150]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[801, 170], [815, 168], [816, 185], [803, 188]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[964, 85], [1048, 92], [1050, 125], [965, 118]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[488, 177], [566, 175], [570, 197], [492, 200]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_731.jpg [{"transcription": "City", "points": [[1147, 146], [1191, 143], [1192, 166], [1148, 169]]}, {"transcription": "Dine", "points": [[374, 201], [421, 201], [417, 214], [371, 215]]}, {"transcription": "Esplanade", "points": [[1108, 183], [1220, 175], [1225, 199], [1114, 208]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1161, 75], [1193, 78], [1193, 104], [1161, 100]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1195, 83], [1217, 86], [1217, 103], [1195, 100]]}, {"transcription": "Hall", "points": [[1189, 139], [1242, 135], [1246, 160], [1193, 165]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[344, 0], [554, 8], [553, 47], [343, 39]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[292, 204], [352, 203], [351, 217], [292, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[351, 201], [372, 201], [372, 216], [350, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[333, 216], [411, 213], [410, 227], [333, 230]]}, {"transcription": "The", "points": [[1233, 171], [1278, 171], [1278, 197], [1233, 197]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1240, 133], [1275, 130], [1275, 156], [1240, 159]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_608.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[639, 176], [651, 176], [652, 192], [640, 192]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[323, 263], [371, 262], [370, 272], [322, 273]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1007, 124], [1021, 122], [1025, 140], [1010, 142]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1025, 113], [1096, 106], [1096, 155], [1025, 162]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1092, 108], [1131, 103], [1132, 128], [1093, 134]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1061, 83], [1075, 82], [1077, 98], [1063, 100]]}, {"transcription": "FOR", "points": [[1078, 80], [1108, 76], [1109, 94], [1079, 97]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[949, 98], 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{"transcription": "###", "points": [[272, 220], [287, 221], [287, 234], [272, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[158, 235], [173, 234], [173, 248], [159, 250]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[191, 232], [204, 231], [204, 245], [191, 246]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[233, 227], [242, 226], [244, 238], [235, 239]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[478, 90], [491, 90], [495, 137], [482, 137]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[503, 91], [534, 83], [536, 120], [505, 128]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[548, 75], [560, 74], [565, 121], [553, 122]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[577, 77], [612, 66], [617, 101], [582, 112]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[629, 52], [645, 51], [644, 103], [628, 104]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[664, 60], [712, 49], [712, 82], [664, 93]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[716, 49], [756, 36], [760, 71], [720, 84]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[776, 15], [799, 14], [800, 74], 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[856, 269], [857, 284], [820, 284]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1111, 280], [1122, 278], [1124, 290], [1114, 292]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[520, 448], [579, 446], [580, 459], [521, 461]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[520, 426], [569, 429], [569, 445], [522, 445]]}, {"transcription": "VER", "points": [[1210, 108], [1279, 88], [1278, 124], [1217, 138]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[506, 156], [546, 158], [549, 205], [509, 205]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_549.jpg [{"transcription": "PASTAMANIA!", "points": [[190, 146], [426, 86], [432, 164], [196, 224]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[691, 340], [807, 339], [812, 401], [696, 403]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[756, 245], [860, 234], [862, 251], [758, 263]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_544.jpg [{"transcription": "Drop-off", "points": [[627, 148], [695, 148], [695, 169], [627, 169]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1115, 225], [1242, 221], [1242, 241], [1115, 245]]}, 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"###", "points": [[363, 231], [408, 230], [408, 240], [363, 241]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[365, 242], [448, 238], [448, 253], [365, 256]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[365, 263], [407, 258], [407, 270], [365, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[366, 274], [430, 266], [430, 284], [366, 292]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[467, 384], [501, 373], [503, 391], [469, 403]]}, {"transcription": "CUBES", "points": [[462, 400], [510, 385], [512, 406], [464, 421]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[387, 157], [455, 156], [456, 177], [388, 178]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[407, 119], [426, 113], [427, 121], [408, 127]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[183, 118], [211, 116], [213, 137], [185, 139]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[56, 142], [158, 146], [160, 172], [57, 169]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_387.jpg [{"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[396, 272], [494, 276], [492, 321], [393, 317]]}, {"transcription": "12.50", "points": 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[855, 172], [842, 172]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[877, 160], [897, 159], [897, 168], [877, 169]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[566, 224], [579, 224], [580, 233], [566, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[574, 334], [584, 334], [584, 343], [575, 344]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[490, 149], [511, 153], [510, 162], [489, 159]]}, {"transcription": "WIN", "points": [[443, 263], [463, 263], [463, 272], [443, 272]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[497, 263], [513, 263], [513, 270], [497, 270]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[526, 263], [542, 262], [544, 269], [527, 270]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[412, 164], [423, 164], [423, 181], [412, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[577, 441], [587, 441], [586, 449], [577, 449]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_624.jpg [{"transcription": "BreadTalk", "points": [[172, 31], [491, 112], [476, 206], [157, 125]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_493.jpg [{"transcription": "Pain", "points": [[386, 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444], [1182, 411], [1198, 432], [1102, 465]]}, {"transcription": "merci", "points": [[722, 527], [867, 483], [876, 510], [731, 554]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[491, 570], [532, 560], [534, 578], [494, 588]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[488, 623], [531, 613], [533, 629], [489, 639]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[180, 140], [234, 134], [241, 168], [186, 174]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[301, 129], [356, 119], [356, 137], [301, 147]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[720, 88], [766, 75], [766, 96], [720, 108]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1226, 153], [1273, 142], [1267, 178], [1220, 189]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1221, 126], [1250, 119], [1253, 140], [1224, 147]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1141, 158], [1205, 146], [1203, 189], [1139, 201]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[810, 204], [841, 201], [848, 224], [817, 227]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[818, 237], [881, 221], [890, 264], [827, 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[[201, 702], [274, 674], [277, 691], [204, 719]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1153, 582], [1193, 567], [1216, 605], [1175, 620]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1064, 626], [1102, 606], [1118, 642], [1080, 662]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1121, 581], [1142, 574], [1155, 589], [1134, 596]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1150, 680], [1241, 657], [1236, 678], [1145, 701]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[574, 485], [645, 464], [649, 477], [578, 498]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[738, 181], [761, 173], [765, 180], [742, 188]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[356, 257], [381, 253], [386, 270], [361, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[99, 311], [121, 307], [125, 323], [103, 327]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[685, 434], [712, 425], [715, 438], [688, 447]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[518, 485], [541, 480], [541, 491], [518, 496]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[446, 505], [466, 501], [466, 512], [446, 516]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[357, 525], [379, 521], [382, 538], [360, 542]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[276, 546], [305, 539], [301, 555], [272, 563]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[191, 569], [217, 562], [218, 574], [192, 581]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[115, 585], [141, 579], [140, 595], [114, 601]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[114, 706], [155, 682], [170, 694], [129, 718]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1008, 551], [1025, 545], [1026, 557], [1009, 564]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1147, 502], [1170, 494], [1173, 502], [1150, 510]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_287.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[695, 259], [720, 256], [724, 288], [698, 290]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[794, 243], [814, 240], [816, 258], [796, 260]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[635, 148], [669, 144], [673, 180], [638, 183]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[670, 156], [677, 155], [677, 167], [670, 168]]}, 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"RLD", "points": [[2, 247], [115, 247], [113, 287], [1, 287]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[127, 247], [196, 252], [188, 288], [119, 284]]}, {"transcription": "SPORTS", "points": [[205, 252], [343, 260], [339, 294], [200, 286]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[491, 531], [522, 517], [522, 531], [491, 544]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[451, 388], [478, 383], [477, 402], [450, 407]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_277.jpg [{"transcription": "COMING", "points": [[290, 301], [398, 283], [398, 310], [289, 332]]}, {"transcription": "SOON", "points": [[398, 286], [451, 275], [452, 298], [397, 311]]}, {"transcription": "BANK", "points": [[369, 189], [436, 191], [437, 218], [370, 220]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[439, 193], [468, 192], [467, 217], [441, 218]]}, {"transcription": "CHINA", "points": [[471, 192], [523, 193], [523, 216], [472, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[184, 158], [361, 168], [367, 236], [192, 249]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_661.jpg [{"transcription": "ST.MARC", "points": [[146, 90], [288, 135], [277, 173], [133, 131]]}, {"transcription": "CAFE", "points": [[291, 134], [350, 155], [337, 186], [280, 168]]}, {"transcription": "GKO", "points": [[589, 255], [624, 255], [625, 270], [590, 270]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_461.jpg [{"transcription": "VACANCY", "points": [[667, 700], [732, 635], [747, 655], [682, 719]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[707, 528], [785, 463], [828, 539], [751, 604]]}, {"transcription": "Grisham", "points": [[77, 104], [271, 61], [292, 115], [98, 158]]}, {"transcription": "John", "points": [[102, 39], [218, 15], [237, 75], [121, 99]]}, {"transcription": "CHARLIE", "points": [[306, 76], [371, 65], [380, 83], [315, 94]]}, {"transcription": "HIGSON", "points": [[296, 96], [408, 69], [417, 100], [305, 128]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[411, 216], [428, 210], [433, 220], [416, 226]]}, {"transcription": "HUNTED", "points": [[377, 243], [472, 203], [482, 225], [387, 265]]}, 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[571, 433], [501, 484]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[517, 478], [538, 464], [546, 475], [525, 489]]}, {"transcription": "QUEST", "points": [[501, 500], [558, 458], [572, 480], [515, 523]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[530, 356], [571, 331], [587, 368], [546, 393]]}, {"transcription": "Mille", "points": [[546, 390], [587, 363], [608, 395], [567, 423]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[681, 386], [738, 335], [746, 350], [688, 401]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[566, 428], [576, 420], [583, 430], [573, 438]]}, {"transcription": "FST", "points": [[571, 436], [595, 418], [607, 434], [583, 453]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[737, 333], [788, 291], [795, 305], [743, 346]]}, {"transcription": "ROWLING", "points": [[588, 695], [631, 641], [645, 659], [602, 713]]}, {"transcription": "J.K.", "points": [[628, 639], [651, 620], [663, 636], [641, 655]]}, {"transcription": "ROWLING", "points": [[651, 615], [701, 573], [712, 591], [662, 634]]}, 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[903, 410], [880, 428], [846, 364]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[931, 264], [957, 306], [938, 323], [912, 280]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[947, 506], [980, 570], [958, 599], [926, 535]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[990, 391], [1018, 440], [1001, 465], [972, 416]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1052, 514], [1081, 565], [1068, 590], [1040, 539]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[607, 253], [686, 206], [696, 223], [617, 269]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[683, 209], [733, 179], [743, 196], [693, 226]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[622, 270], [686, 229], [696, 244], [632, 285]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[690, 230], [742, 194], [748, 210], [696, 246]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[767, 619], [832, 553], [838, 569], [773, 635]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[278, 649], [378, 570], [386, 580], [286, 659]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[290, 659], [412, 560], [420, 570], [297, 669]]}, 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324], [119, 358], [3, 401]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[7, 634], [168, 542], [164, 583], [3, 675]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[767, 454], [816, 416], [851, 475], [802, 514]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 167], [52, 157], [69, 189], [1, 200]]}, {"transcription": "ray", "points": [[0, 329], [49, 308], [58, 346], [1, 364]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[873, 670], [893, 701], [876, 717], [858, 696]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[651, 695], [666, 714], [658, 717], [635, 717]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_992.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[752, 585], [827, 595], [820, 690], [750, 667]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[635, 202], [659, 201], [660, 222], [643, 223]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[394, 219], [512, 214], [514, 247], [405, 257]]}, {"transcription": "HOT", "points": [[516, 220], [558, 220], [560, 240], [516, 240]]}, {"transcription": "STUFF", "points": [[560, 211], [642, 206], [645, 239], [557, 246]]}, 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[511, 282], [513, 297], [446, 312]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[461, 307], [505, 296], [507, 311], [465, 316]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[482, 312], [524, 310], [525, 328], [493, 331]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[647, 204], [714, 193], [752, 364], [683, 391]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[773, 206], [822, 202], [834, 282], [805, 325]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[828, 175], [870, 173], [868, 206], [840, 212]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[968, 145], [1035, 155], [1042, 207], [986, 211]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[858, 223], [925, 198], [936, 218], [865, 238]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[862, 306], [904, 295], [905, 318], [867, 324]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[860, 402], [903, 397], [902, 415], [867, 426]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[771, 385], [803, 381], [803, 403], [777, 405]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[952, 488], [990, 495], [992, 516], [956, 516]]}] 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65], [310, 32], [316, 66], [231, 100]]}, {"transcription": "CASIO", "points": [[482, 26], [529, 12], [533, 31], [486, 45]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[438, 0], [482, 0], [483, 54], [439, 53]]}, {"transcription": "BAB", "points": [[987, 240], [1024, 239], [1024, 254], [987, 254]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_540.jpg [{"transcription": "LONG", "points": [[366, 79], [456, 75], [458, 110], [368, 114]]}, {"transcription": "JohN", "points": [[465, 69], [556, 66], [558, 106], [467, 109]]}, {"transcription": "SILVERS", "points": [[556, 70], [676, 59], [681, 100], [561, 111]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[18, 188], [92, 174], [96, 226], [22, 240]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_755.jpg [{"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[608, 147], [651, 155], [647, 180], [605, 172]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[674, 474], [707, 476], [704, 502], [672, 500]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[806, 472], [831, 481], [824, 547], [799, 538]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_422.jpg 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148], [835, 151]]}, {"transcription": "Raffles", "points": [[972, 120], [1021, 116], [1026, 139], [975, 142]]}, {"transcription": "Suntec", "points": [[1065, 112], [1113, 108], [1117, 130], [1069, 134]]}, {"transcription": "City", "points": [[1112, 109], [1143, 106], [1146, 129], [1115, 132]]}, {"transcription": "TANGS", "points": [[1149, 107], [1192, 104], [1197, 122], [1153, 125]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1194, 103], [1242, 101], [1245, 120], [1197, 122]]}, {"transcription": "197", "points": [[749, 207], [794, 202], [802, 243], [757, 247]]}, {"transcription": "Occitane", "points": [[1000, 403], [1202, 343], [1219, 398], [1014, 462]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1032, 461], [1060, 451], [1065, 475], [1035, 485]]}, {"transcription": "PROVENCE", "points": [[1071, 449], [1179, 416], [1184, 436], [1075, 469]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[795, 204], [826, 201], [829, 216], [797, 219]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[826, 200], [856, 198], [858, 213], [829, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[856, 198], [888, 194], [891, 209], [859, 212]]}, {"transcription": "VICTORIA", "points": [[798, 222], [839, 216], [842, 233], [801, 238]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[840, 216], [853, 214], [854, 230], [842, 231]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1247, 101], [1277, 101], [1278, 117], [1251, 117]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_29.jpg [{"transcription": "Straits", "points": [[186, 39], [403, 73], [401, 141], [185, 107]]}, {"transcription": "Optical", "points": [[403, 84], [569, 110], [573, 181], [407, 154]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1093, 178], [1174, 180], [1174, 216], [1094, 214]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1167, 182], [1217, 183], [1218, 209], [1168, 207]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 12], [155, 30], [153, 119], [5, 95]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[432, 249], [486, 251], [485, 268], [430, 267]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[449, 266], [472, 266], [472, 281], 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{"transcription": "###", "points": [[631, 86], [663, 80], [670, 114], [637, 120]]}, {"transcription": "Chaeng", "points": [[850, 1], [994, 0], [995, 29], [855, 41]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1227, 62], [1266, 65], [1267, 90], [1224, 88]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[797, 146], [817, 142], [819, 163], [800, 175]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[329, 682], [381, 496], [412, 532], [363, 709]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[425, 552], [470, 687], [447, 694], [414, 569]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_88.jpg [{"transcription": "BECAUSE", "points": [[1175, 188], [1214, 370], [1182, 379], [1143, 197]]}, {"transcription": "YOU", "points": [[1200, 281], [1236, 274], [1256, 363], [1220, 371]]}, {"transcription": "WILL", "points": [[1178, 173], [1212, 165], [1234, 264], [1200, 272]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1231, 112], [1274, 294], [1248, 298], [1205, 116]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[801, 276], [869, 265], [873, 280], [805, 292]]}] 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[1205, 115], [1214, 131], [1168, 158]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1180, 167], [1241, 128], [1249, 141], [1187, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1206, 166], [1250, 137], [1259, 155], [1215, 183]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1171, 198], [1199, 179], [1209, 192], [1181, 212]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1177, 216], [1210, 189], [1222, 202], [1189, 229]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1147, 134], [1199, 103], [1206, 116], [1154, 148]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[321, 259], [389, 250], [390, 265], [322, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[873, 395], [946, 415], [950, 443], [875, 419]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1110, 122], [1154, 94], [1164, 108], [1120, 136]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1219, 116], [1269, 84], [1277, 94], [1227, 126]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1244, 119], [1270, 100], [1279, 113], [1253, 131]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[988, 219], [1014, 197], [1022, 207], [996, 228]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1050, 168], [1077, 153], [1083, 163], [1056, 178]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[998, 235], [1021, 213], [1029, 225], [1006, 247]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1013, 238], [1025, 230], [1031, 240], [1019, 248]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[976, 248], [993, 235], [996, 246], [980, 259]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[982, 265], [1014, 244], [1017, 254], [985, 275]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_944.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[802, 342], [822, 343], [822, 355], [802, 354]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[822, 342], [845, 342], [845, 355], [822, 354]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[446, 212], [470, 212], [470, 254], [446, 254]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[472, 212], [497, 211], [496, 253], [471, 254]]}, {"transcription": "SHOP", "points": [[498, 208], [534, 210], [533, 252], [497, 251]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[694, 174], [722, 165], [721, 216], [694, 225]]}, {"transcription": "SHOP", "points": [[268, 205], [421, 211], [420, 254], [267, 248]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[722, 163], [757, 144], [757, 183], [721, 202]]}, {"transcription": "Hair", "points": [[759, 132], [794, 115], [793, 167], [758, 184]]}, {"transcription": "salon", "points": [[797, 105], [843, 86], [840, 145], [794, 164]]}, {"transcription": "BARBER", "points": [[802, 260], [905, 262], [904, 283], [801, 281]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[803, 306], [823, 307], [823, 320], [803, 319]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[822, 305], [837, 306], [837, 320], [822, 319]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[836, 305], [858, 306], [858, 321], [836, 320]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[858, 307], [865, 307], [865, 321], [858, 320]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[821, 324], [850, 325], [850, 337], [822, 336]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[803, 323], [823, 324], [822, 336], [802, 336]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[850, 323], [906, 325], [907, 340], [851, 337]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[864, 307], [897, 308], [898, 321], [865, 320]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[803, 358], [823, 360], [823, 373], [803, 372]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[823, 359], [852, 360], [852, 373], [823, 373]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[803, 376], [823, 377], [822, 391], [802, 390]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[823, 376], [852, 377], [851, 393], [822, 391]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[804, 393], [844, 395], [842, 408], [803, 406]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[801, 412], [824, 413], [824, 427], [801, 426]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[823, 410], [863, 413], [863, 427], [823, 425]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[802, 428], [822, 430], [823, 444], [802, 443]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[821, 431], [860, 432], [860, 447], [822, 446]]}, {"transcription": "TIP", "points": [[803, 566], [821, 566], [820, 590], [803, 590]]}, 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"###", "points": [[796, 548], [840, 555], [840, 566], [796, 560]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[185, 212], [236, 250], [226, 285], [175, 247]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[233, 252], [275, 285], [266, 317], [224, 285]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_260.jpg [{"transcription": "Murdoch", "points": [[1089, 421], [1277, 441], [1278, 480], [1090, 460]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1070, 378], [1109, 380], [1110, 408], [1070, 405]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1027, 314], [1038, 315], [1038, 340], [1027, 339]]}, {"transcription": "multiply", "points": [[1036, 313], [1139, 319], [1140, 346], [1037, 340]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1142, 320], [1182, 321], [1182, 347], [1142, 346]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1030, 237], [1135, 237], [1134, 247], [1030, 246]]}, {"transcription": "routes", "points": [[1183, 320], [1274, 322], [1274, 349], [1184, 347]]}, {"transcription": "iMOD", "points": [[968, 220], [1141, 218], [1139, 239], [966, 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[1008, 141], [974, 143]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[995, 340], [1049, 332], [1054, 347], [1001, 356]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1049, 137], [1094, 131], [1096, 146], [1051, 152]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[686, 251], [735, 250], [740, 280], [691, 281]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_224.jpg [{"transcription": "ARNOLD", "points": [[1076, 77], [1190, 76], [1196, 111], [1082, 112]]}, {"transcription": "Keppol", "points": [[766, 334], [819, 333], [818, 347], [764, 348]]}, {"transcription": "ETUDE", "points": [[698, 167], [739, 166], [739, 178], [698, 179]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[705, 178], [733, 178], [733, 185], [705, 185]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[743, 76], [781, 52], [784, 82], [746, 106]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[754, 99], [780, 86], [781, 102], [756, 115]]}, {"transcription": "19 99", "points": [[480, 192], [505, 191], [505, 206], [480, 207]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[552, 112], [579, 111], [579, 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"points": [[17, 22], [221, 0], [222, 32], [18, 54]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[395, 56], [457, 51], [460, 97], [398, 103]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[49, 88], [108, 83], [110, 117], [51, 123]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[223, 13], [300, 3], [301, 20], [225, 30]]}, {"transcription": "Samantha", "points": [[222, 341], [327, 341], [329, 370], [225, 370]]}, {"transcription": "Thave", "points": [[329, 347], [403, 346], [405, 368], [330, 370]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[206, 418], [272, 411], [277, 431], [210, 438]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[275, 408], [330, 406], [332, 426], [277, 428]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[391, 663], [430, 652], [435, 700], [396, 711]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_605.jpg [{"transcription": "VALUE", "points": [[145, 190], [205, 178], [210, 194], [150, 205]]}, {"transcription": "BUY", "points": [[208, 180], [242, 172], [243, 186], [209, 194]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[178, 252], [200, 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79], [426, 88], [408, 91]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[591, 41], [623, 38], [624, 45], [591, 48]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[595, 53], [619, 50], [622, 70], [598, 73]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[186, 108], [210, 104], [214, 127], [190, 130]]}, {"transcription": "4.20", "points": [[232, 191], [259, 186], [262, 198], [235, 203]]}, {"transcription": "3.15", "points": [[236, 209], [264, 202], [266, 213], [238, 219]]}, {"transcription": "3.15", "points": [[240, 225], [267, 219], [270, 230], [243, 236]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[94, 7], [169, 0], [171, 5], [96, 12]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[220, 12], [239, 9], [243, 35], [223, 38]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[241, 9], [262, 7], [264, 21], [243, 23]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_196.jpg [{"transcription": "DOORS", "points": [[615, 98], [675, 102], [674, 117], [614, 114]]}, {"transcription": "Reserved", "points": [[101, 267], [200, 267], [201, 288], [102, 288]]}, 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[783, 225]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[818, 304], [913, 310], [916, 386], [822, 380]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1015, 289], [1063, 289], [1062, 302], [1015, 302]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[234, 256], [390, 246], [396, 275], [240, 285]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_340.jpg [{"transcription": "WILD", "points": [[327, 109], [399, 146], [402, 191], [330, 154]]}, {"transcription": "AURORA", "points": [[265, 3], [440, 127], [448, 184], [239, 59]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[574, 215], [609, 209], [614, 248], [580, 254]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1216, 43], [1247, 140], [1227, 146], [1196, 50]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[520, 229], [555, 223], [559, 255], [524, 261]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[705, 318], [725, 315], [724, 332], [705, 336]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[678, 324], [697, 321], [699, 337], [680, 340]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1204, 145], [1236, 134], [1256, 198], [1224, 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"###", "points": [[159, 205], [230, 204], [231, 218], [159, 219]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[785, 158], [856, 158], [860, 178], [787, 179]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1011, 157], [1079, 160], [1076, 173], [1011, 170]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_754.jpg [{"transcription": "Pull", "points": [[94, 129], [177, 168], [171, 221], [88, 181]]}, {"transcription": "and", "points": [[169, 188], [227, 215], [223, 250], [165, 222]]}, {"transcription": "Bear", "points": [[228, 213], [286, 242], [281, 281], [223, 252]]}, {"transcription": "tcc", "points": [[940, 330], [1037, 328], [1040, 413], [942, 415]]}, {"transcription": "promod", "points": [[752, 232], [854, 172], [860, 218], [758, 278]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[797, 456], [830, 460], [829, 488], [796, 484]]}, {"transcription": "NOW!", "points": [[797, 484], [831, 489], [831, 515], [796, 511]]}, {"transcription": "Enjoyd", "points": [[934, 404], [1015, 437], [1004, 469], [924, 435]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1009, 425], [1064, 390], [1082, 424], [1027, 459]]}, {"transcription": "7698", "points": [[1018, 268], [1153, 243], [1158, 269], [1024, 294]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_779.jpg [{"transcription": "1/2", "points": [[740, 206], [799, 201], [802, 253], [743, 258]]}, {"transcription": "price", "points": [[800, 193], [917, 184], [916, 248], [799, 257]]}, {"transcription": "sale", "points": [[749, 254], [917, 272], [916, 390], [748, 372]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[437, 153], [511, 134], [508, 175], [433, 194]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[798, 425], [850, 436], [847, 452], [795, 441]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[826, 386], [921, 403], [919, 415], [823, 398]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1068, 217], [1148, 216], [1148, 225], [1068, 226]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1067, 227], [1155, 225], [1155, 235], [1067, 237]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1070, 255], [1133, 253], [1135, 261], [1071, 263]]}, 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46], [818, 61], [796, 63]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[816, 46], [827, 45], [827, 57], [816, 58]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[825, 44], [836, 43], [836, 55], [825, 56]]}, {"transcription": "=B2-25", "points": [[799, 66], [837, 57], [837, 76], [799, 85]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[956, 4], [999, 0], [1000, 7], [957, 12]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[856, 35], [912, 31], [912, 38], [856, 43]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[911, 26], [932, 26], [932, 37], [911, 37]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[677, 57], [793, 32], [796, 42], [678, 71]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_627.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[635, 181], [693, 176], [693, 186], [635, 191]]}, {"transcription": "re lles", "points": [[1169, 76], [1231, 56], [1232, 81], [1170, 101]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1062, 97], [1078, 94], [1079, 127], [1063, 131]]}, {"transcription": "ETT", "points": [[1078, 84], [1159, 57], [1160, 101], [1079, 127]]}, 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"points": [[654, 299], [674, 298], [674, 308], [654, 309]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[655, 315], [665, 312], [666, 321], [655, 324]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[656, 326], [681, 325], [680, 336], [655, 337]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[685, 298], [738, 293], [738, 302], [685, 307]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[696, 310], [738, 309], [738, 319], [696, 320]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[705, 322], [740, 320], [740, 332], [705, 334]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[668, 338], [726, 335], [726, 346], [668, 350]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_85.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[1001, 249], [1062, 255], [1062, 276], [1001, 270]]}, {"transcription": "South", "points": [[980, 37], [1041, 27], [1042, 53], [981, 63]]}, {"transcription": "L14", "points": [[981, 80], [1074, 75], [1078, 130], [985, 134]]}, {"transcription": "#14-01", "points": [[994, 185], [1055, 182], [1056, 205], [994, 202]]}, {"transcription": "#14-03", "points": [[1000, 217], [1060, 219], [1060, 241], [999, 238]]}, {"transcription": "Tower", "points": [[1043, 26], [1115, 16], [1115, 43], [1044, 53]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1058, 187], [1077, 187], [1077, 206], [1059, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1060, 223], [1081, 226], [1083, 242], [1062, 240]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1079, 181], [1106, 184], [1107, 207], [1080, 204]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1082, 222], [1112, 225], [1112, 244], [1082, 241]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[98, 2], [144, 1], [147, 19], [102, 23]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_264.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[993, 543], [1010, 544], [1013, 561], [996, 560]]}, {"transcription": "winners", "points": [[1014, 546], [1067, 548], [1065, 563], [1012, 561]]}, {"transcription": "Winner", "points": [[971, 317], [1244, 276], [1257, 337], [984, 379]]}, {"transcription": "with", "points": [[886, 391], [967, 381], [975, 421], [895, 431]]}, {"transcription": "SingTel", "points": [[973, 379], [1120, 360], [1129, 404], [982, 424]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[942, 347], [977, 343], [984, 380], [949, 384]]}, {"transcription": "Prepaid", "points": [[1122, 355], [1266, 335], [1277, 381], [1133, 401]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[871, 345], [934, 333], [941, 383], [878, 394]]}, {"transcription": "Prizes", "points": [[951, 447], [996, 447], [997, 462], [952, 462]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[996, 446], [1012, 446], [1011, 460], [995, 460]]}, {"transcription": "win:", "points": [[1010, 444], [1045, 444], [1047, 461], [1011, 461]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1221, 477], [1234, 476], [1237, 496], [1225, 497]]}, {"transcription": "hi!", "points": [[1203, 401], [1255, 397], [1265, 439], [1212, 443]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1235, 479], [1274, 474], [1277, 509], [1238, 513]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[897, 473], [917, 476], [917, 492], [897, 489]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": 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[969, 602], [940, 601]]}, {"transcription": "Purchase", "points": [[993, 606], [1062, 614], [1063, 629], [994, 622]]}, {"transcription": "any", "points": [[1061, 616], [1092, 618], [1091, 631], [1060, 630]]}, {"transcription": "Data/Social", "points": [[1092, 613], [1190, 622], [1190, 642], [1093, 633]]}, {"transcription": "Plan", "points": [[1190, 622], [1238, 627], [1236, 646], [1189, 642]]}, {"transcription": "Triple", "points": [[912, 676], [949, 680], [948, 695], [911, 690]]}, {"transcription": "your", "points": [[948, 682], [975, 688], [972, 701], [945, 695]]}, {"transcription": "chances:", "points": [[973, 684], [1030, 692], [1029, 708], [973, 700]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1222, 660], [1247, 664], [1246, 681], [1222, 678]]}, {"transcription": "low", "points": [[1247, 665], [1279, 669], [1277, 685], [1245, 681]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[978, 635], [996, 637], [996, 650], [978, 648]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[994, 639], [1016, 639], [1015, 652], [994, 652]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1013, 639], [1032, 641], [1032, 654], [1013, 652]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1031, 640], [1047, 642], [1046, 656], [1029, 655]]}, {"transcription": "for", "points": [[1048, 642], [1066, 644], [1066, 657], [1048, 655]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[979, 649], [991, 651], [989, 664], [978, 662]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[991, 652], [1016, 655], [1015, 668], [990, 664]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1016, 653], [1032, 655], [1032, 671], [1015, 669]]}, {"transcription": "data", "points": [[1030, 655], [1060, 659], [1058, 674], [1028, 670]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1216, 458], [1275, 454], [1278, 466], [1218, 470]]}, {"transcription": "$0.50", "points": [[1224, 678], [1277, 688], [1278, 705], [1225, 695]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1215, 441], [1265, 441], [1265, 448], [1216, 449]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_787.jpg [{"transcription": "SWAROVSKI", "points": [[480, 164], [735, 148], [738, 195], [483, 211]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[183, 393], [237, 381], [240, 394], [187, 406]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1121, 71], [1272, 52], [1275, 83], [1123, 102]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[985, 131], [1087, 125], [1088, 152], [986, 157]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[60, 196], [187, 186], [193, 226], [67, 236]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_633.jpg [{"transcription": "outhaven", "points": [[2, 271], [243, 225], [245, 278], [3, 324]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[527, 357], [615, 335], [621, 385], [533, 407]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[232, 502], [267, 498], [266, 512], [231, 515]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_1.jpg [{"transcription": "Genaxis Theatre", "points": [[377, 117], [463, 117], [465, 130], [378, 130]]}, {"transcription": "[06]", "points": [[493, 115], [519, 115], [519, 131], [493, 131]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[374, 155], [409, 155], [409, 170], [374, 170]]}, {"transcription": "62-03", "points": [[492, 151], [551, 151], [551, 170], [492, 170]]}, {"transcription": "Carpark", "points": [[376, 198], [422, 198], [422, 212], [376, 212]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[494, 190], [539, 189], [539, 205], [494, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[374, 1], [494, 0], [492, 85], [372, 86]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_195.jpg [{"transcription": "McDonald's", "points": [[333, 84], [536, 91], [536, 125], [333, 118]]}, {"transcription": "Uno", "points": [[585, 80], [621, 83], [621, 104], [585, 101]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[623, 81], [657, 85], [657, 107], [623, 103]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[576, 106], [628, 107], [634, 124], [582, 123]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[591, 288], [641, 286], [643, 312], [593, 314]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[610, 345], [667, 338], [668, 364], [611, 371]]}, {"transcription": "Public", "points": [[598, 411], [667, 396], [673, 428], [604, 443]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[697, 85], [741, 83], [745, 181], [702, 184]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[699, 184], [744, 181], [746, 201], [701, 204]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1079, 105], [1097, 105], [1099, 165], [1081, 168]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1079, 167], [1098, 163], [1100, 180], [1081, 184]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[21, 185], [48, 184], [49, 190], [21, 191]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[143, 183], [166, 181], [166, 194], [143, 196]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[167, 183], [189, 182], [190, 193], [169, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[191, 183], [215, 181], [215, 193], [191, 194]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[596, 322], [653, 311], [653, 321], [595, 332]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[633, 334], [669, 328], [669, 336], [633, 341]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[599, 379], [636, 372], [636, 382], [600, 389]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[621, 393], [669, 382], [669, 394], [621, 405]]}] 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141], [1034, 142]]}, {"transcription": "insurance", "points": [[805, 91], [879, 64], [880, 79], [806, 105]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[737, 185], [756, 180], [757, 194], [738, 198]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[736, 198], [786, 185], [786, 203], [736, 216]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[790, 95], [804, 92], [806, 109], [793, 112]]}, {"transcription": "154", "points": [[844, 147], [887, 137], [890, 179], [848, 189]]}, {"transcription": "redefining", "points": [[732, 120], [791, 98], [791, 114], [732, 136]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[802, 479], [851, 486], [851, 499], [802, 492]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1074, 213], [1093, 211], [1097, 238], [1078, 240]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1092, 212], [1104, 211], [1106, 223], [1094, 225]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1073, 115], [1094, 116], [1097, 141], [1076, 140]]}, {"transcription": "more", "points": [[1098, 124], [1137, 124], [1140, 141], [1101, 142]]}, 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147], [740, 140], [743, 162], [667, 169]]}, {"transcription": "Anniversary", "points": [[637, 167], [777, 157], [779, 180], [639, 190]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[476, 201], [626, 190], [628, 239], [478, 250]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[636, 191], [784, 178], [788, 225], [640, 238]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[1124, 242], [1177, 223], [1182, 251], [1129, 270]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[1176, 219], [1245, 197], [1252, 232], [1183, 254]]}, {"transcription": "Grand", "points": [[1125, 213], [1157, 200], [1160, 216], [1128, 229]]}, {"transcription": "Grand", "points": [[1185, 190], [1221, 176], [1223, 191], [1187, 205]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1120, 230], [1172, 208], [1176, 223], [1124, 245]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1180, 210], [1238, 184], [1240, 199], [1182, 225]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[1226, 273], [1275, 267], [1279, 288], [1230, 294]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1226, 257], [1272, 252], [1274, 270], [1228, 275]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[945, 320], [986, 317], [993, 340], [952, 343]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_890.jpg [{"transcription": "Dior", "points": [[476, 174], [517, 173], [516, 188], [475, 190]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[325, 134], [395, 132], [395, 164], [325, 166]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1066, 136], [1090, 136], [1090, 155], [1066, 155]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[745, 502], [812, 531], [808, 545], [742, 516]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[8, 190], [58, 192], [57, 204], [7, 202]]}, {"transcription": "Dior", "points": [[593, 121], [635, 121], [635, 140], [593, 140]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[70, 98], [100, 100], [98, 113], [68, 112]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[677, 184], [726, 183], [726, 191], [677, 192]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[327, 165], [391, 164], [391, 172], [327, 173]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[377, 184], [413, 184], [414, 195], [378, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[2, 206], [47, 205], [48, 218], [3, 220]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[12, 315], [55, 313], [56, 332], [13, 334]]}, {"transcription": "EVA", "points": [[294, 168], [325, 168], [325, 180], [294, 180]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_52.jpg [{"transcription": "HarbouFront", "points": [[645, 312], [755, 338], [752, 355], [642, 329]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[916, 339], [946, 346], [942, 362], [911, 355]]}, {"transcription": "Lift", "points": [[628, 676], [660, 693], [649, 706], [617, 689]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1, 415], [109, 390], [109, 408], [1, 433]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[493, 291], [524, 286], [523, 302], [492, 307]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[523, 285], [560, 278], [560, 297], [523, 304]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[622, 335], [644, 340], [643, 347], [621, 342]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[624, 344], [641, 348], [640, 354], [624, 350]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[649, 347], [697, 359], [696, 367], [648, 355]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[742, 370], [770, 376], [769, 385], [742, 379]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_930.jpg [{"transcription": "PTE", "points": [[98, 164], [150, 175], [145, 197], [94, 186]]}, {"transcription": "KABAYAN", "points": [[659, 173], [715, 202], [712, 238], [655, 216]]}, {"transcription": "02-25", "points": [[530, 141], [558, 152], [554, 168], [525, 157]]}, {"transcription": "KABAYAN", "points": [[236, 173], [327, 188], [326, 207], [235, 192]]}, {"transcription": "FILIPINO", "points": [[328, 190], [396, 205], [390, 222], [322, 206]]}, {"transcription": "LTD", "points": [[465, 62], [530, 86], [516, 154], [452, 130]]}, {"transcription": "PTE", "points": [[344, 214], [375, 222], [373, 237], [342, 230]]}, {"transcription": "RESTAURANT", "points": [[224, 190], [343, 212], [341, 233], [222, 211]]}, {"transcription": "LTD", "points": [[377, 220], [405, 226], [401, 242], [373, 235]]}, {"transcription": "FILIPINO", "points": [[70, 130], [185, 154], [180, 180], [64, 155]]}, {"transcription": "YAN", "points": [[4, 115], [65, 130], [61, 154], [0, 140]]}, {"transcription": "LTD", "points": [[152, 176], [196, 185], [194, 206], [150, 197]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[103, 190], [160, 202], [154, 217], [97, 205]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[58, 183], [100, 190], [96, 207], [55, 201]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[78, 461], [155, 434], [164, 448], [87, 474]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[714, 220], [736, 232], [735, 248], [714, 238]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[184, 445], [252, 418], [255, 427], [190, 455]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[279, 407], [319, 404], [317, 412], [282, 412]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[362, 297], [387, 298], [384, 303], [362, 303]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[966, 558], [1079, 562], [1076, 593], [963, 589]]}, {"transcription": "PTE", "points": [[359, 2], [455, 45], [445, 128], [349, 84]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[723, 205], [745, 214], [742, 231], [721, 222]]}, {"transcription": "RANT", "points": [[6, 148], [95, 165], [89, 188], [0, 171]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[270, 218], [328, 228], [326, 243], [269, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[328, 229], [370, 235], [368, 250], [326, 243]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[228, 480], [290, 471], [287, 487], [226, 496]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[289, 470], [325, 463], [324, 479], [288, 486]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[322, 465], [342, 463], [343, 475], [323, 477]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[63, 511], [118, 501], [118, 519], [63, 529]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[6, 523], [62, 513], [60, 531], [5, 541]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[13, 173], [58, 181], [54, 200], [10, 192]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[961, 512], [1089, 531], [1083, 576], [955, 557]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[151, 1], [315, 0], [309, 64], [151, 2]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_54.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[684, 154], [701, 158], [701, 181], [685, 177]]}, {"transcription": "Circle", "points": [[573, 97], [625, 106], [625, 125], [572, 116]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[481, 113], [508, 118], [508, 143], [481, 138]]}, {"transcription": "Dhoby", "points": [[517, 118], [600, 134], [600, 168], [516, 152]]}, {"transcription": "Ghaut", "points": [[605, 135], [673, 149], [673, 174], [605, 161]]}, {"transcription": "Line", "points": [[630, 110], [668, 119], [667, 137], [630, 128]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[682, 193], [707, 198], [707, 219], [682, 215]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[504, 161], [533, 166], [533, 190], [505, 185]]}, {"transcription": "Marina", "points": [[542, 166], [627, 179], [627, 204], [542, 191]]}, {"transcription": "Bay", "points": [[635, 182], [675, 189], [674, 218], [635, 211]]}, {"transcription": "Platform", "points": [[251, 227], [359, 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28], [1050, 17], [1052, 27], [1029, 38]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1048, 20], [1068, 10], [1070, 18], [1050, 28]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1036, 37], [1046, 33], [1047, 43], [1037, 47]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1045, 32], [1082, 15], [1083, 24], [1047, 42]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1027, 54], [1051, 42], [1052, 51], [1028, 64]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1053, 42], [1085, 26], [1087, 35], [1054, 51]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1138, 185], [1173, 172], [1173, 182], [1138, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1172, 174], [1214, 158], [1216, 167], [1174, 184]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1138, 197], [1144, 194], [1145, 204], [1139, 207]]}, {"transcription": "MORE", "points": [[1022, 190], [1070, 171], [1076, 193], [1028, 212]]}, {"transcription": "SHOPPING", "points": [[1069, 167], [1170, 127], [1175, 152], [1073, 192]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1145, 192], [1207, 173], [1209, 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"###", "points": [[62, 342], [95, 338], [95, 349], [63, 352]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_804.jpg [{"transcription": "SEPHORA", "points": [[153, 186], [468, 177], [471, 223], [157, 232]]}, {"transcription": "SEPHORA", "points": [[257, 380], [307, 378], [307, 392], [257, 393]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1, 356], [41, 356], [41, 366], [1, 366]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[88, 355], [112, 356], [111, 366], [87, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[623, 312], [678, 286], [680, 298], [626, 324]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[656, 327], [686, 327], [686, 336], [656, 336]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[655, 362], [691, 360], [691, 367], [655, 370]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_142.jpg [{"transcription": "UnionPay", "points": [[739, 659], [819, 625], [823, 650], [743, 684]]}, {"transcription": "MEPS", "points": [[850, 618], [918, 589], [923, 611], [855, 640]]}, {"transcription": "Maestro", "points": [[132, 119], [193, 103], [198, 121], [137, 138]]}, 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{"transcription": "###", "points": [[1026, 358], [1062, 358], [1061, 375], [1025, 375]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1056, 39], [1111, 43], [1111, 59], [1056, 55]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_339.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[439, 217], [484, 213], [488, 247], [442, 251]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[445, 259], [492, 254], [495, 290], [448, 295]]}, {"transcription": "OFF", "points": [[493, 275], [517, 272], [516, 285], [492, 288]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[490, 252], [511, 253], [514, 275], [493, 274]]}, {"transcription": "OFF", "points": [[487, 234], [511, 232], [511, 245], [487, 247]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[483, 214], [506, 212], [509, 233], [486, 235]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_9.jpg [{"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[344, 206], [384, 207], [381, 228], [342, 227]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[47, 183], [94, 183], [83, 212], [42, 206]]}, {"transcription": "STAGE", "points": [[913, 515], [1068, 526], [1081, 595], 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90], [381, 72], [384, 135], [306, 153]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[552, 116], [575, 111], [576, 125], [554, 130]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[556, 127], [575, 122], [575, 136], [556, 141]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[615, 239], [647, 238], [647, 251], [615, 252]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_840.jpg [{"transcription": "Health", "points": [[536, 510], [630, 515], [630, 542], [536, 536]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[630, 515], [660, 516], [660, 542], [630, 541]]}, {"transcription": "Beauty", "points": [[668, 512], [758, 518], [755, 550], [665, 543]]}, {"transcription": "Naturally", "points": [[580, 547], [703, 553], [699, 582], [576, 576]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[530, 593], [587, 594], [585, 613], [528, 612]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[586, 597], [626, 597], [626, 613], [586, 613]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[623, 598], [660, 597], [660, 614], [623, 615]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[521, 664], [583, 664], [581, 684], [519, 684]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[582, 663], [609, 663], [608, 683], [581, 683]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[546, 617], [735, 622], [731, 660], [542, 655]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[541, 688], [753, 691], [751, 708], [539, 706]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_351.jpg [{"transcription": "Challenger", "points": [[1137, 124], [1240, 119], [1238, 148], [1135, 153]]}, {"transcription": "ELECTRICAL", "points": [[860, 215], [963, 245], [962, 269], [858, 239]]}, {"transcription": "CABLES", "points": [[565, 215], [632, 232], [626, 253], [559, 236]]}, {"transcription": "CABLES", "points": [[440, 219], [496, 233], [494, 249], [437, 236]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[859, 249], [890, 257], [888, 270], [858, 262]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[856, 263], [903, 274], [901, 288], [855, 277]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[856, 280], [894, 288], [890, 301], [852, 293]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_669.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[402, 427], [417, 427], [414, 493], [402, 494]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[346, 440], [367, 431], [365, 525], [350, 526]]}, {"transcription": "mentos", "points": [[270, 444], [288, 449], [286, 526], [266, 525]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[241, 446], [254, 448], [254, 523], [237, 525]]}, {"transcription": "mentos", "points": [[258, 444], [271, 439], [266, 528], [254, 530]]}, {"transcription": "mentos", "points": [[213, 448], [232, 449], [235, 524], [213, 524]]}, {"transcription": "mentos", "points": [[296, 439], [313, 447], [313, 526], [291, 526]]}, {"transcription": "mentos", "points": [[224, 378], [314, 381], [305, 401], [229, 398]]}, {"transcription": "mentos", "points": [[316, 444], [334, 444], [335, 526], [319, 526]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[373, 433], [396, 428], [394, 511], [381, 515]]}, {"transcription": "mentos", "points": [[216, 632], [232, 634], [234, 712], [212, 712]]}, {"transcription": "mentos", "points": [[230, 630], [254, 630], [252, 715], [235, 715]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[266, 635], [280, 635], [282, 691], [267, 692]]}, {"transcription": "mentos", "points": [[292, 632], [310, 634], [307, 717], [287, 715]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[315, 663], [331, 662], [330, 715], [313, 715]]}, {"transcription": "mento", "points": [[333, 645], [350, 642], [356, 716], [341, 718]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[357, 642], [375, 638], [378, 712], [366, 715]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[373, 633], [388, 628], [390, 703], [380, 706]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_701.jpg [{"transcription": "LEVEL", "points": [[710, 224], [749, 227], [750, 243], [708, 239]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[712, 243], [746, 247], [740, 280], [707, 276]]}, {"transcription": "OPI", "points": [[771, 671], [827, 658], [837, 678], [784, 695]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[610, 651], [643, 694], [636, 711], [603, 670]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[720, 660], [754, 691], [750, 705], [716, 678]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_269.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[459, 237], [507, 231], [508, 242], [460, 248]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[510, 258], [563, 249], [564, 258], [511, 267]]}, {"transcription": "Shops", "points": [[816, 56], [860, 51], [863, 70], [820, 75]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1134, 89], [1200, 88], [1199, 105], [1133, 107]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[518, 226], [552, 221], [555, 251], [520, 257]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[814, 36], [848, 33], [850, 50], [816, 53]]}, {"transcription": "RADIANT", "points": [[460, 219], [504, 214], [505, 232], [460, 237]]}, {"transcription": "SLIMMING", "points": [[70, 78], [268, 78], [270, 106], [72, 106]]}, {"transcription": "ANGLE", "points": [[457, 244], [507, 242], [508, 269], [457, 271]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[472, 284], [524, 275], [525, 283], [472, 292]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[471, 293], [521, 284], [523, 293], [474, 302]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[474, 301], [529, 292], [529, 300], [474, 309]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[474, 326], [524, 315], [525, 324], [475, 335]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[476, 335], [547, 319], [547, 328], [477, 344]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[477, 343], [562, 324], [563, 333], [477, 352]]}, {"transcription": "YIP", "points": [[52, 1], [268, 5], [269, 76], [53, 72]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[18, 74], [44, 74], [46, 101], [21, 101]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_908.jpg [{"transcription": "coast", "points": [[779, 319], [964, 322], [967, 481], [781, 408]]}, {"transcription": "LONDON", "points": [[802, 420], [926, 476], [925, 512], [802, 448]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_899.jpg [{"transcription": "YELLOW", "points": [[210, 46], [643, 60], [633, 150], [219, 156]]}, {"transcription": "KORNER", "points": [[639, 64], [902, 73], [899, 141], [637, 149]]}, {"transcription": "PARIS", "points": [[579, 160], [691, 153], [691, 189], 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316], [387, 319], [385, 329], [359, 326]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[387, 319], [401, 320], [398, 330], [384, 329]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[333, 332], [396, 341], [395, 354], [331, 345]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1142, 440], [1192, 440], [1193, 460], [1142, 459]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_629.jpg [{"transcription": "CONNECTION", "points": [[156, 293], [285, 250], [311, 328], [182, 372]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[202, 305], [239, 294], [239, 311], [202, 322]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[236, 291], [253, 271], [260, 286], [242, 306]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[106, 214], [135, 207], [136, 223], [107, 230]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[108, 230], [138, 222], [138, 240], [108, 247]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[232, 205], [258, 188], [258, 214], [232, 231]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[256, 188], [278, 188], [275, 212], [252, 212]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[286, 186], [308, 198], [292, 218], [270, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[55, 560], [95, 570], [85, 595], [45, 585]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[2, 354], [109, 335], [109, 356], [2, 375]]}, {"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[573, 407], [603, 406], [602, 425], [572, 426]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[508, 437], [527, 438], [525, 452], [506, 451]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_640.jpg [{"transcription": "Food", "points": [[538, 95], [579, 92], [580, 108], [539, 112]]}, {"transcription": "Court", "points": [[579, 92], [623, 87], [623, 101], [579, 105]]}, {"transcription": "(at", "points": [[627, 86], [647, 84], [648, 100], [628, 102]]}, {"transcription": "Level", "points": [[648, 83], [691, 80], [691, 94], [648, 97]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[692, 78], [711, 76], [712, 93], [693, 95]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[69, 206], [151, 208], [151, 227], [68, 224]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[517, 88], [532, 86], [533, 95], [517, 96]]}, 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[358, 367], [342, 373]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[302, 337], [322, 335], [323, 342], [307, 349]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[326, 400], [345, 391], [348, 398], [334, 408]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[335, 332], [353, 331], [356, 338], [340, 345]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[304, 368], [326, 363], [327, 370], [307, 378]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[266, 343], [288, 337], [292, 345], [270, 354]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[268, 370], [288, 368], [290, 375], [272, 382]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[294, 401], [312, 396], [316, 405], [300, 411]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[353, 393], [377, 389], [379, 397], [362, 405]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[265, 401], [286, 398], [288, 407], [269, 415]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[276, 461], [294, 461], [295, 468], [278, 475]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[315, 424], [333, 423], [336, 432], [318, 439]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[281, 430], [298, 426], [298, 435], [284, 443]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[266, 0], [331, 0], [337, 50], [269, 24]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[191, 0], [264, 0], [264, 29], [189, 1]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_349.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[412, 247], [426, 246], [426, 258], [412, 258]]}, {"transcription": "Back", "points": [[632, 257], [657, 257], [656, 270], [631, 270]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[656, 257], [671, 258], [671, 270], [656, 270]]}, {"transcription": "School", "points": [[671, 256], [710, 257], [709, 271], [671, 271]]}, {"transcription": "SALES", "points": [[627, 270], [711, 273], [711, 299], [627, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[319, 190], [356, 189], [356, 199], [319, 200]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[377, 144], [464, 136], [466, 175], [379, 184]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_967.jpg [{"transcription": "RECIPES", "points": [[723, 199], [804, 191], [805, 213], [724, 221]]}, 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"Waxing", "points": [[462, 90], [545, 90], [547, 115], [464, 115]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[198, 58], [248, 60], [252, 84], [202, 83]]}, {"transcription": "#04-29", "points": [[85, 313], [150, 303], [155, 330], [91, 340]]}, {"transcription": "$30", "points": [[117, 560], [182, 535], [192, 606], [127, 631]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[128, 633], [196, 602], [208, 671], [141, 702]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[6, 360], [134, 333], [138, 396], [9, 423]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[3, 425], [75, 408], [75, 438], [3, 454]]}, {"transcription": "one", "points": [[2, 625], [90, 590], [90, 654], [2, 689]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_185.jpg [{"transcription": "TIONG", "points": [[63, 230], [117, 226], [119, 240], [65, 244]]}, {"transcription": "WOON", "points": [[116, 226], [167, 222], [170, 236], [119, 240]]}, {"transcription": "TOWER", "points": [[168, 220], [223, 217], [225, 233], [170, 236]]}, {"transcription": "CRANE", "points": [[223, 217], [274, 212], [274, 229], [223, 234]]}, {"transcription": "PTE.", "points": [[275, 211], [304, 210], [304, 225], [275, 226]]}, {"transcription": "LTD.", "points": [[305, 209], [338, 207], [339, 224], [306, 226]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_538.jpg [{"transcription": "ART", "points": [[243, 153], [302, 144], [307, 168], [248, 176]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[252, 175], [302, 165], [307, 189], [257, 199]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1032, 344], [1091, 336], [1097, 354], [1038, 361]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1021, 355], [1113, 345], [1117, 378], [1025, 388]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1026, 386], [1113, 378], [1117, 394], [1030, 403]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1025, 404], [1118, 394], [1121, 413], [1027, 423]]}, {"transcription": "ARTBOX", "points": [[155, 0], [498, 65], [501, 121], [150, 57]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1150, 227], [1185, 214], [1200, 307], [1163, 315]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1040, 425], 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"###", "points": [[1002, 320], [1222, 352], [1221, 362], [1001, 330]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[987, 344], [1231, 383], [1230, 394], [986, 355]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[985, 354], [1170, 385], [1167, 400], [983, 368]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[984, 378], [1227, 422], [1224, 435], [981, 390]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[985, 394], [1065, 410], [1062, 419], [983, 403]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[983, 429], [1214, 475], [1214, 485], [983, 439]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[992, 443], [1195, 485], [1195, 496], [992, 454]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[980, 453], [1210, 503], [1211, 513], [980, 462]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[988, 467], [1194, 513], [1196, 525], [990, 478]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1032, 488], [1139, 510], [1140, 525], [1033, 503]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[980, 500], [1199, 551], [1200, 564], [981, 513]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[970, 509], [1205, 565], [1207, 579], [972, 522]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[985, 523], [1184, 574], [1186, 588], [987, 537]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1040, 551], [1115, 572], [1115, 585], [1040, 564]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1021, 565], [1123, 594], [1125, 607], [1023, 579]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_248.jpg [{"transcription": "Connexis", "points": [[311, 83], [358, 82], [358, 96], [312, 97]]}, {"transcription": "Symbiosis", "points": [[311, 97], [364, 97], [365, 113], [311, 113]]}, {"transcription": "Fusionopolis", "points": [[311, 111], [376, 112], [376, 125], [311, 125]]}, {"transcription": "Car", "points": [[313, 126], [334, 126], [335, 140], [314, 140]]}, {"transcription": "Park", "points": [[337, 125], [364, 124], [364, 139], [337, 140]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[390, 98], [409, 98], [410, 122], [391, 121]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[410, 184], [445, 182], [445, 193], [411, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": 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[[813, 231], [900, 221], [899, 239], [812, 249]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[98, 190], [135, 188], [135, 212], [98, 213]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1223, 27], [1270, 26], [1271, 53], [1225, 53]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_86.jpg [{"transcription": "WELKOME", "points": [[918, 46], [1004, 44], [1004, 66], [918, 68]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1007, 42], [1030, 43], [1029, 65], [1006, 64]]}, {"transcription": "BLKS", "points": [[917, 74], [981, 72], [981, 96], [917, 98]]}, {"transcription": "1-5", "points": [[923, 106], [974, 103], [976, 132], [925, 135]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_324.jpg [{"transcription": "TOAST", "points": [[719, 176], [767, 176], [766, 195], [718, 194]]}, {"transcription": "BOX", "points": [[768, 175], [805, 174], [804, 193], [767, 194]]}, {"transcription": "TOAST", "points": [[768, 196], [826, 195], [826, 214], [767, 214]]}, {"transcription": "BOX", "points": [[827, 195], [869, 196], [869, 214], [826, 213]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1002, 200], [1029, 205], [1029, 222], [1001, 217]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1027, 206], [1042, 209], [1042, 225], [1027, 222]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[910, 200], [948, 200], [948, 214], [910, 215]]}, {"transcription": "OCO ICHIBI", "points": [[668, 439], [779, 468], [776, 488], [665, 460]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[576, 52], [592, 51], [590, 73], [574, 74]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[569, 214], [585, 214], [584, 238], [568, 238]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_472.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[184, 88], [286, 86], [288, 110], [186, 112]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[562, 106], [626, 96], [631, 123], [567, 133]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[756, 186], [772, 183], [775, 200], [758, 204]]}, {"transcription": "NEW", "points": [[768, 180], [808, 174], [811, 193], [771, 199]]}, {"transcription": "TRADITION", "points": [[760, 201], [852, 185], [853, 204], [761, 220]]}, {"transcription": "CELEBRATE", "points": [[752, 163], [843, 146], [843, 168], [752, 184]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[761, 97], [788, 90], [788, 98], [761, 106]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[761, 105], [805, 95], [805, 106], [761, 116]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[765, 218], [889, 204], [896, 221], [772, 236]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[771, 256], [828, 251], [834, 277], [777, 282]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[965, 69], [1043, 51], [1043, 57], [965, 75]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_774.jpg [{"transcription": "ZARA", "points": [[277, 253], [390, 231], [396, 268], [282, 291]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1026, 303], [1103, 293], [1106, 313], [1028, 323]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1, 397], [39, 393], [41, 404], [3, 408]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[126, 462], [157, 461], [157, 475], [126, 476]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_443.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[471, 124], [491, 123], [493, 136], [473, 137]]}, 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"points": [[493, 253], [535, 231], [546, 245], [504, 267]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1101, 44], [1134, 40], [1137, 56], [1105, 60]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[135, 518], [192, 481], [206, 505], [150, 542]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[463, 243], [481, 235], [489, 247], [470, 256]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[386, 258], [418, 248], [424, 258], [392, 268]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_913.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[289, 131], [597, 102], [597, 129], [289, 158]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[602, 109], [769, 94], [772, 113], [605, 128]]}, {"transcription": "ELEVEn", "points": [[1151, 78], [1254, 73], [1259, 105], [1156, 109]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_710.jpg [{"transcription": "SUSHI", "points": [[835, 20], [882, 1], [887, 20], [840, 39]]}, {"transcription": "Healthy", "points": [[525, 36], [587, 38], [586, 59], [523, 57]]}, {"transcription": "Fresh", "points": [[597, 38], [640, 38], [640, 59], [597, 58]]}, 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[[6, 599], [99, 589], [97, 620], [4, 630]]}, {"transcription": "and", "points": [[98, 590], [158, 587], [157, 619], [97, 622]]}, {"transcription": "connected", "points": [[159, 588], [304, 586], [303, 617], [158, 619]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[51, 632], [92, 632], [91, 659], [50, 659]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[7, 106], [298, 96], [300, 171], [9, 181]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[95, 630], [126, 629], [126, 655], [95, 656]]}, {"transcription": "just", "points": [[127, 627], [181, 624], [181, 653], [127, 656]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[10, 24], [238, 16], [243, 73], [15, 81]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[608, 147], [677, 145], [679, 172], [610, 174]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[678, 140], [728, 142], [728, 171], [678, 169]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[722, 141], [763, 138], [765, 168], [724, 171]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[765, 139], [805, 138], [802, 167], [762, 168]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[800, 138], [847, 134], [848, 163], [801, 167]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[843, 136], [874, 136], [874, 162], [843, 162]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[874, 132], [926, 130], [924, 160], [872, 162]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[926, 129], [990, 128], [987, 160], [923, 161]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[987, 131], [1021, 131], [1021, 160], [987, 160]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1018, 131], [1082, 129], [1081, 157], [1017, 159]]}, {"transcription": "Marina", "points": [[594, 125], [655, 122], [653, 148], [592, 151]]}, {"transcription": "Bay", "points": [[651, 122], [691, 120], [691, 145], [651, 147]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[734, 117], [749, 117], [748, 139], [733, 139]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[745, 118], [797, 116], [799, 138], [747, 140]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[61, 175], [296, 158], [302, 191], [67, 208]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 630], [41, 630], [42, 659], [1, 659]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[65, 694], [276, 685], [275, 704], [64, 713]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[180, 290], [323, 289], [326, 309], [184, 310]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[386, 135], [445, 131], [446, 176], [387, 180]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[289, 548], [318, 550], [317, 571], [288, 569]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_497.jpg [{"transcription": "NLB", "points": [[252, 353], [321, 333], [328, 365], [260, 385]]}, {"transcription": "Public", "points": [[95, 459], [238, 416], [252, 460], [108, 503]]}, {"transcription": "Library", "points": [[257, 414], [402, 375], [406, 419], [261, 458]]}, {"transcription": "Clementi", "points": [[201, 484], [328, 440], [337, 471], [210, 515]]}, {"transcription": "www", "points": [[213, 595], [293, 569], [300, 594], [220, 620]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[300, 560], [327, 549], [333, 580], [306, 591]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[336, 551], [372, 540], [376, 569], [340, 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[715, 179], [716, 214], [674, 213]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[794, 180], [841, 177], [842, 212], [795, 214]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[985, 190], [1037, 190], [1034, 233], [981, 233]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[603, 185], [621, 184], [621, 202], [603, 203]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1037, 195], [1067, 194], [1067, 218], [1037, 218]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[714, 182], [737, 182], [737, 202], [714, 202]]}, {"transcription": "save", "points": [[551, 146], [586, 146], [586, 158], [551, 157]]}, {"transcription": "save", "points": [[781, 140], [818, 139], [820, 153], [782, 153]]}, {"transcription": "now!", "points": [[586, 143], [621, 142], [621, 157], [586, 158]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[819, 137], [867, 137], [867, 152], [820, 152]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[937, 106], [953, 106], [954, 131], [938, 131]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_585.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[76, 243], [126, 241], 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[[23, 278], [100, 271], [105, 281], [28, 288]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[359, 2], [399, 3], [400, 19], [360, 18]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[430, 22], [480, 21], [484, 35], [433, 35]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[640, 230], [670, 226], [669, 238], [640, 242]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[285, 117], [311, 117], [315, 141], [290, 141]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_363.jpg [{"transcription": "Challenger", "points": [[344, 54], [435, 80], [435, 98], [344, 72]]}, {"transcription": "Muji", "points": [[343, 71], [385, 81], [386, 101], [344, 92]]}, {"transcription": "Courts", "points": [[348, 92], [408, 103], [408, 122], [348, 111]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[601, 154], [621, 155], [624, 184], [604, 183]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[611, 158], [639, 160], [640, 204], [612, 202]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[83, 689], [139, 685], [140, 700], [85, 703]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[151, 188], [198, 190], [196, 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[1155, 580], [1087, 578]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1045, 259], [1157, 255], [1161, 293], [1049, 297]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1050, 304], [1174, 299], [1177, 335], [1053, 340]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[832, 310], [961, 307], [965, 343], [836, 345]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[903, 405], [992, 408], [994, 437], [905, 435]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[825, 496], [950, 496], [951, 510], [826, 510]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[12, 690], [48, 681], [46, 708], [10, 717]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1106, 553], [1129, 555], [1137, 568], [1103, 571]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_483.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[726, 151], [745, 151], [745, 175], [726, 175]]}, {"transcription": "JobStreet", "points": [[446, 153], [570, 130], [575, 174], [451, 196]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[622, 169], [643, 166], [646, 188], [625, 190]]}, {"transcription": "Better", "points": [[642, 169], [682, 164], 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"EXIT", "points": [[711, 111], [755, 102], [758, 128], [714, 136]]}, {"transcription": "sale", "points": [[403, 493], [440, 478], [443, 503], [406, 518]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_903.jpg [{"transcription": "sale", "points": [[126, 203], [260, 167], [275, 242], [141, 278]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[638, 73], [674, 293], [654, 296], [618, 76]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_927.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[217, 235], [304, 222], [309, 243], [216, 259]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[296, 434], [374, 417], [381, 445], [303, 462]]}, {"transcription": "Tel.", "points": [[374, 165], [400, 163], [401, 175], [375, 177]]}, {"transcription": "no.:", "points": [[400, 163], [428, 161], [431, 171], [403, 174]]}, {"transcription": "( +65) 6732 2900", "points": [[429, 157], [523, 148], [526, 161], [433, 170]]}, {"transcription": "PHILOXENOS", "points": [[250, 142], [540, 113], [540, 141], [250, 170]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[538, 146], [563, 144], [564, 155], [539, 157]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[222, 281], [306, 270], [311, 285], [226, 299]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[322, 314], [366, 308], [367, 322], [322, 328]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[303, 394], [354, 386], [356, 399], [305, 407]]}, {"transcription": "Venice", "points": [[549, 10], [616, 14], [627, 52], [577, 94]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[253, 178], [369, 164], [371, 178], [256, 193]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[614, 2], [657, 0], [695, 1], [630, 44]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[310, 231], [389, 223], [395, 247], [317, 260]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_49.jpg [{"transcription": "Ave", "points": [[817, 30], [840, 32], [837, 50], [814, 47]]}, {"transcription": "Ayer", "points": [[734, 20], [765, 25], [762, 44], [730, 40]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[186, 407], [234, 372], [234, 431], [186, 469]]}, {"transcription": "THE", "points": [[242, 367], [284, 335], [284, 385], [240, 424]]}, {"transcription": "ROAD", "points": [[290, 332], [338, 300], [336, 342], [287, 383]]}, {"transcription": "SAFETY", "points": [[195, 259], [347, 204], [341, 290], [191, 384]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[204, 64], [276, 70], [274, 112], [202, 112]]}, {"transcription": "CHILDREN'S", "points": [[201, 127], [383, 114], [379, 183], [196, 243]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[276, 72], [306, 73], [304, 109], [273, 110]]}, {"transcription": "Rajah", "points": [[772, 23], [810, 27], [806, 48], [769, 45]]}, {"transcription": "Ave", "points": [[852, 0], [876, 3], [872, 19], [849, 16]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1096, 159], [1154, 169], [1150, 195], [1093, 185]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1015, 32], [1261, 2], [1266, 20], [1020, 50]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1052, 112], [1100, 115], [1101, 134], [1053, 131]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1112, 78], [1175, 75], [1173, 114], [1110, 117]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[749, 0], [846, 3], [846, 22], [730, 5]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[170, 608], [229, 535], [235, 568], [176, 641]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1172, 117], [1199, 120], [1197, 139], [1170, 136]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_160.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[663, 312], [711, 306], [714, 319], [666, 325]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[982, 194], [1061, 183], [1063, 204], [984, 215]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[805, 472], [826, 472], [825, 481], [804, 481]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[825, 473], [837, 472], [837, 478], [825, 479]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[837, 472], [867, 470], [867, 477], [838, 479]]}, {"transcription": "Unrail", "points": [[549, 419], [623, 409], [624, 445], [550, 455]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[866, 468], [885, 468], [886, 477], [867, 477]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[756, 152], [794, 145], [796, 161], [758, 168]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[885, 464], [909, 465], [908, 475], [885, 474]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[650, 254], [712, 244], [715, 263], [653, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[627, 278], [741, 260], [744, 279], [630, 297]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[804, 225], [879, 214], [884, 232], [809, 243]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[782, 247], [911, 229], [916, 251], [787, 269]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[951, 222], [1096, 202], [1100, 221], [956, 242]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[827, 286], [878, 279], [880, 292], [829, 299]]}, {"transcription": "easE", "points": [[1001, 261], [1060, 254], [1061, 268], [1003, 274]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[648, 394], [693, 389], [694, 399], [649, 404]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[699, 387], [765, 379], [765, 390], [700, 397]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[806, 372], [860, 366], [861, 377], [807, 384]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[864, 365], [940, 357], [942, 368], [866, 377]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[975, 349], [1034, 345], [1036, 357], [977, 362]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1040, 344], [1124, 336], [1126, 348], [1042, 356]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[103, 689], [117, 689], [117, 696], [103, 696]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[117, 690], [136, 689], [136, 696], [117, 696]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[104, 699], [121, 699], [120, 707], [103, 707]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[120, 698], [138, 698], [138, 706], [121, 706]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_297.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[693, 267], [724, 261], [726, 272], [695, 277]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[669, 352], [705, 340], [708, 353], [672, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[514, 177], [528, 173], [532, 187], [517, 190]]}, {"transcription": "Sleep", "points": [[861, 72], [904, 63], [908, 81], [865, 90]]}, {"transcription": "Clinic", "points": [[907, 60], [952, 49], [955, 68], [911, 79]]}, {"transcription": "Bedding", "points": [[531, 171], [585, 162], [588, 178], [535, 187]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[316, 360], [347, 352], [349, 361], [318, 369]]}, {"transcription": "Furniture", "points": [[454, 186], [512, 175], [516, 191], [457, 202]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[350, 380], [394, 368], [396, 380], [352, 392]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[546, 323], [575, 316], [576, 325], [547, 333]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[651, 137], [700, 127], [701, 139], [652, 149]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[663, 156], [697, 148], [699, 159], [664, 167]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[554, 200], [631, 186], [632, 196], [556, 210]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[771, 306], [795, 298], [796, 310], [772, 318]]}, {"transcription": "SAMSUNG", "points": [[811, 405], [827, 402], [843, 473], [827, 476]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[893, 350], [905, 350], [915, 406], [902, 406]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[930, 325], [942, 377], [931, 378], [919, 327]]}, 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[369, 315]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1046, 199], [1078, 194], [1078, 206], [1046, 211]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1084, 190], [1121, 183], [1121, 196], [1084, 203]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1126, 180], [1145, 175], [1144, 188], [1125, 193]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1147, 176], [1177, 171], [1178, 182], [1148, 187]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_174.jpg [{"transcription": "Give", "points": [[997, 117], [1033, 116], [1037, 140], [1001, 141]]}, {"transcription": "Way", "points": [[1040, 116], [1068, 116], [1070, 140], [1041, 140]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1075, 118], [1091, 118], [1093, 140], [1076, 140]]}, {"transcription": "Buses", "points": [[998, 146], [1045, 146], [1046, 167], [999, 168]]}, {"transcription": "Exiting", "points": [[1047, 144], [1099, 143], [1101, 165], [1050, 166]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_696.jpg [{"transcription": "TERMINAL", "points": [[501, 286], [551, 290], [549, 302], [499, 299]]}, 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[[947, 574], [968, 582], [963, 594], [944, 588]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[891, 619], [945, 622], [943, 635], [894, 632]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[943, 622], [967, 624], [968, 637], [943, 635]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_961.jpg [{"transcription": "SUSHI", "points": [[327, 209], [390, 217], [388, 238], [325, 226]]}, {"transcription": "SEAFOOD", "points": [[521, 236], [628, 252], [624, 273], [517, 256]]}, {"transcription": "Our", "points": [[164, 484], [191, 485], [187, 500], [160, 499]]}, {"transcription": "Choice", "points": [[186, 487], [232, 494], [231, 509], [185, 503]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[16, 466], [63, 473], [61, 485], [14, 478]]}, {"transcription": "MILO", "points": [[163, 445], [222, 454], [214, 474], [155, 465]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[205, 522], [215, 524], [210, 543], [201, 542]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[34, 499], [46, 502], [43, 521], [31, 518]]}, {"transcription": "NESCAFE", "points": [[359, 462], 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300]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[407, 339], [423, 339], [423, 352], [407, 352]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[485, 341], [500, 341], [499, 351], [484, 351]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[439, 362], [453, 365], [449, 415], [435, 412]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[735, 346], [761, 343], [765, 352], [738, 356]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[990, 339], [1015, 334], [1014, 350], [989, 354]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[811, 417], [833, 416], [835, 422], [813, 422]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[910, 365], [935, 364], [923, 376], [899, 377]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_413.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[1102, 177], [1150, 160], [1151, 173], [1103, 191]]}, {"transcription": "HOSEREEL", "points": [[887, 266], [982, 275], [984, 297], [890, 288]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1091, 98], [1202, 67], [1203, 84], [1092, 115]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1095, 121], [1140, 107], [1140, 124], [1095, 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{"transcription": "###", "points": [[941, 422], [970, 410], [978, 435], [949, 447]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[982, 416], [1002, 412], [1006, 426], [986, 430]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[185, 325], [205, 326], [207, 341], [187, 340]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[682, 257], [738, 274], [734, 300], [678, 284]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[707, 388], [745, 394], [749, 425], [711, 419]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_111.jpg [{"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[733, 35], [798, 24], [805, 59], [740, 70]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_183.jpg [{"transcription": "HUMP", "points": [[326, 372], [666, 364], [657, 447], [317, 455]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[877, 129], [908, 127], [908, 135], [877, 136]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[910, 126], [929, 126], [929, 134], [910, 134]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_482.jpg [{"transcription": "Jurong", "points": [[965, 38], [1056, 45], [1053, 71], [962, 64]]}, {"transcription": "East", "points": 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"points": [[1159, 24], [1177, 10], [1186, 40], [1166, 51]]}, {"transcription": "$10", "points": [[689, 272], [706, 263], [710, 275], [693, 283]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[580, 317], [586, 317], [585, 328], [580, 327]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[578, 326], [594, 327], [593, 337], [578, 336]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[0, 9], [25, 1], [70, 7], [2, 35]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[10, 75], [91, 49], [95, 64], [14, 90]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[38, 84], [92, 65], [94, 82], [40, 101]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[17, 111], [95, 85], [98, 101], [20, 127]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[113, 40], [160, 26], [162, 36], [115, 51]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[18, 313], [193, 272], [195, 290], [19, 331]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1, 35], [60, 19], [60, 32], [2, 51]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[75, 319], [132, 302], [132, 318], [71, 327]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[83, 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"points": [[630, 202], [755, 197], [754, 228], [630, 230]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[664, 247], [736, 245], [735, 267], [659, 267]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[425, 85], [468, 80], [469, 98], [420, 104]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[387, 106], [519, 92], [517, 108], [389, 122]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[632, 317], [775, 317], [773, 338], [632, 337]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_402.jpg [{"transcription": "TOPMAN", "points": [[737, 343], [826, 339], [828, 359], [740, 363]]}, {"transcription": "FURTHER", "points": [[710, 302], [762, 275], [772, 297], [719, 324]]}, {"transcription": "REDUCTION", "points": [[764, 275], [841, 235], [847, 255], [771, 295]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[714, 167], [798, 161], [803, 218], [719, 223]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[801, 160], [837, 157], [841, 187], [804, 189]]}, {"transcription": "off", "points": [[803, 192], [840, 189], [840, 212], [803, 215]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[709, 148], [736, 147], [739, 164], [712, 165]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[734, 145], [760, 142], [760, 161], [734, 164]]}, {"transcription": "70%", "points": [[541, 121], [601, 128], [605, 196], [546, 189]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[558, 240], [610, 257], [609, 278], [557, 261]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_120.jpg [{"transcription": "(USP)", "points": [[217, 482], [258, 477], [256, 499], [216, 503]]}, {"transcription": "Auditorium", "points": [[117, 553], [185, 548], [185, 563], [117, 568]]}, {"transcription": "Resource", "points": [[163, 402], [214, 396], [214, 411], [162, 417]]}, {"transcription": "Centre", "points": [[216, 395], [255, 390], [255, 407], [216, 412]]}, {"transcription": "Town", "points": [[108, 430], [136, 427], [137, 442], [109, 445]]}, {"transcription": "Education", "points": [[104, 407], [160, 400], [161, 417], [105, 424]]}, {"transcription": "Green", "points": [[139, 426], [175, 422], [175, 437], [140, 440]]}, {"transcription": "CREATE", "points": [[209, 289], [307, 275], [309, 298], [212, 312]]}, {"transcription": "UTown", "points": [[109, 450], [151, 445], [152, 462], [110, 467]]}, {"transcription": "Residence", "points": [[156, 446], [221, 440], [220, 455], [155, 461]]}, {"transcription": "Tembusu", "points": [[112, 472], [160, 467], [161, 483], [113, 488]]}, {"transcription": "College", "points": [[161, 467], [204, 463], [204, 483], [162, 487]]}, {"transcription": "Cinnamon", "points": [[112, 494], [168, 489], [168, 505], [112, 510]]}, {"transcription": "College", "points": [[172, 487], [216, 483], [216, 504], [171, 509]]}, {"transcription": "Town", "points": [[205, 546], [237, 545], [237, 561], [205, 562]]}, {"transcription": "Plaza", "points": [[240, 542], [275, 539], [276, 557], [241, 559]]}, {"transcription": "Seminar", "points": [[120, 574], [169, 571], [169, 587], [120, 590]]}, {"transcription": "Rooms", "points": [[170, 571], [213, 568], [214, 583], [170, 586]]}, {"transcription": "1-12", "points": [[217, 568], [244, 566], [244, 582], [217, 584]]}, {"transcription": "Town", "points": [[259, 565], [294, 563], [295, 578], [259, 580]]}, {"transcription": "Plaza", "points": [[297, 561], [332, 559], [332, 576], [297, 577]]}, {"transcription": "Research", "points": [[123, 625], [181, 622], [181, 638], [123, 642]]}, {"transcription": "Wing", "points": [[183, 622], [218, 620], [218, 639], [183, 641]]}, {"transcription": "CREATE", "points": [[128, 700], [181, 696], [182, 712], [129, 716]]}, {"transcription": "Tower", "points": [[183, 696], [223, 695], [223, 710], [184, 712]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[227, 695], [233, 695], [233, 711], [227, 711]]}, {"transcription": "Lobby", "points": [[234, 693], [276, 692], [277, 710], [236, 712]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_241.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[563, 404], [602, 417], [599, 443], [561, 429]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[296, 70], [324, 67], [325, 85], [296, 89]]}, {"transcription": "Ham & Cheese", "points": [[708, 235], [804, 235], [805, 264], [709, 264]]}, {"transcription": "Egg", "points": [[837, 279], [868, 281], [869, 313], [838, 310]]}, {"transcription": "Mayo", "points": [[871, 276], [917, 284], [915, 319], [870, 312]]}, {"transcription": "$2.50", "points": [[891, 184], [987, 178], [987, 219], [891, 224]]}, {"transcription": "Tuna", "points": [[723, 297], [770, 296], [772, 323], [725, 324]]}, {"transcription": "Sandwiches", "points": [[714, 177], [874, 173], [876, 225], [716, 229]]}, {"transcription": "Toast", "points": [[795, 332], [898, 330], [899, 380], [796, 382]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[900, 367], [913, 365], [918, 387], [905, 390]]}, {"transcription": "1.60", "points": [[907, 351], [974, 345], [981, 387], [914, 393]]}, {"transcription": "Eggs", "points": [[701, 407], [767, 394], [776, 437], [710, 450]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[709, 443], [779, 461], [776, 490], [706, 473]]}, {"transcription": "1.50", "points": [[797, 467], [822, 469], [823, 490], [797, 488]]}, {"transcription": "Kaya", "points": [[853, 407], [887, 418], [884, 446], [850, 435]]}, {"transcription": "butter", "points": [[890, 408], [939, 415], [940, 444], [891, 437]]}, {"transcription": "Butter", "points": [[850, 440], [893, 447], [892, 471], [849, 463]]}, {"transcription": "Suga", "points": [[896, 445], [941, 457], [934, 486], [889, 474]]}, {"transcription": "Peamt", "points": [[846, 468], [898, 479], [898, 507], [846, 496]]}, {"transcription": "honey", "points": [[897, 477], [945, 490], [944, 524], [897, 510]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[592, 214], [617, 204], [621, 217], [597, 227]]}, {"transcription": "DRINKS", "points": [[458, 182], [527, 169], [532, 193], [463, 206]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[571, 221], [591, 215], [595, 229], [575, 235]]}, {"transcription": "ICED", "points": [[569, 241], [603, 227], [607, 242], [572, 256]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[560, 274], [588, 274], [588, 288], [560, 288]]}, {"transcription": "###", 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[[457, 281], [471, 282], [471, 296], [457, 295]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[453, 295], [482, 300], [482, 317], [453, 312]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[453, 322], [483, 327], [483, 345], [453, 340]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[446, 345], [467, 348], [466, 361], [444, 358]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[446, 362], [492, 368], [489, 386], [443, 379]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[510, 212], [529, 214], [529, 226], [509, 224]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[510, 227], [530, 230], [528, 245], [508, 242]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[507, 243], [525, 247], [526, 260], [507, 256]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[503, 270], [522, 272], [520, 285], [501, 283]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[502, 287], [519, 288], [517, 301], [499, 300]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[499, 303], [519, 304], [517, 317], [496, 315]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[497, 330], [514, 332], [512, 345], [496, 342]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[518, 331], [535, 333], [533, 349], [516, 346]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[494, 350], [512, 353], [509, 368], [492, 365]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[513, 354], [534, 356], [533, 370], [513, 368]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[510, 374], [533, 376], [530, 392], [507, 390]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[495, 375], [506, 376], [505, 382], [494, 382]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[502, 421], [519, 421], [520, 436], [502, 437]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_43.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[696, 4], [734, 7], [734, 15], [696, 12]]}, {"transcription": "SYDNEY", "points": [[675, 96], [727, 102], [725, 114], [673, 107]]}, {"transcription": "STIRLING", "points": [[763, 54], [831, 62], [829, 75], [761, 68]]}, {"transcription": "Southampton", "points": [[645, 35], [739, 47], [736, 65], [643, 54]]}, {"transcription": "WARWICK", "points": [[773, 0], [868, 8], [865, 24], [770, 12]]}, {"transcription": 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"points": [[1077, 414], [1122, 420], [1122, 427], [1077, 421]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1081, 425], [1116, 427], [1116, 433], [1081, 431]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1076, 432], [1118, 436], [1118, 444], [1076, 440]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[677, 90], [728, 96], [727, 101], [677, 95]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[902, 106], [936, 108], [932, 127], [898, 124]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[919, 63], [941, 65], [939, 75], [916, 73]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[865, 128], [956, 138], [955, 145], [864, 135]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[787, 118], [814, 120], [813, 127], [787, 125]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[648, 130], [961, 164], [962, 170], [648, 136]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[190, 0], [365, 0], [367, 25], [281, 20]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_580.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[1085, 246], [1182, 242], [1180, 292], [1082, 296]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1078, 297], [1177, 291], [1181, 344], [1082, 351]]}, {"transcription": "BRENNER", "points": [[721, 167], [812, 142], [813, 167], [722, 193]]}, {"transcription": "CHOCOLATE", "points": [[818, 141], [962, 102], [963, 130], [819, 168]]}, {"transcription": "BAR", "points": [[971, 96], [1048, 75], [1052, 105], [976, 126]]}, {"transcription": "MAX", "points": [[683, 183], [720, 172], [722, 193], [686, 204]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1081, 122], [1172, 120], [1176, 176], [1085, 178]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[63, 276], [253, 275], [252, 314], [62, 315]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1073, 183], [1182, 178], [1187, 240], [1078, 244]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1174, 102], [1226, 90], [1228, 115], [1176, 127]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1187, 237], [1235, 236], [1234, 264], [1186, 265]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[1193, 376], [1242, 382], [1243, 410], [1194, 404]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[374, 222], [414, 230], [414, 247], [374, 240]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[612, 229], [642, 228], [642, 243], [612, 244]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[613, 201], [639, 200], [639, 219], [613, 219]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[613, 253], [642, 251], [641, 275], [612, 277]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[320, 243], [344, 242], [346, 254], [321, 255]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_868.jpg [{"transcription": "Evottica", "points": [[899, 318], [972, 318], [969, 338], [896, 338]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[886, 445], [924, 446], [923, 471], [885, 470]]}, {"transcription": "149", "points": [[960, 448], [1015, 452], [1014, 477], [959, 473]]}, {"transcription": "nanoflex", "points": [[899, 515], [993, 522], [989, 543], [895, 536]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[963, 665], [995, 671], [993, 693], [961, 687]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[414, 340], [476, 346], [477, 364], [415, 358]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[404, 474], [470, 482], [471, 506], [405, 498]]}, {"transcription": "TOUCH", "points": [[594, 297], [705, 301], [703, 344], [592, 340]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[876, 449], [887, 448], [888, 461], [877, 462]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[948, 454], [958, 455], [959, 467], [949, 466]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_537.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[42, 370], [230, 315], [282, 523], [95, 578]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[51, 598], [155, 565], [167, 614], [63, 646]]}, {"transcription": "STYLES", "points": [[153, 569], [278, 530], [287, 573], [162, 611]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[152, 663], [186, 651], [195, 679], [161, 690]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[186, 649], [242, 633], [247, 660], [191, 676]]}, {"transcription": "SALE", "points": [[830, 99], [906, 69], [915, 105], [838, 135]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[867, 125], [915, 106], [918, 116], [871, 135]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[738, 68], [782, 62], [787, 84], [742, 91]]}, 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{"transcription": "SHOOTING", "points": [[374, 444], [462, 388], [468, 422], [381, 478]]}, {"transcription": "FOR", "points": [[303, 531], [348, 501], [355, 541], [309, 571]]}, {"transcription": "SUCCESS", "points": [[348, 500], [442, 441], [452, 474], [358, 533]]}, {"transcription": "ITE", "points": [[247, 391], [307, 366], [314, 399], [255, 423]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_880.jpg [{"transcription": "###", "points": [[166, 155], [273, 197], [268, 237], [160, 195]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[272, 206], [292, 213], [290, 244], [270, 237]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[290, 222], [338, 237], [336, 262], [289, 248]]}, {"transcription": "###", "points": [[550, 179], [595, 180], [595, 199], [550, 198]]}, {"transcription": "EXIT", "points": [[439, 151], [480, 150], [479, 170], [438, 171]]}, {"transcription": "ZARA", "points": [[1050, 339], [1120, 336], [1122, 354], [1052, 357]]}] icdar_c4_train_imgs/img_700.jpg [{"transcription": "GUCCI", "points": [[2, 92], [216, 177], 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