import { env, SamModel, AutoProcessor, RawImage, Tensor } from ''; // Since we will download the model from the Hugging Face Hub, we can skip the local model check env.allowLocalModels = false; // We adopt the singleton pattern to enable lazy-loading of the model and processor. export class SegmentAnythingSingleton { static model_id = 'Xenova/slimsam-77-uniform'; static model; static processor; static quantized = true; static getInstance() { if (!this.model) { this.model = SamModel.from_pretrained(this.model_id, { quantized: this.quantized, }); } if (!this.processor) { this.processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(this.model_id); } return Promise.all([this.model, this.processor]); } } // State variables let image_embeddings = null; let image_inputs = null; let ready = false; self.onmessage = async (e) => { const [model, processor] = await SegmentAnythingSingleton.getInstance(); if (!ready) { // Indicate that we are ready to accept requests ready = true; self.postMessage({ type: 'ready', }); } const { type, data } =; if (type === 'reset') { image_inputs = null; image_embeddings = null; } else if (type === 'segment') { // Indicate that we are starting to segment the image self.postMessage({ type: 'segment_result', data: 'start', }); // Read the image and recompute image embeddings const image = await; image_inputs = await processor(image); image_embeddings = await model.get_image_embeddings(image_inputs) // Indicate that we have computed the image embeddings, and we are ready to accept decoding requests self.postMessage({ type: 'segment_result', data: 'done', }); } else if (type === 'decode') { // Prepare inputs for decoding const reshaped = image_inputs.reshaped_input_sizes[0]; const points = => [x.point[0] * reshaped[1], x.point[1] * reshaped[0]]) const labels = => BigInt(x.label)); const input_points = new Tensor( 'float32', points.flat(Infinity), [1, 1, points.length, 2], ) const input_labels = new Tensor( 'int64', labels.flat(Infinity), [1, 1, labels.length], ) // Generate the mask const outputs = await model({ ...image_embeddings, input_points, input_labels, }) // Post-process the mask const masks = await processor.post_process_masks( outputs.pred_masks, image_inputs.original_sizes, image_inputs.reshaped_input_sizes, ); // Send the result back to the main thread self.postMessage({ type: 'decode_result', data: { mask: RawImage.fromTensor(masks[0][0]), scores:, }, }); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown message type: ${type}`); } }