require('dotenv').config(); |
const { z } = require('zod'); |
const fs = require('fs'); |
const yaml = require('js-yaml'); |
const path = require('path'); |
const { DynamicStructuredTool } = require('langchain/tools'); |
const { createOpenAPIChain } = require('langchain/chains'); |
const SUFFIX = 'Prioritize using responses for subsequent requests to better fulfill the query.'; |
const AuthBearer = z |
.object({ |
type: z.string().includes('service_http'), |
authorization_type: z.string().includes('bearer'), |
verification_tokens: z.object({ |
openai: z.string(), |
}), |
}) |
.catch(() => false); |
const AuthDefinition = z |
.object({ |
type: z.string(), |
authorization_type: z.string(), |
verification_tokens: z.object({ |
openai: z.string(), |
}), |
}) |
.catch(() => false); |
async function readSpecFile(filePath) { |
try { |
const fileContents = await fs.promises.readFile(filePath, 'utf8'); |
if (path.extname(filePath) === '.json') { |
return JSON.parse(fileContents); |
} |
return yaml.load(fileContents); |
} catch (e) { |
console.error(e); |
return false; |
} |
} |
async function getSpec(url) { |
const RegularUrl = z |
.string() |
.url() |
.catch(() => false); |
if (RegularUrl.parse(url) && path.extname(url) === '.json') { |
const response = await fetch(url); |
return await response.json(); |
} |
const ValidSpecPath = z |
.string() |
.url() |
.catch(async () => { |
const spec = path.join(__dirname, '..', '.well-known', 'openapi', url); |
if (!fs.existsSync(spec)) { |
return false; |
} |
return await readSpecFile(spec); |
}); |
return ValidSpecPath.parse(url); |
} |
async function createOpenAPIPlugin({ data, llm, user, message, verbose = false }) { |
let spec; |
try { |
spec = await getSpec(data.api.url, verbose); |
} catch (error) { |
verbose && console.debug('getSpec error', error); |
return null; |
} |
if (!spec) { |
verbose && console.debug('No spec found'); |
return null; |
} |
const headers = {}; |
const { auth, description_for_model } = data; |
if (auth && AuthDefinition.parse(auth)) { |
verbose && console.debug('auth detected', auth); |
const { openai } = auth.verification_tokens; |
if (AuthBearer.parse(auth)) { |
headers.authorization = `Bearer ${openai}`; |
verbose && console.debug('added auth bearer', headers); |
} |
} |
return new DynamicStructuredTool({ |
name: data.name_for_model, |
description: `${data.description_for_human} ${SUFFIX}`, |
schema: z.object({ |
query: z |
.string() |
.describe( |
'For the query, be specific in a conversational manner. It will be interpreted by a human.', |
), |
}), |
func: async () => { |
const chainOptions = { |
llm, |
verbose, |
}; |
if (data.headers && data.headers['librechat_user_id']) { |
verbose && console.debug('id detected', headers); |
headers[data.headers['librechat_user_id']] = user; |
} |
if (Object.keys(headers).length > 0) { |
verbose && console.debug('headers detected', headers); |
chainOptions.headers = headers; |
} |
if (data.params) { |
verbose && console.debug('params detected', data.params); |
chainOptions.params = data.params; |
} |
const chain = await createOpenAPIChain(spec, chainOptions); |
const result = await chain.run( |
`${message}\n\n||>Instructions: ${description_for_model}\n${SUFFIX}`, |
); |
console.log('api chain run result', result); |
return result; |
}, |
}); |
} |
module.exports = { |
getSpec, |
readSpecFile, |
createOpenAPIPlugin, |
}; |