const mongoose = require('mongoose'); |
const { MeiliSearch } = require('meilisearch'); |
const { cleanUpPrimaryKeyValue } = require('../../lib/utils/misc'); |
const _ = require('lodash'); |
const searchEnabled = process.env.SEARCH && process.env.SEARCH.toLowerCase() === 'true'; |
const meiliEnabled = process.env.MEILI_HOST && process.env.MEILI_MASTER_KEY && searchEnabled; |
const validateOptions = function (options) { |
const requiredKeys = ['host', 'apiKey', 'indexName']; |
requiredKeys.forEach((key) => { |
if (!options[key]) { |
throw new Error(`Missing mongoMeili Option: ${key}`); |
} |
}); |
}; |
const createMeiliMongooseModel = function ({ index, indexName, client, attributesToIndex }) { |
const primaryKey = attributesToIndex[0]; |
class MeiliMongooseModel { |
static async clearMeiliIndex() { |
await index.delete(); |
await this.collection.updateMany({ _meiliIndex: true }, { $set: { _meiliIndex: false } }); |
} |
static async resetIndex() { |
await this.clearMeiliIndex(); |
await client.createIndex(indexName, { primaryKey }); |
} |
static async syncWithMeili() { |
await this.resetIndex(); |
const docs = await this.find({ _meiliIndex: { $in: [null, false] } }); |
console.log('docs', docs.length); |
const objs = docs.map((doc) => doc.preprocessObjectForIndex()); |
try { |
await index.addDocuments(objs); |
const ids = docs.map((doc) => doc._id); |
await this.collection.updateMany({ _id: { $in: ids } }, { $set: { _meiliIndex: true } }); |
} catch (error) { |
console.log('Error adding document to Meili'); |
console.error(error); |
} |
} |
static async setMeiliIndexSettings(settings) { |
return await index.updateSettings(settings); |
} |
static async meiliSearch(q, params, populate) { |
const data = await index.search(q, params); |
if (populate) { |
const query = {}; |
query[primaryKey] = _.map(data.hits, (hit) => cleanUpPrimaryKeyValue(hit[primaryKey])); |
const hitsFromMongoose = await this.find( |
query, |
_.reduce( |
this.schema.obj, |
function (results, value, key) { |
return { ...results, [key]: 1 }; |
}, |
{ _id: 1 }, |
), |
); |
const populatedHits = data.hits.map(function (hit) { |
const query = {}; |
query[primaryKey] = hit[primaryKey]; |
const originalHit = _.find(hitsFromMongoose, query); |
return { |
...(originalHit ? originalHit.toJSON() : {}), |
...hit, |
}; |
}); |
data.hits = populatedHits; |
} |
return data; |
} |
preprocessObjectForIndex() { |
const object = _.pick(this.toJSON(), attributesToIndex); |
if (object.conversationId && object.conversationId.includes('|')) { |
object.conversationId = object.conversationId.replace(/\|/g, '--'); |
} |
return object; |
} |
async addObjectToMeili() { |
const object = this.preprocessObjectForIndex(); |
try { |
await index.addDocuments([object]); |
} catch (error) { |
} |
await this.collection.updateMany({ _id: this._id }, { $set: { _meiliIndex: true } }); |
} |
async updateObjectToMeili() { |
const object = _.pick(this.toJSON(), attributesToIndex); |
await index.updateDocuments([object]); |
} |
async deleteObjectFromMeili() { |
await index.deleteDocument(this._id); |
} |
postSaveHook() { |
if (this._meiliIndex) { |
this.updateObjectToMeili(); |
} else { |
this.addObjectToMeili(); |
} |
} |
postUpdateHook() { |
if (this._meiliIndex) { |
this.updateObjectToMeili(); |
} |
} |
postRemoveHook() { |
if (this._meiliIndex) { |
this.deleteObjectFromMeili(); |
} |
} |
} |
return MeiliMongooseModel; |
}; |
module.exports = function mongoMeili(schema, options) { |
validateOptions(options); |
schema.add({ |
_meiliIndex: { |
type: Boolean, |
required: false, |
select: false, |
default: false, |
}, |
}); |
const { host, apiKey, indexName, primaryKey } = options; |
const client = new MeiliSearch({ host, apiKey }); |
client.createIndex(indexName, { primaryKey }); |
const index = client.index(indexName); |
const attributesToIndex = [ |
..._.reduce( |
schema.obj, |
function (results, value, key) { |
return value.meiliIndex ? [...results, key] : results; |
}, |
[], |
), |
]; |
schema.loadClass(createMeiliMongooseModel({ index, indexName, client, attributesToIndex })); |
schema.post('save', function (doc) { |
doc.postSaveHook(); |
}); |
schema.post('update', function (doc) { |
doc.postUpdateHook(); |
}); |
schema.post('remove', function (doc) { |
doc.postRemoveHook(); |
}); |
schema.pre('deleteMany', async function (next) { |
if (!meiliEnabled) { |
next(); |
} |
try { |
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(schema.obj, 'messages')) { |
const convoIndex = client.index('convos'); |
const deletedConvos = await mongoose.model('Conversation').find(this._conditions).lean(); |
let promises = []; |
for (const convo of deletedConvos) { |
promises.push(convoIndex.deleteDocument(convo.conversationId)); |
} |
await Promise.all(promises); |
} |
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(schema.obj, 'messageId')) { |
const messageIndex = client.index('messages'); |
const deletedMessages = await mongoose.model('Message').find(this._conditions).lean(); |
let promises = []; |
for (const message of deletedMessages) { |
promises.push(messageIndex.deleteDocument(message.messageId)); |
} |
await Promise.all(promises); |
} |
return next(); |
} catch (error) { |
if (meiliEnabled) { |
console.log( |
'[Meilisearch] There was an issue deleting conversation indexes upon deletion, next startup may be slow due to syncing', |
); |
console.error(error); |
} |
return next(); |
} |
}); |
schema.post('findOneAndUpdate', async function (doc) { |
if (!meiliEnabled) { |
return; |
} |
if (doc.unfinished) { |
return; |
} |
let meiliDoc; |
if (doc.messages) { |
try { |
meiliDoc = await client.index('convos').getDocument(doc.conversationId); |
} catch (error) { |
console.log('[Meilisearch] Convo not found and will index', doc.conversationId); |
} |
} |
if (meiliDoc && meiliDoc.title === doc.title) { |
return; |
} |
doc.postSaveHook(); |
}); |
}; |