const Keyv = require('keyv'); // const { Agent, ProxyAgent } = require('undici'); const BaseClient = require('./BaseClient'); const { encoding_for_model: encodingForModel, get_encoding: getEncoding, } = require('@dqbd/tiktoken'); const Anthropic = require('@anthropic-ai/sdk'); const HUMAN_PROMPT = '\n\nHuman:'; const AI_PROMPT = '\n\nAssistant:'; const tokenizersCache = {}; class AnthropicClient extends BaseClient { constructor(apiKey, options = {}, cacheOptions = {}) { super(apiKey, options, cacheOptions); cacheOptions.namespace = cacheOptions.namespace || 'anthropic'; this.conversationsCache = new Keyv(cacheOptions); this.apiKey = apiKey || process.env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY; this.sender = 'Anthropic'; this.userLabel = HUMAN_PROMPT; this.assistantLabel = AI_PROMPT; this.setOptions(options); } setOptions(options) { if (this.options && !this.options.replaceOptions) { // nested options aren't spread properly, so we need to do this manually this.options.modelOptions = { ...this.options.modelOptions, ...options.modelOptions, }; delete options.modelOptions; // now we can merge options this.options = { ...this.options, ...options, }; } else { this.options = options; } const modelOptions = this.options.modelOptions || {}; this.modelOptions = { ...modelOptions, // set some good defaults (check for undefined in some cases because they may be 0) model: modelOptions.model || 'claude-1', temperature: typeof modelOptions.temperature === 'undefined' ? 0.7 : modelOptions.temperature, // 0 - 1, 0.7 is recommended topP: typeof modelOptions.topP === 'undefined' ? 0.7 : modelOptions.topP, // 0 - 1, default: 0.7 topK: typeof modelOptions.topK === 'undefined' ? 40 : modelOptions.topK, // 1-40, default: 40 stop: modelOptions.stop, // no stop method for now }; this.maxContextTokens = this.options.maxContextTokens || 99999; this.maxResponseTokens = this.modelOptions.maxOutputTokens || 1500; this.maxPromptTokens = this.options.maxPromptTokens || this.maxContextTokens - this.maxResponseTokens; if (this.maxPromptTokens + this.maxResponseTokens > this.maxContextTokens) { throw new Error( `maxPromptTokens + maxOutputTokens (${this.maxPromptTokens} + ${this.maxResponseTokens} = ${ this.maxPromptTokens + this.maxResponseTokens }) must be less than or equal to maxContextTokens (${this.maxContextTokens})`, ); } this.startToken = '||>'; this.endToken = ''; this.gptEncoder = this.constructor.getTokenizer('cl100k_base'); if (!this.modelOptions.stop) { const stopTokens = [this.startToken]; if (this.endToken && this.endToken !== this.startToken) { stopTokens.push(this.endToken); } stopTokens.push(`${this.userLabel}`); stopTokens.push('<|diff_marker|>'); this.modelOptions.stop = stopTokens; } return this; } getClient() { if (this.options.reverseProxyUrl) { return new Anthropic({ apiKey: this.apiKey, baseURL: this.options.reverseProxyUrl, }); } else { return new Anthropic({ apiKey: this.apiKey, }); } } async buildMessages(messages, parentMessageId) { const orderedMessages = this.constructor.getMessagesForConversation(messages, parentMessageId); if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('AnthropicClient: orderedMessages', orderedMessages, parentMessageId); } const formattedMessages = => ({ author: message.isCreatedByUser ? this.userLabel : this.assistantLabel, content: message?.content ?? message.text, })); let identityPrefix = ''; if (this.options.userLabel) { identityPrefix = `\nHuman's name: ${this.options.userLabel}`; } if (this.options.modelLabel) { identityPrefix = `${identityPrefix}\nYou are ${this.options.modelLabel}`; } let promptPrefix = (this.options.promptPrefix || '').trim(); if (promptPrefix) { // If the prompt prefix doesn't end with the end token, add it. if (!promptPrefix.endsWith(`${this.endToken}`)) { promptPrefix = `${promptPrefix.trim()}${this.endToken}\n\n`; } promptPrefix = `\nContext:\n${promptPrefix}`; } if (identityPrefix) { promptPrefix = `${identityPrefix}${promptPrefix}`; } const promptSuffix = `${promptPrefix}${this.assistantLabel}\n`; // Prompt AI to respond. let currentTokenCount = this.getTokenCount(promptSuffix); let promptBody = ''; const maxTokenCount = this.maxPromptTokens; const context = []; // Iterate backwards through the messages, adding them to the prompt until we reach the max token count. // Do this within a recursive async function so that it doesn't block the event loop for too long. // Also, remove the next message when the message that puts us over the token limit is created by the user. // Otherwise, remove only the exceeding message. This is due to Anthropic's strict payload rule to start with "Human:". const nextMessage = { remove: false, tokenCount: 0, messageString: '', }; const buildPromptBody = async () => { if (currentTokenCount < maxTokenCount && formattedMessages.length > 0) { const message = formattedMessages.pop(); const isCreatedByUser = === this.userLabel; const messageString = `${}\n${message.content}${this.endToken}\n`; let newPromptBody = `${messageString}${promptBody}`; context.unshift(message); const tokenCountForMessage = this.getTokenCount(messageString); const newTokenCount = currentTokenCount + tokenCountForMessage; if (!isCreatedByUser) { nextMessage.messageString = messageString; nextMessage.tokenCount = tokenCountForMessage; } if (newTokenCount > maxTokenCount) { if (!promptBody) { // This is the first message, so we can't add it. Just throw an error. throw new Error( `Prompt is too long. Max token count is ${maxTokenCount}, but prompt is ${newTokenCount} tokens long.`, ); } // Otherwise, ths message would put us over the token limit, so don't add it. // if created by user, remove next message, otherwise remove only this message if (isCreatedByUser) { nextMessage.remove = true; } return false; } promptBody = newPromptBody; currentTokenCount = newTokenCount; // wait for next tick to avoid blocking the event loop await new Promise((resolve) => setImmediate(resolve)); return buildPromptBody(); } return true; }; await buildPromptBody(); if (nextMessage.remove) { promptBody = promptBody.replace(nextMessage.messageString, ''); currentTokenCount -= nextMessage.tokenCount; context.shift(); } const prompt = `${promptBody}${promptSuffix}`; // Add 2 tokens for metadata after all messages have been counted. currentTokenCount += 2; // Use up to `this.maxContextTokens` tokens (prompt + response), but try to leave `this.maxTokens` tokens for the response. this.modelOptions.maxOutputTokens = Math.min( this.maxContextTokens - currentTokenCount, this.maxResponseTokens, ); return { prompt, context }; } getCompletion() { console.log('AnthropicClient doesn\'t use getCompletion (all handled in sendCompletion)'); } // TODO: implement abortController usage async sendCompletion(payload, { onProgress, abortController }) { if (!abortController) { abortController = new AbortController(); } const { signal } = abortController; const modelOptions = { ...this.modelOptions }; if (typeof onProgress === 'function') { = true; } const { debug } = this.options; if (debug) { console.debug(); console.debug(modelOptions); console.debug(); } const client = this.getClient(); const metadata = { user_id: this.user, }; let text = ''; const requestOptions = { prompt: payload, model: this.modelOptions.model, stream: || true, max_tokens_to_sample: this.modelOptions.maxOutputTokens || 1500, metadata, ...modelOptions, }; if (this.options.debug) { console.log('AnthropicClient: requestOptions'); console.dir(requestOptions, { depth: null }); } const response = await client.completions.create(requestOptions); signal.addEventListener('abort', () => { if (this.options.debug) { console.log('AnthropicClient: message aborted!'); } response.controller.abort(); }); for await (const completion of response) { if (this.options.debug) { // Uncomment to debug message stream // console.debug(completion); } text += completion.completion; onProgress(completion.completion); } signal.removeEventListener('abort', () => { if (this.options.debug) { console.log('AnthropicClient: message aborted!'); } response.controller.abort(); }); return text.trim(); } // I commented this out because I will need to refactor this for the BaseClient/all clients // getMessageMapMethod() { // return ((message) => ({ // author: message.isCreatedByUser ? this.userLabel : this.assistantLabel, // content: message?.content ?? message.text // })).bind(this); // } getSaveOptions() { return { promptPrefix: this.options.promptPrefix, modelLabel: this.options.modelLabel, ...this.modelOptions, }; } getBuildMessagesOptions() { if (this.options.debug) { console.log('AnthropicClient doesn\'t use getBuildMessagesOptions'); } } static getTokenizer(encoding, isModelName = false, extendSpecialTokens = {}) { if (tokenizersCache[encoding]) { return tokenizersCache[encoding]; } let tokenizer; if (isModelName) { tokenizer = encodingForModel(encoding, extendSpecialTokens); } else { tokenizer = getEncoding(encoding, extendSpecialTokens); } tokenizersCache[encoding] = tokenizer; return tokenizer; } getTokenCount(text) { return this.gptEncoder.encode(text, 'all').length; } } module.exports = AnthropicClient;