preview_dataset /
02alexander's picture
remove debug print
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from pathlib import PosixPath
from typing import Any
import cv2
import numpy as np
import rerun as rr
import torch
from lerobot.common.datasets.lerobot_dataset import LeRobotDataset
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_frame(
video_path: PosixPath, timestamp: float, video_cache: dict[PosixPath, tuple[np.ndarray, float]] | None = None
) -> np.ndarray:
Extracts a specific frame from a video.
`video_path`: path to the video.
`timestamp`: timestamp of the wanted frame.
`video_cache`: cache to prevent reading the same video file twice.
if video_cache is None:
video_cache = {}
if video_path not in video_cache:
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(str(video_path))
frames = []
while cap.isOpened():
success, frame =
if success:
frame_rate = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
video_cache[video_path] = (frames, frame_rate)
frames, frame_rate = video_cache[video_path]
return frames[int(timestamp * frame_rate)]
def to_rerun(
column_name: str,
value: Any,
video_cache: dict[PosixPath, tuple[np.ndarray, float]] | None = None,
videos_dir: PosixPath | None = None,
) -> Any:
"""Do our best to interpret the value and convert it to a Rerun-compatible archetype."""
if isinstance(value, Image.Image):
if "depth" in column_name:
return rr.DepthImage(value)
return rr.Image(value)
elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
return rr.Tensor(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
if isinstance(value[0], float):
return rr.BarChart(value)
return rr.TextDocument(str(value)) # Fallback to text
elif isinstance(value, float) or isinstance(value, int):
return rr.Scalar(value)
elif isinstance(value, torch.Tensor):
if value.dim() == 0:
return rr.Scalar(value.item())
elif value.dim() == 1:
return rr.BarChart(value)
elif value.dim() == 2 and "depth" in column_name:
return rr.DepthImage(value)
elif value.dim() == 2:
return rr.Image(value)
elif value.dim() == 3 and (value.shape[2] == 3 or value.shape[2] == 4):
return rr.Image(value) # Treat it as a RGB or RGBA image
return rr.Tensor(value)
elif isinstance(value, dict) and "path" in value and "timestamp" in value:
path = (videos_dir or PosixPath("./")) / PosixPath(value["path"])
timestamp = value["timestamp"]
return rr.Image(get_frame(path, timestamp, video_cache=video_cache))
return rr.TextDocument(str(value)) # Fallback to text
def log_lerobot_dataset_to_rerun(dataset: LeRobotDataset, episode_index: int) -> None:
# Special time-like columns for LeRobot datasets (
TIME_LIKE = {"index", "frame_id", "timestamp"}
# Ignore these columns (again, LeRobot-specific):
IGNORE = {"episode_data_index_from", "episode_data_index_to", "episode_id"}
hf_ds_subset = dataset.hf_dataset.filter(
lambda frame: "episode_index" not in frame or frame["episode_index"] == episode_index
video_cache: dict[PosixPath, tuple[np.ndarray, float]] = {}
for row in tqdm(hf_ds_subset):
# Handle time-like columns first, since they set a state (time is an index in Rerun):
for column_name in TIME_LIKE:
if column_name in row:
cell = row[column_name]
if isinstance(cell, torch.Tensor) and cell.dim() == 0:
cell = cell.item()
if isinstance(cell, int):
rr.set_time_sequence(column_name, cell)
elif isinstance(cell, float):
rr.set_time_seconds(column_name, cell) # assume seconds
print(f"Unknown time-like column {column_name} with value {cell}")
# Now log actual data columns:
for column_name, cell in row.items():
if column_name in TIME_LIKE or column_name in IGNORE:
to_rerun(column_name, cell, video_cache=video_cache, videos_dir=dataset.videos_dir.parent),
def log_dataset_to_rerun(dataset: Any) -> None:
TIME_LIKE = {"index", "frame_id", "timestamp"}
for row in tqdm(dataset):
# Handle time-like columns first, since they set a state (time is an index in Rerun):
for column_name in TIME_LIKE:
if column_name in row:
cell = row[column_name]
if isinstance(cell, int):
rr.set_time_sequence(column_name, cell)
elif isinstance(cell, float):
rr.set_time_seconds(column_name, cell) # assume seconds
print(f"Unknown time-like column {column_name} with value {cell}")
# Now log actual data columns:
for column_name, cell in row.items():
if column_name in TIME_LIKE:
rr.log(column_name, to_rerun(column_name, cell))