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import os
from typing import *
import torch
from allennlp.common.from_params import Params, T, pop_and_construct_arg
from allennlp.models.model import Model
from allennlp.modules import TextFieldEmbedder
from allennlp.modules.seq2seq_encoders.pytorch_seq2seq_wrapper import Seq2SeqEncoder
from allennlp.modules.span_extractors import SpanExtractor
from import Metric
from ..metrics import ExactMatch
from ..modules import SpanFinder, SpanTyping
from ..utils import num2mask, VIRTUAL_ROOT, Span, tensor2span
class SpanModel(Model):
Identify/Find spans; link them as a tree; label them.
default_predictor = 'span'
def __init__(
vocab: Vocabulary,
# Modules
word_embedding: TextFieldEmbedder,
span_extractor: SpanExtractor,
span_finder: SpanFinder,
span_typing: SpanTyping,
# Config
typing_loss_factor: float = 1.,
max_recursion_depth: int = -1,
max_decoding_spans: int = -1,
debug: bool = False,
# Ontology Constraints
ontology_path: Optional[str] = None,
# Metrics
metrics: Optional[List[Metric]] = None,
) -> None:
Note for jsonnet file: it doesn't strictly follow the init examples of every module for that we override
the from_params method.
You can either check the SpanModel.from_params or the example jsonnet file.
:param vocab: No need to specify.
## Modules
:param word_embedding: Refer to the module doc.
:param span_extractor: Refer to the module doc.
:param span_finder: Refer to the module doc.
:param span_typing: Refer to the module doc.
## Configs
:param typing_loss_factor: loss = span_finder_loss + span_typing_loss * typing_loss_factor
:param max_recursion_depth: Maximum tree depth for inference. E.g., 1 for shallow event typing, 2 for SRL,
-1 (unlimited) for dependency parsing.
:param max_decoding_spans: Maximum spans for inference. -1 for unlimited.
:param debug: Useless now.
self._pad_idx = vocab.get_token_index(DEFAULT_PADDING_TOKEN, 'token')
self._null_idx = vocab.get_token_index(DEFAULT_OOV_TOKEN, 'span_label')
self.word_embedding = word_embedding
self._span_finder = span_finder
self._span_extractor = span_extractor
self._span_typing = span_typing
self.metrics = [ExactMatch(True), ExactMatch(False)]
if metrics is not None:
if ontology_path is not None and os.path.exists(ontology_path):
self._span_typing.load_ontology(ontology_path, self.vocab)
self._max_decoding_spans = max_decoding_spans
self._typing_loss_factor = typing_loss_factor
self._max_recursion_depth = max_recursion_depth
self.debug = debug
def forward(
tokens: Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]],
span_boundary: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
span_labels: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
parent_indices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
parent_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
bio_seqs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
raw_inputs: Optional[dict] = None,
meta: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
For training, provide all blow.
For inference, it's enough to only provide words.
:param tokens: Indexed input sentence. Shape: [batch, token]
:param span_boundary: Start and end indices for every span. Note this includes both parent and
non-parent spans. Shape: [batch, span, 2]. For the last dim, [0] is start idx and [1] is end idx.
:param span_labels: Indexed label for spans, including parent and non-parent ones. Shape: [batch, span]
:param parent_indices: The parent span idx of every span. Shape: [batch, span]
:param parent_mask: True if this span is a parent. Shape: [batch, span]
:param bio_seqs: Shape [batch, parent, token, 3]
:param raw_inputs
:param meta: Meta information. Will be copied to the outputs.
- loss: training loss
- prediction: Predicted spans
- meta: Meta info copied from input
- inputs: Input sentences and spans (if exist)
ret = {'inputs': raw_inputs, 'meta': meta or dict()}
is_eval = span_labels is not None and not # evaluation on dev set
is_test = span_labels is None # test on test set
# Shape [batch]
num_spans = (span_labels != -1).sum(1) if span_labels is not None else None
num_words = tokens['pieces']['mask'].sum(1)
# Shape [batch, word, token_dim]
token_vec = self.word_embedding(tokens)
if span_labels is not None:
# Revise the padding value from -1 to 0
span_labels[span_labels == -1] = 0
# Calculate Loss
if or is_eval:
# Shape [batch, word, token_dim]
span_vec = self._span_extractor(token_vec, span_boundary)
finder_rst = self._span_finder(
token_vec, num2mask(num_words), span_vec, num2mask(num_spans), span_labels, parent_indices,
parent_mask, bio_seqs
typing_rst = self._span_typing(span_vec, parent_indices, span_labels)
ret['loss'] = finder_rst['loss'] + typing_rst['loss'] * self._typing_loss_factor
# Decoding
if is_eval or is_test:
pred_span_boundary, pred_span_labels, pred_parent_indices, pred_cursor, pred_label_confidence \
= self.inference(num_words, token_vec, **extra)
prediction = self.post_process_pred(
pred_span_boundary, pred_span_labels, pred_parent_indices, pred_cursor, pred_label_confidence
for pred, raw_in in zip(prediction, raw_inputs):
pred.re_index(raw_in['offsets'], True, True, True)
ret['prediction'] = prediction
if 'spans' in raw_inputs[0]:
for pred, raw_in in zip(prediction, raw_inputs):
gold = raw_in['spans']
for metric in self.metrics:
metric(pred, gold)
return ret
def inference(
num_words: torch.Tensor,
token_vec: torch.Tensor,
n_batch = num_words.shape[0]
# The decoding results are preserved in the following tensors starting with `pred`
# During inference, we completely ignore the arguments defaulted None in the forward method.
# The span indexing space is shift to the decoding span space. (since we do not have gold span now)
# boundary indices of every predicted span
pred_span_boundary = num_words.new_zeros([n_batch, self._max_decoding_spans, 2])
# labels (and corresponding confidence) for predicted spans
pred_span_labels = num_words.new_full(
[n_batch, self._max_decoding_spans], self.vocab.get_token_index(VIRTUAL_ROOT, 'span_label')
pred_label_confidence = num_words.new_zeros([n_batch, self._max_decoding_spans])
# label masked as True will be treated as parent in the next round
pred_parent_mask = num_words.new_zeros([n_batch, self._max_decoding_spans], dtype=torch.bool)
pred_parent_mask[:, 0] = True
# parent index (in the span indexing space) for every span
pred_parent_indices = num_words.new_zeros([n_batch, self._max_decoding_spans])
# what index have we reached for every batch?
pred_cursor = num_words.new_ones([n_batch])
# Pass environment variables to handler. Extra variables will be ignored.
# So pass the union of variables that are needed by different modules.
span_find_handler = self._span_finder.inference_forward_handler(
token_vec, num2mask(num_words), self._span_extractor, **auxiliaries
# Every step here is one layer of the tree. It deals with all the parents for the last layer
# so there might be 0 to multiple parents for a batch for a single step.
for _ in range(self._max_recursion_depth):
cursor_before_find = pred_cursor.clone()
pred_span_boundary, pred_span_labels, pred_parent_mask, pred_parent_indices, pred_cursor
# Labels of old spans are re-predicted. It doesn't matter since their results shouldn't change
# in theory.
span_typing_ret = self._span_typing(
self._span_extractor(token_vec, pred_span_boundary), pred_parent_indices, pred_span_labels, True
pred_span_labels = span_typing_ret['prediction']
pred_label_confidence = span_typing_ret['label_confidence']
pred_span_labels[:, 0] = self.vocab.get_token_index(VIRTUAL_ROOT, 'span_label')
pred_parent_mask = (
num2mask(cursor_before_find, self._max_decoding_spans) ^ num2mask(pred_cursor,
# Break the inference loop if 1) all batches reach max span limit OR 2) no parent is predicted
# at last step OR 3) max recursion limit is reached (for loop condition)
if (pred_cursor == self._max_decoding_spans).all() or pred_parent_mask.sum() == 0:
return pred_span_boundary, pred_span_labels, pred_parent_indices, pred_cursor, pred_label_confidence
def one_step_prediction(
tokens: Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]],
parent_boundary: torch.Tensor,
parent_labels: torch.Tensor,
Single step prediction. Given parent span boundary indices, return the corresponding children spans
and their labels.
Restriction: Each sentence contain exactly 1 parent.
For efficient multi-layer prediction, i.e. given a root, predict the whole tree,
refer to the `forward' method.
:param tokens: See forward.
:param parent_boundary: Pairs of (start_idx, end_idx) for parents. Shape [batch, 2]
:param parent_labels: Labels for parents. Shape [batch]
Note: If `no_label' is on in span_finder module, this will be ignored.
children_boundary: (start_idx, end_idx) for every child span. Padded with (0, 0).
Shape [batch, children, 2]
children_labels: Label for every child span. Padded with null_idx. Shape [batch, children]
num_children: The number of children predicted for parent/batch. Shape [batch]
Tips: You can use num2mask method to convert this to bool tensor mask.
num_words = tokens['pieces']['mask'].sum(1)
# Shape [batch, word, token_dim]
token_vec = self.word_embedding(tokens)
n_batch = token_vec.shape[0]
# The following variables assumes the parent is the 0-th span, and we let the model
# to extend the span list.
pred_span_boundary = num_words.new_zeros([n_batch, self._max_decoding_spans, 2])
pred_span_boundary[:, 0] = parent_boundary
pred_span_labels = num_words.new_full([n_batch, self._max_decoding_spans], self._null_idx)
pred_span_labels[:, 0] = parent_labels
pred_parent_mask = num_words.new_zeros(pred_span_labels.shape, dtype=torch.bool)
pred_parent_mask[:, 0] = True
pred_parent_indices = num_words.new_zeros([n_batch, self._max_decoding_spans])
# We start from idx 1 since 0 is the parents.
pred_cursor = num_words.new_ones([n_batch])
span_find_handler = self._span_finder.inference_forward_handler(
token_vec, num2mask(num_words), self._span_extractor
pred_span_boundary, pred_span_labels, pred_parent_mask, pred_parent_indices, pred_cursor
typing_out = self._span_typing(
self._span_extractor(token_vec, pred_span_boundary), pred_parent_indices, pred_span_labels, True
pred_span_labels = typing_out['prediction']
# Now remove the parent
num_children = pred_cursor - 1
max_children = int(num_children.max())
children_boundary = pred_span_boundary[:, 1:max_children + 1]
children_labels = pred_span_labels[:, 1:max_children + 1]
children_distribution = typing_out['distribution'][:, 1:max_children + 1]
return children_boundary, children_labels, num_children, children_distribution
def post_process_pred(
self, span_boundary, span_labels, parent_indices, num_spans, label_confidence
) -> List[Span]:
pred_spans = tensor2span(
span_boundary, span_labels, parent_indices, num_spans, label_confidence,
return pred_spans
def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]:
ret = dict()
if reset:
for metric in self.metrics:
return ret
def from_params(
cls: Type[T],
params: Params,
constructor_to_call: Callable[..., T] = None,
constructor_to_inspect: Callable[..., T] = None,
) -> T:
Specify the dependency between modules. E.g. the input dim of a module might depend on the output dim
of another module.
vocab = extras['vocab']
word_embedding = pop_and_construct_arg('SpanModel', 'word_embedding', TextFieldEmbedder, None, params, **extras)
label_dim, token_emb_dim = params.pop('label_dim'), word_embedding.get_output_dim()
span_extractor = pop_and_construct_arg(
'SpanModel', 'span_extractor', SpanExtractor, None, params, input_dim=token_emb_dim, **extras
label_embedding = torch.nn.Embedding(vocab.get_vocab_size('span_label'), label_dim)
extras['label_emb'] = label_embedding
if params.get('span_finder').get('type') == 'bio':
bio_encoder = Seq2SeqEncoder.from_params(
input_size=span_extractor.get_output_dim() + token_emb_dim + label_dim,
input_dim=span_extractor.get_output_dim() + token_emb_dim + label_dim,
extras['span_finder'] = SpanFinder.from_params(
params.pop('span_finder'), bio_encoder=bio_encoder, **extras
extras['span_finder'] = pop_and_construct_arg(
'SpanModel', 'span_finder', SpanFinder, None, params, **extras
extras['span_finder'].label_emb = label_embedding
if params.get('span_typing').get('type') == 'mlp':
extras['span_typing'] = SpanTyping.from_params(
input_dim=span_extractor.get_output_dim() * 2 + label_dim,
vocab.get_token_index(lti, 'span_label')
extras['span_typing'] = pop_and_construct_arg(
'SpanModel', 'span_typing', SpanTyping, None, params, **extras
extras['span_typing'].label_emb = label_embedding
return super().from_params(