import os from time import time from typing import * import json import numpy as np import torch from allennlp.common.util import JsonDict, sanitize from import DatasetReader, Instance from import SimpleDataLoader from import MaxTokensBatchSampler from import SpacyTokenizer from allennlp.models import Model from allennlp.nn import util as nn_util from allennlp.predictors import Predictor from concrete import ( MentionArgument, SituationMentionSet, SituationMention, TokenRefSequence, EntityMention, EntityMentionSet, Entity, EntitySet, AnnotationMetadata, Communication ) from concrete.util import CommunicationReader, AnalyticUUIDGeneratorFactory, CommunicationWriterZip from concrete.validate import validate_communication from ..data_reader import concrete_doc, concrete_doc_tokenized from ..utils import Span, re_index_span, VIRTUAL_ROOT class PredictionReturn(NamedTuple): span: Union[Span, dict, Communication] sentence: List[str] meta: Dict[str, Any] class ForceDecodingReturn(NamedTuple): span: np.ndarray label: List[str] distribution: np.ndarray @Predictor.register('span') class SpanPredictor(Predictor): @staticmethod def format_convert( sentence: Union[List[str], List[List[str]]], prediction: Union[Span, List[Span]], output_format: str ): if output_format == 'span': return prediction elif output_format == 'json': if isinstance(prediction, list): return [SpanPredictor.format_convert(sent, pred, 'json') for sent, pred in zip(sentence, prediction)] return prediction.to_json() elif output_format == 'concrete': if isinstance(prediction, Span): sentence, prediction = [sentence], [prediction] return concrete_doc_tokenized(sentence, prediction) def predict_concrete( self, concrete_path: str, output_path: Optional[str] = None, max_tokens: int = 2048, ontology_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) writer = CommunicationWriterZip(output_path) for comm, fn in CommunicationReader(concrete_path): assert len(comm.sectionList) == 1 concrete_sentences = comm.sectionList[0].sentenceList json_sentences = list() for con_sent in concrete_sentences: json_sentences.append( [t.text for t in con_sent.tokenization.tokenList.tokenList] ) predictions = self.predict_batch_sentences(json_sentences, max_tokens, ontology_mapping=ontology_mapping) # Merge predictions into concrete aug = AnalyticUUIDGeneratorFactory(comm).create() situation_mention_set = SituationMentionSet(next(aug), AnnotationMetadata('Span Finder', time()), list()) comm.situationMentionSetList = [situation_mention_set] situation_mention_set.mentionList = sm_list = list() entity_mention_set = EntityMentionSet(next(aug), AnnotationMetadata('Span Finder', time()), list()) comm.entityMentionSetList = [entity_mention_set] entity_mention_set.mentionList = em_list = list() entity_set = EntitySet( next(aug), AnnotationMetadata('Span Finder', time()), list(), None, entity_mention_set.uuid ) comm.entitySetList = [entity_set] em_dict = dict() for con_sent, pred in zip(concrete_sentences, predictions): for event in pred.span: def raw_text_span(start_idx, end_idx, **_): si_char = con_sent.tokenization.tokenList.tokenList[start_idx].textSpan.start ei_char = con_sent.tokenization.tokenList.tokenList[end_idx].textSpan.ending return comm.text[si_char:ei_char] sm = SituationMention( next(aug), text=raw_text_span(event.start_idx, event.end_idx), situationKind=event.label, situationType='EVENT', confidence=event.confidence, argumentList=list(), tokens=TokenRefSequence( tokenIndexList=list(range(event.start_idx, event.end_idx+1)), tokenizationId=con_sent.tokenization.uuid ) ) for arg in event: em = em_dict.get((arg.start_idx, arg.end_idx + 1)) if em is None: em = EntityMention( next(aug), tokens=TokenRefSequence( tokenIndexList=list(range(arg.start_idx, arg.end_idx+1)), tokenizationId=con_sent.tokenization.uuid, ), text=raw_text_span(arg.start_idx, arg.end_idx) ) em_list.append(em) entity_set.entityList.append(Entity(next(aug), id=em.text, mentionIdList=[em.uuid])) em_dict[(arg.start_idx, arg.end_idx+1)] = em sm.argumentList.append(MentionArgument( role=arg.label, entityMentionId=em.uuid, confidence=arg.confidence )) sm_list.append(sm) validate_communication(comm) writer.write(comm, fn) writer.close() def predict_sentence( self, sentence: Union[str, List[str]], ontology_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, output_format: str = 'span', ) -> PredictionReturn: """ Predict spans on a single sentence (no batch). If not tokenized, will tokenize it with SpacyTokenizer. :param sentence: If tokenized, should be a list of tokens in string. If not, should be a string. :param ontology_mapping: :param output_format: span, json or concrete. """ prediction = self.predict_json(self._prepare_sentence(sentence)) prediction['prediction'] = self.format_convert( prediction['sentence'], Span.from_json(prediction['prediction']).map_ontology(ontology_mapping), output_format ) return PredictionReturn(prediction['prediction'], prediction['sentence'], prediction.get('meta', dict())) def predict_batch_sentences( self, sentences: List[Union[List[str], str]], max_tokens: int = 512, ontology_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, output_format: str = 'span', ) -> List[PredictionReturn]: """ Predict spans on a batch of sentences. If not tokenized, will tokenize it with SpacyTokenizer. :param sentences: A list of sentences. Refer to `predict_sentence`. :param max_tokens: Maximum tokens in a batch. :param ontology_mapping: If not None, will try to map the output from one ontology to another. If the predicted frame is not in the mapping, the prediction will be ignored. :param output_format: span, json or concrete. :return: A list of predictions. """ sentences = list(map(self._prepare_sentence, sentences)) for i_sent, sent in enumerate(sentences): sent['meta'] = {"idx": i_sent} instances = list(map(self._json_to_instance, sentences)) outputs = list() for ins_indices in MaxTokensBatchSampler(max_tokens, ["tokens"], 0.0).get_batch_indices(instances): batch_ins = list( SimpleDataLoader([instances[ins_idx] for ins_idx in ins_indices], len(ins_indices), vocab=self.vocab) )[0] batch_inputs = nn_util.move_to_device(batch_ins, device=self.cuda_device) batch_outputs = self._model(**batch_inputs) for meta, prediction, inputs in zip( batch_outputs['meta'], batch_outputs['prediction'], batch_outputs['inputs'] ): prediction.map_ontology(ontology_mapping) prediction = self.format_convert(inputs['sentence'], prediction, output_format) outputs.append(PredictionReturn(prediction, inputs['sentence'], {"input_idx": meta['idx']})) outputs.sort(key=lambda x: x.meta['input_idx']) return outputs def predict_instance(self, instance: Instance) -> JsonDict: outputs = self._model.forward_on_instance(instance) outputs = sanitize(outputs) return { 'prediction': outputs['prediction'], 'sentence': outputs['inputs']['sentence'], 'meta': outputs.get('meta', {}) } def __init__( self, model: Model, dataset_reader: DatasetReader, frozen: bool = True, ): super(SpanPredictor, self).__init__(model=model, dataset_reader=dataset_reader, frozen=frozen) self.spacy_tokenizer = SpacyTokenizer(language='en_core_web_sm') def economize( self, max_decoding_spans: Optional[int] = None, max_recursion_depth: Optional[int] = None, ): if max_decoding_spans: self._model._max_decoding_spans = max_decoding_spans if max_recursion_depth: self._model._max_recursion_depth = max_recursion_depth def _json_to_instance(self, json_dict: JsonDict) -> Instance: return self._dataset_reader.text_to_instance(**json_dict) @staticmethod def to_nested(prediction: List[dict]): first_layer, idx2children = list(), dict() for idx, pred in enumerate(prediction): children = list() pred['children'] = idx2children[idx+1] = children if pred['parent'] == 0: first_layer.append(pred) else: idx2children[pred['parent']].append(pred) del pred['parent'] return first_layer def _prepare_sentence(self, sentence: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: if isinstance(sentence, str): while ' ' in sentence: sentence = sentence.replace(' ', ' ') sentence = sentence.replace(chr(65533), '') if sentence == '': sentence = [""] sentence = list(map(str, self.spacy_tokenizer.tokenize(sentence))) return {"tokens": sentence} @staticmethod def json_to_concrete( predictions: List[dict], ): sentences = list() for pred in predictions: tokenization, event = list(), list() sent = {'text': ' '.join(pred['inputs']), 'tokenization': tokenization, 'event': event} sentences.append(sent) start_idx = 0 for token in pred['inputs']: tokenization.append((start_idx, len(token)-1+start_idx)) start_idx += len(token) + 1 for pred_event in pred['prediction']: arg_list = list() one_event = {'argument': arg_list} event.append(one_event) for key in ['start_idx', 'end_idx', 'label']: one_event[key] = pred_event[key] for pred_arg in pred_event['children']: arg_list.append({key: pred_arg[key] for key in ['start_idx', 'end_idx', 'label']}) concrete_comm = concrete_doc(sentences) return concrete_comm def force_decode( self, sentence: List[str], parent_span: Tuple[int, int] = (-1, -1), parent_label: str = VIRTUAL_ROOT, child_spans: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None, ) -> ForceDecodingReturn: """ Force decoding. There are 2 modes: 1. Given parent span and its label, find all it children (direct children, not including other descendents) and type them. 2. Given parent span, parent label, and children spans, type all children. :param sentence: Tokens. :param parent_span: [start_idx, end_idx], both inclusive. :param parent_label: Parent label in string. :param child_spans: Optional. If provided, will turn to mode 2; else mode 1. :return: - span: children spans. - label: most probable labels of children. - distribution: distribution over children labels. """ instance = self._dataset_reader.text_to_instance(self._prepare_sentence(sentence)['tokens']) model_input = nn_util.move_to_device( list(SimpleDataLoader([instance], 1, vocab=self.vocab))[0], device=self.cuda_device ) offsets = instance.fields['raw_inputs'].metadata['offsets'] with torch.no_grad(): tokens = model_input['tokens'] parent_span = re_index_span(parent_span, offsets) if parent_span[1] >= self._dataset_reader.max_length: return ForceDecodingReturn( np.zeros([0, 2],, [], np.zeros([0, self.vocab.get_vocab_size('span_label')], dtype=np.float64) ) if child_spans is not None: token_vec = self._model.word_embedding(tokens) child_pieces = [re_index_span(bdr, offsets) for bdr in child_spans] child_pieces = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] < self._dataset_reader.max_length-1, child_pieces)) span_tensor = torch.tensor( [parent_span] + child_pieces, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.device ).unsqueeze(0) parent_indices = span_tensor.new_zeros(span_tensor.shape[0:2]) span_labels = parent_indices.new_full( parent_indices.shape, self._model.vocab.get_token_index(parent_label, 'span_label') ) span_vec = self._model._span_extractor(token_vec, span_tensor) typing_out = self._model._span_typing(span_vec, parent_indices, span_labels) distribution = typing_out['distribution'][0, 1:].cpu().numpy() boundary = np.array(child_spans) else: parent_label_tensor = torch.tensor( [self._model.vocab.get_token_index(parent_label, 'span_label')], device=self.device ) parent_boundary_tensor = torch.tensor([parent_span], device=self.device) boundary, _, num_children, distribution = self._model.one_step_prediction( tokens, parent_boundary_tensor, parent_label_tensor ) boundary, distribution = boundary[0].cpu().tolist(), distribution[0].cpu().numpy() boundary = np.array([re_index_span(bdr, offsets, True) for bdr in boundary]) labels = [ self.vocab.get_token_from_index(label_idx, 'span_label') for label_idx in distribution.argmax(1) ] return ForceDecodingReturn(boundary, labels, distribution) @property def vocab(self): return self._model.vocab @property def device(self): return self.cuda_device if self.cuda_device > -1 else 'cpu' @staticmethod def read_ontology_mapping(file_path: str): """ Read the ontology mapping file. The file format can be read in docs. """ if file_path is None: return None if file_path.endswith('.json'): return json.load(open(file_path)) mapping = dict() for line in open(file_path).readlines(): parent_label, original_label, new_label = line.replace('\n', '').split('\t') if parent_label == '*': mapping[original_label] = new_label else: mapping[(parent_label, original_label)] = new_label return mapping