QuadAttack release
history blame
No virus
3.93 kB
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import cvxpy as cp
import qpth
from . import _qp_solver_patch
def solve_qp(Q, P, G, H):
B = Q.shape[0]
if B == 1:
# Batch size of 1 has weird instabilities
# I imagine there is a .squeeze() or something inside the QP solver's code
# that messes up broadcasting dimensions when batch dimension is 1 so let's
# artificially make 2 solutions when we need 1
Q = Q.expand(2, -1, -1)
P = P.expand(2, -1)
G = G.expand(2, -1, -1)
H = H.expand(2, -1)
e = torch.empty(0, device=Q.device)
z_sol = qpth.qp.QPFunction(verbose=-1, eps=1e-2, check_Q_spd=False)(Q, P, G, H, e, e)
if B == 1:
z_sol = z_sol[:1]
return z_sol
class CVXProjLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, confidence=0):
self.confidence = confidence
def precompute(self, attack_targets, gt_labels, config):
return {
"margin": config.cvx_proj_margin
def forward(self, logits_pred, feats_pred, feats_pred_0, attack_targets, model, margin, **kwargs):
device = logits_pred.device
head_W, head_bias = model.head_matrices()
num_feats = head_W.shape[1]
num_classes = head_W.shape[0]
K = attack_targets.shape[-1]
B = logits_pred.shape[0]
# Start with all classes should be less than smallest attack target
D = -torch.eye(num_classes, device=device)[None].repeat(B, 1, 1) # [B, C, C]
attack_targets_write = attack_targets[:, -1][:, None, None].expand(-1, D.shape[1], -1)
D.scatter_(dim=2, index=attack_targets_write, src=torch.ones(attack_targets_write.shape, device=device))
# Clear out the constraint row for each item in the attack targets
attack_targets_clear = attack_targets[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, D.shape[-1])
D.scatter_(dim=1, index=attack_targets_clear, src=torch.zeros(attack_targets_clear.shape, device=device))
batch_inds = torch.arange(B, device=device)[:, None].expand(-1, K - 1)
attack_targets_pos = attack_targets[:, :-1] # [B, K-1]
attack_targets_neg = attack_targets[:, 1:] # [B, K-1]
attack_targets_neg_inds = torch.stack((
), dim=0) # [3, B, K - 1]
attack_targets_neg_inds = attack_targets_neg_inds.view(3, -1)
D[attack_targets_neg_inds[0], attack_targets_neg_inds[1], attack_targets_neg_inds[2]] = -1
attack_targets_pos_inds = torch.stack((
), dim=0) # [3, B, K - 1]
D[attack_targets_pos_inds[0], attack_targets_pos_inds[1], attack_targets_pos_inds[2]] = 1
A = head_W
b = head_bias
Q = 2*torch.eye(feats_pred.shape[1], device=device)[None].expand(B, -1, -1)
# We want the solution features to be as close as possible
# to the current features but also head on the direction of
# the smallest possible perturbation from the initial predicted
# features
anchor_feats = feats_pred
P = -2*anchor_feats.expand(B, -1)
G = -D@A
H = -(margin - D @ b)
# Constraints are indexed by smaller logit
# First attack target isn't smaller than any logit, so its
# constraint index is redundant, but we keep it for easier parallelization
# Make this constraint all 0s
zero_inds = attack_targets[:, 0:1] # [B, 1]
H.scatter_(dim=1, index=zero_inds, src=torch.zeros(zero_inds.shape, device=device))
z_sol = solve_qp(Q, P, G, H)
loss = (feats_pred - z_sol).square().sum(dim=-1)
# loss_check = self.forward_check(logits_pred, feats_pred, attack_targets, model, **kwargs)
return loss