seed: 10 nproc_per_node: 1 k: 5 data_path: ./ train_batch_size: 64 eval_batch_size: 64 num_workers: 4 max_epochs: 1000 train_epoch_length: null eval_epoch_length: null lr: 0.001 unguided_lr: 0.0022 use_amp: false debug: false model: resnet50 dataset: imagenet output_dir: ./logs log_every_iters: 1 unguided_iterations: 30 overfit: false guide_model: "unguided" loss: "cvxproj" out_dir: "" attack_sampling: "random" cvx_proj_margin: 0.2 topk_loss_coef_upper: 20 opt_warmup_its: 5 binary_search_steps: 1 dump_plots: false plot_idx: find # or specific batch idx plot_out: "myplots/mymethod" # List of models used to find correct subset compare_models: ["resnet50", "deit_small", "vit_base", "densenet121"]