rishi9440's picture
Update app.py
history blame
2.78 kB
import streamlit as st
import os
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
from src.utils import change_background, matte
from src.st_style import apply_prod_style
apply_prod_style(st) # NOTE: Uncomment this for production!
def V_SPACE(lines):
for _ in range(lines):
st.write(' ')
def image_download_button(pil_image, filename: str, fmt: str, label="Download"):
if fmt not in ["jpg", "png"]:
raise Exception(f"Unknown image format (Available: {fmt} - case sensitive)")
pil_format = "JPEG" if fmt == "jpg" else "PNG"
file_format = "jpg" if fmt == "jpg" else "png"
mime = "image/jpeg/?target=external" if fmt == "jpg" else "image/png/?target=external"
buf = BytesIO()
pil_image.save(buf, format=pil_format)
# Return the binary data as a string
return buf.getvalue()
def download_button(pil_image, filename: str, fmt: str, label="Download"):
if fmt not in ["jpg", "png"]:
raise Exception(f"Unknown image format (Available: {fmt} - case sensitive)")
pil_format = "JPEG" if fmt == "jpg" else "PNG"
file_format = "jpg" if fmt == "jpg" else "png"
mime = "image/jpeg/?target=external" if fmt == "jpg" else "image/png/?target=external"
buf = BytesIO()
pil_image.save(buf, format=pil_format)
# Display the download button
href = f'<a href="data:{mime};base64,{buf.getvalue().decode("utf-8")}" download="{filename}.{file_format}">{label}</a>'
st.markdown(href, unsafe_allow_html=True)
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(
label="Upload your photo here",
accept_multiple_files=False, type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg"],
if uploaded_file is not None:
in_mode = "Transparent (PNG)"
in_submit = st.button("Submit")
if uploaded_file is not None and in_submit:
img_input = Image.open(uploaded_file)
with st.spinner("AI is doing magic to your photo. Please wait..."):
hexmap = {
"Transparent (PNG)": "#000000",
"Black": "#000000",
"White": "#FFFFFF",
"Green": "#22EE22",
"Red": "#EE2222",
"Blue": "#2222EE",
alpha = 0.0 if in_mode == "Transparent (PNG)" else 1.0
img_matte = matte(img_input)
img_output = change_background(img_input, img_matte, background_alpha=alpha, background_hex=hexmap[in_mode])
with st.expander("Success!", expanded=True):
uploaded_name = os.path.splitext(uploaded_file.name)[0]