preeti-unicode /
rockerritesh's picture
73d5691 verified
import streamlit as st
import PyPDF2
import io
import os
import re
import string
import nltk
# # Download NLTK resources
# # English words from NLTK corpus
# english_words = set(nltk.corpus.words.words())
# with open("index.dic") as f:
# hunspell_words = {line.split("/")[0].strip() for line in f if not line.startswith("#")}
# def is_english_word(word):
# return word.lower() in hunspell_words
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer, PorterStemmer
from nltk.corpus import words, wordnet
import spacy
from spellchecker import SpellChecker
import string
import spacy.cli"en_core_web_sm")
# Download necessary NLTK resources'wordnet')'words')
# Initialize tools
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
stemmer = PorterStemmer()
english_words = set(words.words())
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") # SpaCy language model
spell = SpellChecker() # Spell checker
import en_core_web_sm
nlp = en_core_web_sm.load()
# Combine dictionaries for better coverage
combined_dictionary = english_words.union(spell.word_frequency.keys())
def is_english_word(word):
Checks if a word is English and returns the valid English word or None if not recognized.
# Preprocess the word: strip punctuation and lowercase
word_cleaned = word.lower().strip(string.punctuation)
if not word_cleaned:
return None
# 1. Direct dictionary match
if word_cleaned in combined_dictionary:
return word_cleaned
# 2. Lemmatization
lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word_cleaned)
if lemma in combined_dictionary:
return lemma
# 3. Stemming
stem = stemmer.stem(word_cleaned)
if stem in combined_dictionary:
return stem
# 4. Spell checker
corrected_word = spell.correction(word_cleaned)
if corrected_word in combined_dictionary:
return corrected_word
# 5. SpaCy's language model (check if token is recognized as English)
doc = nlp(word_cleaned)
if doc and doc[0].is_alpha and doc[0].lang_ == "en":
return word_cleaned
return None
# Define Devanagari digits and patterns for matching
DEVANAGARI_DIGITS = {'०', '१', '२', '३', '४', '५', '६', '७', '८', '९', '१०'}
DEVANAGARI_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^[०-९]+(?:[.,/-][०-९]+)*$') # Match Devanagari digits
NUMERIC_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\d+(?:[.,/]\d+)*$') # Match numeric patterns
# Unicode conversion mappings
unicodeatoz = ["ब", "द", "अ", "म", "भ", "ा", "न", "ज", "ष्", "व", "प", "ि", "फ", "ल", "य", "उ", "त्र", "च", "क", "त", "ग", "ख", "ध", "ह", "थ", "श"]
unicodeAtoZ = ["ब्", "ध", "ऋ", "म्", "भ्", "ँ", "न्", "ज्", "क्ष्", "व्", "प्", "ी", "ः", "ल्", "इ", "ए", "त्त", "च्", "क्", "त्", "ग्", "ख्", "ध्", "ह्", "थ्", "श्"]
unicode0to9 = ["ण्", "ज्ञ", "द्द", "घ", "द्ध", "छ", "ट", "ठ", "ड", "ढ"]
symbolsDict = {
"~": "ञ्", "`": "ञ", "!": "१", "@": "२", "#": "३", "$": "४", "%": "५", "^": "६", "&": "७", "*": "८", "(": "९",
")": "०", "-": "(", "_": ")", "+": "ं", "[": "ृ", "{": "र्", "]": "े", "}": "ै", "\\": "्", "|": "्र", ";": "स",
":": "स्", "'": "ु", "\"": "ू", ",": ",", "<": "?", ".": "।", ">": "श्र", "/": "र", "?": "रु", "=": ".",
"ˆ": "फ्", "Î": "ङ्ख", "å": "द्व", "÷": "/"
def normalizePreeti(preetitxt):
normalized = ''
previoussymbol = ''
preetitxt = preetitxt.replace('qm', 's|')
preetitxt = preetitxt.replace('f]', 'ो')
preetitxt = preetitxt.replace('km', 'फ')
preetitxt = preetitxt.replace('0f', 'ण')
preetitxt = preetitxt.replace('If', 'क्ष')
preetitxt = preetitxt.replace('if', 'ष')
preetitxt = preetitxt.replace('cf', 'आ')
index = -1
while index + 1 < len(preetitxt):
index += 1
character = preetitxt[index]
if preetitxt[index + 2] == '{':
if preetitxt[index + 1] == 'f' or preetitxt[index + 1] == 'ो':
normalized += '{' + character + preetitxt[index + 1]
index += 2
if preetitxt[index + 1] == '{':
if character != 'f':
normalized += '{' + character
index += 1
except IndexError:
if character == 'l':
previoussymbol = 'l'
normalized += character + previoussymbol
previoussymbol = ''
return normalized
def convert(preeti):
converted = ''
normalizedpreeti = normalizePreeti(preeti)
for index, character in enumerate(normalizedpreeti):
if ord(character) >= 97 and ord(character) <= 122:
converted += unicodeatoz[ord(character) - 97]
elif ord(character) >= 65 and ord(character) <= 90:
converted += unicodeAtoZ[ord(character) - 65]
elif ord(character) >= 48 and ord(character) <= 57:
converted += unicode0to9[ord(character) - 48]
converted += symbolsDict[character]
except KeyError:
converted += character
return converted
# def is_english_word(word):
# """Check if a word is English."""
# word = word.lower().strip(string.punctuation)
# return word in english_words
def is_valid_numeric(word):
"""Check if the word is a valid numeric string."""
return bool(NUMERIC_PATTERN.match(word))
def is_devanagari_digit(word):
"""Check if the word contains only Devanagari digits."""
return bool(DEVANAGARI_PATTERN.match(word))
def process_text_word_by_word(page_text):
"""Process each word and retain or convert based on language."""
processed_text = []
words_in_page = page_text.split()
for word in words_in_page:
word_cleaned = word.strip(string.punctuation)
if is_english_word(word_cleaned):
processed_text.append(word) # Retain English words
elif is_devanagari_digit(word_cleaned):
processed_text.append(word) # Retain Devanagari digits
elif is_valid_numeric(word_cleaned):
processed_text.append(word) # Retain numeric expressions
processed_text.append(convert(word)) # Convert other words
return ' '.join(processed_text)
def text_both_english_and_nepali(pdf_file):
"""Process text from each page of a PDF."""
pages_with_english = []
text = ""
# Extract text from PDF
reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(pdf_file)
for page_num, page in enumerate(reader.pages):
page_text = page.extract_text()
processed_text = process_text_word_by_word(page_text)
text += f"\nPage {page_num + 1}:\n{processed_text}"
return text
def main():
st.title("Advanced PDF/TXT to Unicode Converter")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a PDF or TXT file", type=["pdf", "txt"])
if uploaded_file is not None:
text = ""
file_extension = os.path.splitext([1].lower()
if file_extension == ".pdf":
text = text_both_english_and_nepali(uploaded_file)
elif file_extension == ".txt":
text = process_text_word_by_word(uploaded_file.getvalue().decode("utf-8"))
st.subheader("Processed Text")
st.text_area("", value=text, height=400)
# Download button for the processed text
label="Download Processed Text",
if __name__ == "__main__":