import os import tempfile from typing import Any from dataclasses import dataclass import httpx from yarl import URL from PIL import Image import io from .utils import get_api from .credential import Credential @dataclass class Picture: """ (@dataclasses.dataclass) 图片类,包含图片链接、尺寸以及下载操作。 Args: height (int) : 高度 imageType (str) : 格式,例如: png size (Any) : 尺寸 url (str) : 图片链接 width (int) : 宽度 content (bytes): 图片内容 可以不实例化,用 `from_url`, `from_content` 或 `from_file` 加载图片。 """ height: int = -1 imageType: str = "" size: Any = "" url: str = "" width: int = -1 content: bytes = b"" def __repr__(self) -> str: # no content... return f"Picture(height='{self.height}', width='{self.width}', imageType='{self.imageType}', size={self.size}, url='{self.url}')" def __set_picture_meta_from_bytes(self, imgtype: str) -> None: tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() img_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "test." + imgtype) with open(img_path, "wb+") as file: file.write(self.content) img = self.size = int(round(os.path.getsize(img_path) / 1024, 0)) self.height = img.height self.width = img.width self.imageType = imgtype @staticmethod async def async_load_url(url: str) -> "Picture": """ 加载网络图片。(async 方法) Args: url (str): 图片链接 Returns: Picture: 加载后的图片对象 """ if URL(url).scheme == "": url = "https:" + url obj = Picture() session = httpx.AsyncClient() resp = await session.get( url, headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}, ) obj.content = obj.url = url obj.__set_picture_meta_from_bytes(url.split("/")[-1].split(".")[1]) return obj @staticmethod def from_url(url: str) -> "Picture": """ 加载网络图片。 Args: url (str): 图片链接 Returns: Picture: 加载后的图片对象 """ if URL(url).scheme == "": url = "https:" + url obj = Picture() session = httpx.Client() resp = session.get( url, headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}, ) obj.content = obj.url = url obj.__set_picture_meta_from_bytes(url.split("/")[-1].split(".")[1]) return obj @staticmethod def from_file(path: str) -> "Picture": """ 加载本地图片。 Args: path (str): 图片地址 Returns: Picture: 加载后的图片对象 """ obj = Picture() with open(path, "rb") as file: obj.content = obj.url = "file://" + path obj.__set_picture_meta_from_bytes(os.path.basename(path).split(".")[1]) return obj @staticmethod def from_content(content: bytes, format: str) -> "Picture": """ 加载字节数据 Args: content (str): 图片内容 format (str): 图片后缀名,如 `webp`, `jpg`, `ico` Returns: Picture: 加载后的图片对象 """ obj = Picture() obj.content = content obj.url = "bytes://" + content.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") obj.__set_picture_meta_from_bytes(format) return obj def _write_to_temp_file(self): tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() img_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "test." + self.imageType) open(img_path, "wb").write(self.content) return img_path async def upload_file(self, credential: Credential, data: dict = None) -> "Picture": """ 上传图片至 B 站。 Args: credential (Credential): 凭据类。 Returns: Picture: `self` """ from ..dynamic import upload_image res = await upload_image(self, credential, data) self.height = res["image_height"] self.width = res["image_width"] self.url = res["image_url"] self.content = self.from_url(self.url).content return self def upload_file_sync(self, credential: Credential) -> "Picture": """ 上传图片至 B 站。(同步函数) Args: credential (Credential): 凭据类。 Returns: Picture: `self` """ from ..dynamic import upload_image_sync res = upload_image_sync(self, credential) self.url = res["image_url"] self.height = res["image_height"] self.width = res["image_width"] self.content = self.from_url(self.url).content return self def download_sync(self, path: str) -> "Picture": """ 下载图片至本地。(同步函数) Args: path (str): 下载地址。 Returns: Picture: `self` """ tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() img_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "test." + self.imageType) open(img_path, "wb").write(self.content) img =, save_all=(True if self.imageType in ["webp", "gif"] else False)) self.url = "file://" + path return self def convert_format(self, new_format: str) -> "Picture": """ 将图片转换为另一种格式。 Args: new_format (str): 新的格式。例:`png`, `ico`, `webp`. Returns: Picture: `self` """ tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() img_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "test." + self.imageType) open(img_path, "wb").write(self.content) img = new_img_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "test." + new_format) with open(new_img_path, "rb") as file: self.content = self.__set_picture_meta_from_bytes(new_format) return self async def download(self, path: str) -> "Picture": """ 下载图片至本地。 Args: path (str): 下载地址。 Returns: Picture: `self` """ tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() img_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "test." + self.imageType) open(img_path, "wb").write(self.content) img =, save_all=(True if self.imageType in ["webp", "gif"] else False)) self.url = "file://" + path return self