from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from PIL import Image import io from pathlib import Path from model import YOLOModel import shutil yolo = YOLOModel() UPLOAD_FOLDER = Path("./uploads") UPLOAD_FOLDER.mkdir(exist_ok=True) app = FastAPI()"/upload") async def upload_image(image: UploadFile = File(...)): # print(f'\n\t\tUPLOADED!!!!') try: file_path = UPLOAD_FOLDER / image.filename with"wb") as buffer: shutil.copyfileobj(image.file, buffer) # print(f'Starting to pass into model, {file_path}') # Perform YOLO inference predictions = yolo.predict(str(file_path)) print(f'\n\n\n{predictions}\n\n\ \n\t\t\t\tare predictions') # Clean up uploaded file file_path.unlink() # Remove file after processing return JSONResponse(content={"items": predictions}) except Exception as e: return JSONResponse(content={"error": str(e)}, status_code=500) # code to accept the localhost to get images from app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["", ""], allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) if __name__ == "__main__": import uvicorn"app:app", host="", port=7860, reload=True)