import requests def upload_image_to_imgbb(image_path, api_key="0e7fb6d183b8db925812dee230f71079"): """ Uploads an image to ImgBB and returns the URL. :param image_path: Path to the local image :param api_key: ImgBB API key :return: URL of the uploaded image """ try: # API endpoint for ImgBB url = "" # Open the image in binary mode with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: # Send POST request to upload the image response = url, data={"key": api_key}, files={"image": image_file} ) # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() print(f'Uploaded to {data["data"]["url"]}') return data["data"]["url"] else: raise Exception(f"Error uploading image: {response.status_code}, {response.text}") except Exception as e: return str(e) # # Replace with your local image path and ImgBB API key # image_path = "fridge.JPG" # Replace this with your local image path # api_key = "0e7fb6d183b8db925812dee230f71079" # Get your API key from # uploaded_url = upload_image_to_imgbb(image_path, api_key) # print(f"Uploaded image URL: {uploaded_url}")