MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = """[◕ _ ◕]^* |
I attempted to generate a [chessboard layout]({unaligned_fen_img_link}) from the posted image[^(what I saw)]({visualize_link}), |
with a certainty of **{certainty:.3f}%**. *{pithy_message}* |
- |
◇ White to play : [Analysis]({lichess_analysis_w}) | [Editor]({lichess_editor_w}) |
`{fen_w}` |
- |
◆ Black to play : [Analysis]({lichess_analysis_b}) | [Editor]({lichess_editor_b}) |
`{fen_b}` |
- |
> ▾ Links for when pieces are inverted on the board: |
> |
> White to play : [Analysis]({inverted_lichess_analysis_w}) | [Editor]({inverted_lichess_editor_w}) |
> `{inverted_fen_w}` |
> |
> Black to play : [Analysis]({inverted_lichess_analysis_b}) | [Editor]({inverted_lichess_editor_b}) |
> `{inverted_fen_b}` |
- |
--- |
^(Yes I am a machine learning bot | ) |
[^(`How I work`)](http://github.com/Elucidation/tensorflow_chessbot 'Must go deeper') |
^( | )[^(`Try your own images`)](http://tetration.xyz/ChessboardFenTensorflowJs/) |
^( | Reply with a corrected FEN to add to my next training dataset) |
""" |