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import torch
from torch.distributions import Kumaraswamy
def exp_in_prev_range(x,factor):
mini, maxi = x.min(0)[0], x.max(0)[0]
expx = (factor*x).exp()
expx_01 = (expx - expx.min(0)[0]) / (expx.max(0)[0] - expx.min(0)[0])
return expx_01 * (maxi - mini) + mini
def get_batch(*args, hyperparameters, get_batch, **kwargs):
This `get_batch` can be used to wrap another `get_batch` and apply a Kumaraswamy transform to the input.
The x's have to be in [0,1] for this to work!
returns = get_batch(*args, hyperparameters=hyperparameters, **kwargs)
input_warping_type = hyperparameters.get('input_warping_type', 'kumar')
# controls what part of the batch ('x', 'y' or 'xy') to apply the warping to
input_warping_groups = hyperparameters.get('input_warping_groups', 'x')
# whether to norm inputs between 0 and 1 before warping, as warping is only possible in that range.
input_warping_norm = hyperparameters.get('input_warping_norm', False)
use_icdf = hyperparameters.get('input_warping_use_icdf', False)
def norm_to_0_1(x):
eps = .00001
maxima = torch.max(x, 0)[0]
minima = torch.min(x, 0)[0]
normed_x = (x - minima) / (maxima - minima + eps)
def denorm(normed_x):
return normed_x * (maxima - minima + eps) + minima
return normed_x, denorm
def warp_input(x):
if input_warping_norm:
x, denorm = norm_to_0_1(x)
if input_warping_type == 'kumar':
if 'input_warping_c_std' in hyperparameters:
assert 'input_warping_c0_std' not in hyperparameters and 'input_warping_c1_std' not in hyperparameters
hyperparameters['input_warping_c0_std'] = hyperparameters['input_warping_c_std']
hyperparameters['input_warping_c1_std'] = hyperparameters['input_warping_c_std']
inside = 0
while not inside:
c1 = (torch.randn(*x.shape[1:], device=x.device) * hyperparameters.get('input_warping_c1_std', .75)).exp()
c0 = (torch.randn(*x.shape[1:], device=x.device) * hyperparameters.get('input_warping_c0_std', .75)).exp()
if not hyperparameters.get('input_warping_in_range', False):
inside = True
elif (c1 < 10).all() and (c1 > 0).all() and (c0 < 10).all() and (c0 > 0).all():
inside = True
inside -= 1
if inside < -100:
print('It seems that the input warping is not working.')
if c1_v := hyperparameters.get('fix_input_warping_c1', False):
c1[:] = c1_v
if c0_v := hyperparameters.get('fix_input_warping_c0', False):
c0[:] = c0_v
if hyperparameters.get('verbose', False):
print(f'c1: {c1}, c0: {c0}')
k = Kumaraswamy(concentration1=c1, concentration0=c0)
x_transformed = k.icdf(x) if use_icdf else k.cdf(x)
elif input_warping_type == 'exp':
transform_likelihood = hyperparameters.get('input_warping_transform_likelihood', 0.2)
to_be_transformed = torch.rand_like(x[0,0]) < transform_likelihood
transform_factors = torch.rand_like(x[0,0]) * hyperparameters.get('input_warping_transform_factor', 1.)
log_direction = torch.rand_like(x[0,0]) < 0.5
exp_x = exp_in_prev_range(x, transform_factors)
minus_exp_x = 1.-exp_in_prev_range(1.-x, transform_factors)
exp_x = torch.where(log_direction, exp_x, minus_exp_x)
x_transformed = torch.where(to_be_transformed[None,None,:], exp_x, x)
elif input_warping_type is None or input_warping_type == 'none':
x_transformed = x
raise ValueError(f"Unknown input_warping_type: {input_warping_type}")
if input_warping_norm:
x_transformed = denorm(x_transformed)
return x_transformed
if 'x' in input_warping_groups:
returns.x = warp_input(returns.x)
if 'y' in input_warping_groups:
returns.y = warp_input(returns.y)
returns.target_y = warp_input(returns.target_y)
return returns