from .utils import print_once import torch from torch import nn class BarDistribution(nn.Module): def __init__(self, borders: torch.Tensor, smoothing=.0, ignore_nan_targets=True): # here borders should start with min and end with max, where all values lie in (min,max) and are sorted ''' :param borders: :param smoothing: :param append_mean_pred: Whether to predict the mean of the other positions as a last output in forward, is enabled when additionally y has a sequence length 1 shorter than logits, i.e. len(logits) == 1 + len(y) ''' super().__init__() assert len(borders.shape) == 1 self.register_buffer('borders', borders) self.register_buffer('smoothing', torch.tensor(smoothing)) self.register_buffer('bucket_widths', self.borders[1:] - self.borders[:-1]) full_width = self.bucket_widths.sum() assert (1 - (full_width / (self.borders[-1] - self.borders[0]))).abs() < 1e-2, f'diff: {full_width - (self.borders[-1] - self.borders[0])} with {full_width} {self.borders[-1]} {self.borders[0]}' assert (self.bucket_widths >= 0.0).all() , "Please provide sorted borders!" # This also allows size zero buckets self.num_bars = len(borders) - 1 self.ignore_nan_targets = ignore_nan_targets def __setstate__(self, state): super().__setstate__(state) self.__dict__.setdefault('append_mean_pred', False) def map_to_bucket_idx(self, y): target_sample = torch.searchsorted(self.borders, y) - 1 target_sample[y == self.borders[0]] = 0 target_sample[y == self.borders[-1]] = self.num_bars - 1 return target_sample def ignore_init(self, y): ignore_loss_mask = torch.isnan(y) if ignore_loss_mask.any(): if not self.ignore_nan_targets: raise ValueError(f'Found NaN in target {y}') print_once("A loss was ignored because there was nan target.") y[ignore_loss_mask] = self.borders[0] # this is just a default value, it will be ignored anyway return ignore_loss_mask def compute_scaled_log_probs(self, logits): # this is equivalent to log(p(y)) of the density p bucket_log_probs = torch.log_softmax(logits, -1) scaled_bucket_log_probs = bucket_log_probs - torch.log(self.bucket_widths) return scaled_bucket_log_probs def forward(self, logits, y, mean_prediction_logits=None): # gives the negative log density (the _loss_), y: T x B, logits: T x B x self.num_bars y = y.clone().view(*logits.shape[:-1]) # no trailing one dimension ignore_loss_mask = self.ignore_init(y) target_sample = self.map_to_bucket_idx(y) assert (target_sample >= 0).all() and (target_sample < self.num_bars).all(), f'y {y} not in support set for borders (min_y, max_y) {self.borders}' assert logits.shape[-1] == self.num_bars, f'{logits.shape[-1]} vs {self.num_bars}' scaled_bucket_log_probs = self.compute_scaled_log_probs(logits) nll_loss = -scaled_bucket_log_probs.gather(-1,target_sample[..., None]).squeeze(-1) # T x B if mean_prediction_logits is not None: if not print('Calculating loss incl mean prediction loss for nonmyopic BO.') scaled_mean_log_probs = self.compute_scaled_log_probs(mean_prediction_logits) nll_loss =, self.mean_loss(logits, scaled_mean_log_probs)), 0) smooth_loss = -scaled_bucket_log_probs.mean(dim=-1) smoothing = self.smoothing if else 0. loss = (1. - smoothing) * nll_loss + smoothing * smooth_loss loss[ignore_loss_mask] = 0. return loss def mean_loss(self, logits, scaled_mean_logits): assert (len(logits.shape) == 3) and (len(scaled_mean_logits.shape) == 2), \ (len(logits.shape), len(scaled_mean_logits.shape)) means = self.mean(logits).detach() # T x B target_mean = self.map_to_bucket_idx(means).clamp_(0, self.num_bars - 1) # T x B return -scaled_mean_logits.gather(1, target_mean.T).mean(1).unsqueeze(0) # 1 x B def mean(self, logits): bucket_means = self.borders[:-1] + self.bucket_widths/2 p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) return p @ bucket_means def median(self, logits): return self.icdf(logits, 0.5) def icdf(self, logits, left_prob): """ Implementation of the quantile function :param logits: Tensor of any shape, with the last dimension being logits :param left_prob: float: The probability mass to the left of the result. :return: Position with `left_prob` probability weight to the left. """ probs = logits.softmax(-1) cumprobs = torch.cumsum(probs, -1) idx = torch.searchsorted(cumprobs, left_prob * torch.ones(*cumprobs.shape[:-1], 1, device=logits.device))\ .squeeze(-1).clamp(0, cumprobs.shape[-1] - 1) # this might not do the right for outliers cumprobs =[torch.zeros(*cumprobs.shape[:-1], 1, device=logits.device), cumprobs], -1) rest_prob = left_prob - cumprobs.gather(-1, idx[..., None]).squeeze(-1) left_border = self.borders[idx] right_border = self.borders[idx+1] return left_border + (right_border - left_border) * rest_prob / probs.gather(-1, idx[..., None]).squeeze(-1) def quantile(self, logits, center_prob=.682): side_probs = (1.-center_prob)/2 return torch.stack((self.icdf(logits, side_probs), self.icdf(logits, 1.-side_probs)),-1) def ucb(self, logits, best_f, rest_prob=(1-.682)/2, maximize=True): """ UCB utility. Rest Prob is the amount of utility above (below) the confidence interval that is ignored. Higher rest_prob is equivalent to lower beta in the standard GP-UCB formulation. :param logits: Logits, as returned by the Transformer. :param rest_prob: The amount of utility above (below) the confidence interval that is ignored. The default is equivalent to using GP-UCB with `beta=1`. To get the corresponding `beta`, where `beta` is from the standard GP definition of UCB `ucb_utility = mean + beta * std`, you can use this computation: `beta = math.sqrt(2)*torch.erfinv(torch.tensor(2*(1-rest_prob)-1))`. :param maximize: :return: utility """ if maximize: rest_prob = 1 - rest_prob return self.icdf(logits, rest_prob) def mode(self, logits): mode_inds = logits.argmax(-1) bucket_means = self.borders[:-1] + self.bucket_widths/2 return bucket_means[mode_inds] def ei(self, logits, best_f, maximize=True): # logits: evaluation_points x batch x feature_dim bucket_diffs = self.borders[1:] - self.borders[:-1] assert maximize if not torch.is_tensor(best_f) or not len(best_f.shape): best_f = torch.full(logits[...,0].shape, best_f, device=logits.device) best_f = best_f[..., None].repeat(*[1]*len(best_f.shape), logits.shape[-1]) clamped_best_f = best_f.clamp(self.borders[:-1], self.borders[1:]) #bucket_contributions = (best_f[...,None] < self.borders[:-1]).float() * bucket_means # true bucket contributions bucket_contributions = ((self.borders[1:]**2-clamped_best_f**2)/2 - best_f*(self.borders[1:] - clamped_best_f))/bucket_diffs p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) return torch.einsum("...b,...b->...", p, bucket_contributions) def pi(self, logits, best_f, maximize=True):# logits: evaluation_points x batch x feature_dim """ Acquisition Function: Probability of Improvement :param logits: as returned by Transformer :param best_f: best evaluation so far (the incumbent) :param maximize: whether to maximize :return: utility """ assert maximize is True if not torch.is_tensor(best_f) or not len(best_f.shape): best_f = torch.full(logits[...,0].shape, best_f, device=logits.device) p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) border_widths = self.borders[1:] - self.borders[:-1] factor = 1. - ((best_f[...,None] - self.borders[:-1]) / border_widths).clamp(0., 1.) return (p * factor).sum(-1) def mean_of_square(self, logits): """ Computes E[x^2]. :param logits: Output of the model. """ left_borders = self.borders[:-1] right_borders = self.borders[1:] bucket_mean_of_square = (left_borders.square() + right_borders.square() + left_borders*right_borders)/3. p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) return p @ bucket_mean_of_square def variance(self, logits): return self.mean_of_square(logits) - self.mean(logits).square() def pi(self, logits, best_f, maximize=True):# logits: evaluation_points x batch x feature_dim """ Acquisition Function: Probability of Improvement :param logits: as returned by Transformer :param best_f: best evaluation so far (the incumbent) :param maximize: whether to maximize :return: utility """ assert maximize is True p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) border_widths = self.borders[1:] - self.borders[:-1] factor = 1. - ((best_f - self.borders[:-1]) / border_widths).clamp(0., 1.) return (p * factor).sum(-1) def mean_of_square(self, logits): """ Computes E[x^2]. :param logits: Output of the model. """ left_borders = self.borders[:-1] right_borders = self.borders[1:] bucket_mean_of_square = (left_borders.square() + right_borders.square() + left_borders*right_borders)/3. p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) return p @ bucket_mean_of_square def variance(self, logits): return self.mean_of_square(logits) - self.mean(logits).square() class FullSupportBarDistribution(BarDistribution): @staticmethod def halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(range_max,p=.5): s = range_max / torch.distributions.HalfNormal(torch.tensor(1.)).icdf(torch.tensor(p)) return torch.distributions.HalfNormal(s) def forward(self, logits, y, mean_prediction_logits=None): # gives the negative log density (the _loss_), y: T x B, logits: T x B x self.num_bars assert self.num_bars > 1 y = y.clone().view(len(y),-1) # no trailing one dimension ignore_loss_mask = self.ignore_init(y) # alters y target_sample = self.map_to_bucket_idx(y) # shape: T x B (same as y) target_sample.clamp_(0, self.num_bars - 1) assert logits.shape[-1] == self.num_bars, f'{logits.shape[-1]} vs {self.num_bars}' assert (target_sample >= 0).all() and (target_sample < self.num_bars).all(), \ f'y {y} not in support set for borders (min_y, max_y) {self.borders}' assert logits.shape[-1] == self.num_bars, f'{logits.shape[-1]} vs {self.num_bars}' # ignore all position with nan values scaled_bucket_log_probs = self.compute_scaled_log_probs(logits) assert len(scaled_bucket_log_probs) == len(target_sample), (len(scaled_bucket_log_probs), len(target_sample)) log_probs = scaled_bucket_log_probs.gather(-1, target_sample.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) side_normals = (self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[0]), self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[-1])) log_probs[target_sample == 0] += side_normals[0].log_prob((self.borders[1]-y[target_sample == 0]).clamp(min=.00000001)) + torch.log(self.bucket_widths[0]) log_probs[target_sample == self.num_bars-1] += side_normals[1].log_prob((y[target_sample == self.num_bars-1]-self.borders[-2]).clamp(min=.00000001)) + torch.log(self.bucket_widths[-1]) nll_loss = -log_probs if mean_prediction_logits is not None: assert not ignore_loss_mask.any(), "Ignoring examples is not implemented with mean pred." if not print('Calculating loss incl mean prediction loss for nonmyopic BO.') if not torch.is_grad_enabled(): print("Warning: loss is not correct in absolute terms, only the gradient is right, when using `append_mean_pred`.") scaled_mean_log_probs = self.compute_scaled_log_probs(mean_prediction_logits) nll_loss =, self.mean_loss(logits, scaled_mean_log_probs)), 0) #ignore_loss_mask = torch.zeros_like(nll_loss, dtype=torch.bool) if self.smoothing: smooth_loss = -scaled_bucket_log_probs.mean(dim=-1) smoothing = self.smoothing if else 0. nll_loss = (1. - smoothing) * nll_loss + smoothing * smooth_loss if ignore_loss_mask.any(): nll_loss[ignore_loss_mask] = 0. return nll_loss def mean(self, logits): bucket_means = self.borders[:-1] + self.bucket_widths / 2 p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) side_normals = (self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[0]), self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[-1])) bucket_means[0] = -side_normals[0].mean + self.borders[1] bucket_means[-1] = side_normals[1].mean + self.borders[-2] return p @ def mean_of_square(self, logits): """ Computes E[x^2]. :param logits: Output of the model. """ left_borders = self.borders[:-1] right_borders = self.borders[1:] bucket_mean_of_square = (left_borders.square() + right_borders.square() + left_borders*right_borders)/3. side_normals = (self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[0]), self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[-1])) bucket_mean_of_square[0] = side_normals[0].variance + (-side_normals[0].mean + self.borders[1]).square() bucket_mean_of_square[-1] = side_normals[1].variance + (side_normals[1].variance + self.borders[-2]).square() p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) return p @ bucket_mean_of_square def pi(self, logits, best_f, maximize=True):# logits: evaluation_points x batch x feature_dim """ Acquisition Function: Probability of Improvement :param logits: as returned by Transformer (evaluation_points x batch x feature_dim) :param best_f: best evaluation so far (the incumbent) :param maximize: whether to maximize :return: utility """ assert maximize is True if not torch.is_tensor(best_f) or not len(best_f.shape): best_f = torch.full(logits[...,0].shape, best_f, device=logits.device) # evaluation_points x batch assert best_f.shape == logits[...,0].shape, f"best_f.shape: {best_f.shape}, logits.shape: {logits.shape}" p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) # evaluation_points x batch border_widths = self.borders[1:] - self.borders[:-1] factor = 1. - ((best_f[...,None] - self.borders[:-1]) / border_widths).clamp(0., 1.) # evaluation_points x batch x num_bars side_normals = (self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[0]), self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[-1])) position_in_side_normals = (-(best_f - self.borders[1]).clamp(max=0.), (best_f - self.borders[-2]).clamp(min=0.)) # evaluation_points x batch factor[...,0] = 0. factor[...,0][position_in_side_normals[0] > 0.] = side_normals[0].cdf(position_in_side_normals[0][position_in_side_normals[0] > 0.]) factor[...,-1] = 1. factor[...,-1][position_in_side_normals[1] > 0.] = 1. - side_normals[1].cdf(position_in_side_normals[1][position_in_side_normals[1] > 0.]) return (p * factor).sum(-1) def ei_for_halfnormal(self, scale, best_f, maximize=True): """ This is the EI for a standard normal distribution with mean 0 and variance `scale` times 2. Which is the same as the half normal EI. I tested this with MC approximation: ei_for_halfnormal = lambda scale, best_f: (torch.distributions.HalfNormal(torch.tensor(scale)).sample((10_000_000,))- best_f ).clamp(min=0.).mean() print([(ei_for_halfnormal(scale,best_f), FullSupportBarDistribution().ei_for_halfnormal(scale,best_f)) for scale in [0.1,1.,10.] for best_f in [.1,10.,4.]]) :param scale: :param best_f: :param maximize: :return: """ assert maximize mean = torch.tensor(0.) u = (mean - best_f) / scale normal = torch.distributions.Normal(torch.zeros_like(u), torch.ones_like(u)) try: ucdf = normal.cdf(u) except ValueError: print(f"u: {u}, best_f: {best_f}, scale: {scale}") raise updf = torch.exp(normal.log_prob(u)) normal_ei = scale * (updf + u * ucdf) return 2*normal_ei def ei(self, logits, best_f, maximize=True): # logits: evaluation_points x batch x feature_dim if torch.isnan(logits).any(): raise ValueError(f"logits contains NaNs: {logits}") bucket_diffs = self.borders[1:] - self.borders[:-1] assert maximize if not torch.is_tensor(best_f) or not len(best_f.shape): best_f = torch.full(logits[...,0].shape, best_f, device=logits.device) assert best_f.shape == logits[...,0].shape, f"best_f.shape: {best_f.shape}, logits.shape: {logits.shape}" best_f_per_logit = best_f[..., None].repeat(*[1]*len(best_f.shape), logits.shape[-1]) clamped_best_f = best_f_per_logit.clamp(self.borders[:-1], self.borders[1:]) # true bucket contributions bucket_contributions = ((self.borders[1:]**2-clamped_best_f**2)/2 - best_f_per_logit*(self.borders[1:] - clamped_best_f))/bucket_diffs # extra stuff for continuous side_normals = (self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[0]), self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[-1])) position_in_side_normals = (-(best_f - self.borders[1]).clamp(max=0.), (best_f - self.borders[-2]).clamp(min=0.)) # evaluation_points x batch bucket_contributions[...,-1] = self.ei_for_halfnormal(side_normals[1].scale, position_in_side_normals[1]) bucket_contributions[...,0] = self.ei_for_halfnormal(side_normals[0].scale, torch.zeros_like(position_in_side_normals[0])) \ - self.ei_for_halfnormal(side_normals[0].scale, position_in_side_normals[0]) p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) return torch.einsum("...b,...b->...", p, bucket_contributions) def get_bucket_limits(num_outputs:int, full_range:tuple=None, ys:torch.Tensor=None, verbose:bool=False): assert (ys is None) != (full_range is None), 'Either full_range or ys must be passed.' if ys is not None: ys = ys.flatten() ys = ys[~torch.isnan(ys)] if len(ys) % num_outputs: ys = ys[:-(len(ys) % num_outputs)] print(f'Using {len(ys)} y evals to estimate {num_outputs} buckets. Cut off the last {len(ys) % num_outputs} ys.') ys_per_bucket = len(ys) // num_outputs if full_range is None: full_range = (ys.min(), ys.max()) else: assert full_range[0] <= ys.min() and full_range[1] >= ys.max(), f'full_range {full_range} not in range of ys {ys.min(), ys.max()}' full_range = torch.tensor(full_range) ys_sorted, ys_order = ys.sort(0) bucket_limits = (ys_sorted[ys_per_bucket-1::ys_per_bucket][:-1]+ys_sorted[ys_per_bucket::ys_per_bucket])/2 if verbose: print(f'Using {len(ys)} y evals to estimate {num_outputs} buckets. Cut off the last {len(ys) % num_outputs} ys.') print(full_range) bucket_limits =[full_range[0].unsqueeze(0), bucket_limits, full_range[1].unsqueeze(0)],0) else: class_width = (full_range[1] - full_range[0]) / num_outputs bucket_limits =[full_range[0] + torch.arange(num_outputs).float()*class_width, torch.tensor(full_range[1]).unsqueeze(0)], 0) assert len(bucket_limits) - 1 == num_outputs, f'len(bucket_limits) - 1 == {len(bucket_limits) - 1} != {num_outputs} == num_outputs' assert full_range[0] == bucket_limits[0], f'{full_range[0]} != {bucket_limits[0]}' assert full_range[-1] == bucket_limits[-1], f'{full_range[-1]} != {bucket_limits[-1]}' return bucket_limits def get_custom_bar_dist(borders, criterion): # Tested that a bar_dist with borders 0.54 (-> softplus 1.0) yields the same bar distribution as the passed one. borders_ = torch.nn.functional.softplus(borders) + 0.001 borders_ = (torch.cumsum([criterion.borders[0:1], criterion.bucket_widths]) * borders_, 0)) criterion_ = criterion.__class__(borders=borders_, handle_nans=criterion.handle_nans) return criterion_