from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from typing import Set, Optional from dataclasses import dataclass, fields import torch from import DataLoader @dataclass class Batch: """ A batch of data, with non-optional x, y, and target_y attributes. All other attributes are optional. If you want to add an attribute for testing only, you can just assign it after creation like: ``` batch = Batch(x=x, y=y, target_y=target_y) batch.test_attribute = test_attribute ``` """ # Required entries x: torch.Tensor y: torch.Tensor target_y: torch.Tensor # Optional Batch Entries style: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None style_hyperparameter_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None single_eval_pos: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None causal_model_dag: Optional[object] = None mean_prediction: Optional[bool] = None # this controls whether to do mean prediction in bar_distribution for nonmyopic BO def other_filled_attributes(self, set_of_attributes: Set[str] = frozenset(('x', 'y', 'target_y'))): return [ for f in fields(self) if not in set_of_attributes and getattr(self, is not None] def safe_merge_batches_in_batch_dim(*batches, ignore_attributes=[]): """ Merge all supported non-None fields in a pre-specified (general) way, e.g. mutliple batch.x are concatenated in the batch dimension. :param ignore_attributes: attributes to remove from the merged batch, treated as if they were None. :return: """ not_none_fields = [ for f in fields(batches[0]) if not in ignore_attributes and getattr(batches[0], is not None] assert all([set(not_none_fields) == set([ for f in fields(b) if not in ignore_attributes and getattr(b, is not None]) for b in batches]), 'All batches must have the same fields!' merge_funcs = { 'x': lambda xs:, 1), 'y': lambda ys:, 1), 'target_y': lambda target_ys:, 1), 'style': lambda styles:, 0), } assert all(f in merge_funcs for f in not_none_fields), f'Unknown fields encountered in `safe_merge_batches_in_batch_dim`.' return Batch(**{f: merge_funcs[f]([getattr(batch, f) for batch in batches]) for f in not_none_fields}) def merge_batches(*batches, ignore_attributes=[]): assert False, "TODO: isn't this broken!? because catting in dim 0 seems wrong!?" def merge_attribute(attr_name, batch_sizes): attr = [getattr(batch, attr_name) for batch in batches] if type(attr[0]) is list: def make_list(sublist, i): if sublist is None: return [None for _ in range(batch_sizes[i])] return sublist return sum([make_list(sublist, i) for i, sublist in enumerate(attr)], []) elif type(attr[0]) is torch.Tensor: return, 0) else: assert all(a is None for a in attr), f'Unknown type encountered in `merge_batches`.'\ f'To ignore this, please add `{attr}` to the `ignore_attributes`.'\ f'The following values are the problem: {attr_name}.' return None batch_sizes = [batch.x.shape[0] for batch in batches] return Batch(**{ merge_attribute(, batch_sizes) for f in fields(batches[0]) if not in ignore_attributes}) class PriorDataLoader(DataLoader, metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, num_steps, batch_size, eval_pos_seq_len_sampler, seq_len_maximum, device, **kwargs): """ :param num_steps: int, first argument, the number of steps to take per epoch, i.e. iteration of the DataLoader :param batch_size: int, number of datasets per batch :param eval_pos_seq_len_sampler: callable, it takes no arguments and returns a tuple (single eval pos, bptt) :param kwargs: for future compatibility it is good to have a final all catch, as new kwargs might be introduced """ pass # A class or object variable `num_features`: int # Optional: `validate` function that accepts a transformer model # The DataLoader iter should return batches of the form ([style], x, y), target_y, single_eval_pos # We follow sequence len (s) first, batch size (b) second. So x: (s,b,num_features), y,target_y: (s,b) # and style: Optional[(b,num_style_params)], style can be omitted or set to None, if it is not intended to be used. # For more references, see `priors/` for a pretty general implementation of a DataLoader # and `` for the only call of it.