import time import types import inspect import random from functools import partial import torch from ..utils import set_locals_in_self, normalize_data from .prior import PriorDataLoader, Batch from torch import nn import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import scipy.stats as stats import math def get_batch_to_dataloader(get_batch_method_): #DL = partial(DL, get_batch_method=get_batch_method_) class DL(PriorDataLoader): get_batch_method = get_batch_method_ # Caution, you might need to set self.num_features manually if it is not part of the args. def __init__(self, num_steps, **get_batch_kwargs): set_locals_in_self(locals()) # The stuff outside the or is set as class attribute before instantiation. self.num_features = get_batch_kwargs.get('num_features') or self.num_features self.epoch_count = 0 print('DataLoader.__dict__', self.__dict__) @staticmethod def gbm(*args, eval_pos_seq_len_sampler, **kwargs): kwargs['single_eval_pos'], kwargs['seq_len'] = eval_pos_seq_len_sampler() # Scales the batch size dynamically with the power of 'dynamic_batch_size'. # A transformer with quadratic memory usage in the seq len would need a power of 2 to keep memory constant. if 'dynamic_batch_size' in kwargs and kwargs['dynamic_batch_size'] > 0 and kwargs['dynamic_batch_size'] is not None: kwargs['batch_size'] = kwargs['batch_size'] * math.floor( math.pow(kwargs['seq_len_maximum'], kwargs['dynamic_batch_size']) / math.pow(kwargs['seq_len'], kwargs['dynamic_batch_size']) ) batch: Batch = get_batch_method_(*args, **kwargs) if batch.single_eval_pos is None: batch.single_eval_pos = kwargs['single_eval_pos'] return batch def __len__(self): return self.num_steps def get_test_batch(self, **kwargs): # does not increase epoch_count return self.gbm(**self.get_batch_kwargs, epoch=self.epoch_count, model=self.model if hasattr(self, 'model') else None, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): assert hasattr(self, 'model'), "Please assign model with `dl.model = ...` before training." self.epoch_count += 1 return iter(self.gbm(**self.get_batch_kwargs, epoch=self.epoch_count - 1, model=self.model) for _ in range(self.num_steps)) return DL def plot_features(data, targets, fig=None, categorical=True, plot_diagonal=True): import seaborn as sns if torch.is_tensor(data): data = data.detach().cpu().numpy() targets = targets.detach().cpu().numpy() fig2 = fig if fig else plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) spec2 = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=data.shape[1], nrows=data.shape[1], figure=fig2) for d in range(0, data.shape[1]): for d2 in range(0, data.shape[1]): if d > d2: continue sub_ax = fig2.add_subplot(spec2[d, d2]) sub_ax.set_xticks([]) sub_ax.set_yticks([]) if d == d2: if plot_diagonal: if categorical: sns.histplot(data[:, d],hue=targets[:],ax=sub_ax,legend=False, palette="deep") else: sns.histplot(data[:, d], ax=sub_ax, legend=False) sub_ax.set(ylabel=None) else: if categorical: sns.scatterplot(x=data[:, d], y=data[:, d2], hue=targets[:],legend=False, palette="deep") else: sns.scatterplot(x=data[:, d], y=data[:, d2], hue=targets[:], legend=False) #plt.scatter(data[:, d], data[:, d2], # c=targets[:]) #sub_ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) #sub_ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) def plot_prior(prior, samples=1000, buckets=50): s = np.array([prior() for _ in range(0, samples)]) count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s, buckets, density=True) print(s.min()) trunc_norm_sampler_f = lambda mu, sigma : lambda: stats.truncnorm((0 - mu) / sigma, (1000000 - mu) / sigma, loc=mu, scale=sigma).rvs(1)[0] beta_sampler_f = lambda a, b : lambda : np.random.beta(a, b) gamma_sampler_f = lambda a, b : lambda : np.random.gamma(a, b) uniform_sampler_f = lambda a, b : lambda : np.random.uniform(a, b) uniform_int_sampler_f = lambda a, b : lambda : round(np.random.uniform(a, b)) def zipf_sampler_f(a, b, c): x = np.arange(b, c) weights = x ** (-a) weights /= weights.sum() return lambda : stats.rv_discrete(name='bounded_zipf', values=(x, weights)).rvs(1) scaled_beta_sampler_f = lambda a, b, scale, minimum : lambda : minimum + round(beta_sampler_f(a, b)() * (scale - minimum)) def normalize_by_used_features_f(x, num_features_used, num_features, normalize_with_sqrt=False): if normalize_with_sqrt: return x / (num_features_used / num_features)**(1 / 2) return x / (num_features_used / num_features) def order_by_y(x, y): order = torch.argsort(y if random.randint(0, 1) else -y, dim=0)[:, 0, 0] order = order.reshape(2, -1).transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)#.reshape(seq_len) x = x[order] # .reshape(2, -1).transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1).flip([0]).reshape(seq_len, 1, -1) y = y[order] # .reshape(2, -1).transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1).reshape(seq_len, 1, -1) return x, y def randomize_classes(x, num_classes): classes = torch.arange(0, num_classes, device=x.device) random_classes = torch.randperm(num_classes, device=x.device).type(x.type()) x = ((x.unsqueeze(-1) == classes) * random_classes).sum(-1) return x @torch.no_grad() def sample_num_feaetures_get_batch(batch_size, seq_len, num_features, hyperparameters, get_batch, **kwargs): if hyperparameters.get('sample_num_features', True) and kwargs['epoch'] > 0: # don't sample on test batch num_features = random.randint(1, num_features) return get_batch(batch_size, seq_len, num_features, hyperparameters=hyperparameters, **kwargs) class CategoricalActivation(nn.Module): def __init__(self, categorical_p=0.1, ordered_p=0.7 , keep_activation_size=False , num_classes_sampler=zipf_sampler_f(0.8, 1, 10)): self.categorical_p = categorical_p self.ordered_p = ordered_p self.keep_activation_size = keep_activation_size self.num_classes_sampler = num_classes_sampler super().__init__() def forward(self, x): # x shape: T, B, H x = nn.Softsign()(x) num_classes = self.num_classes_sampler() hid_strength = torch.abs(x).mean(0).unsqueeze(0) if self.keep_activation_size else None categorical_classes = torch.rand((x.shape[1], x.shape[2])) < self.categorical_p class_boundaries = torch.zeros((num_classes - 1, x.shape[1], x.shape[2]), device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) # Sample a different index for each hidden dimension, but shared for all batches for b in range(x.shape[1]): for h in range(x.shape[2]): ind = torch.randint(0, x.shape[0], (num_classes - 1,)) class_boundaries[:, b, h] = x[ind, b, h] for b in range(x.shape[1]): x_rel = x[:, b, categorical_classes[b]] boundaries_rel = class_boundaries[:, b, categorical_classes[b]].unsqueeze(1) x[:, b, categorical_classes[b]] = (x_rel > boundaries_rel).sum(dim=0).float() - num_classes / 2 ordered_classes = torch.rand((x.shape[1],x.shape[2])) < self.ordered_p ordered_classes = torch.logical_and(ordered_classes, categorical_classes) x[:, ordered_classes] = randomize_classes(x[:, ordered_classes], num_classes) x = x * hid_strength if self.keep_activation_size else x return x class QuantizationActivation(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_thresholds, reorder_p = 0.5) -> None: super().__init__() self.n_thresholds = n_thresholds self.reorder_p = reorder_p self.thresholds = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.n_thresholds)) def forward(self, x): x = normalize_data(x).unsqueeze(-1) x = (x > self.thresholds).sum(-1) if random.random() < self.reorder_p: x = randomize_classes(x.unsqueeze(-1), self.n_thresholds).squeeze(-1) #x = ((x.float() - self.n_thresholds/2) / self.n_thresholds)# * data_std + data_mean x = normalize_data(x) return x class NormalizationActivation(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() def forward(self, x): x = normalize_data(x) return x class PowerActivation(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() #self.exp = torch.nn.Parameter(0.5 * torch.ones(1)) self.shared_exp_strength = 0.5 # TODO: Somehow this is only initialized once, so it's the same for all runs def forward(self, x): #print(torch.nn.functional.softplus(x), self.exp) shared_exp = torch.randn(1) exp = torch.nn.Parameter((shared_exp*self.shared_exp_strength + shared_exp * torch.randn(x.shape[-1])*(1-self.shared_exp_strength)) * 2 + 0.5).to(x.device) x_ = torch.pow(torch.nn.functional.softplus(x) + 0.001, exp) if False: print(x[0:3, 0, 0].cpu().numpy() , torch.nn.functional.softplus(x[0:3, 0, 0]).cpu().numpy() , x_[0:3, 0, 0].cpu().numpy() , normalize_data(x_)[0:3, 0, 0].cpu().numpy() , self.exp.cpu().numpy()) return x_ def lambda_time(f, name='', enabled=True): if not enabled: return f() start = time.time() r = f() print('Timing', name, time.time()-start) return r def pretty_get_batch(get_batch): """ Genereate string representation of get_batch function :param get_batch: :return: """ if isinstance(get_batch, types.FunctionType): return f'<{get_batch.__module__}.{get_batch.__name__} {inspect.signature(get_batch)}' else: return repr(get_batch) class get_batch_sequence(list): ''' This will call the get_batch_methods in order from the back and pass the previous as `get_batch` kwarg. For example for `get_batch_methods=[get_batch_1, get_batch_2, get_batch_3]` this will produce a call equivalent to `get_batch_3(*args,get_batch=partial(partial(get_batch_2),get_batch=get_batch_1,**kwargs))`. get_batch_methods: all priors, but the first, muste have a `get_batch` argument ''' def __init__(self, *get_batch_methods): if len(get_batch_methods) == 0: raise ValueError('Must have at least one get_batch method') super().__init__(get_batch_methods) def __repr__(self): s = ',\n\t'.join([f"{pretty_get_batch(get_batch)}" for get_batch in self]) return f"get_batch_sequence(\n\t{s}\n)" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Standard kwargs are: batch_size, seq_len, num_features This returns a priors.Batch object. """ final_get_batch = self[0] for get_batch in self[1:]: final_get_batch = partial(get_batch, get_batch=final_get_batch) return final_get_batch(*args, **kwargs)