@echo off | |
:: Check if Python 3.11 is installed | |
python -V 2>&1 | findstr /I "Python 3.11" >nul | |
if errorlevel 1 ( | |
echo Python 3.11 is not installed. Please install it first. | |
exit /b 1 | |
) | |
:: Create virtual environment named .venv using Python 3.11 | |
python -m venv .venv | |
:: Activate the virtual environment | |
call .venv\Scripts\activate.bat | |
:: Install packages from requirements.txt | |
if exist requirements.txt ( | |
pip install -r requirements.txt | |
) else ( | |
echo requirements.txt not found. Installing packages directly. | |
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url | |
pip install pillow diffusers trimesh gradio pythreejs plotly | |
) | |
:: Deactivate the virtual environment | |
deactivate | |
echo Environment setup completed successfully! | |