import platform from functools import partial from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import torch from import DataLoader from tqdm import tqdm from synthesizer.hparams import hparams_debug_string from synthesizer.models.tacotron import Tacotron from synthesizer.synthesizer_dataset import SynthesizerDataset, collate_synthesizer from synthesizer.utils import data_parallel_workaround from synthesizer.utils.symbols import symbols def run_synthesis(in_dir: Path, out_dir: Path, syn_model_fpath: Path, hparams): # This generates ground truth-aligned mels for vocoder training synth_dir = out_dir / "mels_gta" synth_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) print(hparams_debug_string()) # Check for GPU if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda") if hparams.synthesis_batch_size % torch.cuda.device_count() != 0: raise ValueError("`hparams.synthesis_batch_size` must be evenly divisible by n_gpus!") else: device = torch.device("cpu") print("Synthesizer using device:", device) # Instantiate Tacotron model model = Tacotron(embed_dims=hparams.tts_embed_dims, num_chars=len(symbols), encoder_dims=hparams.tts_encoder_dims, decoder_dims=hparams.tts_decoder_dims, n_mels=hparams.num_mels, fft_bins=hparams.num_mels, postnet_dims=hparams.tts_postnet_dims, encoder_K=hparams.tts_encoder_K, lstm_dims=hparams.tts_lstm_dims, postnet_K=hparams.tts_postnet_K, num_highways=hparams.tts_num_highways, dropout=0., # Use zero dropout for gta mels stop_threshold=hparams.tts_stop_threshold, speaker_embedding_size=hparams.speaker_embedding_size).to(device) # Load the weights print("\nLoading weights at %s" % syn_model_fpath) model.load(syn_model_fpath) print("Tacotron weights loaded from step %d" % model.step) # Synthesize using same reduction factor as the model is currently trained r = np.int32(model.r) # Set model to eval mode (disable gradient and zoneout) model.eval() # Initialize the dataset metadata_fpath = in_dir.joinpath("train.txt") mel_dir = in_dir.joinpath("mels") embed_dir = in_dir.joinpath("embeds") dataset = SynthesizerDataset(metadata_fpath, mel_dir, embed_dir, hparams) collate_fn = partial(collate_synthesizer, r=r, hparams=hparams) data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, hparams.synthesis_batch_size, collate_fn=collate_fn, num_workers=2) # Generate GTA mels meta_out_fpath = out_dir / "synthesized.txt" with"w") as file: for i, (texts, mels, embeds, idx) in tqdm(enumerate(data_loader), total=len(data_loader)): texts, mels, embeds =,, # Parallelize model onto GPUS using workaround due to python bug if device.type == "cuda" and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: _, mels_out, _ = data_parallel_workaround(model, texts, mels, embeds) else: _, mels_out, _, _ = model(texts, mels, embeds) for j, k in enumerate(idx): # Note: outputs mel-spectrogram files and target ones have same names, just different folders mel_filename = Path(synth_dir).joinpath(dataset.metadata[k][1]) mel_out = mels_out[j].detach().cpu().numpy().T # Use the length of the ground truth mel to remove padding from the generated mels mel_out = mel_out[:int(dataset.metadata[k][4])] # Write the spectrogram to disk, mel_out, allow_pickle=False) # Write metadata into the synthesized file file.write("|".join(dataset.metadata[k]))