--- title: WatsonX WebChat emoji: 🚀 colorFrom: pink colorTo: gray sdk: docker app_port: 8501 pinned: false --- ## How to Chat with a Website Using WatsonX Hello everyone! Today, we're going to create an exciting web app that allows us to chat with any website using Watsonx.ai. Watsonx.ai is a powerful SaaS service that leverages the full capabilities of IBM's cloud infrastructure. This tool provides a robust platform for integrating advanced AI functionalities into your applications, making it easier than ever to enhance user interactions with intelligent, context-aware responses. ## Step 1: Environment Creation There are several ways to create an environment in Python. Follow these steps to set up your environment locally: 1. **Install Python 3.10** - Download and install Python 3.10 from [here](https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/). 2. **Create a Virtual Environment** - Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project directory. - Run the following command to create a virtual environment: ```bash python -m venv .venv ``` - This command creates a new directory named `.venv` in your current working directory. 3. **Activate the Virtual Environment** - **Windows:** ```bash .venv\Scripts\activate.bat ``` - **Linux:** ```bash source .venv/bin/activate ``` 4. **Upgrade pip** - Run the following command to upgrade pip: ```bash python -m pip install --upgrade pip ``` 5. **Optional: Install JupyterLab for Development and Testing** - If you want to use JupyterLab, install it by running: ```bash pip install ipykernel jupyterlab ``` ## Step 2: Setup Libraries Once you have your environment set up and activated, you need to install the necessary libraries. Run the following command to install the required packages: ```bash pip install streamlit python-dotenv ibm_watson_machine_learning requests chromadb sentence_transformers spacy ``` ```bash python -m spacy download en_core_web_md ``` IMPORTANT: Be aware of the disk space that will be taken up by documents when they're loaded into chromadb on your laptop. The size in chroma will likely be the same as .txt file size. ## Step 3: Getting API from IBM Cloud ### Obtaining an API Key To obtain an API key from IBM Cloud, follow these steps: 1. **Sign In** - Go to [IBM Cloud](https://cloud.ibm.com) and sign in to your account. 2. **Navigate to Account Settings** - Click on your account name in the top right corner of the IBM Cloud dashboard. - From the dropdown menu, select "Manage" to go to the Account settings. 3. **Access API Keys** - In the left-hand menu, click on “IBM Cloud API keys” under the “Access (IAM)” section. 4. **Create an API Key** - On the “API keys” page, click on the “Create an IBM Cloud API key” button. - Provide a name and an optional description for your API key. - Select the appropriate access policies if needed. - Click on the “Create” button to generate the API key. 5. **Save Your API Key** - Once the API key is created, a dialog box displaying the API key value will appear. - Make sure to copy and save this key as it will not be shown again. > Note: The steps above are based on the current IBM Cloud interface. They may vary slightly depending on any updates or changes. If you encounter any difficulties or if the steps do not match your IBM Cloud interface, refer to the IBM Cloud documentation or contact IBM support for assistance. ### Retrieving the Project ID for IBM Watsonx To obtain the Project ID for IBM Watsonx, you will need access to the IBM Watson Machine Learning (WML) service. Follow these steps: 1. **Log In** - Log in to the [IBM Cloud Console](https://cloud.ibm.com) using your IBM Cloud credentials. 2. **Navigate to Watson Machine Learning** - Go to the Watson Machine Learning service. 3. **Access Service Instance** - Click on the service instance associated with your Watsonx project. 4. **Find Service Credentials** - In the left-hand menu, click on “Service credentials”. - Under the “Credentials” tab, you will find a list of service credentials associated with your Watsonx project. 5. **Retrieve Project ID** - Click on the name of the service credential you want to use. - In the JSON object, find the “project_id” field. The value of this field is your Project ID. ### Adding Credentials to Your Project Add the API key and Project ID to the `.env` file in your project directory: ```plaintext API_KEY=your_api_key PROJECT_ID=your_project_id ``` This will configure your project to connect to Watsonx.ai using the obtained credentials. ## Step 4: Creation of app.py In the followig section we are going to invoke Large Language Models (LLMs) deployed in watsonx.ai. Documentation: [here](https://ibm.github.io/watson-machine-learning-sdk/foundation_models.html) This example shows a Question and Answer use case for a provided web site ### Section 1: Importing Necessary Libraries ```python # For reading credentials from the .env file import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from chromadb.api.types import EmbeddingFunction # WML python SDK from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models import Model from ibm_watson_machine_learning.metanames import GenTextParamsMetaNames as GenParams from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models.utils.enums import ModelTypes, DecodingMethods import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import spacy import chromadb import en_core_web_md ``` **Explanation:** - `os` and `dotenv` libraries are used for handling environment variables securely. - `sentence_transformers` and `chromadb.api.types` are used for text embedding and database operations. - `ibm_watson_machine_learning` SDK helps interact with IBM Watson models. - `requests` and `BeautifulSoup` are used for web scraping. - `spacy` is used for natural language processing tasks. ### Section 2: Setting Up Environment Variables ```python # Important: hardcoding the API key in Python code is not a best practice. We are using # this approach for the ease of demo setup. In a production application these variables # can be stored in an .env or a properties file # URL of the hosted LLMs is hardcoded because at this time all LLMs share the same endpoint url = "https://us-south.ml.cloud.ibm.com" # These global variables will be updated in get_credentials() function watsonx_project_id = "" # Replace with your IBM Cloud key api_key = "" ``` **Explanation:** - Hardcoding credentials is not recommended for production; use environment variables instead. - `url` is the endpoint for IBM Watson models. - `watsonx_project_id` and `api_key` will be populated from environment variables. ### Section 3: Loading Credentials ```python def get_credentials(): load_dotenv() # Update the global variables that will be used for authentication in another function globals()["api_key"] = os.getenv("api_key", None) globals()["watsonx_project_id"] = os.getenv("project_id", None) ``` **Explanation:** - `get_credentials` function loads the `.env` file and updates global variables for `api_key` and `watsonx_project_id`. ### Section 4: Creating the Model ```python def get_model(model_type, max_tokens, min_tokens, decoding, temperature, top_k, top_p): generate_params = { GenParams.MAX_NEW_TOKENS: max_tokens, GenParams.MIN_NEW_TOKENS: min_tokens, GenParams.DECODING_METHOD: decoding, GenParams.TEMPERATURE: temperature, GenParams.TOP_K: top_k, GenParams.TOP_P: top_p, } model = Model( model_id=model_type, params=generate_params, credentials={ "apikey": api_key, "url": url }, project_id=watsonx_project_id ) return model ``` **Explanation:** - `get_model` function initializes a Watson model with specified parameters like `max_tokens`, `decoding` method, `temperature`, etc. - Credentials and project ID are passed to authenticate the model. ### Section 5: Embedding Function ```python class MiniLML6V2EmbeddingFunction(EmbeddingFunction): MODEL = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') def __call__(self, texts): return MiniLML6V2EmbeddingFunction.MODEL.encode(texts).tolist() ``` **Explanation:** - `MiniLML6V2EmbeddingFunction` class uses `SentenceTransformer` to convert text into embeddings, which are numeric representations of the text. ### Section 6: Extracting Text from a Webpage ```python def extract_text(url): try: # Send an HTTP GET request to the URL response = requests.get(url) # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: # Parse the HTML content of the page using BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') # Extract contents of

elements p_contents = [p.get_text() for p in soup.find_all('p')] # Print the contents of

elements print("\nContents of

elements: \n") for content in p_contents: print(content) raw_web_text = " ".join(p_contents) # remove \xa0 which is used in html to avoid words break acorss lines. cleaned_text = raw_web_text.replace("\xa0", " ") return cleaned_text else: print(f"Failed to retrieve the page. Status code: {response.status_code}") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") ``` **Explanation:** - `extract_text` function scrapes text content from `

` tags of a given webpage URL using `requests` and `BeautifulSoup`. ### Section 7: Splitting Text into Sentences ```python def split_text_into_sentences(text): nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md") doc = nlp(text) sentences = [sent.text for sent in doc.sents] cleaned_sentences = [s.strip() for s in sentences] return cleaned_sentences ``` **Explanation:** - `split_text_into_sentences` function uses `spaCy` to split the extracted text into sentences and clean them. ### Section 8: Creating Embeddings ```python def create_embedding(url, collection_name): cleaned_text = extract_text(url) cleaned_sentences = split_text_into_sentences(cleaned_text) client = chromadb.Client() collection = client.get_or_create_collection(collection_name) # Upload text to chroma collection.upsert( documents=cleaned_sentences, metadatas=[{"source": str(i)} for i in range(len(cleaned_sentences))], ids=[str(i) for i in range(len(cleaned_sentences))], ) return collection ``` **Explanation:** - `create_embedding` function extracts, cleans, and splits text, then uploads it to a Chroma database collection. ### Section 9: Creating a Prompt for the Model ```python def create_prompt(url, question, collection_name): # Create embeddings for the text file collection = create_embedding(url, collection_name) # query relevant information relevant_chunks = collection.query( query_texts=[question], n_results=5, ) context = "\n\n\n".join(relevant_chunks["documents"][0]) # Please note that this is a generic format. You can change this format to be specific to llama prompt = (f"{context}\n\nPlease answer the following question in one sentence using this " + f"text. " + f"If the question is unanswerable, say \"unanswerable\". Do not include information that's not relevant to the question." + f"Question: {question}") return prompt ``` **Explanation:** - `create_prompt` function generates a prompt by querying the Chroma database for relevant text chunks based on a question and constructs a formatted prompt. ### Section 10: Main Function ```python def main(): # Get the API key and project id and update global variables get_credentials() # Try diffrent URLs and questions url = "https://www.usbank.com/financialiq/manage-your-household/buy-a-car/own-electric-vehicles-learned-buying-driving-EVs.html" question = "What are the incentives for purchasing EVs?" # question = "What is the percentage of driving powered by hybrid cars?" # question = "Can an EV be plugged in to a household outlet?" collection_name = "test_web_RAG" answer_questions_from_web(api_key, watsonx_project_id, url, question, collection_name) ``` **Explanation:** - `main` function initializes credentials and runs the process to answer a question based on the content from a given URL. ### Section 11: Answering Questions from the Web ```python def answer_questions_from_web(request_api_key, request_project_id, url, question, collection_name): # Update the global variable globals()["api_key"] = request_api_key globals()["watsonx_project_id"] = request_project_id # Specify model parameters model_type = "meta-llama/llama-2-70b-chat" max_tokens = 100 min_tokens = 50 top_k = 50 top_p = 1 decoding = DecodingMethods.GREEDY temperature = 0.7 # Get the watsonx model = try both options model = get_model(model_type, max_tokens, min_tokens, decoding, temperature, top_k, top_p) # Get the prompt complete_prompt = create_prompt(url, question, collection_name) # Let's review the prompt print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("*** Prompt:" + complete_prompt + "***") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") generated_response = model.generate(prompt=complete_prompt) response_text = generated_response['results'][0]['generated_text'] # Remove trailing white spaces response_text = response _text.strip() # print model response print("--------------------------------- Generated response -----------------------------------") print(response_text) print("*********************************************************************************************") return response_text ``` **Explanation:** - `answer_questions_from_web` function updates the global variables, initializes the model, creates a prompt, generates a response, and prints the answer. ### Section 12: Running the Script ```python # Invoke the main function if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` **Explanation:** - This code block ensures that the `main` function is called when the script is run directly. By breaking down the code into these sections, readers can understand the role of each part and how they work together to create a web chat application using Watsonx.ai. ### Explanation of `run.py` Code Let's break down and explain the `run.py` code step-by-step: #### Section 1: Importing Necessary Libraries ```python # For reading credentials from the .env file import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import streamlit as st import webchat ``` **Explanation:** - `os` and `dotenv` are used to load environment variables. - `streamlit` is a library for creating interactive web applications. - `webchat` is a module that contains functions for interacting with IBM Watson models. #### Section 2: Setting Up Environment Variables ```python # URL of the hosted LLMs is hardcoded because at this time all LLMs share the same endpoint url = "https://us-south.ml.cloud.ibm.com" # These global variables will be updated in get_credentials() function watsonx_project_id = "" api_key = "" ``` **Explanation:** - `url` is the endpoint for IBM Watson models. - `watsonx_project_id` and `api_key` are initialized and will be populated with actual values from environment variables. #### Section 3: Loading Credentials ```python def get_credentials(): load_dotenv() # Update the global variables that will be used for authentication in another function globals()["api_key"] = os.getenv("API_KEY", "") globals()["watsonx_project_id"] = os.getenv("PROJECT_ID", "") ``` **Explanation:** - `get_credentials` function loads the environment variables from a `.env` file and updates the global `api_key` and `watsonx_project_id`. #### Section 4: Streamlit Application Setup ```python def main(): # Get the API key and project id and update global variables get_credentials() # Use the full page instead of a narrow central column st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Streamlit app title st.title("🌠Demo of RAG with a Web page") # Sidebar for settings st.sidebar.header("Settings") api_key_input = st.sidebar.text_input("API Key", api_key) project_id_input = st.sidebar.text_input("Project ID", watsonx_project_id) # Update credentials if provided by the user if api_key_input: globals()["api_key"] = api_key_input if project_id_input: globals()["watsonx_project_id"] = project_id_input user_url = st.text_input('Provide a URL') collection_name = st.text_input('Provide a unique name for this website (lower case). Use the same name for the same URL to avoid loading data multiple times.') # UI component to enter the question question = st.text_area('Question', height=100) button_clicked = st.button("Answer the question") st.subheader("Response") # Invoke the LLM when the button is clicked if button_clicked: response = webchat.answer_questions_from_web(api_key, watsonx_project_id, user_url, question, collection_name) st.write(response) ``` **Explanation:** - `main` function sets up the Streamlit application. - `get_credentials` is called to load API credentials. - `st.set_page_config` configures the page layout. - Streamlit UI components are defined: - Title and sidebar settings for API key and project ID. - Text input fields for URL and collection name. - Text area for the question. - Button to trigger the question answering process. - When the button is clicked, `webchat.answer_questions_from_web` function is called to get the response, which is then displayed on the page. #### Section 5: Running the Application ```python if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` **Explanation:** - Ensures that the `main` function is executed when the script is run directly. ### Summary of the Program The provided code sets up an interactive web application using Streamlit to demonstrate a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system. The system allows users to input a URL, which is then scraped for content. This content is embedded and stored in a database. Users can ask questions related to the content, and the system uses IBM Watson's language model to generate relevant answers. The application handles authentication via environment variables and allows users to update credentials through the UI. ### Conclusion In this blog post, we've explored a Python-based web chat application using Watsonx.ai and IBM Watson's powerful language models. The application demonstrates how to build a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system that scrapes web content, embeds it, and leverages machine learning to answer user questions. By breaking down the code into manageable sections, we've provided a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing such a system. This application showcases the potential of combining web scraping, natural language processing, and interactive web frameworks to create sophisticated AI-driven solutions.