import joblib | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import ast | |
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist | |
import yaml | |
import spotipy | |
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth,SpotifyClientCredentials | |
DF_COLUMNS = ['valence', 'year', 'acousticness', 'artists', 'danceability', | |
'duration_ms', 'energy', 'id', 'instrumentalness', 'key', | |
'liveness', 'loudness', 'mode', 'name', 'popularity', 'release_date', | |
'speechiness', 'tempo'] | |
DF_COLUMNS_MODEL = ['valence', 'year', 'acousticness','artists', 'danceability', | |
'duration_ms', 'energy', 'instrumentalness', 'key', | |
'liveness', 'loudness', 'mode', 'popularity', 'speechiness', 'tempo'] | |
pipeline = joblib.load('model/pipeline.pkl') | |
stream= open("spotify/spotify.yaml") | |
spotify_details = yaml.safe_load(stream) | |
auth_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials(client_id=spotify_details['Client_id'], | |
client_secret=spotify_details['client_secret']) | |
sp = spotipy.client.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager) | |
def get_song_spotify(song_name, data): | |
log = open('log.txt','w') | |
try: | |
result =, limit=1) | |
except: | |
log.write('Error: Failed to search song') | |
return None | |
if result['tracks']['items'] == []: | |
return None | |
song = result['tracks']['items'][0] | |
id = song['id'] | |
try: | |
song_data = data[(data['id'] == id)].iloc[0] | |
return song_data | |
except: | |
try: | |
audio_features = sp.audio_features(id) | |
song_data = { | |
'valence': audio_features[0]['valence'], | |
"year" : result['tracks']['items'][0]['album']['release_date'][:4], | |
'acousticness': audio_features[0]['acousticness'], | |
'artists': list(map(lambda x: x['name'], result['tracks']['items'][0]['artists'])), | |
'danceability': audio_features[0]['danceability'], | |
'duration_ms': audio_features[0]['duration_ms'], | |
'energy': audio_features[0]['energy'], | |
'id': id, | |
'instrumentalness': audio_features[0]['instrumentalness'], | |
'key': audio_features[0]['key'], | |
'liveness': audio_features[0]['liveness'], | |
'loudness': audio_features[0]['loudness'], | |
'mode': audio_features[0]['mode'], | |
'name': result['tracks']['items'][0]['name'], | |
'popularity': result['tracks']['items'][0]['popularity'], | |
'speechiness': audio_features[0]['speechiness'], | |
'tempo': audio_features[0]['tempo'] | |
} | |
except: | |
log.write('Error: Failed to get audio features from Spotify') | |
return None | |
return pd.DataFrame([song_data], columns=DF_COLUMNS).iloc[0] | |
def get_song_data(song_name, data): | |
try: | |
song_data = data[(data['name'] == song_name)].iloc[0] | |
return song_data | |
except: | |
return get_song_spotify(song_name,data) | |
def df_song_data(list_song_name,data): | |
rows_song_data = list() | |
for song_name in list_song_name: | |
rows_song_data.append(get_song_data(song_name,data)) | |
return pd.DataFrame(rows_song_data,columns=DF_COLUMNS) | |
def songs_recommendation(list_song_name,data,num_rec=10): | |
song_data_input = df_song_data(list_song_name,data).to_dict(orient='records') | |
vector = pipeline.named_steps["preprocessor"].transform(df_song_data(list_song_name,data)) | |
vector = pipeline.named_steps["scaler"].transform(vector) | |
vector = vector.mean(axis=0) | |
predicted_cluster = pipeline.named_steps["kmeans"].predict([vector]) | |
cluster_data = data[pipeline.named_steps["kmeans"].labels_ == predicted_cluster[0]] | |
vector_cluster = pipeline.named_steps["preprocessor"].transform(cluster_data) | |
vector_cluster = pipeline.named_steps["scaler"].transform(vector_cluster) | |
distance = cdist([vector],vector_cluster) | |
index = list(np.argsort(distance)[:, :num_rec][0]) | |
recsongs = cluster_data.iloc[index] | |
recsongs = recsongs[~recsongs['name'].isin(list_song_name)].to_dict(orient='records') | |
return song_data_input,recsongs | |
def get_url(id_track): | |
try: | |
result = sp.track(id_track) | |
return {"image": result['album']['images'][0]['url'], "sample": result['preview_url']} | |
except: | |
# Return a consistent dictionary format, even in case of an error | |
return {"image": '', "sample": None} | |
df = pd.read_csv('data/data_clean.csv') | |
df['artists'] = df['artists'].apply(ast.literal_eval) | |