# hugging have API TOKEN HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN= # url to interface with ollama API OLLMA_BASE_URL= # environmental varaibles needed to use tools #SERPAPI_API_KEY= # we are using Google Custom Search Engine now GOOGLE_CSE_ID= GOOGLE_API_KEY= # for chromadb VECTOR_DATABASE_LOCATION="app/knowledge_base/" # Name for the Conversation Memory Collection CONVERSATION_COLLECTION_NAME="ConversationMemory" EMBEDDING_MODEL="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2" SOURCES_CACHE="app/database/sources_cache.sqlite3" # local cache LOCAL_CACHE=".cache.db" # project name PROJECT_NAME=innovation_pathfinder_ai # restricting access to the backend resources, for development it's set to * ('all') BACKEND_CORS_ORIGINS=["*"]