from transformers import Wav2Vec2Processor, HubertModel import soundfile as sf import numpy as np import torch print("Loading the Wav2Vec2 Processor...") wav2vec2_processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained("facebook/hubert-large-ls960-ft") print("Loading the HuBERT Model...") hubert_model = HubertModel.from_pretrained("facebook/hubert-large-ls960-ft") def get_hubert_from_16k_wav(wav_16k_name): speech_16k, _ = hubert = get_hubert_from_16k_speech(speech_16k) return hubert @torch.no_grad() def get_hubert_from_16k_speech(speech, device="cuda:0"): global hubert_model hubert_model = if speech.ndim ==2: speech = speech[:, 0] # [T, 2] ==> [T,] input_values_all = wav2vec2_processor(speech, return_tensors="pt", sampling_rate=16000).input_values # [1, T] input_values_all = # For long audio sequence, due to the memory limitation, we cannot process them in one run # HuBERT process the wav with a CNN of stride [5,2,2,2,2,2], making a stride of 320 # Besides, the kernel is [10,3,3,3,3,2,2], making 400 a fundamental unit to get 1 time step. # So the CNN is euqal to a big Conv1D with kernel k=400 and stride s=320 # We have the equation to calculate out time step: T = floor((t-k)/s) # To prevent overlap, we set each clip length of (K+S*(N-1)), where N is the expected length T of this clip # The start point of next clip should roll back with a length of (kernel-stride) so it is stride * N kernel = 400 stride = 320 clip_length = stride * 1000 num_iter = input_values_all.shape[1] // clip_length expected_T = (input_values_all.shape[1] - (kernel-stride)) // stride res_lst = [] for i in range(num_iter): if i == 0: start_idx = 0 end_idx = clip_length - stride + kernel else: start_idx = clip_length * i end_idx = start_idx + (clip_length - stride + kernel) input_values = input_values_all[:, start_idx: end_idx] hidden_states = hubert_model.forward(input_values).last_hidden_state # [B=1, T=pts//320, hid=1024] res_lst.append(hidden_states[0]) if num_iter > 0: input_values = input_values_all[:, clip_length * num_iter:] else: input_values = input_values_all # if input_values.shape[1] != 0: if input_values.shape[1] >= kernel: # if the last batch is shorter than kernel_size, skip it hidden_states = hubert_model(input_values).last_hidden_state # [B=1, T=pts//320, hid=1024] res_lst.append(hidden_states[0]) ret =, dim=0).cpu() # [T, 1024] # assert ret.shape[0] == expected_T assert abs(ret.shape[0] - expected_T) <= 1 if ret.shape[0] < expected_T: ret = torch.nn.functional.pad(ret, (0,0,0,expected_T-ret.shape[0])) else: ret = ret[:expected_T] return ret if __name__ == '__main__': ### Process Single Long Audio for NeRF dataset # person_id = 'May' # wav_16k_name = f"data/processed/videos/{person_id}/aud.wav" # hubert_npy_name = f"data/processed/videos/{person_id}/hubert.npy" # speech_16k, _ = # hubert_hidden = get_hubert_from_16k_speech(speech_16k) #, hubert_hidden.detach().numpy()) ### Process short audio clips for LRS3 dataset import glob, os, tqdm lrs3_dir = '/home/yezhenhui/datasets/raw/lrs3_raw/' wav_16k_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(lrs3_dir, '*/*.wav')) for wav_16k_name in tqdm.tqdm(wav_16k_names, total=len(wav_16k_names)): spk_id = wav_16k_name.split("/")[-2] clip_id = wav_16k_name.split("/")[-1][:-4] out_name = os.path.join(lrs3_dir, spk_id, clip_id+'_hubert.npy') if os.path.exists(out_name): continue speech_16k, _ = hubert_hidden = get_hubert_from_16k_speech(speech_16k), hubert_hidden.detach().numpy())