File size: 7,926 Bytes
51ddcbf |
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# Description
A node.js module for parsing incoming HTML form data.
Changes (breaking or otherwise) in v1.0.0 can be found [here](
# Requirements
* [node.js]( -- v10.16.0 or newer
# Install
npm install busboy
# Examples
* Parsing (multipart) with default options:
const http = require('http');
const busboy = require('busboy');
http.createServer((req, res) => {
if (req.method === 'POST') {
console.log('POST request');
const bb = busboy({ headers: req.headers });
bb.on('file', (name, file, info) => {
const { filename, encoding, mimeType } = info;
`File [${name}]: filename: %j, encoding: %j, mimeType: %j`,
file.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`File [${name}] got ${data.length} bytes`);
}).on('close', () => {
console.log(`File [${name}] done`);
bb.on('field', (name, val, info) => {
console.log(`Field [${name}]: value: %j`, val);
bb.on('close', () => {
console.log('Done parsing form!');
res.writeHead(303, { Connection: 'close', Location: '/' });
} else if (req.method === 'GET') {
res.writeHead(200, { Connection: 'close' });
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="filefield"><br />
<input type="text" name="textfield"><br />
<input type="submit">
}).listen(8000, () => {
console.log('Listening for requests');
// Example output:
// Listening for requests
// < ... form submitted ... >
// POST request
// File [filefield]: filename: "logo.jpg", encoding: "binary", mime: "image/jpeg"
// File [filefield] got 11912 bytes
// Field [textfield]: value: "testing! :-)"
// File [filefield] done
// Done parsing form!
* Save all incoming files to disk:
const { randomFillSync } = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');
const http = require('http');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const busboy = require('busboy');
const random = (() => {
const buf = Buffer.alloc(16);
return () => randomFillSync(buf).toString('hex');
http.createServer((req, res) => {
if (req.method === 'POST') {
const bb = busboy({ headers: req.headers });
bb.on('file', (name, file, info) => {
const saveTo = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `busboy-upload-${random()}`);
bb.on('close', () => {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Connection': 'close' });
res.end(`That's all folks!`);
}).listen(8000, () => {
console.log('Listening for requests');
## Exports
`busboy` exports a single function:
**( _function_ )**(< _object_ >config) - Creates and returns a new _Writable_ form parser stream.
* Valid `config` properties:
* **headers** - _object_ - These are the HTTP headers of the incoming request, which are used by individual parsers.
* **highWaterMark** - _integer_ - highWaterMark to use for the parser stream. **Default:** node's _stream.Writable_ default.
* **fileHwm** - _integer_ - highWaterMark to use for individual file streams. **Default:** node's _stream.Readable_ default.
* **defCharset** - _string_ - Default character set to use when one isn't defined. **Default:** `'utf8'`.
* **defParamCharset** - _string_ - For multipart forms, the default character set to use for values of part header parameters (e.g. filename) that are not extended parameters (that contain an explicit charset). **Default:** `'latin1'`.
* **preservePath** - _boolean_ - If paths in filenames from file parts in a `'multipart/form-data'` request shall be preserved. **Default:** `false`.
* **limits** - _object_ - Various limits on incoming data. Valid properties are:
* **fieldNameSize** - _integer_ - Max field name size (in bytes). **Default:** `100`.
* **fieldSize** - _integer_ - Max field value size (in bytes). **Default:** `1048576` (1MB).
* **fields** - _integer_ - Max number of non-file fields. **Default:** `Infinity`.
* **fileSize** - _integer_ - For multipart forms, the max file size (in bytes). **Default:** `Infinity`.
* **files** - _integer_ - For multipart forms, the max number of file fields. **Default:** `Infinity`.
* **parts** - _integer_ - For multipart forms, the max number of parts (fields + files). **Default:** `Infinity`.
* **headerPairs** - _integer_ - For multipart forms, the max number of header key-value pairs to parse. **Default:** `2000` (same as node's http module).
This function can throw exceptions if there is something wrong with the values in `config`. For example, if the Content-Type in `headers` is missing entirely, is not a supported type, or is missing the boundary for `'multipart/form-data'` requests.
## (Special) Parser stream events
* **file**(< _string_ >name, < _Readable_ >stream, < _object_ >info) - Emitted for each new file found. `name` contains the form field name. `stream` is a _Readable_ stream containing the file's data. No transformations/conversions (e.g. base64 to raw binary) are done on the file's data. `info` contains the following properties:
* `filename` - _string_ - If supplied, this contains the file's filename. **WARNING:** You should almost _never_ use this value as-is (especially if you are using `preservePath: true` in your `config`) as it could contain malicious input. You are better off generating your own (safe) filenames, or at the very least using a hash of the filename.
* `encoding` - _string_ - The file's `'Content-Transfer-Encoding'` value.
* `mimeType` - _string_ - The file's `'Content-Type'` value.
**Note:** If you listen for this event, you should always consume the `stream` whether you care about its contents or not (you can simply do `stream.resume();` if you want to discard/skip the contents), otherwise the `'finish'`/`'close'` event will never fire on the busboy parser stream.
However, if you aren't accepting files, you can either simply not listen for the `'file'` event at all or set `limits.files` to `0`, and any/all files will be automatically skipped (these skipped files will still count towards any configured `limits.files` and `` limits though).
**Note:** If a configured `limits.fileSize` limit was reached for a file, `stream` will both have a boolean property `truncated` set to `true` (best checked at the end of the stream) and emit a `'limit'` event to notify you when this happens.
* **field**(< _string_ >name, < _string_ >value, < _object_ >info) - Emitted for each new non-file field found. `name` contains the form field name. `value` contains the string value of the field. `info` contains the following properties:
* `nameTruncated` - _boolean_ - Whether `name` was truncated or not (due to a configured `limits.fieldNameSize` limit)
* `valueTruncated` - _boolean_ - Whether `value` was truncated or not (due to a configured `limits.fieldSize` limit)
* `encoding` - _string_ - The field's `'Content-Transfer-Encoding'` value.
* `mimeType` - _string_ - The field's `'Content-Type'` value.
* **partsLimit**() - Emitted when the configured `` limit has been reached. No more `'file'` or `'field'` events will be emitted.
* **filesLimit**() - Emitted when the configured `limits.files` limit has been reached. No more `'file'` events will be emitted.
* **fieldsLimit**() - Emitted when the configured `limits.fields` limit has been reached. No more `'field'` events will be emitted.