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2.0.0 / 2021-12-17
* Drop support for Node.js 0.6
* Remove `I'mateapot` export; use `ImATeapot` instead
* Remove support for status being non-first argument
* Rename `UnorderedCollection` constructor to `TooEarly`
* deps: depd@2.0.0
- Replace internal `eval` usage with `Function` constructor
- Use instance methods on `process` to check for listeners
* deps: statuses@2.0.1
- Fix messaging casing of `418 I'm a Teapot`
- Remove code 306
- Rename `425 Unordered Collection` to standard `425 Too Early`
2021-11-14 / 1.8.1
* deps: toidentifier@1.0.1
2020-06-29 / 1.8.0
* Add `isHttpError` export to determine if value is an HTTP error
* deps: setprototypeof@1.2.0
2019-06-24 / 1.7.3
* deps: inherits@2.0.4
2019-02-18 / 1.7.2
* deps: setprototypeof@1.1.1
2018-09-08 / 1.7.1
* Fix error creating objects in some environments
2018-07-30 / 1.7.0
* Set constructor name when possible
* Use `toidentifier` module to make class names
* deps: statuses@'>= 1.5.0 < 2'
2018-03-29 / 1.6.3
* deps: depd@~1.1.2
- perf: remove argument reassignment
* deps: setprototypeof@1.1.0
* deps: statuses@'>= 1.4.0 < 2'
2017-08-04 / 1.6.2
* deps: depd@1.1.1
- Remove unnecessary `Buffer` loading
2017-02-20 / 1.6.1
* deps: setprototypeof@1.0.3
- Fix shim for old browsers
2017-02-14 / 1.6.0
* Accept custom 4xx and 5xx status codes in factory
* Add deprecation message to `"I'mateapot"` export
* Deprecate passing status code as anything except first argument in factory
* Deprecate using non-error status codes
* Make `message` property enumerable for `HttpError`s
2016-11-16 / 1.5.1
* deps: inherits@2.0.3
- Fix issue loading in browser
* deps: setprototypeof@1.0.2
* deps: statuses@'>= 1.3.1 < 2'
2016-05-18 / 1.5.0
* Support new code `421 Misdirected Request`
* Use `setprototypeof` module to replace `__proto__` setting
* deps: statuses@'>= 1.3.0 < 2'
- Add `421 Misdirected Request`
- perf: enable strict mode
* perf: enable strict mode
2016-01-28 / 1.4.0
* Add `HttpError` export, for `err instanceof createError.HttpError`
* deps: inherits@2.0.1
* deps: statuses@'>= 1.2.1 < 2'
- Fix message for status 451
- Remove incorrect nginx status code
2015-02-02 / 1.3.1
* Fix regression where status can be overwritten in `createError` `props`
2015-02-01 / 1.3.0
* Construct errors using defined constructors from `createError`
* Fix error names that are not identifiers
- `createError["I'mateapot"]` is now `createError.ImATeapot`
* Set a meaningful `name` property on constructed errors
2014-12-09 / 1.2.8
* Fix stack trace from exported function
* Remove `arguments.callee` usage
2014-10-14 / 1.2.7
* Remove duplicate line
2014-10-02 / 1.2.6
* Fix `expose` to be `true` for `ClientError` constructor
2014-09-28 / 1.2.5
* deps: statuses@1
2014-09-21 / 1.2.4
* Fix dependency version to work with old `npm`s
2014-09-21 / 1.2.3
* deps: statuses@~1.1.0
2014-09-21 / 1.2.2
* Fix publish error
2014-09-21 / 1.2.1
* Support Node.js 0.6
* Use `inherits` instead of `util`
2014-09-09 / 1.2.0
* Fix the way inheriting functions
* Support `expose` being provided in properties argument
2014-09-08 / 1.1.0
* Default status to 500
* Support provided `error` to extend
2014-09-08 / 1.0.1
* Fix accepting string message
2014-09-08 / 1.0.0
* Initial release